Chapter 288

I rub!

Wang Shuang couldn't believe his eyes, what happened just now, why the blood bar on Magna's head burst suddenly, Magna is a level 85 NPC, I remember his blood has... Ma Dan, 1000 About ten thousand?Even if you just left 75? ? ?There are also around 800W.This guy is so stubborn, killing him with one blow?

Wang Shuang didn't know the talent of the Skeletal Demon, but the Skeleton Governor knew it in advance.But even he didn't expect that it could cause such a shocking effect.The moment the Skeleton Demon killed Magna, the screenshot of the splashing blood and burst blood vessels was sent to the guild's chat channel, which immediately stirred up waves.

After careful calculation, the Skeleton Demon is now level 56, and he is wearing a set of second-tier equipment with a cross of purple and black grades. Since the Skeleton Demon is a player who puts all his strength into it, the physical attack of the Skeletal Governor is much higher than that of ordinary players. Less, around 4600.

And every time an undead unit dies around, it can provide 4? ? ?and magic attack bonus.After confirming the talent of the Skeletal Demon, the Skeleton Governor made himself and all the players in several other guilds self-destruct. The number of NPC skeleton soldiers is 10, and the number of players is only 3.2. From the beginning of the battle, there are only 2.5 people on the battlefield. When the Skeleton Governor decided to adopt his opinion, the total number of players on the battlefield was only 1.8 W or so.

这样来看,骸骨天魔能获得的攻击加成就是1800倍左右。1800*4600=8280000,相当于830W左右的气血。并且骸骨天魔这一刀还不是普通攻击,而是战士第一次转职时候学的一个高伤害技能“蛮力打击”:造成400 124?理攻击的伤害,并使目标在3秒内损失9???防御。

Therefore, the total damage of the bone demon's knife is about 1062W.Even after deducting Magna's defense and resistance, it can still do about 850W of damage.It's not a surprise to kill Magna directly.

And Magna was relatively innocent. Before he even had time to activate his own weapon, he saw a reckless adventurer rushing up and chopped off his head with a wave of the strange weapon in his hand.After Magna died, the death lords on the undead side were all taken aback, and then laughed wildly.In particular, Samantila, who had issued a mission to the Skeleton Governor, waved his hand excitedly: "Well done, well done! Our adventurer completed the mission brilliantly and directly killed a general of the human race. The rise of the Eternal Night Kingdom is now! Long live Arilim!"

"Long live Arilim!" The skeleton soldiers raised the bone swords in their hands, like a sea of ​​white flowers, and began to surge forward.Wang Shuang saw that those cavalrymen who were so majestic just now couldn't even beat ordinary skeleton warriors, they were torn into pieces like the weakest white paper, and fell off the horse's back with bloody flesh.

Just as the undead army began to charge, the Skeleton Sky Demon and other undead players received a system prompt at the same time. The system had acknowledged that they had completed the mission and directly issued mission rewards to them.


System prompt: You have perfectly completed the task "Repelling the Human Race General Magna", you have obtained experience rewards of 9600W, gold coin rewards of 28W, the equipment "The Mercy of Eternal Tears", and the skill book "Dragon Martial Slash" ".


System prompt: You have reached level 58.

System prompt: You have reached level 59.


Almost everyone's rewards were similar. Looking from the city wall, the camp behind the undead was filled with golden light so bright that even Wang Shuang, who was far above the city, could easily see it clearly.Wang Shuang quickly looked at Tyrex beside him, only to find that the other party staggered and knelt on the ground.

"Hey, General." Wang Shuang was also dumbfounded when he saw Tiliks like this, and after recovering, he quickly stretched out his hand to help Tiliks to stand up.Tilix stood up slowly supported by Wang Shuang, but Wang Shuang still did not dare to let go.Because Wang Shuang could clearly feel that the opponent had no strength at all at this moment, and he could only stand with Wang Shuang's support.

Wang Shuang carefully looked at the expression on Tilix's face, and found that there was no expression on the other's face at the moment, and his face was dull, but there was a crazy despair growing and spreading deep in his pupils.That's right, there are only a few capable guys in the human race now, so one of them will be wiped out, so how can we fight afterwards?
"Adventurer." After a long time, Tiliks turned to look at Wang Shuang: "It's okay, I'm fine..."

"Really?" Wang Shuang hesitated for a moment, feeling the real strength coming from the opponent's body, and then slowly let go of Tyrex.

"Adventurer." Tirix sighed with a depressed face: "Do you know how I felt when I heard that you killed my mentor?"

"I..." Wang Shuang was at a loss for words for a while, is he going to come to Ge Xingshi to question him at this time?But the tone doesn't sound like it.Wang Shuang hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Do you hate me?"

