It's time to play online

Chapter 291 The Incident of the Gate of Floating Life

Chapter 291 The Incident of the Gate of Floating Life

Thinking about it carefully, this guy has been living with Wang Shuang for two days, and he usually behaves normally, and he has far exceeded Wang Shuang's expectations.It's just that crimes have always troubled Wang Shuang, and it's about time now. After Wang Shuang made up his mind, he planned to ask her exactly what she had done in the past today.

"What have you done in the past..."

"Jingle Bell……"

The sudden phone call interrupted Wang Shuang's question, Ji Ge stared at him for a while, Wang Shuang could only nod helplessly: "We'll talk about it when we come back."

Taking out the mobile phone from his pocket, Wang Shuang saw an unfamiliar number, and the address showed that it was not from the local area, and it was not in the contacts of his brother, so who could it be?
In short, Wang Shuang still connected the phone, and a somewhat familiar female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, Wang Shuang?"

"You are?" Wang Shuang was confused for a while, and then heard the other party smile softly: "Why, can't you hear the voice of the phone?"

"Luoxue?" Wang Shuang reacted suddenly and was taken aback.

"Hey, did your dream lover call you?" Ji Ge also asked.

"Dream you ghost." Wang Shuang interrupted Ji Ge's words angrily, and at the same time walked to his room with his mobile phone in his arms and asked, "What's the matter, why did you call me all of a sudden?"

"Are you chatting with your girlfriend?" Luoxue Qianli's tone sounded a little awkward.

"No, no." Wang Shuang was sweating profusely, and quickly explained: "I'm single, so where can I find a girlfriend? By the way, why does Luoxue want me?"

"Is your task now to guard the Gate of Floating Life?" Luoxue Qianli also sounded a little nervous, and said the name of Gate of Floating Life as soon as he came up, which made Wang Shuang's heart sink, and then he agreed : "Yes, yes, I am here to do the task. What happened to the Gate of Floating Life? Has the sword hunting level been breached by undead players? It doesn't make sense. They only..."

"It's not the Sword Hunting level, it's the Gate of Floating Life!" Luoxue Qianli sighed: "You really don't know, in the past 10 minutes, there was a sudden major change in the Gate of Floating Life. Moved."

"Huh? There is a problem with the Gate of Floating Life? A player of the dwarf force!" Wang Shuang was taken aback when he heard this: "Isn't the Gate of Floating Life behind the Jianshou level? question?"

"Wang Shuang, do you know the function of the Gate of Floating Life?" Luoxue Qianli asked.

"Function?" Wang Shuang was confused for a moment: "I know the strategic role, it is very important, for why it is important, I don't know how important it is."

"Before you did this task, you didn't understand it carefully!" Luoxue Qianli's tone sounded very helpless: "Listen, the Gate of Floating Life was built by the oldest protoss Titan in ancient mythology. Now the Gate of Floating Life I don’t know why it has started to work, but it is the creation of the gods in ancient mythology!”

"The Gate of Floating Life is working... so what?"

"According to the Encyclopedia of Star Wishes, in the ancient language, Fusheng means reincarnation, and the door of Floating Life represents the door of reincarnation, which is actually another space. The reason why the Titans built this door is to imprison Those horrible and distorted things make them appear involuntarily and harm the world."

"Terrifying and twisted thing?" Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback: "Boss?"

"That's right, and they are all level 80!" Luoxue Qianli's tone still sounded very helpless: "The news that the Gate of Floating Life started to operate was also said by the adventurer mentors of the Lionheart Kingdom, and they also said that the capital of the Lionheart Kingdom The City of Order Watch has sent the most powerful legion in the kingdom - the Golden Legion to guard the safety of the Gate of Floating Life. I think that although those monsters are all around level 80, many NPCs are now level 95 or even 100 Well, you shouldn't have to worry about it."

"No, no, it can't be counted like this." Wang Shuang said anxiously: "Besides the level, there are two very important factors: First, our soldiers are all black or white, and the boss is likely to be of the red level." , the gap between the two is simply not a star."

Luoxue was taken aback for a thousand miles: "That's true."

"Secondly, although the BOSS is only level 80, the BOSS is a leader-level creature, and our soldiers can only be elite-level creatures at best, and there is another gap in attributes. Therefore, when the BOSS spews out, the lion The most powerful legion in the Kingdom of Heart may not be able to stop them!"

"So that's it." Luoxue Qianli's voice also sounded very shocked: "So, isn't your Sword Hunting level dangerous? Is it possible to persuade the NPC to give up the Sword Hunting level and retreat? After all, this place is already very dangerous It’s already a place, so it doesn’t matter if you give it up to the undead or dwarves.”

"Wait, it's fine if the undead like these horrible and twisted things, what's the matter with the dwarves?" Wang Shuang suddenly remembered this matter.

