It's time to play online

Chapter 263 Ownership of the Management Right of Kuano City

Chapter 263 Ownership of the Management Right of Kuano City

Just as the group of players outside the city wall were in despair, the battle inside Kuano City was also very lively.

In Kuano City, since there are no major guilds active, many small guilds now dominate it.When the Longteng guild came in, these small guilds all huddled together and started attacking the Longteng guild in order to defend Kuoye City.

Now the streets, buildings, and churches of Kuano City are full of players, and the players of the Longteng Guild are fighting and walking in it.The advantage of Kuano City players is that they can be resurrected quickly. The church is near the City Lord's Mansion. After the players are resurrected, they can come out to meet the players of the Dragon Guild.The advantage of the Longteng Guild is that while they have powerful NPC escorts, they also have a large number of garbage players blocking the way.

Yes, many garbage players were not killed by Longteng Guild, but chose to let them attack freely, and the position of the high output player behind the card.In order to reduce the damage received by the Longteng Guild as a whole and the pressure of priests to heal.

After 1 minute, Longteng Liuguang counted them. They have advanced a total of 1 meters in this 15 minute, and the progress is a little slow!I don't know if the city wall can stop the coalition forces of other guilds outside?When Long Teng Liuguang was a little anxious, there was a ding sound, and a new email entered his mailbox.

Got mail?Long Teng Liuguang found the mailbox and clicked on it. It turned out to be the vote of the president of a small guild!

It turns out that some small guilds have realized that the situation in Kuano City cannot be reversed. They simply join the Longteng Guild to help them do something before the outcome is decided. It means that this kind of cooperation will bring convenience to both parties at the same time.

"Do you want to cooperate with you..." Long Teng Liuguang murmured, and instead of rushing to judge for himself, he handed over the complete screenshot to Long Teng Xingchen, and briefly explained the situation.

"Cooperation." After a few seconds, the other party replied immediately, and Long Teng Xingchen took a picture without even thinking about typing a few words: "It doesn't matter so much now, let's cooperate first and take down Kuanye City. How is the situation outside? "

"The players on the city wall said that most of their rear has arrived, but they still have nothing to do with our city wall! Now the guild leaders and vice-guild leaders of several guilds have left, but others are still surrounding the city gate. don't go!"

Long Teng Xingchen laughed: "If you can't get out, then don't go out! After Kuoye City is taken, we will commit suicide and go back, leaving Kuoye City as an empty city. If they dare to fight, they will be charged with treason! You can ask for reinforcements to surround the safety of Kuano City; if you dare not fight, then just let us sit and collect the rapidly growing profits every month!"

"What if someone among them can be exempted from the crime of betrayal like you, President?"

Long Teng Xingchen immediately vetoed it: "Impossible, among all the players in the Lionheart Kingdom, who can get along better than me, His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness's daughter? This situation will not happen to the second person." body."

"I see!"

Longteng Xingchen was silent for a while, and then sent a message: "Okay, take Kuoye City quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

"Understood." Long Teng Liuguang agreed, and then closed the dialog box.

With the support of a small guild, the rear of this group of players suddenly became chaotic, and fighting broke out in the rear after a while, making the situation even more chaotic.Taking advantage of this group of unorganized players who don't know whether the people around them are friends or foes and are suspicious of each other, the Longteng guild rushed all the way like a broken bamboo!
Two NPCs above level 80 were in the front, and Longteng Liuguang and Beijian were nailed to the front with the second and third highest fighting power in the two guilds. They shot into Kuye City like a sharp arrow, and went all the way like an army. Singing forward, fighting bloody battles.The white light flashed randomly, and every second, more than a dozen players fell to their knees amidst the wailing sound, turning into white light and dying in battle.Someone from the Longteng Guild quickly seized the positions of those dead players, pushed the battle line forward, and pushed it to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion in a short while.

Afterwards, Long Teng Qingming, two NPCs above level 80, and a dozen priests and warriors stayed behind to guard the gate of the Santo's Mansion. The rest of the NPCs, players and monsters all rushed into the Santo's Mansion from between them.

"Take Kuoye City and revitalize Longteng Guild, today!" Longteng Liuguang raised his arms and shouted in the team channel, guild channel and regional channel, and all the guild channels responded like a wave of excitement!

The City Lord's Mansion has now experienced the cruelest and most severe massacre in history. The entire mansion, from guards to servants and even some beast pets, have been slaughtered.Even a dungeon under the city lord's mansion was searched out, Bei Jianzhu rushed down with several players and monsters, and killed all the prisoners in the dungeon one by one.

Ten minutes later, a long-awaited system prompt finally resounded through the sky.


