It's time to play online

Chapter 265 Pushing the Underworld

Chapter 265 Pushing the Underworld

This ring seems to be a special prop. Wang Shuang can put it on without even taking off the original orange device ring on his body, but there is no attribute bonus after wearing it. No other difference.

Wang Shuang directly used the skill, and in the next second, he saw two followers around him being automatically retracted into his star wish space, and at the same time his eyes were blurred, feeling like he was about to travel through a different space.

Just when Wang Shuang felt that he was about to fall to the ground, his whole body was shocked suddenly, and he stopped in this strange space tunnel.

what happened?Wang Shuang opened his eyes and looked around in astonishment.


System prompt: Automatic teleportation failed, you need to go out of the passage to reach the destination of the teleportation vortex door.

"I'll wipe it." Wang Shuang was dumbfounded, what's going on?

Just at this time, Li Muxuan appeared by her side without warning, with a serious expression on her face: "My lord, I feel it."

"What do you feel?" Wang Shuang asked her with a confused face, and at the same time glanced at Li Er who was on Li Muxuan's shoulder.But Li Er paid him no attention this time, but lazily turned his head to observe the surrounding scene.

They are in a world that looks like a scene in the galaxy of the universe. Although they can reach out and touch the solid transmission channel, the ever-changing purple red, yellow and white lights around them are constantly rotating, as if charming in a dream.Li Muxuan seemed to be fascinated by this beautiful scene, her eyes were absent-minded, and she stretched out a hand to touch the ever-changing stars and light in the sky.

At this moment, a crack suddenly appeared in the passage in front of Li Muxuan, and countless pitch-black wind blades escaped from it, about to hit Li Muxuan head-on.Li Muxuan snorted immediately, pulled out the long bow on her back and placed it across her chest, followed by a series of ding ding ding sounds.Those wind blades were all shattered, and the blood bar on Li Muxuan's head began to become unstable, losing most of her vitality.

Wang Shuang was taken aback when he saw this scene. At the same time, he looked at the crack that was slowly expanding, squinted his eyes, and asked in surprise, "This is...the world of darkness?"

Yes, looking inside from the crack, you can see the scarlet blood-like soil, the familiar black hurricane that runs through the sky and the earth, the confused and aimless dark monsters wandering around... There is no doubt that this is the real Underworld.Wang Shuang turned his head and glanced at Li Muxuan, and found that the latter's face was as black as ink.

"Could this be the reason why our teleportation failed, because the Underworld interfered with our teleportation?" Wang Shuang couldn't help asking.

"No, in fact, the master felt the power of the dark world and came out on his own initiative." Li Er said at this time.

"Nani?" Wang Shuang's mouth twitched, and he looked at Li Muxuan: "Baby..."

"My lord!" Li Muxuan raised her head suddenly at this moment, and a pair of bright and deep jet-black eyes met Wang Shuang's: "Do you still remember why I followed you in the first place?"

Wang Shuang's brain short-circuited for a moment: "For...destroying the Underworld?"

"Yes." Li Muxuan nodded emphatically, and then pointed to the ever-expanding crack: "Usually my lord is busy, and I haven't mentioned the matter of finding and clearing the Underworld, but now, the Underworld is just around the corner. , How could I let go of such an opportunity? I hope that the Lord will let me go in and make a fortune, even if it is for my original intention of following the Lord. Please allow me to be self-willed for a while!"

As Li Muxuan spoke, her body leaned forward, and she was about to fall into the dark world.And this crack has stopped expanding, and there is a faint tendency to shrink.Wang Shuang was taken aback when he saw this, hesitated for a while and finally gritted his teeth, followed Li Muxuan and jumped into the chaotic dark world.


System prompt: You have entered the hidden copy "Tianque Quarry - Dark Realm".

System prompt: You found a new map Tianque Quarry - Dark Realm, your professional talent Explorer Soul has been triggered, and you have gained 2 points of increase in all attributes.

As soon as he entered through the crack, Wang Shuang fell into a huge pit. A pebble-sized stone fell down and landed on Wang Shuang's shoulder, causing blood to vibrate on Wang Shuang's head. !
Fuck!Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that the dark rocks inside were extremely heavy. Last time they used this method to forcefully kill a boss.If it is not handled well, Wang Shuang may be trapped in the dark world if he is suppressed by a few dark rocks.

Li Muxuan seemed to have heard Wang Shuang's exclamation, and turned her head to take a look. The two of them worked together to remove the dark rock on Wang Shuang's shoulders. Wang Shuang patted his body and stood up. ..."

"It doesn't matter, my lord, even if we are short of supplies, we are still more than enough to deal with this first-order monster." Li Muxuan said.

Wang Shuang cheered up. That's right. After all, there are only some first-level monsters here. Recalling the dark kings I have seen before, the low-level ones are only level 35, and the high-level ones are only in the fifties. It's a level [-] line, but it's still a level [-] monster!Maybe even Wang Shuang's defense can't be broken.

After Li Muxuan released Wang Shuang, she raised her head and looked around, then suddenly rushed towards a certain direction.Seeing this, Wang Shuang couldn't help shouting from behind: "Wait, without the amulet, you will be haunted by mobs!"

