Chapter 296
Seeing that the two of them started charging with the remaining heavy armored spearmen and cavalry from the Black Feather Legion, Wang Shuang couldn't help but sighed, and rushed up at the same time.

Gradually going deep behind the undead, Wang Shuang began to see more and more undead players.Naturally, these players also recognized Wang Shuang, and when they saw him, they rushed forward as if they were an enemy.Wang Shuang swung the dagger casually, drew a semicircular arc in the air, and gently cut their necks.The blood bars on their heads were quickly emptied, and they stared at Wang Shuang with wide eyes, then slowly knelt down on the ground, and after two pieces of equipment burst out, they turned into white light and returned to the distance to be revived.

Behind the undead, several death lords also looked anxious.Meanwhile, the Skeletal Governor rolled his eyes at them.When the human army began to counterattack, these death lords were still shouting slogans on the front line and preparing to attack in person. As a result, when the other legions rushed out, they immediately hid behind, allowing a large number of skeletons to stand in front of the human army. Step forward.

"It's not a way to go on like this." Skeleton Tiandu sighed, looking at the death lord Samantila, he couldn't help thinking: How did such a useless guy become the death lord?
"It doesn't matter, they can fight for a while. I have sent people back to pull reinforcements. The people behind have expected that the human race will send reinforcements to support them. They have already prepared an army, and they are on their way now. .”

"But." The Skeleton Governor's eyes widened: "Before the arrival of reinforcements, shouldn't we retreat to save our troops?"

"Retreat first?" Samantila glanced at the skeleton Tiandu, shook his head with a sneer and said, "Don't be naive, adventurer, you think we have reached the bottom of this sword hunting level and successfully broke through the opponent's city gate. How much effort did you put in? After retreating, how much effort will it take to get back to the Jianshou checkpoint? Could it be that the human race is a group of fools who don’t know how to repair the Jianshou checkpoint?”

"Is it a waste of time to use the soldiers' corpses?" Skeletal Superintendent asked anxiously.

"Don't be impatient, don't be in a hurry." Samantila still behaved very leisurely: "Strictly speaking, the capital that the skeleton army consumes us is not considered a resident of the Kingdom of Eternal Night, they are just for us to drive." slaves."

"Slave?" The Skeletal Governor was shocked: "Aren't you a soldier, how did you become a slave?"

"Heh, soldier? Do you think that if we undead don't need to eat, the soldier's salary will be greatly reduced?" Samantila shook his head: "According to the situation of each legion commanding 10 skeleton soldiers, if even the skeleton soldiers The military pay is about to be paid, our income and expenditure will immediately fall below the deficit, and the expenditure will directly exceed three times the income in the next month!"

"But you don't have to worry." Samantila said, pointing to Li Yongzhi and Tilix who were fighting in the crowd in front: "See those two guys, they are in a very bad state now, and they are starting to lose breath." No matter what method you use, as long as you can kill one of them, you will be able to receive a richer reward than the previous mission!"

The eyes of the Skeletal Superintendent flashed, he opened the friend list and searched for a while, found the ID of the Skeletal Demon, and immediately sent a message: "Tianmo, have you arrived at the battlefield yet?"

In less than 20 seconds, the other party replied quickly: "I'm back, what's your order?"

"There are two BOSS here, and you have to work hard. As before, we are responsible for the sacrifice, and you are responsible for killing."

"Okay, no problem. It's just that after the last incident, will the other party have become alert?"

"No, they are just NPCs. Do you really think they are human beings? Even if you use the same trick every time, the other party will still be fooled." Bone Demon replied.

"Okay boss, I'll be right there, where is it?"

"The coordinates have been sent to you. After this mission is over, you can try to be a team leader. Ordinary guild members have wronged you a bit."

"Yes, thank you boss for your love!"

After finishing the conversation with the Skeletal Demon, the Skeletal Superintendent looked at the two struggling NPCs, and suddenly saw Wang Shuang's body next to the NPCs.

Wang Shuang?The Skeletal Superintendent froze for a moment, then sneered, so what if it's you, an NPC with tens of millions of blood can be killed with a single blow, are you stronger than a level 80 NPC?When the time comes, the Skeleton Demon rushes up to kill the NPC, and if you dare to stop him, he will kill you as well.No, this guy killed so many undead NPCs before, and this account has to be settled, so after killing the two bosses, if there is any remaining strength, even Wang Shuang can be hacked to death together .

