It's time to play online

Chapter 268 1 sing 1 sum

Chapter 268 Sing and Harmony

It took Wang Shuang 5 minutes to find the location of the Angel Church, and another 10 minutes to find the door of the Angel Church.

Now even in the game it is already night, the whole city is lit up with bright lamp beads, every lamp bead hanging on the side of the road seems to have a small magic circle printed on it, through the translucent lamp bead to the Looking inside, you can vaguely see a small ring rotating, with more than a dozen simple rune marks written on it.

When Wang Shuang just arrived at the door of the Church of Angels, he suddenly felt that someone knocked on his game helmet in reality.Wang Shuang was startled: Why, didn't you have dinner just now?

Opening the menu, exiting the game, Wang Shuang took off the gaming helmet, and suddenly saw Ji Ge standing beside him with a puffy mouth: "I added you as a friend and waited for a long time, why didn't you reply to me?"

"Ah?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, and then slapped his head: "Oh, I forgot, there are too many people who have added friends recently, and they are all scolding me, so I turned them off at noon. "

Although this phenomenon has always existed before, but after adding Longteng Xingchen in the morning, there are more such guys who are idle, boring, and hurting Wang Shuang, especially at noon.Wang Shuang took a casual glance and felt a little dizzy. He simply blacklisted all these guys and blocked all friend requests, so the world will be considered clean.

Now Wang Shuang hastily apologized to Ji Ge and asked, "Which ID is yours? I'll add you when I get online."

"Ji Cai Liu Song."

Wang Shuang silently read it twice, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go online and have a look right away."

"Yeah, I went back to my room and went online."

Ji Ge left, Wang Shuang put on his helmet and went online again.Open the friend application list, and suddenly saw Ji Cai Liuge's application at the top.

"This guy, use his own photo as his avatar..." Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback when he saw the other person's avatar, and agreed to the friend request.

Soon, the convenience sent a message to Wang Shuang: "I added it, how about it, isn't my avatar very handsome?"

handsome?Wang Shuang stared at the funny photo with a wry smile for a long time, and replied: "Of course, sister Ji will last forever, and she will unite the stars."

"Hee hee, by the way, when can you come and take me?"

"I guess it won't work in a short time." Wang Shuang glanced at the Church of Angels in front of him, and sighed, "I'm busy here, and I'm full of various tasks, so I can't leave. By the way, which town are you in?"

"Qiu Shui City, is it close to your side?"

Autumn Water City?Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, feeling that this city has an impression.After thinking carefully for a while, Wang Shuang suddenly realized, isn't this the town where Yan Ge Wushuang is located?

Subconsciously, Wang Shuang wanted Yan Ge Wushuang to bring Ji Ge with him, but after thinking about it, there seemed to be no reason.What is the relationship between brother and him?friend?Not really, he just wanted to challenge Brother, walked through a dungeon together, chatted for a while, and rode a horse, but that's all.

"Practice well, and I'll take you with me as soon as I'm free." Wang Shuang replied.

"Okay, I have to upgrade a few levels first, otherwise this game will be boring to play."

"Hehe." Wang Shuang replied with a big grin, then closed the chat window and walked into the Church of Angels.

Under the guidance of the church's white-robed guards, Wang Shuang quickly met the leader of the Angel Church: "Hi, my lord, I'm here to complete the mission of General Tilix."

"It's an amulet, right?" The leader of the Angel Church looked kindly and kindly, took the amulet in Wang Shuang's hand, pulled out his hair from behind, tapped the amulet lightly, and immediately the amulet emitted a faint light, blue The ink seeped out of it, making the rune structure on this amulet much more complicated: "It's done, remember to tell General Tilix after you bring it back, this amulet is only valid for seven days. After seven days, if you still want to Use it again, bring it back and give me the magic power again."


System prompt: You have obtained a fully charged amulet.

Is this even done?After Wang Shuang thanked the leader of the Angel Church, he calmly left the Angel Church.

Return from the lower city to the upper city, and then walk from the upper city to the outside of the waves.On the way, Wang Shuang saw some guys with obvious characteristics of elves, probably these are the elves that the soldier captain said had lived in the Waves City for generations.

Wang Shuang did not interact with these elves, but quickly walked through the crowds, walked out of the waves of the city, and used the ring on his hand in a deserted place.When using it for the second time, Wang Shuang clearly saw a crack on the amethyst ring, and a black air flow escaped from it, igniting a small black flame in the air as if being ignited, and then disappeared in an instant. .

Is it dark power?Wang Shuang didn't understand. Li Muxuan was not around at this time, so he couldn't ask her clearly. Anyway, it would be nice if he could go to the barracks normally.

This time, almost as soon as Wang Shuang entered the tunnel, Li Muxuan appeared beside him without warning, and excitedly said to Wang Shuang, "My lord, I feel a very strong dark atmosphere again!"

