It's time to play online

Chapter 279 Reinforcements Arrive

Chapter 279 Reinforcements Arrive
Among all the undead player guilds, there were countless players who lost levels or equipment during the first day of battle.Many guilds discovered some problems after charging and dying once or twice, and did not continue to let their guild members charge upwards.

As for the small guilds with some problems in judgment and order transmission, they naturally suffered. It was not until some people died four or five times that the guild began to stop and count the losses.In the process, there were countless angry players, some of whom were reluctant to continue online after being killed twice.

However, some guilds took a stance of watching the fire from the other side, which happened to avoid losses.

Of course, there are only a few who do this, and most guilds believe that this is a battle of great disparity in strength, and they have an advantage in terms of combat effectiveness and numbers.To put it bluntly, it's just a battle of giving experience, gold coins and meritorious service.But the reality is that the losses of NPCs are also very heavy. Fortunately, they are undead, and many soldiers were resurrected as skeleton warriors after the war and walked back by themselves.

As for the main guilds of the undead, the guilds have a longer-term vision than the small guilds, and when they see something wrong, they immediately ask the people below to stop.When the undead NPCs began to retreat, someone suddenly found that a guild that should have been here hadn't appeared: "Strange, where are the members of the Sun Guild? Didn't we agree that we would help the NPCs to send troops to charge together?"

Long after the undead NPCs withdrew their troops, no one saw the leader of the Sun Guild rushing to bring the players of his own guild. After seeing the messy battlefield and the battle situation during the day, this zombie leader He patted himself on the chest: "It's okay, it's a good thing I overslept, otherwise we would have lost a lot."

The head of the Skeleton Guild, Tiandu Skeleton, couldn't help being speechless when he heard it: "You haven't shown up all day, is it because you overslept?"


The Skeletal Superintendent looked Sun Huoyu up and down, feeling that the other party really didn't seem to be lying, and couldn't help asking: "Even if you overslept, it's okay, the vice president of your guild, and the following What about the members of the guild, why didn't they come, did they all oversleep?"

"Oh, they said that because I didn't order them to act in time, they came late. Behind our large team, they had a fight with a small guild for some reason and started fighting. Of course, our guild completely crushed the other party. Lah, hahaha!"

The Skeletal Governor was completely speechless: "What are you happy about defeating a small guild, and it belongs to our undead?"

"He provoked our guild, but he was trampled in the face by our guild members, which makes me feel very good." Sun Huoyu said.

Skeleton Tiandu shook his head, thinking to himself that this person is really unreasonable.The Skeletal Superintendent didn't intend to continue communicating with Sun Huoyu, so he turned his head away, blacked out all the names of people in a list in the friend list, and sent a group message.About 10 minutes later, several grand guilds of the undead all gathered together.

Tiandu Skeleton took a look at everyone, and couldn't help asking: "Now the results of the first day are over here. I think everyone is very clear about the situation on the first day. I don't know if you have any good solutions?"

A vice president of a guild said: "There is no way, but we have already figured it out. This seems to be a one-time talisman used by human NPCs, which can ensure that all their NPCs will not die even if their blood bars are emptied within a day. Will leave at least 1??? blood to continue fighting."

The Skeletal Superintendent nodded: "It's no wonder that after we wiped out their blood bars, we can't touch them at all."

Another person also said: "I just heard from our undead NPC that the production and charging process of this amulet is quite troublesome. In the past, it was usually used to deal with the human race when it was very critical."

The Skeletal Superintendent snorted: "In other words, the other party probably won't be able to use this thing tomorrow."

"No way!"

"Okay." The bone governor regained some confidence: "Tomorrow morning, we will continue to attack the city according to our plan."


"Boss." This time it was the Vice President of the Skeleton Guild, the Skeleton Warlord, who spoke this time: "Speaking of which, why did the human race use such a precious talisman on the first day of the battle?"

"Now you have to look at the forums of other races." The Skeletal Superintendent opened his own menu, and called up a screenshot floating in the air.Seeing this, not only the Skeleton Warlord, but also the presidents and vice presidents of several surrounding guilds gathered to watch: "Today, the human race has only one regiment, the Black Feather Legion, and another very famous legion of the human race, the Tima Legion, is estimated to be Returning late, the reinforcements from the elves will arrive around the early hours of the game, so I have to use this amulet."

"So that's the case, not to mention the weak force, the NPCs of the human race are also very clear that after losing the sword hunting level, they will no longer be able to come up with a level to stop us. We are equivalent to fighting on the enemy's bottom line. Once we succeed The opponent is equivalent to losing everything, which makes the enemy very uncomfortable."

"That's right." The Skeletal Governor didn't show a smile until this time.

