It's time to play online

Chapter 281 Evelyn's Legendary Song

Chapter 281 Evelyn's Legendary Song


System prompt: You have collected Delicate Grass x2, and your skill yellow-level pharmacist has accumulated 5 experience points.

System prompt: You have collected raw fibrous roots x1, and your skill yellow-level pharmacist has accumulated 5 experience points.

System prompt: You have collected active leaf x3, and your skill yellow-level pharmacist has accumulated 5 experience points.


Because of the death of the big skeleton, the little skeleton warriors were all dead as well.Now on the huge plains and hills, there are all kinds of medicinal herbs scattered everywhere. As long as you walk in one direction for 1 minute, you will always come across two or three medicinal herbs that can be used to make blood-generating potions.

I don't know how long it has been accumulated like this. It was not until Wang Shuang searched the plains and hills, and even the scorched woods and riversides, that he reluctantly returned to the military camp.Glancing at the actual time, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

At 12 o'clock, the next day will come. At that time, the effect of the amulet will disappear. Maybe the NPC of the undead will come to attack the city at the right time. Wang Shuang decided to set off immediately, bringing his two followers rush over.

Before leaving, Wang Shuang found Evelyn and took a look at the other party's level. It was already level 35. Although it was not high, it could be seen that the other party had been working hard.Wang Shuang saw her chopping the dummy constantly, so he couldn't help but said, "Now I'm going to join the army of your Xia Sen Kingdom to resist the invasion of the undead."

"...Understood." She trembled all over, remained silent for a long time, and finally sighed lightly.

"Aren't you going with me?" Wang Shuang glanced at Evelyn's eyes, which were as clear as jewels, but with a faint mist, like a little rabbit who was bullied just now. .

"Isn't it up to you whether I go or not?" Evelani looked up at Wang Shuang, then suddenly dropped the dagger in her hand, went to the shooting range and drew the longbow, and started shooting those targets with the longbow.It has to be said that no one can replace the elves in shooting. Even this mediocre guy can do a very standard shooting posture, which makes Wang Shuang look sideways.

"You are free now." Wang Shuang was silent for a while, and said, "I will not interfere with your behavior anymore, you can do whatever you want now."

"Really?" Evelyn stopped what she was doing when she heard this, put one hand on her waist, and held a longbow in the other hand, with the bowstring resting on her arm, and looked at Wang Shuang lightly.

"Yes, those were just jokes before, you can do whatever you want," Wang Shuang said.

"Do you know what I want to do most now?" Evelyn asked.

"I'm not you, of course I don't know." Wang Shuang was about to leave as soon as he turned his head, but he put down the steps he had just raised and turned around helplessly to answer.

"I want to hit you right now, can I?" Evelyn asked.

"I don't think you can break through my physical defense." Wang Shuang grinned relaxedly.

"But after beating you—" Evelyn didn't care about Wang Shuang's answer, and didn't look at Wang Shuang's cheap smile. Shuang: "I hope to go to the front line with you, I want to let myself get experience, let me grow up, through my hands, when I return to Xiasen Kingdom, I will personally ask my brother for a justice!"


System prompt: You have accepted the red-level mission "Ephlane's Legendary Song", please guide Ephlane, help her improve her strength step by step, and let her have the strength to return to Xiasen Kingdom. Accompany her back together, looking for the buried truth...

After Wang Shuang saw the system prompt, he couldn't help opening his mouth in astonishment, and his jaw fell to the ground.

Fuck, I just want to get another beautiful follower, I just want to get a beautiful elf follower, why did it become a quest?There are already enough red-level missions in the bro mission list, why don't you come?You are really a brother who works for you!

Wang Shuang opened the taskbar without hesitation and pressed the cancel button.


System prompt: The main task cannot be abandoned.

"Hehe." Wang Shuang closed his task bar, then turned his gaze to Evelyn, and squeezed out a sentence word by word: "You didn't mean it on purpose, did you?"

"How could it be!" Evelyn looked at Wang Shuang very seriously: "That's what I really thought, because your previous behavior made me really unhappy, so I want to beat you up, but beat you up. After finishing you, I hope to go to the front line with you. Although I am the princess of Xiasen Kingdom, I also understand that I cannot grow without going through battles. If I don’t have power, this kind of thing will happen again in the future I don't know if someone can save me next time!"

Wang Shuang said anxiously after hearing the words: "Yeah, it's all right, what you said is very right. also know that if you have to go through a battle, the probability of your death is very high."

"Who can really grow up without going through the tempering of blood and iron?"

"Fuck." Wang Shuang couldn't help but swear: "Have you ever thought that if you die, it will be over and everything will be gone."

