It's time to play online

Chapter 273 Clearing Roadblocks

Chapter 273 Clearing Roadblocks
Outside the Black Feather Legion, Wang Shuang rushed to the front, raised the dagger and slashed at the toe of the big skeleton's bone. Wang Shuang cut a deep crack in the bone, and the dagger was completely inserted into the bone.But Wang Shuang always has a weird feeling that the skin of his face has not been pierced.

Li Muxuan was also shooting from a long distance at this time, and Mi Luduo's current position was rather awkward.She was originally in the front row, and she was good at taking damage, but Wang Shuang now took away her task of taking damage.Fortunately, Mi Luduo was wearing a suit of equipment with good attributes, which Wang Shuang had spent nearly 400 million gold coins to select in the armory of the Glorious Legion in Saiyan City.

In Li Muxuan's rapid shooting round after round, under the output of Wang Shuang's continuous movement of swinging the dagger and Mi Ludo's fierce smashing with the sword and shield, the boss's blood quickly dropped to 90? ? ?place.At this time, the bones on the boss's body collapsed in a large piece. From a distance, it seemed to be pouring down like a waterfall. The bone fragments fell, and the bone powder raised was like a thin mist of water.

Wang Shuang raised his head, walked left and right twice to avoid the bone debris that fell from above, and glanced at the position where he was going to move next, only to find that there appeared out of thin air the two skeleton warriors he had met before.At the same time, an arrow shot and hit the shoulder of the big skull, but Wang Shuang obviously felt that the damage caused by this arrow had dropped a lot.

No, it's not so much that the arrow's attack power has dropped, it's better to say... the big skull suddenly became thicker?

Wang Shuang glanced to the other side, and saw that Mi Ludo was also entangled by two skeleton warriors, and was holding up a shield to resist the attack of the two skeleton warriors.

How is this going?Wang Shuang checked the skills of the big skull, and found the source at once.


From this point of view, in order to fight this BOSS, all these skeleton warriors must be cleaned up first.But it's not difficult. Anyway, it's not painful for the big skeleton to beat me, and I can barely bear the attack of a big skeleton and three or four skeleton warriors at the same time!
Under Wang Shuang's instruction, Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo immediately turned their heads and focused on one skeleton warrior. After the skeleton warrior screamed and fell to the ground, they focused on the second one.Wang Shuang trotted to the bone pile of the skeleton warrior, rummaged through the small bone mountain, and soon found a cloak that exuded purple light.

"Well, it seems to be slowing down the rhythm of brother's fight against the BOSS, but it's actually not useless!" Wang Shuang picked it up and checked the attributes of the equipment. He felt that it was easier to use than the cloak he was wearing, so he put it on on the spot. cape.

After the first skeleton warrior collapsed, the three concentrated their firepower on the second skeleton warrior. Half a minute later, the second skeleton warrior also fell quickly.Although the skeleton structure helped them avoid some of Li Muxuan's shots, they couldn't dodge the melee attacks of Wang Shuang and Mi Luduo. From the results, it was just one or two more cuts.

Soon, all the four small skulls were cut down. Taking stock of the gains and losses, Wang Shuang took less than 3 minutes to deal with the four mobs. During this period, he drank two bottles of recovery potions to resist the damage from the big and small skulls. , and after killing the four little skeletons, Wang Shuang had four more pieces of Tier [-] purple equipment in his backpack.

Did you lose money?Not bad.If possible, I would like to come a few more times. I would rather kill skeletons than chopping scarecrows for two hours. Anyway, every time I kill one, I can get a second-level equipment!

Now that all the mobs have been cleaned up, Wang Shuang finally turned his attention back to the boss. Unexpectedly, the boss recovered 3? ? ?Blood, there is still 2 qi and blood left? ? ? .

Isn't it just time, isn't it just a recovery agent, brother has plenty of it!Wang Shuang picked up the dagger and shouted to the two followers behind him: "Charge, continue to fight the boss!"

When the blood of the boss drops to 82? ? ?At this time, the previous scene also appeared.Wang Shuang once again focused his firepower on a few small skeletons, and not long after, all four small skeletons were scattered into bones all over the floor!
Just when Wang Shuang picked up the equipment and felt refreshed, Li Muxuan suddenly said, "My lord, pay attention to the time, it's almost tomorrow."

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was confused for a moment, and glanced at the time: "What's the matter when it's almost tomorrow, it's 11:40 now, it's not a problem if I stay up all night for two hours tonight...I'll wipe it!"

Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that he could indeed fight monsters all night, but his talent was not enough.In another 10 minutes, the time will come to an end. Without the talent, the critical strike rate will not be reversed, not to mention Li Muxuan's rapid shooting will also disappear.Although now Wang Shuang's physical crit probability has been locked at 100 because of the reversal of his talent? ? ?You don't have to worry that your three damages will disappear, but the damage of two followers will no longer have critical strikes!
The reason is that their critical strike probability is still the same as that of normal people, but because Wang Shuang's talent has been reversed.After twelve o'clock, this effect is gone, and the output ability of the three of them will be reduced by more than half.

