Chapter 278
"My lord, you really want to sell her to...the hands of those people." Mi Ludo interrupted at this moment.Wang Shuang glanced at her, she and Wang Shuang looked at each other, and immediately shrank their heads.

What is she afraid of?Wang Shuang was confused for a while, and then suddenly realized: Mirudo is a dark elf, although it is a little different from ordinary elves, but from the perspective of race, dark elves are still an extension of elves, so when Wang Shuang planned to send Evelyn When it was sold, Mi Luduo couldn't help thinking about it.

"Don't worry, I won't sell you, you are so cute, I don't want to part with it." Wang Shuang smiled brightly.

Turning his head, just about to say something to Evelyn, Wang Shuang suddenly found that the expression on this guy's face became a little abnormal.Taking a closer look, Wang Shuang found that the other party was blinking pitifully, with trembling eyelashes, and slightly pouty lips... What the hell, is she maliciously acting cute?Wang Shuang was shocked, Your Highness Princess of the Elf Clan, what about your integrity?


After some conversations, the other party also gradually realized that Wang Shuang was just talking about it, and had no intention of actually selling her, so he was relieved immediately, and at the same time began to gradually talk to Wang Shuang about things he knew.For example, the capital of the Elven Kingdom, the first-level main city: the fall of the stars.The houses there are all grown naturally by trees, which have been deformed by various spells performed by the elders of the elves. On the premise of not harming the trees, many elves have been provided with a large number of comfortable and safe tree caves.

As Wang Shuang listened, he wondered what this had to do with his brother.But seeing that Evnilan, the elf princess, and Li Muxuan have gradually started chatting, and at the same time, the dark elves on one side are slowly joining the conversation. Seeing that the other party doesn't reject her very much, Mi Luduo gradually let go of her courage , and started chatting.

For a while, only Wang Shuang was excluded, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Okay, okay." Wang Shuang said with a dark face, waving his hands and said, "I'll talk about it later, I have to go back and have a look. It is said that the undead people are attacking today. If the Black Feather Army falls, Then the Gate of Floating Life might not be able to keep it."

"Today is the first day. Did you forget that you charged the amulet before, so they can fight for a day without dying?" Li Muxuan said.

Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Even so, I will go and have a look. Even if there is nothing wrong today, I will start fighting tomorrow. It is always good to know your enemies in advance."

And Wang Shuang is more worried about the undead players. He saw the undead players' activity posts on the forum before, and Wang Shuang suddenly discovered that this time his opponents are not only powerful NPC legions, but also players. Fuck, the strength of the NPC was stronger than the combination of the human race and the elf race, and now there are so many players coming up. On the other hand, there is only one player here!
Is it really possible for the human race and the elf race to win?

Wang Shuang's heart fluttered, and he couldn't help but began to think about the help that the Black Feather Legion had provided him. Except for quickly raising his level to level 60, the others seemed... There was no other help!

Do you expect a level 60 player to fight against their entire undead players?

Wang Shuang laughed awkwardly.

Now Wang Shuang is going back to the camp of the Black Feather Legion, first to replenish the recovery potion.Although there is no loss recovery agent in the dungeon, it consumed a lot when fighting the skeleton before, and the durability of the equipment also needs to be repaired.Wang Shuang rushed back with Li Muxuan, Mi Luduo, and Evelani.As for the NPC Evelyn, Wang Shuang decided to take it with him for the time being. Anyway, by tomorrow, the elves' reinforcements should also arrive at the Black Feather Legion and join forces with them to resist the undead.

All the way without words.After rushing for an hour, Wang Shuang finally saw the barracks where the Black Feather Legion was located.

After entering the barracks, Wang Shuang noticed that there were a lot fewer people in the barracks. In addition to the fact that the guards at the gate were almost halved, there was not even a single NPC in the barracks. Only a few logistics NPCs were still there.Wang Shuang pushed away the kitchen and was taken aback for a moment. There were not a single chef missing here.

"Adventurer, what's the matter?" The sausage mouth that Wang Shuang had seen before came up at once, looked at Wang Shuang and asked strangely: "What are you doing in the kitchen at this time?"

"Where's the Black Feather Legion?" Wang Shuang quickly asked, "Where are they? Why did they all disappear when I came back?"

"They are going to guard the Gate of Floating Life." Sausage Mouth raised his eyebrows, and looked at Wang Shuang speechlessly: "They set off before dawn this morning, and it is almost night now, maybe they have already met Wang Shuang. The army of the undead, and has experienced a war."

"Nani?" Wang Shuang was shocked, and glanced at the current time, it was 12:04.Indeed, according to the timing method of the star wish, 30:[-] last night was the beginning of a new day in the star wish, and now it is [-]:[-] in the morning. According to the ratio of the star wish time to the real time is two to one, This time is equivalent to [-]:[-] in the afternoon, which is almost five o'clock in the afternoon!