"Then I can only ask you to fulfill my will. I hope you can teach my brother a lesson after my death."

"Huh? Don't you think that becoming my follower and growing yourself together with me can sharpen yourself, and you don't have to be afraid of dying suddenly one day. It's the best of both worlds!"

"Become your...follower?" Hearing this, Evelani tilted her head and glanced at Wang Shuang, then at Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo behind Wang Shuang, and shook her head: "Forget it, there is The will to die and not to live is also an important part, if I can't sit up from a soldier, how can I ask my brother to argue?"

"Nimma, this is a real female man. She thinks that she can handle everything by herself, and she doesn't like to rely on others. When I meet this kind of person, there is nothing I can do!" Wang Shuang was completely helpless. Completely useless.It is estimated that even if this guy accidentally dies halfway, there will be some kind of plot, turning this red-level mission into revenge for her brother or something.

But the problem is - brother is not from your elves, you have to send a mission to find your people, what's the use of looking for brother, and brother is already a red-level task, now the pressure is huge, you are here to increase the burden on brother .Are you really here to ask me to do this task and then give you a reward, or is it to hurt me?
"What's more, you already have two female followers, and you plan to let me be your follower, do you want to open a harem?" Evelyn squinted, glanced at Wang Shuang from the corner of her eye, and said disdainfully He snorted coldly.

Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that there are already two women among his followers, which is also one of the reasons why the other party doesn't follow him?Does a player's followers have to be gender-balanced, or is this only true for followers of the opposite sex?
terribly upset.Wang Shuang sighed, anyway, is this guy willing to leave with his brother now?Seeing the other party's stubborn pouting, Wang Shuang said, "Let's go, early morning is approaching, let's talk while walking, when we meet the general of your Xiasen Kingdom, we can just tell him about the situation."

"No." Evelyn stared at her, "I, I haven't beaten you yet!"

Wang Shuang spat out a mouthful of old blood when he heard the words: "Get lost!"


It was already eleven o'clock in the morning when Wang Shuang brought Evelyn and two followers to the Jianshou checkpoint.There is still one hour until tomorrow, which is two hours of game time.Now the archers of the elves are shooting targets at the small barracks in the sword hunting level, while the soldiers of the human race are also chopping scarecrows and movable dummies, and the cavalry are wearing horse armor and bridles for their mounts in the stables. , the human archers followed the elf archers, practicing while imitating.

"The commander-in-chief is here." Just as Wang Shuang arrived at the barracks, Magna suddenly walked in from the outside and said.At the same time, when he saw Evelyn next to Wang Shuang, he couldn't help being taken aback: "Who is this?"

"Princess of the elves." Wang Shuang explained casually: "The situation is complicated. Didn't it mean that the commander-in-chief is here? Go see the commander-in-chief first."

"Okay, let's go." Magna nodded, took Wang Shuang into the barracks, and met Tyrex and the elf general.

Tilix was taken aback when he saw Evelyn, but the elf general reacted even more. When he saw Evellane coming in, his eyeballs almost fell out: "Princess? You, why are you here?"

His face suddenly became serious, he glanced at Wang Shuang next to him, and pulled out his longbow from behind: "Adventurer, what did you do to the princess of our kingdom?"

"Calm down." Wang Shuang waved his hand: "I didn't do anything, didn't I bring her here properly?"

Hearing this, the general of the elves in Xiasen Kingdom looked at Evelani suspiciously, at this time Evelani suddenly smiled, nodded and said: "Yes, he is my savior, but he is just here On the way, he casually teased me for a while..."

Wang Shuang felt a pain in his chest and almost suffocated: "Fuck, this is Chi Guoguo's revenge!"

Seeing that the elf general was about to go berserk, a voice suddenly came from outside: "Okay, everyone calm down."

Everyone in the military tent seemed to be under a magical spell. Whether it was the excited elf general or the triumphant Evelyn, they all restrained their expressions when they heard the voice.

A guy who was not burly but very well-proportioned and graceful walked in, his eyes did not fall on any of them, but he looked straight ahead, walked all the way forward, and sat down on the only seat in the military tent.Wang Shuang secretly inquired about the origin of this guy from Magna and Tilix next to him. After some inquiries, he finally found out who this guy was.

Li Yongzhi, the main force attacking the Gate of Floating Life this time, the three generals of the Li family in the capital of the Lionheart Kingdom, is now the commander-in-chief of the human race, leading the NPC who is the highest person in charge of this battle to guard the Gate of Floating Life.

Speaking of the Li family, Wang Shuang remembered that in his task list, there seemed to be a task related to the Li family...

(End of this chapter)

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