It's time to play online

Chapter 292 Meeting Evelyn

Chapter 292 Meeting Evelyn
What is Terrain Addition?For example, if an elf archer wants to shoot a far-away undead unit, he stands on the city wall, and the height he gains is one of the terrain bonuses.This terrain bonus allows elf soldiers to shoot higher and farther.When the undead skeleton shooters shoot people on the city wall, because of the insufficient height, the arrows they shoot can only be nailed to the city wall, resulting in the effect of being unable to hit.

"Indeed, it may be a wiser decision to withdraw earlier than to die in vain." Tyrex hesitated: "Besides, we don't dare to die, we just don't want to die in vain without knowing why we are desperate .”

"What about Magna's death?" Wang Shuang asked with an idea.

"Magna..." Tilix's expression became sad: "Sooner or later, I will kill the top ten death lords of the undead to avenge Magna. Before that, all I need to do is practice and wait. "

From this point of view, the credit of that player from the Skeleton Guild has been credited to the Lord of Death?Wang Shuang nodded. That's right. Looking at it this way, it seems that the task was issued by the death lord, and the player just helped him complete the task.Therefore, the death lord behind the player is the real mastermind behind the scenes, and the player is at best an accomplice.If there is a revenge, it is natural to seek revenge from the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Then what about our task of guarding the Gate of Floating Life?" Wang Shuang is most concerned about his own task. He has been busy for a long time, and it doesn't matter how the task goes. It doesn't matter how the plot develops, but the reward must be obtained.Otherwise, why did my brother work for you for so long for nothing?Brother is not full to hold on.

"I'm sorry, adventurer, if we give up the Gate of Floating Life, your mission will be considered over. We will not recover the rewards you received before, but there will be no follow-up rewards and rewards for completing the mission. "

"I'll wipe it." Wang Shuang said anxiously: "That is to say, if there is no other way, you will choose to evacuate the Jianshou checkpoint and end my mission?"

"Such an adventurer," said Tyrex.


System prompt: You have 5 hours now. You can use any means and methods before the Black Feather Legion completely withdraws from the Jianshou checkpoint. If you fail to change Li Yongzhi's mind in the end, the red-level task "Guarding the Gate of Floating Life" " will force the end.

Damn it, the system has already issued a prompt, which means that this matter is no small matter!Wang Shuang suddenly said nervously: "If you can narrow down the opponent's attack range, I will be able to defend the Jianshou checkpoint."

"Reduce the opponent's attack range?"

"For example, let the opponent only attack on the city gate side of the city wall, and then I can stand in front alone and bear the opponent's damage, like this..."

"You?" Tirix seemed to understand what Wang Shuang meant, and shook his head silently: "Adventurer, don't you want to use the break and stand skills I taught you before to support yourself? Those death lords on the opposite side It’s not at the same level as you. And the trigger probability of your breakthrough is not 100??? In terms of your incomplete skills, it will always be only 5???."

"What's more, the situation you mentioned is impossible at all." Tyrex patted Wang Shuang's shoulder wearily: "Adventurer, I know you are very reluctant to stay here, but we should learn to look forward and do things we can't do." , we have to learn to give up when the time is right."

Is it really not working?Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling sad.

Walking on the huge city wall for a while, Wang Shuang found that the shooting speed of the human and elf archers on the city wall had also slowed down a lot, so he couldn't help but go back and ask Tyrex: "What's going on, I remember that at the beginning, Their shooting speed is quite fast, why is it not even half of it now?"

"Adventurers, they will feel tired. If they continue to fight in a tired state, their combat effectiveness will naturally drop. We are not adventurers, and of course there will be times when we are tired and hungry." Tyrex smiled wryly.

Wang Shuang sighed when he heard the words. It seems that this sword hunting level is really unstoppable. The strength of the troops is inferior, and the soldiers are in poor condition. The dwarves attack at the same time, and there is a problem with the gate of floating life in the rear...

The situation couldn't have been worse.

Wang Shuang suddenly remembered something: "By the way, what about the elf princess I brought earlier, I remember he had a few words with the elf general in the barracks, why did he disappear afterwards?"

Tilix was taken aback when he heard the words: "I don't know. Anyway, in places like the front line, it is impossible for the princess of the Elven Kingdom to come up, so she should stay in a safe place."

