It's time to play online

Chapter 283 The Inner Ghost

Chapter 283 The Inner Ghost
Wang Shuang would never have imagined that the first time he accepted the sub-quest of guarding the Gate of Floating Life, he would face-to-face with all the players of the undead race.I also don't know that although Tiliks only told him to grab one plan, there are actually three plans to grab.But none of this mattered. When Wang Shuang approached the barracks, he looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, he quietly walked into the barracks.

Could it be that all the undead people went out to attack the sword hunting level, but instead relaxed the defense of the headquarters?Just as Wang Shuang was thinking this way, a guy approaching him startled him.Wang Shuang took a closer look and saw that it was just a skeleton soldier of more than 50 levels, holding a white bone sword and patrolling the first corridor in the barracks.

Unlike the human race, the barracks of the undead are not so well-regulated. Many skeleton soldiers do not have a barracks to rest. When there is no attack, most of them place coffins for ordinary skeleton soldiers to rest.As for vampires and dark knights, even more advanced spiritual houses and black blood stables were built for training.

Fortunately, when Wang Shuang saw the skeleton soldier at this time, he quickly hid to the side. The skeleton soldier only felt a gust of wind, but no one appeared when he looked around. He thought he was wrong, so he shook his head The skeleton head continued to patrol the aisle holding a white bone sword.

Wang Shuang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and moved on.Today, because there is no talent, the probability of Wang Shuang's stealth being discovered is a normal probability, and Wang Shuang's dark lurking has been strengthened, so he will not be discovered by auditory tracking.At the same time, you don't need to take a few steps to take a break, and wait for the cooldown time of the stealth to be up before moving forward. As long as Wang Shuang doesn't take the initiative to attack or use skills, he won't show up.

And the level of skeleton soldiers is lower than Wang Shuang, the probability of finding Wang Shuang is very low.So what if we found out?Even if you occasionally run into brother's bad luck, if you are found out, you will be cut off a few times.If the undead also have an alarm bell, I will hide temporarily when the alarm bell rings, and I will come out to find things after the limelight passes, perfect!
Moving forward, Wang Shuang opened the map and found the location of the undead attack plan he was looking for. It seemed to be in a place called the Sky Burial Barracks. If there were no obstacles on the road, Wang Shuang only needed to go through two A corridor, and then a shooting range and prison can be reached.

Entering the next corridor, Wang Shuang walked all the way forward in the aisle, passing the corner, Wang Shuang's pupils shrank, and almost bumped into a person walking towards him.

"Playing...players?" Wang Shuang was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and then remembered that the undead players seemed to have participated in the battle of Floating Life Gate, and couldn't help shrinking his pupils: Why are the undead players here?Shouldn't they be playing meritorious deeds with the undead NPCs in front at this time?

After Wang Shuang flashed to the corner, he stood still. There were two players walking towards him. They didn't notice Wang Shuang. The screenshots are here. The battle on the front line is really lively. The NPCs of the human race seem to be no longer in the same state as yesterday, and are now being killed by the NPCs of the undead race. Old Wang was so lucky that he got mixed up with a human race team leader. That is, the head of a BOSS, directly promoted to a level in place!"

"Damn it, I'm so envious. If we didn't have to guard three broken plans here, we should have gone to the front line by now."

"Affirmative, but the boss said that compared to the meritorious service on the front line, it is better to ensure that the mission of the Gate of Floating Life can be successfully completed. The boss has said so, what else can we say?"

"That's right. If this mission fails, let alone meritorious service, I don't think there is even a gross subsidy."

"Let's go, let's go to the calamity barracks, or the boss will find out that we are late for the guild mission and deduct our wages."


"Three plans?" After the two undead players walked over, Wang Shuang muttered twice on the spot. He opened the map and stood there looking at it. He was approaching the sky burial barracks, and there were NPCs attacking the undead. The attack plan, are there two other plans that can be seized?And judging from the conversation between the two of them just now, it seems that one of them is in the Calamity Barracks.

Wang Shuang licked his lips and grinned faintly.Although it is not clear where the last plan is, but I can use my advantage of stealth and stealth to find out slowly.

As for now, let's talk about the task first.

Wang Shuang started from the corner of the aisle, and quickly walked out of the aisle. Along the way, he met a large number of NPCs and players. Wang Shuang's face was dripping with sweat, and he walked on tiptoe. Fortunately, their levels seemed to be lower than Wang Shuang's. After several levels, no one found Wang Shuang at all.