System prompt: Longteng Guild has successfully completed the regional plot "Grandma of the Millennium War". From now on, Longteng Guild will gain control of Kuano City until it is breached by other players or NPCs of other forces. The castellan crystal.All players in the Longteng Guild are level 2, and each player will receive a task reward of 30 free attribute points, 50 physical attack, 50 physical defense, 50 magic attack, and 50 magic defense.


Full server announcement: Longteng Guild has become the first guild with a second-level town. The system rewards all members of Longteng Guild with level 1 and a permanent HP limit of 300.

"Damn it!" The presidents and vice presidents who had just handed in the task of sweeping the Kuye Plain couldn't help but swear after seeing several consecutive system prompts.

"Nani? What kind of medicine did you take to become so powerful, my God!" Wang Shuang, who was far away near the Gate of Floating Life, was also stunned by this news, and at the same time secretly made up his mind that brother Get enough rich rewards in this Floating Life Gate, go back and finish the Explosive Dragon Guild!
"Our Kuoye City..." Several players in Kuoye City couldn't help but let out a wail, and howled all over the field.Many small and medium-sized guilds were disbanded overnight, and many players also removed their names from the church in Kuano City because they did not want to develop in a city controlled by other guilds.

But some are worried and some are happy.For example, a certain guild that has just cooperated with the Soaring Dragon, some small guilds that have admired the Soaring Dragon for a long time, or some guilds that have been in contact with the Soaring Dragon for a long time.Although they are not good at fighting, they are good at developing business.After the Longteng Guild gains control of Kuano City, they will surely establish a deeper and closer trade relationship.

After the Longteng guild took Kuoye City, it can be said that its strength has skyrocketed to a big level.Not only has the level of all guild members been raised suddenly, but they have also obtained many sources of income, which can be said to be a combination of strength and income.If this continues, as long as Longteng Xingchen is not stupid, then Longteng Guild will definitely be the fastest growing guild in Huaxia District, bar none!

How can such a powerful guild compete with it?Not only a few big guilds of the human race began to think about this issue, but even a few guilds of the elves, dwarves, and undead races also began to think about this issue.

Now the players of the undead have basically followed the NPC to the outpost of the undead, the cemetery of the sky burial.This is not just a simple cemetery. On the one hand, for undead players, there are all kinds of basic equipment here, and there are many shops open; on the other hand, it is very good to continuously replenish their troops here A foothold, a rest point.

It is also close to the Gate of Floating Life, and when you look up, you can see the hazy appearance of the crossed stone pillars of the Gate of Floating Life standing on the edge of the sky.So it's also a good place to refresh your morale.

In addition to the NPCs and the ten death lords, several guilds of the undead such as the Sun Guild, the Bones Guild, and the Black Rose Guild also gathered outside the camp.The matter is of great importance, even though this task seems to be relatively easy, but because the grade is red, several guilds dare not be careless at all.

They have already received news that the Longteng Guild received an orange-level team mission, so this should be a red-level team mission for them, right?Orange and red, although there is only one grade difference on the surface, but the actual rewards are very different.The red-level mission rewards, which have only appeared a few times since the opening of the Star Wish server, are about twice as high as the orange-level mission rewards.

If they can complete this task, will the rewards they get surpass the Dragon Guild all of a sudden?When this idea appeared, all the undead players were refreshed, excited about the upcoming rewards.

But now, although the undead are sharing mission rewards, there is a little problem in the process of cooperation.This problem lies in the Sun Guild who has just jumped over.The predecessor of the Sun Guild was the elves, and after they abandoned the light and turned into the undead, they immediately received this red-level mission like them.

Some undead guilds immediately disliked the Sun Guild, thinking that they came here to grab the mission rewards, and the fact that the leader of the Sun Guild was forcibly kicked away by an NPC earlier made the other guilds feel uncomfortable when they saw the Sun Guild. They all took a low look, and didn't include the Sun Guild at all when assigning tasks.

Seeing this scene, Sun Huoyu, the president of the Sun Guild, shrugged indifferently. Anyway, they act together, even if he doesn't work hard in the end, at least he will be rewarded in part.Part of the rewards of the red mission can be obtained by simply paddling, that is enough!

While several guilds were discussing intensely, someone discovered that the head of the Skeleton Guild, Skeletal Governor, had disappeared.Several people looked up and found that the skeleton Tiandu was sitting on the sidelines, frowning and meditating.His appearance immediately attracted the attention of several other presidents, and immediately someone came up and asked, "Why is President Skeleton so sad?"

"Do you think this red-level task is really that simple?" The Skeleton Governor raised his head and glanced at everyone in a sinister manner: "We have the advantage in the number of NPCs and players. The task is still at the red level, how strong is the opponent?"

Hearing this, the faces of the others also became more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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