It's time to play online

Chapter 275 Shield

Chapter 275 Shield

When Longteng Liuguang finished answering the last question, the host simply ended the show, and then the interview ended.At this time, Long Teng Liuguang, who was deep in the jungle, let out a long sigh of relief.

"How do you feel?" Long Teng Xingchen asked leisurely, "You also appeared on TV this time, do you have a hunch that you're going to become an Internet celebrity?"

"Fart hunch." Long Teng Liuguang wiped his forehead, couldn't help but smiled wryly, "What are my answers, I can't say this one, let that one go, and I don't know about one... I feel like I'm going to show off... I checked my IQ and repeated everything that everyone else knew."

"It's fine to repeat it all, just show them the attitude of our guild." Long Teng Xingchen said with a sigh.

"Boss, if Wang Shuang can't complete this task, will it affect you?" Long Teng Liuguang hesitated for a moment, then asked: "After all, you are the one who took over this task. Although it is transferred to Wang Shuang, But if the mission cannot be completed, the punishment for mission failure..."

"It's on me." Long Teng Xingchen was silent for a while before saying: "The Lionheart Kingdom attaches great importance to the strategic significance of the Gate of Floating Life, and for this reason even gave a large amount of gold coins to the Xiasen Kingdom of the elves. Ask them to send troops to stop the actions of the undead. If the undead finally succeed in recapturing the Gate of Floating Life, it will be a big blow to me. Not to mention my reputation in the Lionheart Kingdom has plummeted, maybe I have nothing to do with my mentor. You can’t continue to have a relationship of extreme trust.”

Long Teng Liuguang said in shock: "Then we..."

"No need to make a move." Long Teng Xingchen sighed: "Actually, we can't make a move either. Don't forget our next plan."

Thinking of what to do next, Long Teng Liuguang nodded, and sighed like Long Teng Xingchen: "I suddenly hope that Wang Shuang can successfully complete this task, not for anything else, even if it is for the Lionheart Kingdom and your boss." Prestige, as well as the recent battle posts and provocative posts of undead players on the forum, I also hope he can win."

"Hmph, don't worry." Long Teng Xingchen snorted coldly when he heard the words: "Trust Wang Shuang. He is the guy who used to make fun of the main force of our guild. I thought the lineup and manpower that were already perfect, in front of Wang Shuang They were all vulnerable, and he turned the tide of the battle by himself in the end. If Wang Shuang is defeated by undead players, doesn't it mean that our Dragon Guild is not as good as undead players?"

Long Teng Liuguang shook his head when he heard the words: "You can't say that, after all, they are players of a whole race, and all guilds of a race are in it."

Longteng Xingchen smiled when he heard the words: "Anyway, we have done everything we can to help Wang Shuang keep his secret in the Gate of Floating Life. Next, will he be able to catch the undead players by surprise, and even lead the human NPCs to win?" This battle is all up to him. The help we can give is enough here."

Long Teng Liuguang nodded, opened the friend list, found Wang Shuang's gray profile picture, and couldn't help frowning: "But he is an amateur player, we can't deny it. If he loses the link at a critical moment, we can only do it ourselves." Bad luck."

Just as they were talking, a light whistle sounded from a distance, and at the same time, the friend lists of Longteng Xingchen and Longteng Liuguang rang together.Long Teng Xingchen didn't open the message to read the content. He seemed to know that these people would come to talk to him. With a swipe of his finger, the message list was completely cleared.

Long Teng Liuguang casually opened a player's report, glanced at it, and then crossed out all the other messages: "The signal has been sent back, what should we do?"

"Go forward." Long Teng Xingchen issued the simplest and clearest instructions.


Wang Shuang and Ji Ge went out early and ran twice on the street behind Wang Shuang's apartment. Then, like yesterday, they found the steamed stuffed bun shop where they had breakfast. Wang Shuang glanced at the time. Around seven o'clock, I turned my head to look at Ji Ge: "It's still early for your class time, why don't you stay and have a meal with me before going to class?"

Ji Ge agreed without thinking.

After about 10 minutes, the two left the bun shop after eating and drinking.Seeing that it was still early, Wang Shuang proposed to send Ji Ge to school and then go home to play games by himself. Ji Ge hesitated and agreed.The two were walking on the street. Judging from the appearance, although Wang Shuang was a bit older, he was not much older.Ji Ge looked like a well-behaved and youthful school girl, and this pairing immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Wang Shuang felt that several of the gazes looking at him were slightly tough, those seemingly substantive gazes almost swallowed Wang Shuang.Suddenly calmed down and took a look at Ji Ge, Wang Shuang suddenly found that this guy's skin was very fair, and his tender skin looked flimsy, with big bright eyes, eyelashes that trembled when he blinked, and reddish cheeks...

Fuck, why do you suddenly think this guy is very cute?In other words, brother and she stayed under the same roof for two days without any strange thoughts, isn't it a bit sorry for the other party?
Just when Wang Shuang felt a little guilty, he suddenly felt his arms tighten.Looking down, Ji Ge actually took the initiative to stick it up, holding Wang Shuang's right arm tightly to his chest with both hands.