Could it be that brother can just sneak all the way into the barracks and steal the plan?Wang Shuang was very upset.Until he entered the sky burial barracks and looked at a glittering golden prop surrounded by several people, Wang Shuang would never believe that this task was so simple!
Yes, this is simply too simple, Wang Shuang now only needs to walk up, put the plan in his backpack, and bring it back to the human camp to complete the task.This task was so easy that Wang Shuang could hardly imagine.But if he thought about it carefully, Wang Shuang felt relieved.

For ordinary players, players who don't have such heaven-defying stealth skills, if they want to enter this place, they have to keep sneaking and find places to hide.Different from Wang Shuang's dark lurking, ordinary stealth skills are stealth skills that last for 20 seconds and cool down for 30 seconds.That is to say, there is a 10-second gap in which the player is completely exposed to the outside world.The difficulty of the task lies in the constant search for hidden places and the time limit of only two hours.

If you are a slightly novice player, as long as you are a little nervous when approaching the plan, if you are accidentally spotted, all previous efforts will be completely wasted. If you are killed once, you can basically declare that the mission has failed. .

But what about Wang Shuang?No pressure.

Now Wang Shuang quietly bypassed several players, walked to the plan, looked at the golden plan and sighed, why is it so easy?
"President, the plan suddenly disappeared!" Just as Wang Shuang picked up the plan, a player suddenly shouted in his ear.Surprised by the shout, Wang Shuang almost threw away the plan in his hand. Fortunately, he flipped his wrist quickly, threw the plan directly into his backpack, and then quickly dodged away.At this time, the Skeleton Guild, the Sun Guild, and several other players gathered around one after another, looking at the empty desk and remaining silent.

"Who discovered it just now?" The bone governor raised his head and glanced at several players on the scene, and soon a player who also started with a bone squeezed out from the crowd: "Boss, I discovered it. I suddenly wanted to see what the plan looked like, and when I turned around, the plan was gone! It was gone in the blink of an eye!"

"I see." Skull Tiandu looked stern, gently touched the table with his palm, suddenly raised his head, left the table and said anxiously to the surrounding players: "No, the other party's skills are very superb, he has taken it now." The plan, it is estimated that he has already left quickly. Where do you think he will go next? We hurried to the Calamity Army Camp and the Bone Dragon Camp to strengthen our defenses. This time we will follow the whole process. Watch for two hours, no more mistakes are allowed!"


The people around, whether they were players from the Skeleton Guild or not, seemed to agree with the Skeleton Governor's idea. After responding, they all dispersed, and the Skeleton Governor also left in a hurry.The room that was crowded just now suddenly became extremely silent.

Wang Shuang stood in the corner and didn't come out from the beginning to the end. However, from the mouth of the skeleton Tiandu, he learned the location of the third plan, and now the time has only passed 10 minutes...

Nothing to say, go steal the next proposal.Although there is no sign on the task, if I go back and hand in the task now, maybe the NPC will continue to hurt me and ask me to steal the rest of the plan.Anyway, since undead players attach so much importance to it, it means that undead NPCs also attach great importance to it, which means that if they lose the plan, they will be very uncomfortable.

If it can make the undead uncomfortable, it will increase the winning rate for the human race.After Wang Shuang thought about it in his heart, he also ran to the next place behind the skeleton Tiandu.

"President, don't you think it's a bit strange?" On the way to the Calamity Barracks, the Skeleton Governor suddenly came up to a player from the Skeleton Guild.The Skeletal Governor glanced at him, turned his head and continued on his way.But he still asked, "What do you think is strange?"

"It's weird everywhere!" the player said, "Since it's a task sent by an NPC, it must not be impossible to complete, but have you seen that although our defense was not perfect just now, we should do it quietly." How difficult it is to steal the plan without attracting our attention. Let alone NPCs, even players may not be able to do it."

"Do you think it's the player who stole our plan just now?" Asked the Skeletal Superintendent hesitantly.

"It must be." The players of the Skeleton Guild looked around, making sure that none of the accompanying people paid attention to their conversation, opened the friend list and started a private chat with the Skeleton Governor: "Besides, I think there is a ghost in this matter." !"

"Do you think our undead people stole it?" Skeleton Tiandu's eyelids couldn't help but twitch!
"That's right, it must be like this. It is estimated that I accidentally indirected the mission of the human race, and then I was moved after seeing the mission reward, and took advantage of myself as a member of the undead race. Taking advantage of this convenience, all of us didn't notice. Under the circumstances, stole the first proposal!"

"That's right." The Skeletal Superintendent nodded approvingly: "Your analysis is very reasonable! I immediately adjusted our guard strategy so that they were all three meters away from the table. If anyone tries to approach the table forcibly, kill them on the spot! "

(End of this chapter)

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