It's time to play online

Chapter 289 Configuring Potion

Chapter 289 Configuring Potion
Immediately afterwards, Wang Shuang now had a more painful question.

It's three o'clock in the afternoon, and today is not an odd day. Wang Shuang's talent is in a dormant state, and Wang Shuang can't do anything to the skeleton army under the city wall!
Without talent, these are farts!Wang Shuang was so angry that he almost fainted.

Seeing the gloomy look on Wang Shuang's face, Tilix thought he disliked the effect of this skill, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, the trigger probability of this skill is indeed very low at the beginning. But as long as you After triggering a few times, the success rate of rebirth will become higher, up to 20???!"

"Fuck!" Wang Shuang was surprised when he heard the words, and quickly asked, "Is there any way to keep the success rate at 5??? At least it can be less."

"Huh?" Tiliks thought he heard it wrong, and he was stunned when he heard Wang Shuang's words: "What are you talking about, you have a chance to trigger if the success rate is too low, you can trigger it if the success rate is too low. The probability of rebirth will also be low."

"No, no, I want this kind of low probability, how should I put it, that is..." Wang Shuang suddenly remembered the words he heard from an NPC before: "Incomplete, yes, it is the skill in the incomplete state. Kneel down and beg for all kinds of incomplete and non-upgradable magical skills."

"Adventurer, you are a guy who is good at creating miracles, and you are also a strange guy." Tyrex shook his head helplessly, giving up trying to understand Wang Shuang's thoughts: "The situation you said is also simple. It’s good to weaken your perception, in this case, what you have learned is to break through the incomplete state, but do you really want to do this?”

"That's right, that's it!" Wang Shuang was ecstatic when he heard the words: "Thank you, please give me the incomplete version!"

Tilix stared into Wang Shuang's eyes for a while, felt that the other party didn't seem to be joking, then shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "Well, although I don't know why you did this, but I am unconditional now. Support your decision, adventurer."


System prompt: Tyrex Savi, deputy head of the Black Feather Legion in Waves City, will pass on the skill "Break and Stand (Incomplete)" to you.

——Break and then stand (incomplete) LV1: When you die, there are 5? ? ?Can respawn in place after 3 seconds and gain 10 after respawn? ? ?sex bonus.But after the rebirth is successful, it will still be punished by death, and the corresponding loss will be deducted.Incomplete effect: Skills cannot be upgraded.

Cool, in this way, I don’t have to be afraid that after dying too many times, I will fall into the tangled cycle of increasing or decreasing the probability!Usually, I don't have this skill, but when the talent is effective, it is a magic skill!
Wang Shuang closed the skill panel. Seeing that the undead army had already attacked the sword hunting level, he couldn't help being surprised, and quickly looked at Tyrex and said anxiously: "This skill is great, but it's useless now. Brother, quickly think of a way, or the Jianshou checkpoint will definitely fall, right?"

The player on the opposite side killing Magna was probably not an inadvertent act, but a mission or an NPC's instructions. Wang Shuang recalled that when the undead players blew themselves up at the same time, it probably had something to do with him suddenly becoming stronger.The opposite party sacrificed such a large price to complete this mission, allowing tens of thousands of players to suffer a death penalty in exchange for a mission reward.

Since the other party can have missions to reverse the situation, brother must also have one, right?Now Li Yongzhi, the commander-in-chief of the human army, is fighting bloody battles on the battlefield below. The only one who is reliable on the city wall is Tilix!Wang Shuang immediately looked at Tiliks and asked anxiously, "What can we do now? No matter how difficult the task is, as long as it is sent to me, I will try my best to do it!"

"Wait." However, Tyrex's answer made Wang Shuang feel desperate.The other party shook his head helplessly: "There is no other way. We need no one now, and no soldiers. All we can do is wait for the capital of the Lionheart Kingdom to send us troops. I'm afraid we will have to work hard on the gold that just returned. Legion."

"Golden Legion?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, and then said eagerly: "What time is it? If they don't work a little bit, this sword hunting level is about to fall. The strategic significance of the Gate of Floating Life is very important, even if they let them It’s okay to be a little tired, right? Shall I hurry back and bring rescuers?”

"Soldiers have already set off." Tyrex shook his head: "Fortunately, we have already connected with the teleportation array in the camp, and our mages have also begun to study the principle of the teleportation array. Although it is difficult to fully grasp, but copy one, as usual It is definitely not difficult to draw a gourd. I will directly let the mage follow the messenger back to the city, build a teleportation array between the Black Feather Legion and the City of Order Watch, and let the Golden Legion airborne directly to the sword hunting level."

"So that's it." Wang Shuang nodded and looked down: "Then below..."

