It's time to play online

Chapter 264 Meeting Tyrex

Chapter 264 Meeting Tyrex
On the other side, near the Gate of Floating Life, Wang Shuang found Magna on the school field who was urging the soldiers to shoot the target.

"You are the adventurer sent by His Royal Highness to assist us?" After listening to Wang Shuang's self-narration, Magna squinted his eyes and looked Wang Shuang up and down, and couldn't help but snorted softly: "It's just a 58-level What can you do for us? The lowest-level soldiers here are all level 60, and you can’t even compare to the worst soldier in our barracks.”

"What should I do?" Wang Shuang asked anxiously when he heard the words.

"Participate in the training." Magna pointed to the soldiers below who were shooting the target: "Join them and practice with them. The special reinforcement will be put in the back first, and now it is the basic reinforcement practice."

"Join them?" Wang Shuang glanced at the soldiers who were shooting the target, and said anxiously, "I can't shoot arrows, but my followers can!"

"Look for a suitable place for you, and it's not just about archery." Magna shook his hand impatiently. Only then did Wang Shuang see that besides the soldiers shooting the target, there were several soldiers in the phalanx on the school field. Stabbing at scarecrows and swinging wooden knives at mannequins.

"Is this really useful..." Wang Shuang muttered a few words, and summoned two of his followers, Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo. Li Muxuan stayed on the shooting range to shoot targets, while Wang Shuang and Mi Luduo went to Stab scarecrows and action dummies.

Wang Shuang came to a scarecrow that no one was using and looked carefully, but he couldn't see any mystery.I thought to myself, could it be possible to add attributes after cutting it?Wang Shuang tried to swing the dagger down.


System prompt: Did you get 0.01? ? ?Spend.

"Damn it, 0.01??? Wang Shuang was dumbfounded for a while after seeing it: "So brother, don't you have to chop [-] knives to be useful? "

But since Magna said to come here to practice first, is it 0.001? ? ?Done.Anyway, Wang Shuang won't last long after leaving the barracks. He doesn't have any blood medicine, so he might not be able to beat even the most basic mobs.Because now the blood of the mobs has abnormally reached hundreds of thousands, and Wang Shuang is still around 1.8W.

This is simply more troublesome than killing hundreds of monsters. Even if Wang Shuang is required to kill 1 monsters, according to Wang Shuang's current attack power and two followers, it can be solved within a minute at most.One hundred can be done in one hour, four and 10 minutes at most.But now Wang Shuang cuts about 1 knives in one minute, a total of 80 knives, and it takes about two hours to get it done.

two hours!In the past two hours, I have been attacking a boring scarecrow, and I can't simply hang up!Two hours later, when Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo came to meet up with Wang Shuang after finishing their tasks, they found that the latter had already knelt in the corner of the wall.

"What's the matter with you, my lord?" Li Muxuan asked.

"Does your lord need love? Do you want me to hug you?" Mi Luduo said, and was about to come up to hug Wang Shuang from behind.

"Okay, okay, it's okay." Wang Shuang got up from the ground with his mind fluttering slightly, patted the dust on his body and said, "It's okay, chopping down the scarecrow for two hours made me want to commit suicide, but fortunately, Get over it. We've done our job, now go see what Magna has to say."

Back at one end of the school grounds, Magna stood like a statue. Wang Shuang suspected that this guy had been standing there unmoved since the very beginning.

"Mr. Magna, my followers and I have completed the task you assigned." Anyway, Wang Shuang came up to report first.

"Very good, adventurer, persistence and perseverance, this will become the most powerful blade for your exploration and victory." Magna nodded with satisfaction, and pointed to a building that looked like it had just been erected: " Go in and find Chief Tyrex, he will guide you directly to the outcome."

"Mr. Tyrex?" For some reason, Wang Shuang was subconsciously taken aback when he heard the name. He always felt that the name was familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.But he didn't hesitate much, and still clasped his fists and said, "Okay, thank you, Mr. Magna."

Walking into the building, Wang Shuang found that it was actually a spacious classroom. Except for the podium in front of the audience, most of the people sitting on the bottom were soldiers in heavy armor, generals and some men who looked fierce. guy.Wang Shuang shrank his head and found a seat near the back to sit down.

Wang Shuang glanced ahead. The guy on the podium was indeed a person with the name Tilix on his head, but that face was very strange to Wang Shuang. If he had seen it before, Wang Shuang would definitely have an impression on him.Since you can't recognize him now, then you haven't seen this guy.

"Did you really think too much?" Wang Shuang sat down talking to himself, and soon saw a progress bar scrolling. At the same time, Wang Shuang also began to clearly hear the speech of the officer above. Combat skills, of course, these combat skills can be used by soldiers, but players cannot.For example, through some techniques to increase the attack interval.For players, their own attack intervals are fixed, relying on equipment and attribute bonuses, these skills are of course useless.

After hanging up the phone again for half an hour, Wang Shuang, Li Muxuan, and Mi Luduo felt drowsy.When half an hour was up, a progress bar in front of Wang Shuang was soon full, and at the same time Wang Shuang received a system prompt.