Wang Shuang was stunned on the spot. Just as Wang Shuang was about to ask something, he suddenly heard the sound of something falling to the ground.

Wang Shuang turned his head to look, and a boy who was half-drinking milk stopped in front of him, and the milk in his hand had dropped to the ground at this time, and he also looked at Wang Shuang with a surprised face, and then at Ji Ge, Muttering to himself: "No, it's impossible... who are you, why do you want to coerce Ji Ge to do such a thing?"

I wipe?Wang Shuang's brain short-circuited, and then he immediately realized what the boy meant. At the same time, Wang Shuang felt the strength in his hand become tighter: "Sun Chongdong, I told you that I have a boyfriend. How about it? Is there anything else you can say now?"

Wang Shuang had already reacted at this time, what the hell, brother was used as a shield by her!

The boy looked at Wang Shuang, then at Ji Ge, and found that it seemed that Ji Ge was actually holding Wang Shuang's arm, and his raised fingers began to tremble slightly: "You, how could you..."

He suddenly turned his head away, turned around and was about to rush into the campus.Wang Shuang saw him and stopped him: "Hello, your name is Sun Chongdong, right?"

Sun Chongdong glanced back at Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang pointed to the spilled milk carton on the ground: "Take this away. If you drop it, you have to deal with it."

Sun Chongdong glanced at the milk spilled on the ground and the milk carton box, and instead of turning around to pick it up, he turned around and ran away.

Fuck, who is it?Wang Shuang shook his head helplessly, walked up to pick up the milk carton, and threw it into the trash can on the side of the road, then looked at Ji Ge helplessly: "Okay, that guy is gone now, can you let go of it?" Is my hand gone?"

Hearing this, Ji Ge glared at Wang Shuang: "Why, don't you like me holding your arm?"

unwilling?Damn, how is it possible!Wang Shuang suddenly came back to his senses. After realizing what he said, his mouth sweetened, and a mouthful of old blood almost gushed out.

However, no matter how regretful Wang Shuang was, Ji Ge also let go of his arm at this time, and looked back at Wang Shuang's somewhat frustrated expression, Ji Ge grinned at him, then stretched out his hand and beckoned: "Okay, I'm leaving, and I'll knock on your helmet after you come back at noon, and you have to come out for dinner on time then."

"Understood." Wang Shuang replied weakly.

Seeing Ji Ge bouncing into the school with his schoolbag in his hands, Wang Shuang turned his head and returned to his apartment. When he returned home, he took a look at the clean and tidy living room and kitchen, and all the rubbish in the trash can disappeared. The leftover fast food boxes and bowls and chopsticks on the table have all been disposed of, and I can't help but feel a little puzzled.

No matter in terms of life performance or her beauty, she should be a girl at the level of an otaku goddess. Why would she come over to be a nanny for a strange man for a not-so-high salary, and even live in his home?
Confused, Wang Shuang went into his room, checked his room, and sure enough, it was cleaned up by the other party.Wang Shuang sighed, put on the gaming helmet, and went online again.

Wang Shuang appeared on the plain outside the Black Feather Legion. The so-called Floating Life Gate is still standing on the ground not far away. The Floating Life Gate is about 30 meters high, and the whole body is framed by square stone pillars about five meters thick. become.The structure of the Floating Life Gate is also different from ordinary gates, and it looks weird.

Wang Shuang opened the small map, stared at it for a while, summoned two of his followers, and then asked Li Er to tap on his own map.The display area of ​​the map suddenly expanded several times, but unlike before, those red dots have completely disappeared, and Wang Shuang has not seen a single red dot this time.

It's okay if there is no red dot, so there shouldn't be any hindrance for my brother to brush up the dungeon.

Wang Shuang walked on the plain for about an hour, and when he reached the Gate of Floating Life, his appearance gradually became farther and smaller, and his vision became blurred.In a pile of chaotic stones, a ball of light stood quietly, waiting for someone to touch it.

Wang Shuang walked up, touched the light ball, and immediately entered the environment where the difficulty of the dungeon was selected.


System prompt: You have entered the instance of the Black Cave, please select the difficulty of the instance.

Nine light clusters lined up like a long snake.Wang Shuang stared at the nine levels of difficulty for a while and thought for a while, then reached out to touch the purple light cluster.

At this time, Li Muxuan on the side suddenly stopped her and said, "Wait, my lord, have you forgotten what I told you when we entered the dungeon for the first time?"

Wang Shuang turned his head and glanced at her: "What did you say?"

"Dungeons below the green level will not have a way to lead to the dark world."

Wang Shuang snorted, and suddenly thought of going to the forum to check information about this dungeon.After seeing the method of entering the Underworld and the difficulty of the dungeon, Wang Shuang couldn't help but slapped his thigh and cursed: "Fuck, this is a level 30 dungeon. I hesitated for so long. I thought it was a level [-] dungeon!"

Hearing this, Li Muxuan on the side couldn't help covering her face.

(End of this chapter)

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