"Ming Jin retreats. It's not that easy for them to break through the defense of the Sword Hunting Level." Tiliks left the city while speaking.Wang Shuang was dumbfounded. What does this mean, let them attack with the durability of the sword hunting level?
The soldiers of the human race below also began to retreat slowly as Tiliks said. Li Yongzhi roared directly, activated his own exclusive armament, and immediately wore a purple and blue phantom armor on his body. When using the sword, star bubbles flicker, chopping each and every undead into pieces of purple starlight.

After Li Yongzhi started his big move, Wang Shuang saw the face of the death lord on the opposite side change, and a group of skeleton soldiers around Li Yongzhi quickly moved away from him.Li Yongzhi also seemed to know that such a scene would happen. He glanced at the scattered skeleton soldiers and some other undead soldiers, grinned, put the long sword behind his back with a cold snort, and turned his head to follow at the end of the human team.

The human army finally left thousands of corpses and returned to the sword hunting level.The undead skeleton soldiers began to attack the city with brute force, relying on their numbers.At this time, the human soldiers who were still able to fight had climbed to the top of the city one after another, and began to shoot at the undead skeleton army with bows and arrows together with the elves.

Next, the army of the undead finally came under the city wall, and began to slash towards the durability of the sword hunting level with the bone sword in their hands.

First look at the attributes of the sword hunting level.

——Sword Hunting Level (Green-Mountain Level): Durability 8000000, Vitality 10, Physical Defense 4800, Physical Resistance 60? ? ?Magic defense 3200, magic resistance 30?

The physical defense is only a pitiful 4800 points, even Wang Shuang can break through it easily.Although the attributes of the skeleton soldiers on the opposite side are not as good as Wang Shuang, they can barely break through the defense, and the total durability is only 800W.Although the number of 800W is quite large, it also seems a little vulnerable under the simultaneous attack of more than a dozen skeleton soldiers.What's more, there are also skeleton shooters behind the undead at this time. The cold bone arrows pass through the battlefield and land on the city wall, which can also cause a lot of damage.

After three rounds of attacking and shooting by the Skeleton Warrior and Skeleton Archer, the durability of the Sword Hunting level immediately dropped by nearly 1000 points of damage!
It takes about 5 seconds for the opponent to attack the sword hunting level for three rounds.According to the untiring style of undead creatures, it is estimated that it will be no problem to keep attacking without eating or drinking water!In this case, 1 points of damage will be caused in 12000 minute, and 72W points of durability will be lost in an hour. If this continues, after about eleven hours, the Sword Hunting level will fall!

It is now three o'clock in the afternoon, and eleven hours later it will be two o'clock in the morning, which is less than half a day!Wang Shuang couldn't help but gritted his teeth, this sword hunting level was much more fragile than he imagined!
"Transfer the target, all the targets, aim the arrows at the skeleton archers who are shooting arrows in the distance!" Li Yongzhi, who was covered in blood, shouted twice on the city wall, and then two messengers helped him run errands , ran around the long checkpoint line and shouted: "All archers obey the order, shift the attack target, and aim the arrows at those skeleton archers who are constantly shooting arrows in the distance! Repeat, all archers obey the order..."

Wang Shuang saw that the direction of the arrow rain quickly concentrated to the second half of the undead army, where the skeleton shooters concentrated.About 10 minutes later, several death lords of the undead withdrew all the skeleton shooters, leaving a large army of skeletons to continue attacking the city.Because of the skeleton structure of the skeleton soldiers, half of the long-range shots falling on them will be dodged.

But it's better than doing nothing!Wang Shuang wanted to rush down to gamble at the gate of the city right now, but it was a pity that he was only blocking a few knives when he rushed down now, and he would be instantly killed by the powerful skeleton army around him.Without the bonus of talent and skills, Wang Shuang felt that he was no different from an ordinary player. In this epic red mission, he was like a dispensable pawn who could only be trampled on by others.

"No, there must be something I can do." Wang Shuang ran down the city wall and saw many soldiers who had just entered the city wall. Their faces and bodies were covered with blood. They must have looked uncomfortable.Wang Shuang remembered that he had the skill of a yellow-level pharmacist, and hurriedly followed the line of wounded soldiers to the temporary medical point in the Jianshou checkpoint. The priest at the medical point was a human female who looked to be in her twenties. Come in, scared and panicked.

Wang Shuang came in and said, "I'm a Huang-level pharmacist. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Yellow-level pharmacist?" Miss Priest was stunned for a moment, and then she was overjoyed: "Great, we have all the prescriptions and enough potions, but the potions have already been used up. You are willing to help us to make potions from herbs for these soldiers Do you take it?"


System prompt: Priest Lilia Midora of the Black Feather Legion has issued an unlimited task "Configure Potion" to you. Do you accept it?


Seeing that Wang Shuang nodded and accepted the task, Lilia didn't hesitate anymore, and threw the prescription directly to Wang Shuang while pointing to the room behind her: "Go in, your work place is there, and so are the herbs. Take what you need. Guaranteed success rate!"

(End of this chapter)

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