It's time to play online

Chapter 282 Proposal

Chapter 282 Proposal

Wang Shuang opened his task bar, looked for it, and soon saw a task that Wang Shuang had placed in the corner of the task bar for a long time.

[Yellow Grade Quest] The Secret of the Long Lan Pirates - Sub-task - Restore reputation.This is the task of helping the Longlan Pirates to restore the Jackie Chan Legion, and the root cause of the Longlan Pirates turning into a pirate regiment is the conspiracy of the Li family, which is what Li Muxiong, the airborne head of the Longlan Pirates, said .

Wang Shuang looked at the person sitting on the seat, feeling a little flustered in his heart for a while.Brother took the task of tracking down their Li family, will you encounter any trouble if you see him at this time?

This guy already knows that my brother took down their family, Li Muxiong, and the entire Sighing Islands.Shouldn't you be taking advantage of this mission to put on little shoes for your brother?
However, Li Yongzhi's eyes did not stay on Wang Shuang for half a second. He opened the map, and unfolded it on a huge desktop that slowly emerged. Then he pointed to the mark on the map and said to everyone: "Just now According to the news, the undead army has set off and has arrived at this position now."

As he spoke, he tapped a certain place on the map with his hand.Wang Shuang and several others leaned over together and stretched their necks to look.Wang Shuang's music identified the Jianshou checkpoint and the location of the Black Feather Barracks behind them. Looking at the location pointed by Li Yongzhi, Wang Shuang quickly calculated the distance between the Jianshou checkpoint and the Black Feather Army on the map. Come out, the opponent came to the checkpoint about an hour later.

And it's real time.

Taking a look at the current time, before the opponent came, Wang Shuang still had time to go offline to have a meal, go to the bathroom, and fight again after recuperating. The NPCs seem to have some important meeting to hold, and both Magna and Tyrex glanced at Wang Shuang, meaning to ask Wang Shuang if he would like to come.Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Following a few NPCs into the conference room, Wang Shuang watched the NPCs discuss tactics while synthesizing all the medicinal materials he had just collected.

Blood-generating potion, a yellow-grade potion, requires materials such as Linglong grass, fibrous roots, and living leaves... Success rate: 85?

It just so happens that today there is no interference from the talents, so I can prepare the potion properly!But even though there is no interference from talents, the lucky value of my negative 10 will still not change...


System prompt: Potion configuration successful!Your skill yellow-level pharmacist has accumulated 30 experience points, and you have lost the materials Linglong Grass x1, Fibrous Root x1, Liver Leaf x1... You have obtained a yellow-level potion: blood-generating potion!
System prompt: Potion configuration successful!Your skill yellow-level pharmacist has accumulated 30 experience points, and you have lost the materials Linglong Grass x1, Fibrous Root x1, Liver Leaf x1... You have obtained a yellow-level potion: blood-generating potion!
System prompt: potion configuration failed!Your skill yellow-level pharmacist has accumulated 15 experience points, and you have lost the materials Delicate Grass x1, Fibrous Root x1, Liver Leaf x1...


In the next half an hour, Wang Shuang prepared a large amount of blood-generating agents tirelessly, and the medicinal materials in the entire backpack slowly turned into groups of blood-generating agents.Although for Wang Shuang, the success rate of the blood-generating agent is only about two-thirds, which makes him really distressed.

Finally, after configuring the remaining medicinal materials, Wang Shuang looked at the pile of medicines that suddenly appeared, and his confidence suddenly increased.

Wang Shuang can now solve the problem of insufficient supplies.The effect of such a bottle of blood-generating potion is equivalent to four bottles of recovery potion. Unless they kill brother in seconds, brother should be in time no matter what!

It is 11 o'clock in the morning, which means that the other party will arrive at the sword hunting level at about 12 o'clock.At that time, it happened to be the time when the amulet's effect time disappeared!Without the protection of the amulet, the soldiers cannot achieve the amazing effect of being invulnerable to death no matter how hard they fight.

After Wang Shuang prepared the potion, he saw a group of NPCs still discussing in a meeting, but there was less than half an hour left. Do you want to continue the discussion?Okay, bro, go offline to drink water and go to the toilet, and then come back to fight with you.

Wang Shuang opened the system menu, pressed the button to exit the game, and soon the game screen slowly blacked out in front of his eyes.Wang Shuang took off his helmet, breathed in the air of the real world, and felt refreshed.

Is this because of Ji Ge's regular schedule?Wang Shuang looked happy, walked out of the living room to find a cup and poured a glass of water to drink, went to the bathroom again, and glanced at Ji Ge's room, the room was still in Ji Ge's style, but the owner of the room hadn't come back yet.Wang Shuang quietly closed the door, went back to his room and stared out of the window, after a moment of daze, put on his helmet and went online again.

When going online, the environment around Wang Shuang quickly became clear.At this time, Wang Shuang found that the meeting room where the discussions and debates had been just now suddenly fell silent. Looking carefully, there was no one there.

