It's time to play online

Chapter 272 Iron Armored Skeleton Warrior

Chapter 272 Iron Armored Skeleton Warrior

System prompt: Your skill Shadow Strike triggers a stun effect, and the angry skeleton warrior falls into a stun state, unable to move for 2.25 seconds.

System prompt: Your skill Shadow Strike triggers the armor-breaking effect, the angry skeleton warrior falls into the armor-breaking state, and the physical defense and magic defense drop by 20? ? ?Continue for 2.25 seconds.

System prompt: Your skill Shadow Strike triggers a weakening effect, the angry skeleton warrior falls into a weakened state, and the physical damage and magic damage received are increased by 25? ? ?Continue for 2.25 seconds.

The blood on the skull warrior's head was immediately killed by Wang Shuang to half the blood.Now Wang Shuang finally had the feeling that fighting mobs was no longer killing the boss. Three strikes, five cuts and two cuts, Wang Shuang swung his dagger several times, cutting the skeleton warrior in front of him to pieces!The skeleton only had time to scream, then dropped the black iron sword in its hand and exploded into a pile of messy skeletons. Wang Shuang's eyes tightened, and he saw a shoe emitting lavender light inside the skeleton warrior's skeleton!

System prompt: You killed the angry skeleton warrior, you get experience reward 20W, you get 106 gold coins reward, your follower Li Muxuan gets experience reward 20W, your follower Mi Luduo gets experience reward 20W, you get equipment "Silent Dancer".

——Silent Dancer (Tier 2 purple weapon): strength 78, agility 36, intelligence 106, physical attack 132, physical defense 108.Additional feature "Silence": Physical damage dealt increased by 15? ? ?Successful magic damage decreased by 10? ? ?Setting conditions: Second job transfer.Requires level: 60.

Fuck, this is a great start!Wang Shuang excitedly picked up the equipment and looked at it. Of course, it was much better than the level 35 orange shoes on his body. When he put on the shoes, he saw that his attributes had increased a little.Wang Shuang was about to close the backpack when he suddenly glanced at the corner of the backpack. Several second-tier blue clothes were lying quietly in the corner of the backpack.

These equipments were dropped when I killed the Nightmare mobs. At that time, I didn’t have the equipments because my level was not enough. Now that I’m level 60, I can use these equipments.

But now, Miludo is about to be exhausted by the skeleton warriors in front. If Miludo is killed, it will take another 10 minutes to be summoned again. Wang Shuang thought about it and decided to rescue Miludo first. Anyway, the attribute is strong enough now, it is good to be able to kill monsters, and I don't care about such a small difference in attributes.

Wang Shuang swung his dagger and gave each of the two skeletons in front of him a knife, and then asked Li Muxuan to temporarily withstand their firepower, and continued to support Mi Luduo with Sonic Wave and Shock Arrow, while Wang Shuang himself also swung his dagger and activated the skill Dark Lurking and speeding up, he quickly killed Mi Luduo and left the stealth state. Seeing that the other party was busy pouring recovery potions into his mouth, and the blood on his head was rising and falling like a roller coaster, Wang Shuang grinned at her Smile: "Thank you for your hard work, let's see mine next."

After finishing speaking, Wang Shuang smiled coldly, took out his dagger and threw out all available skills, killing all directions in the crowd of skeletons.


In less than 2 minutes, all the seven or eight skeletons around were killed, and Li Muxuan couldn't bear the pressure at this time and began to run around, but the skeletons ran faster than Li Muxuan. Seeing that Li Muxuan couldn't hold it anymore, Wang Shuang darkened Lurking speeded up and rushed up with a knife in his hand, pulling down the hatred of the two skeleton warriors at once. At this time, Mi Luduo also came up from behind, and Li Muxuan also stood firm and began to shoot with a bow and arrow. After 30 seconds, Two pieces of equipment exploded from the two skeletons and turned into a pile of scattered skeletons.

After the undead raiding team was completely wiped out, Wang Shuang counted the gains and losses. There were a total of 11 skeleton warriors, and 10 pieces of Tier 2 purple equipment were released, all of which were level 60.After killing these skeletons, Wang Shuang only gained 330W experience points in total!

This is so cool, although after reaching level 60, the experience value needed to upgrade begins to exceed [-] million, but as long as you rush down at this speed, even if you need hundreds of millions of experience points to upgrade to a level, Wang Shuang can easily get it done in an afternoon.

But what makes Wang Shuang eager to try is that since mobs can give so many experience rewards, then there must be more bosses, right?Although the attributes may be much stronger than mobs, it doesn't matter, brother's attributes are too strong to bear to look at now!

At this time, Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo came to gather, and after getting out of the fighting state, the blood bars above the three of them began to recover quickly.Wang Shuang inspected the several pieces of equipment in his backpack, and compared all of them with the equipment on his body, and changed another round of equipment, so that his vitality officially exceeded 3.7W, and his physical attack officially exceeded 8000 points.