"Do you really have a grudge against You An..." Wang Shuang couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said, "Why do I feel that you are the one who loves and hates deeply? When you hear You An, you are happier than me."

Li Muxuan licked her lips and smiled charmingly: "My lord, hunters always get excited when they see their prey."

Wang Shuang opened his mouth for a while, but was speechless.

The two of them were walking on the passage, and soon Li Muxuan opened a crack in the dark world with a wave of her hand, and then looked at Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang nodded, grabbed Li Muxuan's palm and fell in with her.


On the other hand, Luoxue Qianli is following an official game information channel called Xingwish Express today.

Host: "Hey, hello everyone, it's eight o'clock in the evening again, the broadcast time of Star Wish News. There are too many news happening today, I don't know which one to pick out, it's really distressing Ah. Alright then let us first give a round of applause to welcome the two guild leaders of the Human race, the leader of the Alliance of Gods of War, God of War Qingfeng; and the leader of the Bloodstain Guild, Xue Yique, how are you two guild leaders."

God of War Qingfeng: "Hey! Hello, audience friends."

Xue Yique: "Hi everyone."

Host: "Alright then, the first news today is about the two of you. It's about the Longteng guild overpowering the crowd, successfully killing the city lord and capturing the second-level human town, Kuye City. The two guild leaders seem to be I also participated, presumably today's failure is a big blow to the two presidents, right?"

War God Qingfeng chuckled: "That's right, I admit that this time the Longteng guild once again exceeded our estimates, whether it is tactical arrangements, manpower allocation, or the deployment of NPCs that can be used by the subordinates, it has greatly affected our several guilds. Action plan. Being able to sharpen against such a powerful opponent, continue to exercise and improve, will convince our guild."

The host was slightly surprised, and then looked at Xue Yique: "Then how does the president of the Blood Seal Guild view the success of the Longteng Guild?"

Xue Yique heard the words, took a sip of tea, put it down and said with a faint smile, "I don't think so, he will force him to be strong, and we must continue to improve ourselves and keep moving forward!"

The host was completely stunned this time: "Well, you two don't seem to be very depressed. Compared with the audience friends in front of the screen, they are also very confused. Can you tell me the reason?"

Qingfeng, the god of war, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and laughed loudly: "Because we didn't gain nothing. Compared with the results obtained by the Longteng guild's painstaking efforts in this battle, what our guilds jointly discovered is no less inferior!"

The host took two steps back in shock, then quickly stood up and handed the microphone to the God of War, Qingfeng: "Dare you get...!"

"Please allow us to keep it secret for the time being." Before Qingfeng could speak, he was blocked by Xue Yique, still calmly facing the camera with a smile on his face.Seeing this, Qingfeng, God of War, couldn't help but said angrily: "Hey, he was asking me just now, can you not choose this time if you want to steal the scene?"

"If you missed it, go back and pull out your muscles and bones." Xue Yique turned his head and grinned at the God of War Qingfeng.

Qingfeng, God of War, sneered and pushed forward: "My X, do I seem to be such an unreliable guy?"

Xue Yique was equally imposing: "I think you are."

God of War Qingfeng: "Fuck, you want to fight! At nine o'clock in the evening, behind the stables in Saiyan City, I will have a sparring mode with you, one-on-one, do you dare to fight?"

Xue Yique: "Stand and stand, who is afraid of whom?"

Seeing that the host was sweating profusely, he wiped his sweat and stopped him: "The two presidents, two, it's a national live broadcast now, pay attention to your image."

"Cut." Whether it was Qingfeng, the God of War who was arrogant and domineering just now, or Xue Yique, who was pretending to be a lady, they couldn't help but cut to the camera at this time.

Then the screen jumped and turned into a game advertisement.

Long Teng Xingchen turned off the screen and was silent for a while, Long Teng Liuguang beside him couldn't help but smiled wryly and said: "The two of them are here to sing cross talk?"

"Yeah, I still sang it for us." Long Teng Xingchen pursed his lips and shook his head: "It doesn't matter, the control of our Kuoye City is tangible, no matter what kind of reward they get, There will definitely not be many after being distributed to several guilds in the end. If they are compared to a plate of loose sand, then we are a sand castle. No one will notice if there is more or less in a plate of loose sand, but a sand castle can.”

"What do you mean?" Long Teng Liuguang looked at Long Teng Xingchen.

"Develop yourself well, less PK, more development. First stabilize the guild, then expand outwards, and gradually realize our plan to slowly develop the world." Longteng Xingchen said word by word.

"Understood." Long Teng Liuguang nodded.Then he glanced to both sides. At this time, there were only Long Teng Xingchen and Long Teng Liuguang in front of the big screen. Long Teng Xingchen didn't tell the other two about his analysis. Why?
(End of this chapter)

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