It's time to play online

Chapter 271 Crazy Attributes

Chapter 271 Crazy Attributes

Damn it, half of Li Muxuan's attacks will miss, the probability of missing is 50? ? ?Is it still 50 after the transfer? ? ?Shuang squeezed his fist, hoping that this will not affect the final result of this battle!
Now Miludo is playing the role of a dark elf warrior, set at the front line of the team, and starts to fight with the skeleton warriors in front. Those skeleton warriors' attacks are so high that it is frightening. Shuang saw that Mi Luduo's health bar had lost half in an instant.

Fuck, this is a rhythm that can't be saved even if you give up attacking and drink recovery potions!Wang Shuang directly shouted to Li Muxuan beside him: "Find a way to stop them!" At the same time, he glanced behind them, there were not many skeleton warriors appearing from behind their positions, only three, and Wang Shuang felt that he should be enough to deal with them alone. .

Now Mi Luduo has put down the long sword in his hand and started to drink the healing potion. After Li Muxuan received Wang Shuang's instruction, a sonic wave was sent instantly, and the golden building appeared, and then collapsed quickly. The damage caused was not high, but Mi Luduo All the skeleton warriors around Ludo were stunned for a few seconds!
At the same time, Wang Shuang rushed to the back, raised the dagger in his hand and shouted: "Black and white storm."

A strange black mist suddenly appeared around Wang Shuang, surrounding the three skeleton warriors rushing up from behind. The black mist surrounded each skeleton warrior and was hacked several times by several strange figures at the same time. After disappearing, the blood vessels on their heads were not only missing, but also two special symbols appeared.


System prompt: Your skill Black and White Storm triggers the burning effect, and the fire damage received by the angry skeleton warrior is increased by 15? ? ?And lose 628 points of blood per second for 8 seconds.

System prompt: Your skill Black and White Storm triggers the poisoning effect, and the attack speed and movement speed of the angry skeleton warrior decrease by 10? ? ?And lose 1039 points of blood every second for 10 seconds.

That's right, although today is almost over, my brother's talent is still effective, and now these two are only 20? ? ?The triggered state has all been triggered, and two layers of fast blood loss buffs have been attached to the three skeletons.

But why did the blood bars on their heads lose so much blood?Doesn't a skeleton have 50W blood, and about one-fifth of it will be cut off in one round of attack?Wang Shuang glanced at his attributes, and was startled: I haven't looked at attributes for a while, why is there such a big change?Fuck, the physical attack is sky-high. Fuck, my brother is now a man with 3.6 HP. This attribute is really amazingly high.

Wang Shuang
Sex: Male
Race: Terran

Level: 60

Occupation: Twin Assassin

Followers: Li Muxuan, Mi Luduo
Blood: 35984/35984 (basic 2000 points of blood, 1 points for each level up, 70 points for every 1 points of physique, 30 points for every 14640 point of strength for twin assassins, 1 points for all equipment, 10 points for taking Wanchongtang Points, strong body attribute 4740?

Mana: 18900/18900 (basic 2000 mana, 1 points for each level up, 50 points for every 1 point of Spirit 35 for twin assassins, 10150 points for every 1 point of intelligence 10, 3300 points for all equipment)
Physical attack: 7934 (1 points for each level up, 7 points for every point of agility for twin assassins, a total of 1 points, 4 points for the skill "Assassin Faith", 2396 points for all equipment, 3 points for taking Berserk 828, 320 points for Berserk??? Tiger Suit 30???Magic Reversal Status 20?

Physical defense: 5774 (1 points per level, 3 points for every point of Dexterity 1 for Twin Assassins, 3 points for all equipment, 1797 King Kong attributes??? Use King Kong 1039 30, life demon reversal state 230?

Physical Resistance: 99.85? ? ?For every 1 point of agility in an assassin profession, 0.15? ? ? 89.85? ? ?Have equipment 10?

Magic attack: 2740 (1 points for each level up, 7 points for every 1 point of intelligence for twin assassins, a total of 4 points, 1320 points for all equipment, 368 boiling attributes?

Magic defense: 2235 (1 points for every level up, 3 points for every 1 point of intelligence for twin assassins, 3 points for all equipment, 990 points for magic gang?

Magic resistance: 59.5? ? ?1 per 0.15 point of intelligence for an assassin job? ? ? 49.5? ? ?Have equipment 10?

Physical crit probability: 100? ? ?The karma talent Moonlight Transformation is triggered, and the deduction is reduced to 0? ? ?Timed to run the trigger, reverse 100?

