It's time to play online

Chapter 295 Crazy Slashing of the Undead Army

Chapter 295 Crazy Slashing of the Undead Army

Brother is dying?Before Wang Shuang's body fell down, suddenly a force burst out from his chest, making him gain the strength to stand again.


System prompt: Your skill "Break and Stand" is triggered, you get 10? ? ?sex bonus.

System prompt: The effect of the Nick Medal of your equipment is triggered, and you have no loss for this death.

Wang Shuang couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and after confirming that his two skills were successfully triggered, he couldn't help laughing up to the sky.And get 10 after death? ? ?Sex bonus!What does the full attribute bonus mean?It means that Wang Shuang's strength, agility, physique and other attributes all get an extra 10? ? ? !
10? ? ?The increase is equivalent to the enhancement of Wang Shuang's vitality, attack and defense!Moreover, Wang Shuang's passive skill, Soul of Adventure, will gain 2 points of permanent full attributes every time he reaches a new map.Now Wang Shuang's full attributes are already astonishingly high, and being strengthened in this way will directly make Wang Shuang's vitality break through the 5W mark!

But blood is useless.But when he saw that Wang Shuang did not fall, but was reborn, even the NPC on the opposite side was stunned: "Adventurer, why are you still alive?"

"You ask me?" Wang Shuang smiled when he heard the words, took out the dagger in his hand and stabbed it into the opponent's body, and at the same time pulled it down fiercely—the dagger directly cut the opponent's skin, and Wang Shuang felt the powerful force of the dagger in his hand. resistance.In the process of pulling it down, he could even clearly feel the crisp rupture of those severed muscle fibers.

After this knife, Wang Shuang's Thunder Power and Bright Judgment were also triggered at the same time, taking away part of the boss's blood again.

Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing when he saw the other party's embarrassed look: "Ask me about the dagger in my hand, or ask the god of death directly!"

The other party seemed to be irritated by Wang Shuang, and continued to swing the spear three times, hitting three huge blood holes on Wang Shuang's body.The blood bar on Wang Shuang's head was emptied again, and at the same time as he fell down, a force from his chest supported Wang Shuang to stand up again, and his blood also broke through 7.5W, and his physical attack also successfully broke through the 1W mark .

"It doesn't make sense, what secret is there on you, why can you resurrect in situ infinitely?" Even the boss became anxious.

"I said, go ask the god of death!" As if wanting to vent his anger, Wang Shuang swung his dagger and slashed at the boss. Countless blood flowers bloomed like poisonous snakes with changing blood threads, twisting in the air. moving.

"Give me - die!" He seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and after stabbing Wang Shuang four or five times, he suddenly shouted, and a brilliant thunder flower condensed from the tip of the gun, piercing Wang Shuang's chest again.And when the blood bar on Wang Shuang's head was empty, he was still crazily stabbing blood holes out of Wang Shuang's body: "Die, die for me, I see if you will die this time!"

Wang Shuang looked around while vomiting blood.Because the decisive battle between the boss and Wang Shuang at the city gate completely blocked all the passages of the city gate, and only a few skeleton soldiers on both sides ran in, and then never came in again.

Until now, Wang Shuang has a magical feeling, this undead army that even Tyrex and Li Yongzhi are helpless, was stopped by him at the gate of the city wall like this?Before Wang Shuang fell down, he saw Li Muxuan's arrow hit the boss's head. Before he knew it, Wang Shuang consumed one-fifth of the opponent's vitality. Now the boss's head has only Under 80? ? ? .

Under the unbelievable gaze of the other party, Wang Shuang was still resurrected on the spot with full blood.He slowly stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the blood on his hand, and suddenly raised his head and grinned at the boss.

"You, it's over." Wang Shuang's blood on the top of his head has already reached 9W points, and his attack power has also risen to the level of 1.1W.This physical attack is already equivalent to the attack power of an ordinary level 80 player in Star Wish's planning map.And Wang Shuang's bonuses are more than what you see on the surface. For example, Wang Shuang's passive skill, the way of twins, the higher the attack, the higher the critical strike damage. Now each of Wang Shuang's attacks can cause 3.5W to 4W points The damage, including the power of thunder and the verdict of light, the damage of a normal attack is about 10 points.

10W points of damage, even if the opponent is a level 80 boss, the total amount of blood is only 1000W points.Wang Shuang's normal attack can cut off [-]% of the opponent's vitality, what an efficiency!And this is not the end, every time Wang Shuang is killed in battle, if he continues to successfully trigger Break and Stand, Wang Shuang's attributes will be superimposed crazily without limit.

"Impossible, this is impossible!" The BOSS yelled, crazily pointing countless blood holes on Wang Shuang's body.Seeing the other party's madness, Wang Shuang couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth and said in disdain: "That's all you have."

It was another death. After Wang Shuang fell down, he still felt a powerful force emanating from his chest.


System prompt: You were killed by Rique Vido, the normal attack (100??? damage 96092! You have been killed, you have lost the ring of the forest of light inherited from the equipment, and you have lost the sharp white double blade equipped, you lost...