Nani, man!Wang Shuang walked out of the conference room and saw many soldiers busy on the city wall of Jianshou checkpoint.The location at the front of the Sword Hunting Level is very good, with towering peaks on both sides, no matter whether it is human or undead, it is completely impossible to climb the mountain and cross this level.

On the way to the top of the city, Wang Shuang suddenly saw a strange formation, and several soldiers were walking around, looking busy.Curious, Wang Shuang walked over and asked, "What is this for?"

An NPC soldier stopped and took a look at Wang Shuang: "This is the teleportation array of the undead. We have shut down its function and asked a few mages from our barracks to study the principle of the teleportation array. I believe that as long as they study In a few months, we can largely catch up with the technology of the undead in the teleportation array."

"So that's it." Wang Shuang nodded, greeted a few soldiers and walked around them to climb to the top of the city. As soon as he came up, he saw a high stone tower on the top of the city. The person sitting on it was actually Magna. .

What about Li Yongzhi?Isn't he the coach of this battle? Where did he go at this time?Just when Wang Shuang was a little confused, Tiliks came down from the stone building and saw Wang Shuang at a glance: "You came just in time, I have a task for you."

"Nani?" Wang Shuang's eyes widened, and he was about to refuse, but he didn't expect Tiliks to say to him with a serious face at this time: "This is related to the success or failure of our human race."

Fuck.Wang Shuang's egg hurts now. From this point of view, it is another important side mission. Will it be the same as the mission of the amulet before? Want to lose?Under the pain of the egg, Wang Shuang nodded and reluctantly accepted the task.


System prompt: You have accepted the cyan-level mission "Stealing the Floating Gate Attack Plan", please complete the mission within 2 hours.

Tiliks looked serious: "According to the news from the frontline scouts, the undead army is about to arrive at the Sword Hunting Level, and the second wave of attack is about to start. We don't have the protection of the amulet, and the pressure is much greater than yesterday. Today This situation seems to make it impossible to defend the Jianshou checkpoint without dying."

Wang Shuang sighed and asked: "Don't talk nonsense, I'll just ask me what I want to do."

Tyrex nodded: "According to your ability type, I think you are very suitable to go to the base camp of the undead and steal the opponent's battle plan. And because you are an adventurer, as long as you can get the battle plan, even if you are coming back If they are killed in battle on the way, they will not be lost. Of course, the other party is also very aware of this, so it is natural to do everything possible to protect their battle plan..."

Under Tilix's description, Wang Shuang gradually understood that this task is not easy to say, but it is not difficult to say that it is difficult.The main content of the task is to approach a certain military camp of the undead and collect a special item.On the way to collect props, Wang Shuang will encounter many NPC guards who cannot be avoided or are very difficult to avoid.At this time, Wang Shuang had to rely on his own strength to pass through the undead army camp in a short time and get the opponent's battle plan.

What can I do after I get it?Tilix didn't say anything, and the task was not written, but Wang Shuang probably didn't just simply complete the task.Since it is a task related to the success or failure of the battle, it must have an impact on the entire battle situation.

After Wang Shuang took over the task, he was about to leave when Tirix pointed to the bottom of the city wall and couldn't help sighing: "Come on, adventurers, our commander-in-chief is now down from the city wall, and the undead The chopsticks are desperate, if you can steal the opponent's battle plan as soon as possible, you can save many of our soldiers from bleeding and casualties."

Wang Shuang glanced under the city wall, and sure enough, he soon saw Li Yongzhi's figure.The reason why he was able to see each other immediately was because among the restless heads, only Li Yongzhi stood like a statue, watching the smoke and footsteps in the distance, unmoved at all.

Wang Shuang got off the city wall, opened the map, and began to quickly rush towards the opponent's camp.Wang Shuang's map showed him a small path. Along this path, Wang Shuang could bypass the regular army rushing forward and reach the opponent's barracks.

As for the detour time is not too much, probably just 10 minutes more mountain road Bale.It shouldn't be difficult for the Terran troops to barely hold on for 10 minutes, right?

Just as Wang Shuang made a detour across mountains and rivers, preparing to get close to the undead barracks, the head of the Skeleton Guild led several undead grand guilds out of the undead barracks.The members of the guild under them all left the barracks, and followed the undead army to the battlefield to obtain meritorious service and experience rewards.But they are still here now, not because they don't care about that meritorious service, but because they temporarily received a strange task.

Purple-level mission "Guardian Plan": In the next two hours, the human race will send assassins to spy on the undead's battle plan, travel route and personnel allocation plans. There are three plans in total, which are stored in the sky burial In the military camp, calamity military camp and bone dragon camp.Undead adventurers are requested to guard the three locations within two hours to prevent the assassins of the tribe from successfully obtaining the secrets of the undead. Once a plan is leaked, the undead will be punished with a large number of attributes, which will greatly increase the difficulty of attacking the gate of floating life .

(End of this chapter)

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