"How about we encourage the undead NPCs to attack the barracks of the human NPCs before dawn and before the elves' reinforcements arrive? It happens that our NPCs and players don't sleep, but the human NPCs need to sleep .Even if the opponent's immortality effect is still there, at least it can consume their spirit." The Skeletal Superintendent looked at the others.

"I don't think it's very good... If their condition is still there, we will not say it for nothing, and the loss of the guild players will be further deepened, which will make the guild players complain."

"I agree, not to mention that the opponent's long-range weapons are not fake."

"Okay, then let's wait until tomorrow." Hearing this, the Governor of the Bone Sky sighed and could only compromise.


At this time, Wang Shuang has already arrived at the Jianshou checkpoint, and met with Tilix and Magna.

The current real time is nine o'clock in the morning, but it is already late at night in the game.A lamp was lit in the room, and while the lights were flickering, Wang Shuang vaguely saw an NPC in the room with the words "General Secreus of the Tima Legion" written on his head.

"You are the adventurer who went to the Waves City instead of us and charged the amulet." As soon as Wang Shuang walked in, Sekerius enthusiastically came up and shook Wang Shuang's hand.Is this... for the sake of prestige?Wang Shuang was a little surprised, but seeing the enthusiasm of the other party, Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing and said: "It's me, the general has worked hard, commanding the legion while resisting the attack of the undead, and defending the Jianshou checkpoint. After returning, His Royal Highness will definitely reward you a lot."

"Hahaha, the adventurer is serious. I just arrived today. If you want to say the credit for the first day, half of it goes to Magna, who led the soldiers to guard the checkpoint, and the other half belongs to you, adventurer." Sai Ke Lucy said with a smile.

"Me?" Wang Shuang was surprised when he heard this.

"Yeah, without your help to recharge the amulet, today's result would probably be different." Saikerius said.

Fuck.The cold sweat on Wang Shuang's head instantly flowed down. It's hard to imagine, if he was a few seconds late, or delayed too long in the dark world, what would be the result of the first day's battle?Sure enough, red-level missions can't be careless at all, as long as there is the slightest flaw, the mission will fail all at once.

But from this point of view, this guy is not very reliable, right?Wang Shuang glanced at Magna and Tyrex. You led troops to fight, and you didn't bring out the amulet after charging it first?
As if knowing what Wang Shuang was thinking, Tilix smiled wryly, stepped forward and said, "Adventurer, it's not because I'm not doing my job well, but after this talisman is charged, the energy on it can only last for two days. It has already taken me three days to bring the Black Feather Legion here, even if I had fully recharged it beforehand, it would have lost energy long after I brought it here."

"Okay." Wang Shuang could only say after hearing the words.

"Besides, this charge seems extremely easy, but in fact it will consume a huge amount of reserves." Tyrex shook his head: "If the situation is not urgent, I really don't want to use this method to save the Sword Hunting level."

"Fortunately, the undead guys have finally learned their lesson this time." Magna on the side also came up at this time, with a smile on his face: "Today, all our soldiers were killed to a good extent, and the undead side is fine. Even if you are not crippled, you will lose your vitality. Tomorrow, if we fight head-on, the overall strength will definitely be much weaker than today. Although our number of soldiers is not as good as that of the opponent, but we have long-range troops of the elves, and we are still guarding the sword hunting level geographically, so we may not be unable to win. .”

"Speaking of the elves..." Wang Shuang couldn't help coughing, hesitating for a while, but finally he couldn't speak: "The elves—the reinforcements, why haven't they arrived yet?"

I don't know if it was just a coincidence, but just after Wang Shuang said this, a messenger outside knocked on the door, and then ran in to report: "The elves' troops and the team leader have arrived."


Magna and Tirix of the Black Feather Legion, and Sekerius of the Tima Legion all walked out of the checkpoint barracks to receive the elves' troops.When Wang Shuang was in the territory of the elves, he had seen these guys quite a lot, so he didn't think it was unusual to see them now, but Magna from the Black Feather Legion kept staring at the elves' soldiers after exchanging greetings. He was full of praise: "I didn't expect that the elves would take out the cold moon purple wood bow to help us. The assistance of the elves, we humans will never forget."

"After all, we don't want the Sword Hunting Level to fall, and the Gate of Floating Life to return to the hands of the undead." The general of the elves also laughed.

Although Magna replied with a smile on his face, "That's that, that's that", he was secretly cursing in his heart. The palace of the human race didn't know how much money it sent, so it sent 2000 people out and sent them away.Fortunately, although the number of people was small, the quality of the bows and arrows completely made up for the gap, which also made Magna more comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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