Fuck!Wang Shuang saw a lot of equipment jingling and falling from his body, he was suddenly stunned, and realized that he was not guaranteed to die now, just like this death penalty, except that the probability was changed after the probability was reversed. It's hard to trigger.But when it should be unlucky, it will still be unlucky. If the master of the system suddenly cheated, wouldn't my brother just go back to the camp to be resurrected?

Wang Shuang quickly picked up all the pieces of equipment, equipped them to the corresponding equipment slots, and then began to frantically fight blood with the opponent.

After being killed again, Wang Shuang got a boost to all attributes, the upper limit of vitality rose to 13W, and the physical attack rose to 1.25W!At this time, the boss still has 50 blood left? ? ? .

After being killed again, Wang Shuang's blood limit rose to 15W, and his physical attack broke through 1.4W!And at this time the BOSS has less than 30 vitality? ? ?

In the end, when Wang Shuang's head was left with a short amount of blood, the blood on Riqueveldo's head was finally knocked out by Wang Shuang. He looked at Wang Shuang with dull eyes, and slowly knelt down. Still muttering: "Impossible, it's not true..."

"How about it, I am a good-for-nothing adventurer, didn't I disappoint you?" Wang Shuang laughed loudly, and then excitedly rushed forward to open the other party's corpse—fuck, nothing was dropped!


System prompt: You killed Rikvado Dorn, you get 8000W experience rewards, 150W gold coin rewards, your follower Li Muxuan gets 8000W experience rewards, your follower Mi Luduo gets 8000W experience rewards, your Follower Evlani gets experience rewards of 8000W.


System prompt: You have reached level 61.

System prompt: Your follower Mirudo has reached level 61.

System prompt: Your follower Evelyn has reached level 37.

System prompt: Your follower Evelyn has reached level 38.


Is my brother's talent playing tricks again?Wang Shuang suddenly had the urge to find reason with the system, but when he thought of the ability he had acquired through this talent, Wang Shuang's whole body shrank like a deflated balloon, with a look of wanting to cry but no tears on his face.

If I don't have talent, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to defeat a boss of this level.

The follow-up skeleton army rushed up like a tide. After Wang Shuang fought with the BOSS before, his attributes have grown a lot.Now killing the skeleton soldiers, I suddenly felt a sense of ease.A few skeleton soldiers had just rushed up, and they were shot by Li Muxuan for a round, and then Wang Shuang rushed forward, one by one, killing them all in seconds.

Fuck, brother is so awesome now, he cut down a skeleton soldier with one knife?Looking at the army of skeletons all over the mountains and plains outside the city wall, Wang Shuang suddenly felt mentally shocked. Brother's attribute bonus of breaking and standing can be maintained for 24 hours, which means that when he kills these monsters next time, none of them will be injured, that is to say— —

Now these skeleton armies are no longer monsters, but waiting for Wang Shuang to harvest them, full of experience!

Thinking of this, Wang Shuang was very excited.Continuing to maintain the previous rhythm, Li Muxuan's quick shots drained some of the blood from the charging skeletons, and then Wang Shuang brandished the dagger one by one——

Watching his experience bar grow wildly, Wang Shuang laughed wildly!
Just when Wang Shuang thought he could keep going like this, suddenly there was a deafening sound of horseshoes in his ears.Wang Shuang turned his head and saw that a large number of infantry and cavalry were rapidly approaching the gate of the city.When their steel-cast boots were running, they made a crisp metal clashing sound, as if they were rhythmically moving.When they came to the gate of the city, the whole army seemed to have received an order to stop advancing. A burly man stepped down from a horse in front, with the words "Chief Zhao Mucheng of the Eagle Legion" written on his head.

"Adventurer, thank you for your great contribution to the Lionheart Kingdom." Wang Shuang was stunned, looking at Zhao Mucheng, the leader of the Eagle Legion, even unaware that the skeleton soldiers behind him were hacking him: "It's not hard work!" It’s not hard, this, can you let me continue to kill here for a while? I am willing to continue to contribute to the defense of the kingdom’s land.”

"Please let us rush out and fight to the death with the army of the undead. We are confident of victory." Zhao Mucheng didn't make any unnecessary moves, but saluted Wang Shuang slightly.

It seems that the system won't allow my brother to earn so much experience for nothing.Wang Shuang sighed, nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

Wang Shuang and a few followers moved away from the gate of the city, and then several other legions of the human race rushed to them and began to fight outwards.Soon, the battle line of the undead was pushed more than ten meters away by several legions. Wang Shuang finally walked out of the sword hunting checkpoint. He watched several legions and the army of the undead fighting under the city wall. The scene was extremely intense.

"General Li?" At this moment, Wang Shuang heard familiar footsteps, turned his head to look, and sure enough, it was Li Yongzhi and Tyrex who were slowly coming out of the room.Wang Shuang was taken aback when he saw this: "Your qi and blood are less than 60 now??? Is it really okay to go to the battlefield before you recover?"

"You can have 1 reasons to choose to retreat, but as long as there is one reason, you must go forward." Li Yongzhi glanced at Wang Shuang: "And my reason is to defend the family and the country. It's time to shed some blood. "

(End of this chapter)

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