"Yeah, I hate it very much." Tirix grinned, and said with a little dismay: "Even if it is the next mission, I will deliberately make things difficult for you within the scope of the rules, but I did not expect Yes, you still completed the task excellently."

I wipe!Wang Shuang was shocked when he heard that, it turned out that the plan was issued by you to make things difficult!No wonder, I was thinking that although the NPCs are all mentally handicapped, but there are so many players, if my level is not as high as them, or if they directly surround the plan, I can only force myself to show up, and show up Afterwards, if there is no such powerful attribute, it will be a rhythm of being instantly killed by them.

I thought it was caused by the difficulty of the red level, but it turned out to be your deliberate embarrassment!Wang Shuang squeezed his fist, but let it go quietly, brother... I can't hate this guy.

Indeed, although the task was a bit difficult, I not only completed the task, but also stole the other two proposals. After completing the task, the rewards did not treat my brother badly. It is really difficult for my brother to have any resentment towards Tyrex!
"What do you mean by telling me this now? Do you want revenge?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said, "And you also said in the letter to your mentor that everything depends on God's will. If someone finds Losako If you don’t have the identity, then you will personally capture him and bring him back for questioning. He is the deputy head of the pirate group, so even if he is handed over to the Lionheart Kingdom, he will be a death penalty, right?”

"Then I have to end the mentor's life myself!" Tyrex suddenly raised his hair like an angry attack and roared, then his tone paused, and his momentum weakened again: "What I meant at that time was actually not I didn't intend to rely on God's will."

"That is?"

"You won't understand, adventurer." Tirix sighed: "I wrote that in the letter, even if you haven't read it, my mentor will be suspicious and suspicious. Instead of betting on this small probability, it is better to return directly to the Sighs Islands, so in fact, my original intention was to tell my mentor to escape..."

"Nani?" Wang Shuang's eyes widened: "It's all right, so what's the point of you writing this letter with so many words? Afraid that the envelope will be intercepted halfway, and you will be questioned?"

"Yes. The sense of honor bestowed on me by the kingdom makes it impossible for me to ignore this matter, but I can't hurt my mentor, so I can only let him escape, and escape to a place out of my reach."

It turns out that the cyan mission at that time still had such connotations!If Wang Shuang hadn't accepted an undercover mission in the pirate group, Wang Shuang would not have smashed Qiu Jinhao's plan to attack Saiyan City, blew up their big ship, and blew Losako and Gira into pieces. seriously injured!

And at that time, the Longteng Guild also got involved and held up Lothak, which made Kesma kill Lothak, which made it impossible for Wang Shuang's mission to be completed, and caused Tyrex and Wang Shuang to hook up. It turns out that the final results of many stories were completely rewritten by Wang Shuang inadvertently.

"Let's go with the matter of the mentor." Tilix walked to the city wall, condescendingly watched the army of skeleton soldiers slowly coming up from below, his voice was slightly cold: "He is a pirate after all, he should have expected On such a day, even without you, if he stays restlessly on the island and instead wants to annex the territory of the Lionheart Kingdom, he will fail sooner or later. But Magna..."

Tyrex's face became painful: "He is the backbone of our Floating Life Gate. I can't imagine that he would lose his life in this battle. It's so fast that I didn't expect it... Adventurer, you know Well, the teacher once said a word before, and I still remember it until now."

"What?" Wang Shuang said in pain.

"People can often understand a lot of truths when they are in great pain." Tiriks laughed bitterly, covering his chest with his hands: "It's just that the pain... may not be too intense."


System prompt: Tyrex Savi, deputy head of the Black Feather Legion in Waves City, wants to teach you the skill "Break and Stand", do you accept it?

"Break and then stand?" Wang Shuang didn't accept it directly, but glanced at Tilix, fearing that Tilix still had hatred for him, so he didn't dare to accept it.

"Let's see the effect." Tyrex didn't explain too much, and directly flicked a message box to Wang Shuang.

——Break and then stand LV1: When you die, there are 5? ? ?Can respawn in place after 3 seconds and gain 10 after respawn? ? ?sex bonus.But after the rebirth is successful, it will still be punished by death, and the corresponding loss will be deducted.

Fuck!When Wang Shuang saw the skill explanation, he was scared to pee on the spot!Wang Shuang's first reaction now is that if he has talent, if he has talent...

If there is a talent, does it mean that the probability of triggering this skill directly becomes 95?

Fuck!This is simply too powerful, with the effect of the Gornik Medal, there are 20? ? ?Not affected by the death penalty, that is to say, when the times are running, every time Wang Shuang dies, there are 95? ? ?Resurrection in situ, and there are 80? ? ?Not affected by death penalty!
Brother, you are invincible!

(End of this chapter)

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