It's time to play online

Chapter 269 The Almighty Forum

Chapter 269 The Almighty Forum

At this moment, Long Teng Xingchen suddenly remembered something: "Is there any news about Wang Shuang?"

Long Teng Liuguang shook his head after hearing the words: "Not yet, the Floating Life Gate is too far away from our guild's range of activities, and there are not many active players, so I didn't let them investigate the situation inside the barracks."

Long Teng Xingchen nodded: "Okay, don't worry about it, even if Wang Shuang really succeeds the opponent's undead player and completes the task, the reward he can get is only half. , wait for him to return, kill him as a maverick, and feel proud!"

Long Teng Liuguang nodded: "Understood."


Although Longteng Xingchen had turned off the screen, in fact the Star Wish Newsletter was still broadcasting.At this time, the staff of the newsletter spent a long time trying to calm down the two excited guys. After adjusting their status, they continued to play.

Host: "Okay then, welcome back from the advertisement. We just mentioned that the Longteng Guild won a big victory in Kuye City, so at this time we have to mention a person. This person is the last time the Longteng Guild made a big move. During the dispatch, the player who successfully caused a huge obstacle to the Dragon Soaring Guild was Wang Shuang. At the same time, he was also one of the players who had attracted much attention on the forum before, so why didn't Wang Shuang appear in this battle?"

Qingfeng, God of War, had expected the host to ask this question a long time ago, and replied with a wave of his hand, "Wang Shuang, he has gone back to a special dungeon this time, and it may take longer to clear the level. Our intelligence department got the news, so take this opportunity to catch us off guard!"

That's right, although Qingfeng, the god of war, knew that Wang Shuang was teleported to the very far Gate of Floating Life by the red-level mission, but in front of the camera, especially in front of the national audience, he didn't directly tell the matter, but chose to hide it.On the one hand, God of War Qingfeng knows that the undead players are preparing to capture the Gate of Floating Life, but they don't know that the guards of the Gate of Floating Life are the online players. Clans, undead and even elves reached out and began to compete for resources for leveling and brushing materials.

After the blockade between the races was lifted, this kind of competition became more and more frequent. Not only the big guilds, but even some small and medium guilds began to occupy land as kings. After enclosing a territory with good monster resources, recruiting players and Start leveling, and use some salaries to win over players, and start to cultivate their own core battle groups.

In fact, there were only a few guilds that attracted the attention of God of War Qingfeng.Because the human race borders the undead race, the elf race, and the orc race at the same time, only the player guilds of these three races should be paid attention to.Needless to say on the human side, basically everyone who can be put on the table, except for the Longteng Guild, is familiar with the God of War Qingfeng.

The Orcs seem to be relatively late bloomers in the entire race, so far there are only one or two threatening guilds; the Undead only have the Skeleton Guild and the Sun Guild who just jumped ship to pay attention to.

Qingfeng, the god of war, is more concerned about the elves. The elves have always used powerful long-range shooting as their offensive method. After thousands of years of exploration, they have mastered this offensive method very proficiently and derived many types of enhancements.

Powerful long-range attacks have always been the most annoying enemy for players, because it means that you are likely to hang up halfway through the battle if you can't even touch the opponent's armor.And the entire guild has powerful long-range firepower, which is the most annoying enemy of the general guild.After the team battle started, the entire guild began to charge, and they could throw shots at the opponent. As long as the number was enough and the firepower was strong enough, they could shoot down a group of people like cutting wheat, without even giving them a chance to heal!

Among the many elf guilds, there are three that deserve the most attention: Hongchen Guild, Time Guild and Prosperous Age Guild.

The first is the Hongchen Guild, a down-to-earth and diligent guild that has no record of conflicts with others, so the strength of the entire guild has become very mysterious; followed by the Time Guild.As a veteran guild, the Time Guild naturally seized the surrounding resources and developed and strengthened the guild's strength with a domineering attitude when Star Wish was first established. It is still the strongest guild among the elves.

Finally, there is the Prosperous Age Guild. This is a guild that was established some time ago, but the speed of his rise is like a new star rising into the sky, so bright and dazzling that it is almost unbelievable.It was as if all the light in this world was born for him.As for Shengshi Hongtu, the president of the Shengshi Guild, what God of War Qingfeng can think of is: low-key, forbearing, but hiding an unruly ambition.

This person had endured half a month in a second-rate guild before, but he was able to win the support of most people in the guild during this half month, and finally seized the opportunity to successfully dismiss the original guild president and replace him.In the following half a month, the guild was renamed the Prosperous Age Guild, and led a group of old and weak soldiers from the guild to pass the cyan-level Anglishan dungeon that was moderately difficult at the time.

