It's time to play online

Chapter 274 Longteng Liuguang's Viewpoint

Chapter 274 Longteng Liuguang's Viewpoint

Dissipated, okay, I can finally go to the dungeon.But now the talent of Time and Fortune is gone, and I don't know what level of dungeon I can get.Wang Shuang was a little melancholy, opened the big map to confirm the direction, and then took Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo to move on.

While walking, Wang Shuang opened his backpack to check the few pieces of equipment that had just dropped.The first piece is the fighter's equipment, and it's actually black grade. It seems that even if it's lucky, I can't really make a change, and there will be junk equipment mixed in!

All in all, this piece of equipment naturally couldn't catch Wang Shuang's eyes. Wang Shuang glanced at the attributes, then threw it into the corner of the backpack, and when he returned to the Black Feather Legion, he threw it to the NPC to sell gold coins.

The second piece of equipment is a pair of daggers. That's right, two daggers form a pair, occupying the position of Wang Shuang's hands, and they are level 60 purple-grade second-tier weapons.

——狠辣的坚白双刃(2阶紫器):物理攻击 461,魔法攻击 256,敏捷 32。附带特性“狠辣”:每次攻击目标时,有30???永久降低对方20点物理防御。前置条件:二次转职。需要等级:60级。

This is simply too powerful, with this ruthless characteristic, not only the boss will run away from him, but even the players will avoid him.In the state of turning from time to time, can you get 70 with a single cut? ? ?Lose your physical defense by 20 points, as long as Wang Shuang activates the skill blood limit retention, wouldn't that mean that a person's physical defense will be brushed to a negative number?
It's amazing, if anyone dares to provoke brother when he goes back, he will let him know how powerful he is.By the way, I usually kill people in a matter of seconds. Fortunately, there is a blood limit to reserve this skill, otherwise such a powerful attribute will not be effective, and I will die of pain.

Moreover, the greatly increased physical and magical attacks of this piece of equipment also surprised Wang Shuang.Compared with the black dagger he just put on, Wang Shuang took off the black dagger and replaced it with a fierce white double blade.

Then there was the third piece of equipment, which looked like a shield, and one of the three members of Wang Shuang's team happened to be a fighter, Mi Ludo, who could use a shield.

Mi Luduo is only at level 58 now, and it is estimated that he will have to wait two levels to equip this shield. Just thinking about it, Wang Shuang picked up the shield and looked at the attributes, and couldn't help but be amused.

——Glorious Setting Sun Shield (Tier 2 purple weapon): physical attack 132, physical defense 268, magic defense 312, strength 103, constitution 32, block success rate increased by 10? ? ?With the characteristic "brilliance": every time you successfully block with a shield, restore 10? ? ?Qi and blood, cool down for 10 seconds.Additional skill "Proficient Use": The equipment level requirement has dropped by 10 levels.Precondition: Second transfer.Requires level: 60.

The level requirement has dropped by 10 levels, which means that the use level of this piece of equipment is now level 50?Wang Shuang handed the shield to Mi Luduo, and tried to equip him with the Setting Sun Shield.Unexpectedly, after Mi Luduo took it, he returned the original shield to Wang Shuang, then held the iron handle on the back of the shield with his hand, waved it twice, with a faint smile on his face, and couldn't help but praise: " Not bad, it’s pretty easy to use.”

Wang Shuang's eyelids twitched: "How is it, equipped?"

Before Mi Luduo could answer, Wang Shuang opened Mi Luduo's equipment list, and sure enough, he saw that the shield was successfully equipped in the deputy position.

It worked, I didn't expect such a skill to exist!It just so happens that my brother is going to challenge the second-order dungeon, I'm afraid that the front row is too fragile, and he will be instantly killed as soon as he goes up!

Just when Wang Shuang was in high spirits and was about to set off for the dungeon, suddenly Wang Shuang felt someone tap his gaming helmet in reality, and there was a "bang bang bang" sound coming from his head.

who is it?Oh yes, at this time, in this room, there is only one person who can knock on brother's helmet - Ji Ge.Why is she knocking on brother's helmet?Urging brother to sleep?Wang Shuang glanced at the time, it was already ten past twelve, the former Wang Shuang must still be struggling in the game at this time, but remembering what his mother said, take care of your health first, Wang Shuang reluctantly went offline .

Anyway, my brother's talent has come and gone, so I don't feel bad.If you can't beat it, sleep more today, stay up all night tomorrow, and frantically brush dungeons when you are talented!
Wang Shuang exited the game, and sure enough, he saw Ji Ge standing aside respectfully, and looked at Wang Shuang cautiously: "How is it, I didn't bother you to fight monsters, did I?"

"No, it's okay." Seeing her like this, Wang Shuang felt a little uncomfortable for some reason: "It's okay, even if you kick me out of the game forcibly in the future, I won't blame you, after all, you are here for me." Think about your body."

"It's good that you know." Ji Ge sat down on the bed next to Wang Shuang, put his chin in his hands and looked at Wang Shuang, rubbing his eyes: "It's already twelve o'clock, get up early tomorrow morning and go for a run with me and have breakfast, Create healthy living habits."

Wang Shuang yawned and nodded, "Okay, I see."

At this time, Ji Ge handed over a hot cup, and Wang Shuang looked inside, it was a cup of white unknown liquid.

Ji Ge said: "Come on, drink a cup of hot milk before going to bed, then rinse your mouth and go to sleep."

Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly moved in his heart. He nodded vigorously, and drank the milk in the glass: "After drinking, I'll go to wash my mouth and go to bed. You should go to bed early."

"Of course, I have to lead by example." Ji Ge smiled like a flower blooming.

Even Wang Shuang didn't expect that his body could easily accept this setting.I thought that I usually go to bed late, and I have to toss and turn to fall asleep tonight. Perhaps the hot milk played a role. Wang Shuang fell into a drowsy sleep as soon as he lay down.

The next morning, when Wang Shuang was sleeping soundly, he was suddenly woken up by someone shaking him.When she opened her eyes, she saw Ji Ge sitting on her belly shaking him.

Ji Ge saw Wang Shuang opened his eyes, grinned, and waved cutely: "Hey, good morning, the sun is just right this morning, let's go for a run!"

Wang Shuang rubbed his eyes, stared at Ji Ge for a while, and then nodded: "Okay."

"What's wrong with you, why do you feel a little strange?" Ji Ge asked suddenly at this moment: "And did you put your phone in your pocket? I feel something on your stomach pressing against me."

Hearing this, Wang Shuang stretched out his hand and pretended to continue rubbing his eyes, so that the embarrassment on his face would not be seen by Ji Ge: "Ah, yes, I put the phone in my pocket after playing, ahaha... "

At this time, Ji Ge frowned: "But it doesn't feel like... The shape of the phone should be flat, but this is in your pocket..."

"Sister Ji, Sister Ji." Wang Shuang quickly took the topic away: "Didn't you say you want to get up and go for a run? Let's go quickly. You will go to school later, and it will be too late."

"It's so strange, I thought you would stay in bed for a while. When I didn't wake up early, even if my mother called me, I didn't want to get up." Ji Ge said, lifting his buttocks in Wang Shuang's eyes. Moved around, if someone else was watching at this time, they would find that this scene really looked like Ji Ge standing upright, leaning against Wang Shuang and rubbing hard.

Wang Shuang's face changed color, and he couldn't speak, so he could only continue to rub his eyes and cover the embarrassing expression on his face with his hands.

Ji Ge finally got up from Wang Shuang, Wang Shuang found an excuse to go to the toilet, flushed cold water over and over again in front of the mirror, and felt a little more awake before Wang Shuang came out of the toilet: "Okay, wait I'll change and let's go for a run."

Ji Ge responded lightly: "Yes."


"Good morning, viewers! The Star Wish morning newsletter is also on the air, and I hope you will continue to support us. In this program, our interview format has become a voice interview. And our first guest, very soon It is an honor to invite the vice president of Longteng Guild, the largest and most powerful guild in the human race, Mr. Longteng Liuguang. Excuse me, Mr. Longteng Liuguang, may I call you Mr. Liuguang?"

A square picture of an anime character soon appeared on the screen of the video. If Wang Shuang was there, he would definitely recognize that it was Longteng Liuguang's avatar in the game.When the show changed to Longteng Liuguang's avatar, another voice was also inserted.Some noise started to appear in the video.

"Of course, if you don't mind the host, please call me that. Of course, audience friends, hello everyone, I am the vice president of the Longteng Guild, Longteng Liuguang. You can call me Liuguang, or Aguang. Yes, hehe." Long Teng Liuguang still had the same good temper, unlike the other members of Long Teng Guild, he seemed very easy-going.

Host: "First of all, there is a recent eye-catching incident. The undead players have started a power mission, and now they have gathered near the Floating Life Gate of your human race. I don't know how the NPCs of the human race and the players reacted. Woolen cloth?"

Longteng Liuguang: "Well, I don't know how players from other guilds will react, but the focus of Longteng guild's development is no longer there, so unfortunately, we can't do anything about the actions of the undead players this time. As for NPCs, I know and everyone As far as I know, the human NPCs sent out about 2 troops, and joined forces with the elves to fight against the undead NPCs."

Host: "That's right, just yesterday, the Soaring Dragon Guild also did a remarkable event. Although it was stopped by several human race guilds, the Soaring Dragon Guild still used an excellent tactical plan and successfully won the NPC. As for the control of the second-level town, Kuye City, I wonder what the Longteng Guild's plans are going to be?"

Longteng Liuguang chuckled when he heard the words: "Well, of course it's a matter of taking one step at a time. Now that we have won Kuoye City, we will naturally wait to collect the money. We have to take a long-term view. In the future, we will cooperate with other guilds and even other races. When the war starts, the gold coin subsidy for the members of the guild is naturally indispensable, and now to win Kuano City, in addition to giving the guild players a little convenience in daily activities, it is also laying the foundation for future battles."

Host: "What about the player Wang Shuang who suddenly disappeared, do you have any thoughts?"

Long Teng Liuguang chuckled: "Well, it doesn't count that he disappeared suddenly. He just stayed silent for a day. I have Wang Shuang's friend, and Wang Shuang's active time was very little yesterday. Maybe something delayed him in reality. , after all, he is not a professional player, it is normal to have accidents."

As the interview drew to a close, the host asked the last question: "Back to the Gate of Floating Life, may the human race choose to give up directly?"

Longteng Liuguang was rarely serious when he heard the words: "That's not true. Although the Longteng guild and several other human guilds are unable to support them, I think there will always be someone who will come out to stop the undead players, and the difficulty level of this task is red. Grade, it is not as simple as they imagined to win."

(End of this chapter)

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