That guy trained himself so hard in the barracks, so he probably didn't come to be a vase at the Sword Hunting level.Wang Shuang thought of his own little idea, and his heart began to stir again: If my brother guessed right, she should be locked up somewhere now, or was forcibly escorted back to Xiasen Kingdom by the general of the elves.If brother saves the princess of the elves, will she promise him her body...

Damn, no, it should be whether she will be willing to become brother's follower!

Wang Shuang casually found a few elf archers at the top of the city to find out where the elf general was, and then rushed to the other side of the city wall to search, and soon saw the elf general General.

"Hello, General." Wang Shuang greeted him, observed the expressionless expression on his face, and asked cautiously, "Where is the princess from your kingdom who came with me before? "

"Huh?" Hearing this, the Elf general put down the longbow in his hand and glanced at Wang Shuang: "What are you looking for with our princess? She is staying in a safe place now. When the battle here is over, I will Take her back to Xiasen Kingdom."

"That means she's still here?" Wang Shuangxi said, "Great, I want to meet her."

"No." Hearing this, the general of the elves really rejected Wang Shuang's proposal: "Adventurer, I didn't settle with you for what you did to our princess before, but that doesn't mean it's over. .”

Fuck, we are allies now, big brother, even if this is the case, you still have to settle accounts with your brother?Sure enough, the elf NPCs are a bunch of brainless guys.

No, brother seems to have scolded his mentor too...

In short, now that Wang Shuang couldn't get an answer from the elf general, he returned to Tilix for help: "General Tilix, did you pay attention to where the elf general went? The princess of the elf clan followed him before, if I know where he has been before, it will be easier for me to find the princess of the elf clan."

"Well, I remember that he went to the barracks of the elves for a while, and then he went up to the city wall with us and began to meet the attack of the undead army."

"So that's it, it's pretty easy to find." Wang Shuang nodded, and a dark lurking disappeared. According to the map inside the Jianshou level and the guidance of Tilix, he quickly found the resting place of the elf troops.As soon as he entered here, Wang Shuang felt something was wrong. When he looked up, he found an elf archer looking at him.

Fuck, the opponent's level is too high, so he was seen through, right?Wang Shuang scratched his head, and took the initiative to release the dark lurking state. He stepped forward and said, "I know the elf princess is in your camp now. Can I meet her?"

"Sorry adventurer, we can't let you in without the general's order." The elf archer bowed slightly to apologize.

"The general's order..." Wang Shuang sighed when he heard the words: "You talk about the general all day long, so don't you think your princess's opinion is not important? Have you asked her opinion when you imprisoned the princess like this?"

"But if Her Royal Highness is allowed to wander around, and something happens, the general will be questioned." The elf soldier replied.

"Fuck, it doesn't make sense." Wang Shuang couldn't help but sighed, and suddenly thought of another way to summon Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo, and then looked at Li Muxuan: "Where is Li Er, I have something to ask it."

Soon Li Er crawled out from behind Li Muxuan's head, rubbed her eyes sleepily, looked at Wang Shuang and asked, "Adventurer, why are you calling me at this time?"

"Of course I'm recruiting you as a coolie." Wang Shuang said without hesitation, "Would you help me convince this guy in front of me? If not, I'll send Mu Xuan here."

"Adventurer, you are Chiguoguo's threat!" Lier screamed, jumped up and threw a fist at Wang Shuang.With a bang, a damage 0 appeared.

Damn it, is it really a fight?Wang Shuang was shocked and said: "Don't say anything, Mu Xuan, just start the soul pet mode!"

"My lord, what do I need to do?" Li Muxuan asked after Li Er disappeared.

Wang Shuang thought for a while: "Help me convince this guy in front of me to let us go in and meet the princess of the elves, and use your orange-level argumentation skills to talk about it."


It took even Li Muxuan a lot of time to finally convince the elf soldier in front of him, and finally the elf archer agreed to take Wang Shuang and the others to meet the elf princess.It's good to have a beginning, as long as you can see it, and then use the orange-level discussion technique to rescue Evelyn, wouldn't that be a piece of cake?
Wang Shuang soon saw Evelyn in an independent camp. When he saw her, Wang Shuang found that she was holding a longbow, staring at a target in the distance in a daze.

"Princess, didn't you say that you can't use these dangerous things?" The elf archer was anxious when he saw Evelyn holding a longbow in his hand, so he wanted to go up and take it away.

However, he was unsuccessful, because Evelyn raised her longbow with a light hand, and looked coldly at the elf archer in front of her, causing him to bow his head and take a few steps back , dare not speak anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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