It's time to play online

Chapter 267 Brother Is Not Someone Who Takes Tasks Randomly

Chapter 267 Brother Is Not Someone Who Takes Tasks Randomly
After eating, Ji Ge started to clean up the dining table. Wang Shuang wiped his mouth and was about to go back to the room. He suddenly remembered that Ji Ge had told him that he wanted to take her to fight monsters. He stopped before entering the room: " Well, Sister Ji, add me as a friend first when you get back online, otherwise it will be difficult to communicate in the game."

"Okay, got it." Ji Ge's voice came from the kitchen.

That's all right?Wang Shuang went back to his room to go online and entered the game. Before Wang Shuang could see the scene in front of him clearly, the screen quickly changed, and Wang Shuang was suddenly deep in a square hall.

"Eh?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then looked down, his hands were still cuffed, but there was no one around.

"What's going on, is there a bug?" Wang Shuang looked around the room. This place seemed to be a court. Although Wang Shuang didn't have a red name, he came here because he was arrested by the city guards.It's just that my brother is trapped here now, and there is no one around here, what's the situation?
Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling a deep pain in his egg. After trying it, he couldn't untie the handcuffs on his hands at all.

What if the followers go up?Wang Shuang called out Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo, and asked them to attack the iron cuffs on his hands.

Just when Mirudo was about to strike down with his sword——


System prompt: Combat is prohibited in Waves City.

"Damn it, you can't fight!" Wang Shuang was so angry that he was going crazy. Is he going to continue in this state forever?The place where he is standing now is a small wooden wall, the wooden wall is about as high as Wang Shuang's chest.And the surface of the wooden wall is very smooth, Wang Shuang, who cannot attack or use skills, has no way to step over the chest-high wooden wall now.

Brother is trapped here, there is no way to get out, and there is no way to use skills and attacks, isn't this a pain in the ass!Wang Shuang tried to get the two followers to attack the wooden wall, but received a reminder that they could not attack again.

"Could it be that brother's account is just useless here?" Just as Wang Shuang was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood, suddenly the door behind him was pushed open forcefully, and the light shone into the room at this moment.

The sound of neatly clashing armor clanged rhythmically, and their steps were firm. A uniform squad of soldiers entered through the door and spread out against the wall to the left and right until the front of the soldiers on the left and right met. Then he stood upright against the wall.The row of soldiers in the back also stood up straight in place, like a machine that was running and regular.

What's happening here?Just when Wang Shuang was dumbfounded, a few people with their heads held high came out from the front door that was full of light.The armor they wore was obviously twice as thick as those of the soldiers around them.The white and purple emblem of the Waves Cities is directly branded on the center of the armor's chest, with a faint metallic reflection.

The first few people walked in with a guy wearing common clothes with some scars on his body.As soon as they came in, after seeing Wang Shuang, they were all taken aback: "Who are you?"

"Adventurer, I'm an adventurer!" Wang Shuang hurriedly explained, "I don't know why, but I became like this as soon as I went online. Let me out soon."

Several NPCs glanced at each other, and looked at Wang Shuang in silence for a while, which made his skin crawl.Fuck, what do you mean, do you want to settle accounts with brother?But do you know what brother did, did you know that soldier took bribe from brother, huh?

Wang Shuang stared at the NPCs in front of him, wondering with great interest how the plot would develop at this time.Logically speaking, Wang Shuang was sent directly to the court after he went online, and the court was still empty. This in itself is a bug, right?Now that the brother's card bug was hit by an NPC, I don't know how the system master will analyze his current behavior.

After a while of silence, several NPCs suddenly returned to normal, and continued to walk forward with their heads held high.Fuck, ignore brother?
Wang Shuang watched the two soldiers open the door of the wooden wall. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Shuang quickly got out of the gap, and then Wang Shuang watched the man with some scars pushed in.

"Adventurer, wait..." Wang Shuang was about to run away, when suddenly he heard someone moaning weakly behind him.Adventurer?This Waves City is probably just an adventurer. Wang Shuang turned his head to look, and he saw the scarred NPC looking at him.

"Adventurer, wait..." He breathed weakly, as if he had been seriously injured, but he still persistently said to Wang Shuang, "I, cough cough, I need your help."


System prompt: Zhao Wencheng, the oil spirit thief, has issued a yellow-grade mission "Finding the Truth" to you. Do you accept it?

Fuck, the ghost wants to take your mission. Looking at you like this, even if you didn't get killed, it's almost the same. If you are sentenced to death after taking your mission, what else is you playing?
When Wang Shuang was about to refuse without hesitation, the other party hurriedly said: "Adventurer, adventurer, for the sake of giving you the Nick Medal last time, save me once! I am willing to use my whole life, my wealth, and my life Freedom, even the following that does not obliterate the will.”

