It's time to play online

Chapter 287 The Ultimate Counterattack of the Undead

Chapter 287 The Ultimate Counterattack of the Undead
By the time the Skeletal Governor brought the players in the barracks to the battlefield, the situation on the battlefield had been reversed by the human race.

Seeing that the undead NPCs were about to retreat, some undead players who were fighting in the crowd saw the Skeletal Governor, and immediately rushed forward as if seeing a savior, and hurriedly asked: "Boss, what's the matter, what can we do?" ?"

"A solution?" Hearing this, Skull Tiandu snorted, shook his head and said, "If you are talking about a way to suppress the human race, I have no more. You should have received a reminder just now, and you have to wait 24 more Come again in an hour. What we can do now is to minimize the loss of undead NPCs. I will come and go to communicate with the generals of the undead and ask them to withdraw quickly. If this continues, it will be a waste of troops!"

The Skeleton Governor soon saw one of the ten death lords frowning at the back of the army, and hurried up to cup his fists and said, "Mr. Lord! I think you know that all three plans of our army were taken by human adventurers. It was stolen. Now that the power of the human race is in full swing, if we stay on the battlefield for one minute longer, we will lose a part of our troops. It is better to bring the whole army back. Even if we lose some more, it doesn’t matter, just keep the main force!”

The death lord Samantila glanced at the Skeleton Governor, his face turning purple: "Adventurer, the loss of our plan is related to your guard's mistake, right?"

The Skeleton Governor gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "Yes, it is true that I misdirected this matter, which led to the loss of all three plans! But there is a reason for this. We didn't know that it was the players who came back to steal the plans, let alone Know that this player will still be an assassin! Otherwise, we will definitely cover the surrounding area with lighting arrows every three seconds, so that the opponent has nowhere to hide!"

Samantila snorted softly: "An explanation is a cover-up, adventurer. I'm not here to listen to you making excuses for your mistakes. Now I want you to minimize losses and try to recover our results. Can you do it? "

Is this the rhythm of the task?Sure enough, when you are strong, you don't remember the player's credit, and when you are in trouble, you will think of the player first!But the Skeletal Governor still didn't say much, he gritted his teeth and nodded: "Yes, please give me another chance to prove myself!"

"Very good." Samantila's face softened a little, and he spoke briskly: "Now we continue to fight here, it is just a pointless confrontation that is not worth the loss. I now ask you to go to the front battlefield immediately and lead the opponent's cavalry The general's blood is reduced to 50???. No matter what method is used, I only look at the result. If you can do it, there is still hope for us to retain our troops!"

"I will live up to the lord's entrustment!" After receiving the reminder to accept the task, the bone governor returned to the few players he brought, and said: "I have received the task, and I will share it with you, and then come Let's see who we are facing this time."

Soon, the bone governor shared all the tasks he had received.Not only his own guild, but the Skeleton Governor also shared tasks with other undead guilds.Before the others had received the task, the Bone Goddess glanced at the time, and said anxiously: "Our task now is to consume this NPC's blood to 50 in the chaos??? But I think , if we can kill him directly, it may have a huge impact on the battle result of Floating Life Gate and the final reward of the mission!"

"But the boss." Someone hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but said: "That NPC of the human race has a name on the head with a gold frame, which means that the other party is a boss above level 80, let alone 50? 0??? I guess it won't be spent, right?"

The Skeleton Governor turned pale with anger: "Fart, open the skill bar, don't look at physical damage and magic damage, look for skills with real damage. Skills with real damage can't be offset no matter how high the attribute is, real How much blood is deducted for the amount of damage, no discount at all!"

"Boss." At this time, another player among the players came out. His ID on his head was the Skeleton Demon. He looked at the Skeleton Governor and said slowly, "My talent is 'Corpse and Soul', and everyone of the same race around me When the unit is killed, I will get a 10??? attack and magic attack bonus, but the duration is only 4 seconds. If necessary, please think of a way, it is best to kill a large number of undead units in an instant , let me get a super attribute bonus, and then slashed that BOSS."

The Skeletal Superintendent heard the words and couldn't help being overjoyed: "So that's it! As for what you said, it's not a problem. We undead people are born with the skill 'Sacrifice Blast', which directly detonates ourselves to cause area damage and die immediately. When the time comes, let All undead players detonate themselves, allowing you to gain a large amount of attribute bonuses, killing this BOSS with one knife, and causing as much damage as possible, everything is up to you!"

The Skeleton Demon immediately nodded and bowed: "I will definitely fulfill my mission."


After confirming that the undead players couldn't make any trouble, Wang Shuang looked at the top of the city for a while and found that the undead didn't continue to resist, and the generals of the undead also had the idea of ​​retreating. What will happen next, don't worry. Want to know.At this time, Wang Shuang's stomach suddenly became noisy, and he remembered that he hadn't eaten lunch yet, so he quickly popped up the menu and went offline.