Hearing this, Li Muxuan also thought of this, turned her head and pulled Wang Shuang up: "My lord, let's go! We are not in the right state to invade the Underworld. I don't know if there will be any accidents."

Yes indeed!Wang Shuang was startled, brother's way of entering is wrong, if we kill the dark king later, will we be sent directly to the dungeon, that is, the Tianque quarry?If it is, it will be a pain in the ass, brother is still counting on going to the Waves City to finish the mission early, go back to the barracks to upgrade, and then go out to kill monsters!

All the way without a word, Wang Shuang was dragged by Li Muxuan and ran for 10 minutes. The surrounding dark monsters were dodging all the way as before. After entering an open canyon, Li Muxuan stopped and carefully looked at the unstable creature in front of him. monster.

——Dark King (Red-LV50 leader-level creature): Vitality 1000000, physical attack 2900, physical defense 2000, physical resistance 35? ? ?Magic attack 2500, magic defense 2400, magic resistance 40? ? ?Abilities: Dark Attack, Dark Body, Dark Corruption, Dark Throw, Dark Thrust.


"Sure enough, it's such a monster again." After Wang Shuang read the attributes of this guy, he couldn't help sighing: "I thought this attribute was awesome before, but now it seems that it is better than mobs. Well."

"My lord, let's go." Li Muxuan said.

"Okay, let's go." Wang Shuang summoned Mi Luduo to stand in front, and the three of them rushed up, and within 5 minutes, they cut the Dark King into a pool of green water.


System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan killed the final boss of Black Wind Ridge-Underworld, the dark king, and you have successfully cleared the copy of Heifengling-Underworld.You get 2500 million experience rewards, 10000 gold coin rewards, your follower Li Muxuan gets 2500 million experience rewards, your follower Mi Luduo gets 2500 million experience rewards, you get the equipment "Dawn Watch", you get the equipment "Deep Sea Sigh" ".

It succeeded. Wang Shuang took a look at the two pieces of equipment in his backpack, both of which were level [-] first-level red equipment!It is useless to the current Wang Shuang, and it will be thrown to the auction house for those rich people who lack equipment to buy.

After the battle, Li Muxuan took a step forward quietly as before, looked at the dark crown floating in the air in front of her, sighed, and reached out to hold it tightly.


System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has absorbed the power of the dark crown, and the number of dark crowns still needs to be absorbed before the next promotion: 4.

"My lord, what is she doing?" Mi Luduo asked in a low voice while hiding, the breath from his mouth was like a spring breeze, which made Wang Shuang feel more refreshed.

"Oh, it doesn't make any sense. It's all about absorbing the power of those dark kings to strengthen your grade. You'll get used to it in the future." Wang Shuang rubbed Mi Luduo's head and said.

When the dark crown completely melted into Li Muxuan's palm, Wang Shuang watched the 1-minute countdown soon come to an end.In the next second, the light flashed, and the three of Wang Shuang returned to the transmission channel.The crack that just appeared has completely disappeared.

"Fortunately, we are going back here." Wang Shuang heaved a sigh of relief after seeing the familiar passage: "It's good to come back here. Let's keep going. It shouldn't be long before we can see the waves of cities."

"My lord, wait." Li Muxuan said with a solemn expression at this time: "The reason why I came out in such a hurry this time is because in this passage, the atmosphere of the dark world is really strong to the extreme, and there are almost entrances to the dark world... "

"Huh?" Wang Shuang became dumbfounded when he heard it, and asked in confusion, "Why is this? Could it be that this amethyst ring is also related to the power of darkness? There are darkness worlds everywhere on the portal road..."

Wang Shuang raised his right hand, looked at the ring on his ring finger, and lowered his head in thought.

In fact, Wang Shuang knew the significance of wearing a ring on his ring finger, but it was just a game now, so Wang Shuang didn't bother to care about which finger to wear, so he just put one on.

Suddenly, Wang Shuang thought of another thing, and suddenly raised his head to look at Li Muxuan: "Baby, don't you think..."

"That's right, my lord." Li Muxuan raised her head, and the starry sky was reversed in a pair of dark eyes: "Let's flatten all the dark worlds along the way, this kind of opportunity is not so easy to come across."

Wang Shuang opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.In the end, I found that I really had no reason to reject Li Muxuan, so I just took this opportunity to let Li Muxuan complete several promotions.

In this way, Wang Shuang and others fought and walked in the passage to the waves. Soon, after Li Muxuan absorbed the four crowns, Wang Shuang received another system prompt.

System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has absorbed the power of the dark crown and successfully promoted to a cyan-level follower.In the future, the experience value required for each upgrade will increase by 15? ? ?Upgrade to a level to get an additional 10 points of physical attack, 10 points of physical defense, 10 points of magic attack, and 10 points of magic defense.Physical attack 500, physical defense 300, magic attack 300, magic defense 300.Currently, Li Muxuan's level is 56, and the system additionally compensates 560 points of physical attack, 560 points of physical defense, 560 points of magic attack, and 560 points of magic defense.The number of dark crowns that still need to be absorbed before the next promotion: 27.

(End of this chapter)

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