What's more, the turn of time not only affects their output ability, but also directly affects the drop probability of equipment when mobs die and BOSS dies!

If the talent has no effect, Wang Shuang will change back to his original form, even if he kills many monsters, he will not drop a piece of equipment!It's really painful, Wang Shuang remembered the thought that he didn't care about time just now, and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of old blood: "Fuck, I don't have time, hit fast, make sure to kill it before tomorrow comes! "

Before rushing to the boss again, Wang Shuang even turned his head and glanced at Li Muxuan. She reminded her brother just now, did she know the time to use this talent?Why does this guy know about my brother's talent?No one at Li Er's level could know, could it be that her intelligence level has surpassed Li Er's?

"Gah!" The big skeleton roared again at this time, and the bone fragments on his body fell like snowflakes. Among the bone dust, the five skeletons stood up again.

At this time, beating these skeletons became a kind of torment for Wang Shuang.If the boss is not killed before 12 o'clock, Wang Shuang may not get any drop rewards after killing the boss.

"Die, die to me!" Wang Shuang used all his skills. Fortunately, these skills did not consume too much mana for Wang Shuang, so it was not too much burden for Wang Shuang to release one after another.While waiting for the skill to cool down, Wang Shuang also pulled the hatred value of the surrounding small skeletons around so that they could keep slashing at him with the black iron sword in their hands.

Finally, the third wave of skeleton warriors was also successfully eliminated. Wang Shuang looked up at the time, and it was 43 minutes!Now the boss still has 75? ? ?Blood, the trouble is that the boss will often use some control skills to interrupt Wang Shuang's movements, further slowing down Wang Shuang's rhythm of killing the boss. If this continues, will he have time to kill it before 12 o'clock?
Time passed by every minute and every second, and Wang Shuang would look up at the time almost every time a wave of skeleton warriors wasted. Fortunately, the master of the system took good care of Wang Shuang in the next few minutes, and the summoned skeleton warriors generally only had three waves. Four, Wang Shuang can clean them all up in two to three minutes.

When the big skeleton has 12 blood remaining? ? ?Wait, there are 3 minutes left.

Wang Shuang gritted his teeth. He knew that if he spent his time on the skeleton warriors around him, it would definitely be too late.It's almost time to kill this group of skeleton warriors.So Wang Shuang directly made a decision——

"Give up on the skeleton warriors and attack the iron armored skeleton warriors with all our strength!" Wang Shuang asked Mi Luduo and Li Muxuan to aim their firepower at the big skeletons behind a group of small skeletons, and at the same time he grabbed his dagger and rushed up.Skeleton warriors rushed forward one after another along the way, slashing at Wang Shuang's shoulders, hands and back with black iron swords.

Do it, brother's vitality is thick, you can chop it up as you like!Wang Shuang was forced to be a little anxious. Regardless of his miserable appearance, he still rushed forward to fight the big skull.

Now there are a total of 4 skeleton warriors on the field, and the boss gets 60? ? ?Physical resistance!And the original BOSS has 30? ? ?Reason resistance, with such an increase, the boss has a total of 90? ? ?rational resistance.Brother's physical resistance is also close to 100? ? ?It only offsets about half of the damage!Isn't it just half the damage, brother will consume you to death in the remaining twelve minutes!
In the end, under Wang Shuang's unremitting skills and attacks, as well as the onslaught of two followers, within the last minute, the BOSS wearing iron armor let out a miserable howl, and the armor on his body collapsed, turning into gray smoke and dust with the wind drift.Those huge white bones finally fell with a bang, and after falling to the ground one after another, the huge bones broke from the middle, and the bone powder was scattered all over the plain.


System prompt: You killed the furious Tiekai Skeleton Warrior, you get experience rewards of 2000W, you get 80000 gold coins as rewards, your follower Li Muxuan gets experience rewards of 2000W, your follower Mi Luduo gets experience rewards of 2000W, you Get the equipment "Blood Razor", you get the equipment "Spicy White Double Blades", and you get the equipment "Shining Shield of the Setting Sun".


System prompt: Your talent "Times Come and Go" has been triggered.

System prompt: Your talent "Fate Demon Reversal" has been triggered.

Wang Shuang let out a sigh of relief as if he had finally completed his lifelong mission. Just as he relaxed, he suddenly remembered that there were four skeleton warriors around him.

Wang Shuang glanced at them, only to find that these skeleton warriors had stopped attacking. They seemed to have lost their souls, holding black iron swords and standing still for a while, and then turned into countless white bone powder and drifted away.The black iron sword in his hand slowly turned into black powder and melted in the air.

Wang Shuang glanced at the map. The map that was originally full of red dots was cleaned up at this time, as if the boss died, and the surrounding skeletons got some infectious disease. There was no death reminder, and it dissipated directly.

(End of this chapter)

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