So it is true that they should have encountered the legion and players of the undead, right?And it might be over.Just judging from the fact that the Gate of Floating Life and the Black Feather Legion's barracks are still there, the Black Feather Legion's tactics have indeed succeeded. Using the charged amulet, they successfully blocked the first wave of undead attacks.

"The location." Wang Shuang remembered this crucial question at this time, and asked hastily: "Where is the location? Where did they meet the undead?"

"Sword Hunting Level, which is also the closest level to the Gate of Floating Life, the front line of our human territory." Sausage Mouth was very clear about this point. Meaning, a cook like me knows this, but you, an adventurer in charge of fighting, don’t even know this?

Wang Shuang couldn't help but blush, unfolded the map, and found this level in no time.Just about to bring Li Muxuan and others there, when I suddenly thought of this elf princess, I felt a little headache again.

"By the way, neither of you is level 60." Wang Shuang suddenly remembered this, and glanced at his two followers.

"Yes, my lord." Li Muxuan was stunned, and then replied.

"Yes, yes, it hasn't arrived yet." Miludo also echoed.

Evelyn remained silent.Wang Shuang glanced at the level on the opponent's head, only level 28.The third level seems to be because Wang Shuang took her to kill the boss just now, and it suddenly rose up. Otherwise, when she saw Wang Shuang for the first time before, her level should be level 25.

"Okay, you don't have to go with me." Wang Shuang waved his hands with black lines all over his head: "You guys chop up scarecrows in this military camp, and go to class after chopping. When I come back, I will be almost level 60, right? "After speaking, I suddenly remembered that I don't know if the tutor in the school is still there. It was Tiliks before, but now that the frontline battle broke out, Tiliks probably has gone to the sword hunting level.

Passing through the school grounds, Wang Shuang opened the door and walked into the building. He saw an NPC standing there that he had never seen before. He adjusted his glasses: "Adventurers, if you need to attend lessons, please go to the basic exercises first. And People who have reached level 60 can't learn more from me, and it is not recommended to waste time here."

"I asked two of my followers and this guy to chop the scarecrow, and come to you for a lecture after the chopping, is it okay?" Wang Shuang asked.

"It's in line with the process, of course no problem." The NPC nodded.

That's easy.Wang Shuang explained a few more words to Li Muxuan and Mi Lu, and the two agreed with pouted lips. After all, this matter was quite boring for them.Then Wang Shuang cast his eyes on Evelyn and asked, "I don't think you like wasting time, do you?"

Evelyn raised her head at this time and glanced at Wang Shuang: "Adventurer, I am an archer, and I need a bow."

"It's easy to say." Wang Shuang snapped his fingers, rummaged through his backpack, and handed the longbow with the proficiency feature dropped by a mob before to Evelyn: "I don't expect you to be able to fight the enemy, at least you have The ability to protect myself, I don’t like drag oil bottles, maybe if I’m not happy, I’ll sell them directly to those slave traders.”

Evelyn gritted her teeth and took the longbow in Wang Shuang's hand: "Okay, I see..."

Wang Shuang grinned and reached out to rub Evelyn's hair. He was a little surprised to see that the other party didn't resist much.Then Wang Shuang also rubbed the heads of Mi Luduo and Li Muxuan, saying goodbye to them.

When Wang Shuang walked out of the barracks, Li Muxuan followed from behind: "My lord, you handed her the longbow and asked her to improve her strength. Are you really planning to bring her with you?"

Hearing this, Wang Shuang glanced at Li Muxuan, laughed and said, "How is that possible, as soon as the elves' reinforcements arrive tomorrow, I will tell them to return the princess of the elves."

"Then what you did just now was..." Li Muxuan's face was full of puzzlement.

"It's just a boring move." Wang Shuang sighed: "I just like to have expectations for some impossible things. Well, I'm leaving, and you should go back to training quickly. When you come back, I hope you have reached At level 60, you can continue to go out with me to explore the Underworld."

"Understood." Li Muxuan cheered up, stood at attention and saluted Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang finally bid farewell to Li Muxuan and went to Jianshou checkpoint.

At the same time, under the sword hunting level.

This place is full of blood today, and there is a mess and blood everywhere.Countless undead players and NPCs died under this blood-stained level.Fortunately, in the end, the leader of the Skeleton Guild thought that the other party might have some special skills, so he didn't let other guilds continue to rush forward, which reduced the losses of other undead guilds.

The first battle was completely played by the opponent's NPC, which cast a shadow over the hearts of every undead player.

(End of this chapter)

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