Magic crit probability: 0? ? ?Karma Talent Moonlight Transformation trigger, increased to 100? ? ?Timed to run trigger, reverse -100?

Physical crit damage bonus: 39.47? ? ?Every 1 point of physical attack will increase by 0.005? ? ?crit damage)
Magic crit damage bonus: 39.47? ? ?For every 1 point of magic attack in the Way of Twins, the magic attack will increase by 0.005? ? ?crit damage)
Strength: 474 (basic 20 points, 1 point for each level up, 1 points for own attribute points, 102 points for eradicating troubles after completing tasks, 20 points for all equipment, 128 points for occupational talent and spirit of exploration)

Agility: 599 (basic 20 points, 1 point for each level up, 1 points for free attribute points distribution, 172 points for eradicating troubles after completing tasks, 20 points for all equipment, 183 points for professional talent and spirit of exploration)

Intelligence: 330 (basic 20 points, 1 point for each level up, 1 points for free attribute points, 0 points for eradicating troubles after completing tasks, 20 points for all equipment, 86 points for professional talent and spirit of exploration)

Physique: 488 (basic 20 points, 1 point for each level up, 1 points for free attribute points distribution, 106 points for eradicating troubles after completing tasks, 20 points for all equipment, 138 points for professional talent and spirit of exploration)

Spirit: 290 (basic 20 points, 1 point for each level up, 1 points for free attribute points, 0 points for eradicating troubles after completing tasks, 20 points for all equipment, 46 points for professional talent and spirit of exploration)

Free attribute points: 0 (five free attribute points for each level up)

Weapon: Bloody Tiger Dagger (Orange-LV35)



What will happen if you change into a second-order orange-grade equipment in this state?Just thinking about it, Wang Shuang became excited.

After looking at the reason, Wang Shuang suddenly became so strong, probably because of his professional talent Adventurer Soul. Every time he enters a new map, he gets 2 full attributes, which is really against the sky.In addition to completing an orange-level mission last time, Wang Shuang added 20 points to all attributes and 80 points to his own attributes, making Wang Shuang now enter the era of attribute explosion.

If in the later stage, Wang Shuang has explored the entire Star Wish world, how many full attributes can be added?
Now Wang Shuang has nearly 3 physical attacks, and the Assassin's Heart has tripled Wang Shuang's crit damage, and the Tao of Twins has added nearly 40 to Wang Shuang? ? ?Damage, the current crit damage is 340? ? ? , that is to say, Wang Shuang's physical attack can cause damage equivalent to 3.4 times the physical attack!

This is too strong, and the defense has not fallen at all.Now Wang Shuang's physical resistance is a full 99? ? ? , although not offset by 99? ? ?Harmful, but the monster can almost block 50 if it is slapped with a slap? ? ?Harmful!Coupled with Wang Shuang's current blood of 3.5W, Wang Shuang suddenly had an illusion: the guy who should bear the skeleton warrior in front now should not be Mi Luduo, but his crispy profession!
Sure enough, when I was there, how could the reward I got in the trial dungeon be worse than that of an orange-level follower!What's more, what I have completed is still a hidden trial, which can only be achieved by passing several tests of life skills. Not only must there be combat effectiveness, but also a considerable amount of life skills and a certain level.Now it seems that if there is investment, there will be returns. This return is simply not too exciting!
Wang Shuang, full of self-confidence, moved his wrist, immediately raised his dagger, aimed at the three skeleton warriors rushing up, locked on one of the skeleton warriors at random, and rushed forward with a shadow attack!Wang Shuang saw the skeleton warrior's body zooming in quickly in front of him, until he sent a dagger into the opponent's neck bone, the skeleton warrior's head tilted, and a lot of blood on his head lost in an instant!

"-36493!" This is Wang Shuang's attack damage. After the triple critical strike is triggered, the final damage caused by the skeleton warrior's defense and physical resistance is deducted.

"-23368!" This is the damage caused by a thunderbolt that appeared out of thin air and bombarded the skeleton warrior after Wang Shuang's normal attack triggered the power of thunder.

"-7032!" This is the damage triggered by the skills attached to the inheritance suit. The holy light flew over, and the blood on the skull warrior's head dropped again.Although it is not as powerful as the previous two damages, it is worse than nothing.

Therefore, the total damage of Wang Shuang's normal attack has reached a terrifying 66000. If a priest gives him a BUFF that increases physical attacks, and if Wang Shuang fully activates the effects of his equipment, the damage caused by a normal attack may exceed 10W!

It's so delicious!Wang Shuang was frightened by his own thoughts.Come to think of it, it's really possible!
(End of this chapter)

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