"The dwarves are a race made of stones at the beginning of the creation of the Titans. They feel that the mission of their group is to run around the world to discover the relics left by the Titans. Since the Gate of Floating Life was suddenly activated, then Presumably there are also missions for the dwarf players."

"I'll wipe it." Wang Shuang couldn't help but said, "They accepted the mission and don't care about my business. I spent so much time here at Floating Life Gate, I definitely won't return empty-handed. If they dare to come, let them They know—let them know that I'm not a trash player for nothing!"

"You..." Luoxue Qianli was silent for a while, then suddenly sighed: "Well, since you want to do this, I can only support you. But now you are facing two races at the same time." Pressure, the army of NPCs is not counted, there are also dwarf players, is this really all right?"

"It's okay, don't be afraid, no matter how many people come, I will bury them one by one in the dust under the Jianshou checkpoint." Wang Shuang said with a grim expression.

"Okay, come on. Our mission here is about to come to an end. If you need anything then, come to me. I am your boss after all, and I am also the president of the guild. By the way, do you want to be the vice president?" long job?"

Wang Shuang was taken aback: "No, I usually don't have time to take care of things."

Although he said so, Wang Shuang was thinking in his heart, why did so many members in the guild choose to give it to brother?
Could it be because the first person who followed her was brother?Or is it because brother is now famous?
Wang Shuang was a little upset, glanced at the game helmet lying quietly on the bed, and suddenly wanted to go online earlier.

Luoxue Qianli also heard that Wang Shuang was in a hurry, and hung up the phone after saying a few words casually.At this moment, Ji Ge came over from the living room and asked, "Are you going back to do the task? You haven't finished your meal yet."

"I'm not in the mood to eat, you can clean it up for me." Wang Shuang sighed.

"People are iron and steel is steel." Ji Ge said.

"Playing games all night is not unheard of before." Wang Shuang shook his head, then turned to look at Ji Ge: "I'll just go back and have a look this time, let me go this time, okay?"

"...Okay, then you go." Ji Ge hesitated for a moment, finally nodded and agreed, and walked out of the room silently with a shake of his head.

Wang Shuang put on his helmet and went online. After everything around him became clear, someone suddenly came up in front of Wang Shuang and almost collided with him.

"Adventurer? You're back." Wang Shuang saw that the man was the heavily armored soldier who had come to them to get the potion. "Go to the top of the city wall. General Tyrex is looking for you."

Wang Shuang nodded when he heard the words, walked out of the small room, and hurried all the way back to the city wall, only to see Tiliks standing on the city wall looking anxiously.

"What's the matter?" Seeing this, Wang Shuang asked urgently, "Is it because of the Floating Life Gate?"

"I'm not worried about the Gate of Floating Life. The Golden Legion can become the first legion of the Lionheart Kingdom. They naturally have enough strength. What's more, the general of the Golden Legion is the general of the Li family," Tyrex turned his head to look. Looking at Wang Shuang, his face was extremely anxious: "But the Golden Legion has been transferred away now, what should we do at the Jianshou checkpoint?"

Wang Shuang was taken aback, and quickly checked the durability of the Jianshou level. The original durability of 800 million is now about 700 million.And now it is [-]:[-] p.m. in real time, and in about seven hours, the durability of the sword hunting level will be breached. When the undead army rushes into the level, with the inferior force of the human race, they will definitely not be able to defeat the opponent of.

Now that he knew he couldn't beat him, the Terran commander-in-chief had to consider whether to retreat.After all, it doesn’t matter if you lose the sword hunting level, as long as you keep it, it will be easier to launch a counterattack in the future, but if you have a deadly battle with the undead here now, not to mention the future, even after a while, The NPCs and players of the dwarves are also coming here to attack the sword hunting level.

Li Yongzhi now immediately ordered the wounded who were temporarily unable to move and the soldiers who lost their combat capabilities to retreat, and some food, grass, supplies, etc. were gradually transported away for 70?

"Is this the rhythm of giving up the Jianshou checkpoint and retreating?" Wang Shuang was dumbfounded. Now that they had just returned, they were going to give up the Jianshou checkpoint and retreat behind the Floating Life Gate.What?Are you talking about the Gate of Floating Life? If undead players rush up, just give it to them.The creatures in the Gate of Floating Life don't care if you are human or undead, they are like a group of wild beasts, biting whoever they see.

If the undead want to occupy and use the Floating Life Gate, they have to invest a lot of manpower and material resources, and besides the sword hunting level in front, there is no protective level behind the Floating Life Gate.This means that even if the undead occupy this place, they will not be able to obtain terrain bonuses. If the human race counterattacks, it will definitely be much easier than capturing the sword hunting level occupied by the undead.

(End of this chapter)

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