Brother is almost invincible!Wang Shuang felt very excited. Now Wang Shuang started to check the mini-map. Li Er floated up and tapped on Wang Shuang's mini-map as before. Wang Shuang saw that there were still dense red dots around him.But leaving the small map, Wang Shuang couldn't see any trace of monsters.It seems that these things of the undead are all bought underground, like a trap, which will suddenly jump out when Wang Shuang steps on it.

Anyway, you guys have a lot of experience, you guys are the ones who beat me!Wang Shuang zoomed in on the small map to clarify his final destination, which was the entrance to the dungeon, and then moved on.


System prompt: You have encountered an ambush by an undead raid team.

The plot is exactly the same as before!Wang Shuang looked at the large number of skeletons that suddenly appeared from the front, back and left, and couldn't help laughing. He waved to Mi Luduo and pointed behind them: "Go and deal with the three guys in the back. You don't need to kill or deal damage, just make sure you If you can live, just hold them back!"

"Understood." Mi Luduo nodded, raised his sword and shield and charged forward.At this time, Wang Shuang looked at Li Muxuan: "You support her. When the cooldown of the speed of sound is over, just throw one towards me. Don't worry about me at other times."

"Okay, I understand." Li Muxuan flicked the long bow in her hand with her fingers, turned on the soul pet mode with a serious face, smiled at Wang Shuang, turned her head and started shooting.Although the promotion time is relatively short this time, Wang Shuang still feels that Li Muxuan's intelligence has improved again, some movements are much better than before, and the tone of her speech has become a bit swaying to a young girl.

Wang Shuang turned his head and walked around in front of the skeleton warriors on the left and in front. After attracting their hatred, a golden building appeared out of thin air, and then quickly collapsed, causing damage and dizzying all the skeletons in front of him. !

Well done, Wang Shuang swung his dagger and slashed desperately in the last half hour before twelve o'clock.


After clearing the ambush of an undead raiding team again, even Wang Shuang felt a little tired. With 50 blood, a wave of more than a dozen, can ordinary players really beat it?Wang Shuang opened the small map, and with the help of Li Er's orange-level reconnaissance technique, he quickly saw the dense red dots in front of him.Ordinary players should be in a state of lack of supplies at this time, and this kind of ambush consists of a group of more than a dozen skeletons, which does not give people a chance to breathe.

Ordinary players don't have the abnormally strong output ability of Brother, and the attributes of rough skin and thick flesh like Brother, can they really break out of these ambush circles?
And why is this task not directly confronting the undead army after the player arrives, but killing these mobs to practice first?Why are there so many enemies outside the barracks, but the whole barracks turned a blind eye to them, and these skeleton warriors seemed to be asleep, and had no intention of attacking that barracks at all?
Don't tell me it's a system setting, if you don't believe me, shit!
When Wang Shuang was struggling, suddenly a slightly larger red dot on the map attracted Wang Shuang's attention.In a corner of the vast hills, a single, quiet red spot was almost twice the size of the other red spots, slowly emitting red light in place.

It's the boss!After Wang Shuang saw the large red dot, he guessed the answer almost subconsciously!But I didn't see any huge figures on the plain. Could it be that they stayed underground like this group of skeletons?Is it their skeleton general?
In short, there were no monsters on the way to the red dot, so Wang Shuang ran towards the big red dot along the route of the map.It wasn't until Wang Shuang's entire coordinates stepped on the red dot that the ground began to tremble suddenly.Then Wang Shuang felt as if something was about to break through the ground under his feet, so he jumped away in fright.

The soft black soil collapsed in an instant, and a huge white bone stood up from the ground. He bent over, and the black dust on his body was scattered in the process of standing up, and some large and small irregular stones also crackled in it. Falling.His bones were very broad, like the corpse of a giant.On his skull head, elbow joints, shoulders, knees, chest, wrists and other places are covered with black equipment.The shape seems to have been deformed due to being buried for too long, but the general outline can still be seen clearly.

He raised his head, looked at Wang Shuang with a pair of empty eyes, and suddenly roared.

——Raging Tiekai Skeleton Warrior [Extreme Rage][Strong Body II][King Kong] (Purple-LV60 leader-level creature): Vitality 3600000, physical attack 7200, physical defense 3800, physical resistance 30? ? ?Magic attack 4200, magic defense 5600, magic resistance 30? ? ?Functions: normal attack, domineering body, group strategy, speed attack, brute force attack, skeleton structure, savage roar, earth shock.

Fuck you, 7200 physical attack is fine, and the total blood is 360W. With brother Yi's current state and two followers, can he really beat it?
Wang Shuang looked at the big guy in front of him, he had to look up to see the guy's blood, couldn't help swallowing, and gritted his teeth: "What, if you can't do it, you have to do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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