"Nick Medal?" Wang Shuang looked at the NPC in front of him for a while, and suddenly remembered something, and was shocked: "You are the guy who made trouble at the Elf Bank last time!"

Damn, how can I say this guy looks so familiar? I didn't expect that it was the guy who took my brother out of the Elf Bank last time and issued a medal for immunity to death punishment!Although I didn't accept any reward after helping him escape, I got to know this guy anyway.What should I do, can I help him?

Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that he hadn't asked why this guy was beaten like this. Did he also commit a lot of things on the human side?Wang Shuang looked at the guy who looked like a soldier captain in front of him: "Well, why did he become like this? Did he commit any crime?"

"Adventurer?" The soldier captain looked back at Wang Shuang, snorted coldly and said, "No, he didn't do anything wrong in our waves city. It's just what he did in the elves, and what he preached spread His words have seriously affected our alliance with the elves. He declared that the elves are all despicable survivors, and said that the human race will wipe them all out sooner or later."

"I wipe?" Wang Shuang was about to say something, when Zhao Wencheng, who was still weak just now, suddenly jumped up. Although his palms were handcuffed like Wang Shuang, he was still struggling hard, and loudly defended with red eyes : "I'm right! I don't accept it! Those guys are dead leftovers, disgusting garbage, we must not cooperate with them, they have no integrity at all, you will harm the entire human race if you cooperate with them all the way!"

"What you have done is killing the entire human race!" The soldier captain roared loudly.He cleared his throat and pointed out the window: "Do you know how many elves are there in this wave city? You don't think they have lived in our human territory for thousands of years and don't remember that they are elves Are you a member? If you are allowed to yell around, I don’t know how many regional disasters will be caused by then!”

"All the elves in the Waves City should get out!" Zhao Wencheng said excitedly, struggling violently with the clatter of handcuffs.Seeing this, the guards on both sides stepped forward and pressed his hands against the wall. His eyes were red, his teeth were gritted hard, his palms were clenched into fists, and he stubbornly looked at the soldier captain.

The soldier captain sighed: "I'm not an elf, why are you yelling at me. But your behavior will indeed make our situation worse. It is already enough to cause headaches when we have to face the orcs and the undead. , the allies of the elves are something we must never discard. Once the alliance with the elves is terminated, the orcs and the undead will join forces directly and the whole army will attack, and the whole country of our Lionheart Kingdom will be devastated. Tens of thousands of people will be displaced. A place of burial."

Seeing this, Wang Shuang also sighed. Why does it feel like more and more plots are being involved?I didn't count them carefully before, but after counting them now, Wang Shuang found that he was involved in too many plots, including the ownership of the Sighing Islands, the matter of Tilix, the battle of the Gate of Floating Life, and the Long Lan Legion The secret of the elves, the mentor of the elves...

Now that another Zhao Wencheng is on the table, I feel that if this continues, Wang Shuang will become an enemy of the elves.

"How are you going to deal with him?" In desperation, Wang Shuang asked the most important question first.

"...Criticize education." The soldier captain's eyes fell on Zhao Wencheng, and he sighed helplessly: "The scars on his body were not caused by us, but when he sneaked back to the elves before, he was caught by the elves who were already on guard." The guards of the human race caught him and beat him up, and finally returned him to our human race to deal with the matter because it was difficult for the human race to do so."

Wang Shuang nodded.

Then the soldier captain began to talk for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, Zhao Wencheng still looked at the soldier captain with his neck stuck.Seeing this, the captain of the soldiers in Waves City shook his head helplessly: "My task is only to do this, let him go."

The guards on both sides came up and released Zhao Wencheng's handcuffs. Seeing this, Wang Shuang also rushed forward and handed his hands to the soldiers.

Free again!Wang Shuang glanced at the skill bar, and all these skills have returned to normal!
Now Zhao Wencheng moved his wrist but did not leave in a hurry, but fixed his eyes on Wang Shuang.In front of Wang Shuang, the prompt box whether to accept the task was still floating quietly, waiting for Wang Shuang's choice.

Wang Shuang's egg hurt a bit, thinking that he was going to leave the waves and return to the front line to fight, and finally chose to give up.

"Adventurer, you are really disappointing." Zhao Wencheng's eyes were full of sadness, then he turned his head firmly and left the court with his hands raised: "One day, the world will prove that what I said is correct."

Wang Shuang looked at the back of Zhao Wencheng's leaving, inexplicably feeling as if he had lost a red-level mission reward.Fuck, how can you think like this, bro, you have to be calm, this is called thinking, understanding life, bro is not someone who just takes tasks casually!Unsuitable tasks, it is just to take up the task.Thinking about it this way, Wang Shuang's mood instantly improved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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