System prompt: You have completed a barracks training, and your combat training and course training have been converted into experience points, fully replenishing the experience bar required for your upgrade, and you have risen to level 59.

System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has completed a barracks training. Li Muxuan's combat training and course training have been converted into experience points, fully filling up the experience bar required for Li Muxuan's upgrade, and your follower Li Muxuan has been promoted to level 56.

System prompt: Your follower Mirudo has completed a barracks training. Mirudo's combat training and course training are converted into experience points, and the experience bar required for Mirudo's upgrade is fully filled. Your follower Mirudo Raised to level 57.

System prompt: Training basic combat skills in the military camp can help you quickly increase your level, but the maximum level cannot exceed level 60.

After reading the reminder, Wang Shuang suddenly realized that he had wasted so much energy just to directly improve his brother's level!This upgrade method is domineering!In the past, I had to slowly kill monsters and accumulate experience points for an afternoon to upgrade. Now I can directly upgrade by hanging up the phone, chopping scarecrows and listening to lectures!
Fuck, anyway, no matter how many levels you have before, you can rise to level 60 after leaving the barracks. If I had known, I would not be so anxious to improve my level. I am losing money!
When Wang Shuang felt a little remorseful, he suddenly raised his head and found that all the soldiers in the classroom had disappeared, and the podium was empty now.

The lecturer above also left?Just as Wang Shuang was thinking this way, a person suddenly appeared in front of him startled him.

"Wang Shuang?" The other party squinted his eyes, and the red-gold wide-edged sword on his back was very dazzling under the weak lighting.

"It's me." Wang Shuang's heart sank. It wasn't an illusion just now. Seeing this guy's frowning, seeing him call out my brother's name all at once, and the way he stopped, he knew him at all!

Wang Shuang stared at Tyrex, recalling when he had seen this guy.Just when Wang Shuang was at a loss, the other party seemed to see what Wang Shuang was struggling with, and even directly pointed out his identity: "I am the general of the Fourth Army of the Lionheart Kingdom, Tilix from the Waves City. Lex Savy, do you remember me?"

Wang Shuang shook his head in confusion.

Seeing this, Tiliks sighed, and suddenly asked again: "But you must still remember my mentor, he was the warrior mentor Lothak of Saiyan City before, and he used to be a pirate."

"I'll wipe!" Wang Shuang almost jumped up from the spot in shock: "You, are you a student of Losako?"

"It's me." Tyrex sighed.

"What do you want?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but nervously asked.Shouldn't I just give my brother a plane ticket and send him back?
"What can I do to you?" Tilix looked at Wang Shuang with a blank gaze: "I am Tilix, a student of my mentor, but I am also Tilix, the general of the Fourth Army of the Lionheart Kingdom. After a while, I will lead the charge and crush the delusions of those undead ants."

Hey, you don't even care about it with your brother?Wang Shuang heaved a sigh of relief. Since he didn't want to settle accounts with his brother, what did he want to do?

"I need you to do something for me, and I'll give you a reward when it's done," Tyrex said.

"Didn't you hurt me?" Wang Shuang still swallowed in disbelief: "Besides, why should I help you?"

"You have my mission on you, and of course you have to help me after you have accepted the mission." Tyrex said calmly.

Nani!Wang Shuang opened the task bar and looked up and down, and suddenly found that he had a cyan-level mission Pirate Attack and was still in the lingering stage.

Fuck, could it be you?Wang Shuang quickly turned his gaze to Tyrex.

"I need you to give this amulet to the Church of Angels in the Lionheart Kingdom, and bring it back after they release the spell."

"The Church of Angels in the Waves City?" Wang Shuang nodded, and after taking the amulet from Tyrex, he suddenly thought of a question: "Wait, I remember that the Waves City seems to be the three main cities of our human race. One of them, our adventurers can't enter these main cities now..."

"I guarantee you can enter." Tiliks said calmly, and at the same time waved his hand, Wang Shuang felt something shaking in his backpack.


System prompt: You have obtained the entry permit for the first-level main city, Waves Group City.

"I can still do this." Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Okay, after the battle at the Gate of Floating Life is over, I will help you take the amulet back."

"No, you need to go back now." But Tyrex shook his head and said: "Besides, my amulet is also needed in this battle."

"I'll wipe it." Wang Shuang was dumbfounded: "Brother, can you take a look at the map, this place is far from the waves of cities——"

Before Wang Shuang could finish speaking, Tirix suddenly raised his right hand. An amethyst ring on his right hand gave off a faint luster. The deep purple amethyst emitted light like a projection, spinning and twisting in the air, and soon , a small teleportation vortex door was constructed.

Tilix handed the ring to Wang Shuang: "Take the adventurer, this ring can only be used twice, the first use can take you to the vicinity of the Waves City, and the second use can take you to another place. Where one ring is. And the other ring is now on my left hand, that is to say, you will be teleported directly to me."

He raised his left hand and waved, Wang Shuang saw the same amethyst ring on his little finger.

(End of this chapter)

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