After brushing up most of the members of the guild with green-grade equipment, Shengshi Hongtu fought all night and created a miracle again. When everyone else was dead, he got stuck with a BUG, ​​arrow after arrow, and so slowly Consumption, and finally killed the orange-level team dungeon boss alone.

He sang and forged ahead, not only successfully revived the guild that was almost impossible to save, but also gave them new vitality.In fact, most people in the guild know where their operation level is, and it is precisely because they understand their own level that they admire the new president even more.After downloading several copies, several players have pulled some higher-level players into the guild, and started singing along with Shengshi Hongtu.

In this way, the players who originally followed Shengshi Hongtu are still members of Shengshi Guild, but further up, some senior management positions and the main station group are all composed of those new players.Shengshi Hongtu often adjusts the structure of the guild management and the main station group, let the guys with high operation level stay at the top, and kick the less capable ones to the bottom.

The strange thing is that no one thinks his actions are inappropriate, and almost everyone in the Glory World Guild approves of his style of conduct.Shengshi Hongtu has always supplemented and replaced the members of the main group with the premise of the strongest combat power, and began to gradually let go of the operation of the guild, allowing them to start to operate independently.

The personal charm and behavior style displayed by Shengshi Hongtu immediately attracted the attention of many guilds, not only the God of War, Qingfeng, but even the Elven Time Guild planned to accept it as a branch, and the Longteng guild almost refused to accept it. I couldn't help but give up the idea because there were too many activities at the time.

All in all, Shengshi Hongtu is now fighting bloody battles, leading his Shengshi guild to move forward step by step.


Wang Shuang couldn't remember how many dungeons he had done in the Dark Realm. Every time, what he had to do was to mechanically follow Li Muxuan, jump into the gap, run wildly with her for a while, and then summon Mi Luduo, and then the three of them together Kill the dark king in front of you, leave the dungeon and go back to the passage to find the next crack in the dark world.When Wang Shuang walked to the end of the passage, Wang Shuang just woke up like a dream, and looked at Li Muxuan in front of him in confusion: "Are we... finished?"

"Yeah, the passage ends here." Li Muxuan looked a little dissatisfied, she licked her lips and said, "There's only one thing left... I can advance to the next level just one thing away."

"It's not easy to handle. In the future, just find a dungeon and brush it up. In the dark world, most of the dungeons will be there." Wang Shuang said.

"But the difficulty is that we don't know how to get over it." Li Muxuan sighed: "The higher the dark world is, the more hidden the aura is. If it weren't for the impact my mother was swallowed on me, I wouldn't Will always remember that there is an entrance to the Underworld next to my house."

Wang Shuang was silent for a while: "Actually, if you want to find it, I don't think it's difficult."

Wang Shuang opened Xingyuan's forum, searched with keywords, entered the three characters of the dark world, and quickly filtered the information several layers, and soon saw thousands of information.Wang Shuang searched inside, and sure enough, someone made statistics on the places where the Underworld appeared!

Fuck, the omnipotent forum!Poster I love you!Wang Shuang clicked on the post, and after a short nonsense, he saw a neat row of dungeon names, followed by the entry method and dungeon features.The fly in the ointment is that there are only a few in this post that mark the level of the dark king. After all, not everyone has the amulet of the dark world.

Now that most of the players' levels are high, some people will naturally want to go back and tease the bosses in the dark world in those low-level dungeons.After raging red-level mobs all the way, most players can follow the tips in the post to find the way to enter the dark world, but after entering, they are often stunned by the scene inside, and then they are sent to the dark world by densely packed dark monsters. out.

After someone successfully killed the Dark Lord, but did not get any rewards, there were a lot fewer players who were keen on the Dark Realm.Now in the eyes of most players, this place is a place to challenge the limit, which is not attractive to ordinary players.

And Li Muxuan is different from ordinary people. Although he also killed the Dark King, ordinary players can only stare at the crown, neither destroying nor absorbing it.But Li Muxuan can.After absorbing the Crown of Darkness, the entire Underworld will be destroyed and become non-existent at the same time.

Now Li Muxuan's level is cyan, and she is still one step away from the dark crown.After Wang Shuang walked out of the passage, he returned to the barracks.I checked, and the nearest dungeon with the Underworld is also two hours away!
Just have it!When I have the strength to break out of the barracks, I will go to the dungeon immediately.After Li Muxuan's grade was upgraded to green, the efficiency of killing monsters must be improved to a higher level.

(End of this chapter)

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