After taking off the helmet, Wang Shuang held the helmet in a daze for 5 minutes before walking to the living room. As soon as he walked out of the living room, he saw a plate of food sealed with plastic film.

After tearing off the plastic film and heating the food in the microwave, Wang Shuang glanced at the time, and it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, Ji Ge had disappeared. Wang Shuang opened the room of the other party and found that the other party was lying on the bed wearing a game helmet, with a curvaceous body, and an evil thought suddenly appeared in his heart.But after walking in, I found that her chest was rising and falling with each breath. I thought of the efforts made by the other party to wake me up and run in the past two days, clean up the room and help him improve his living habits. Even after going online, I have to take care of her Why is Wang Shuang not eating?

Don't look at Wang Shuang's heartless life, he is actually a good guy who knows how to remember others.Thinking of Ji Ge's doing so much for himself, and now he entered her room without Ji Ge's permission, Wang Shuang couldn't help his cheeks burning for a while, and retreated out a little ashamed.

After hesitating at the door for a while, Wang Shuang suddenly realized that he didn't look like a man.Since ancient times, gentlemen and gentlemen have been good, and now there is a girl who is similar to an otaku goddess who lives next to his room. After he entered, he chose to leave because of ridiculous values ​​​​and morals?

Wang Shuang himself thought he was ridiculous.Suddenly Wang Shuang remembered a joke he had seen on the Internet before.When you share the bed with a woman one night and cannot restrain your desire, you are a beast, and if you restrain your desire and do nothing, then you are worse than a beast.

Does Wang Shuang want to be a beast now, or is it better than a beast?

Just as Wang Shuang was hesitating, Ji Ge's sigh suddenly came from the room, and then Wang Shuang heard the sound of the helmet being placed on the table, and at the same time there was a sound of footsteps in the room.Damn, is she offline?Wang Shuang was so frightened that he ran back to his room. When he heard the door closing from the toilet outside, his heart was beating wildly.

It turned out that it was just going to the toilet, and Madan going to the toilet can scare my brother like this!

Wang Shuang was ashamed and indignant. He glanced at his gaming helmet. Wang Shuang gritted his teeth. Now that he's back, let's continue. Don't care if it's a beast or not, it's none of my business!Brother is the one who chases Luoxue Qianli as a goddess, as for other women, I don't even look at them!
As for now, going online and continuing to do tasks is the kingly way.

After Wang Shuang went online, his game character appeared at the top of the city.At this time, the city was still fighting, Wang Shuang glanced at his side, and Tiliks was still watching from the top of the city.Just as he was about to ask Tirix how the battle was going, suddenly there was a deafening explosion from below.

As soon as Wang Shuang went online, he was stunned for a moment, and quickly looked down.Then he saw a scene he will never forget in his life.

Under the city wall, countless skeleton soldiers held bone swords and fought with the heavy armored spearmen of the human race. The cavalry team cut back and forth in the ranks of the undead, and saw that the formation of the undead had been riddled with holes.At this time, an undead player suddenly put away his weapon and used a skill with a flat face.His face, arms, chest and two legs were all exploded, and the broken flesh sprayed the faces of several NPCs next to him.

Not just one person, everyone seems to have heard a certain order at this moment. Some players were talking and laughing, while others exploded themselves in silence. They had different expressions on their faces and different states.Some people are already candles in the wind, and the blood on their heads is no more than 10? ? ?Some people's heads are obviously full of blood, but they still choose to detonate themselves.Wang Shuang's eyes were shuttling among the thousands of players who exploded. He suddenly saw a familiar ID and was stunned for a moment.

Perhaps because of a sympathetic heart, Tiandu Bone happened to raise his head at this time, and met Wang Shuang's gaze.Looking at the other party's confused and puzzled eyes, Tiandu Skeleton chuckled and murmured: "Wang Shuang, let me show you the anger and strength of the undead players, as well as the rock-solid majesty of the Eternal Night Kingdom."

The next moment, the body of Tiandu Skeleton exploded into countless pieces of broken flesh, and blood sprayed Magna's face.The tens of thousands of players blew up at the same time, causing a lot of casualties to the troops on the human side.But none of the human NPCs died because of this, because although the explosion was a bit powerful, it was still not enough for them.

What do the undead want to do?Just when Wang Shuang was puzzled, among the skeleton army criss-crossed by the undead, Wang Shuang suddenly saw a player who didn't blow himself up.

The figure of that person is a little bloated, I don't know if it is on purpose or for other reasons.He raised his head, and the weapon in his hand was so hot that it began to glow red.Wang Shuang found that he raised his weapon lightly and stared at Magna with contempt in his eyes.The moment the big knife in his hand was raised above his head, there was a sudden pause, and then he slashed down fiercely.

Magna originally had 75 left? ? ?His qi and blood were directly split into empty blood by this knife, and the blood groove on his head burst directly.

(End of this chapter)

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