Yes, just do it.The Skeletal Superintendent briefly stated his thoughts to the Skeleton Demon, and the other party quickly replied: "No problem!"

Now that everything is ready, when the two NPCs are slowly moving forward to kill the skeleton soldiers, the skeleton demon also arrives.

"Wait a minute." Just as the Skeleton Governor was about to repeat the trick, a player from the Skeleton Guild stepped out and stopped them: "I have a skill that allows a player to gain the ability to sneak in the next 10 seconds." , and this kind of stealth can be discovered by guys who do not exceed your 20th level, but once you attack or release skills, you will be exposed. To be safe, I will make him invisible first, is this okay, boss?"

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you." The Skeletal Superintendent smiled.

Soon, the Skeleton Demon emitted a faint gray smoke all over his body and entered a stealth state.The Skeleton Demon had already communicated with several other undead guilds in advance. At this time, it was just a short message sent out, and everyone understood it and was ready to act.

Finally, when the skeleton demon sent back a message confirming that he had arrived at the side of the two NPCs, the skeleton demon sneered, raised his hand and shouted: "The battle begins, everyone explode!"

Bang bang bang bang... Countless undead players all blew themselves up as before. The scene and scale made Wang Shuang stunned. After recovering, Wang Shuang remembered what they had done before, and was shocked Turning his head to look at the two people in front of him, Li Yongzhi and Tyrex.

"Are you still in the mood to care about others? Worry about yourself first!" Wang Shuang suddenly heard a sinister voice ringing in his ears, and then Wang Shuang saw that the blood on the top of his head was suddenly blown away. After being emptied, Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, and Wang Shuang fell down slowly.

The person who appeared from the shadows glanced at Wang Shuang lightly: "Boss said, you have hindered...huh?"

Originally out of safety considerations, Tiandu Skeleton asked him to kill the variable Wang Shuang first, and then kill the remaining two more demented NPCs.As a result, from the self-explosion of all the undead players to the present, all the plots have proceeded as he expected.But at this time, Wang Shuang's sudden full blood made him feel puzzled for a while.

Is there a death-prevention skill?Or just missed the opponent?Fuck, anyway, my talent still has a 4-second attack bonus after self-destruct!As long as you kill Wang Shuang first, then give the two NPCs a knife each, and they will die too.The Skeleton Demon thought of this, and sent it towards Wang Shuang's neck again with a ferocious expression.This time, the Skeleton Demon saw clearly. The sharp blade in his hand slowly cut Wang Shuang's neck open, and the blood splashed out from inside bit by bit, just like in slow motion in a movie.

Wang Shuang was indeed killed again.But soon, the previous scene reappeared.The Skeleton Demon was astonished to find that this guy had a faint vitality like Xiaoqiang, which gave the Skeleton Demon the feeling that he couldn't kill it no matter what.

Hold the grass, why?The Skeleton Demon was both angry and puzzled, clenching his fists and staring at Wang Shuang, but he has no time now.The Skeleton Demon turned his head and swung his weapon at the nearest NPC.

When Wang Shuang was resurrected on the spot for the second time, he saw the scene where the other party slashed at Tyrex with a sword.Wang Shuang's mind was blank, thinking of the scene where Magna's blood vessels were directly blown out at that time, he suddenly became anxious.

What to do, Wang Shuang knew that his normal attack would definitely not be able to keep up. As for other skills, they were either cooling down or unable to kill the opponent.At this moment, Wang Shuang saw a blood-red icon in the corner of his skill bar, as if alive blood was flowing on the surface.

"Blood Magic Power!" Wang Shuang directly activated the skill. Before he could hurt his upper limit of blood and pull out his weapon, he pushed forward with both hands. , A mouthful of old blood seemed to splash out from his throat.He looked persistently at the man with less than 50 blood in front of him? ? ?The clan general struggled for a while, but was still unable to swing the long sword in his hand.

why?At this time, the Skeleton Demon saw that his blood bar had been emptied by someone. He looked back at Wang Shuang in astonishment, and couldn't help but said, "You, what the hell are you..."

"Hehe, this story tells us that when a move is used for the second time, it is only useful for idiots. Unfortunately, I am not an idiot, so - please go back and be reborn, remember to replace me and those who died with you Greetings from clan players."

After Wang Shuang finished speaking, he waved to him.Then the Skeleton Demon saw his body knelt on the ground uncontrollably, and three pieces of equipment fell to the ground. This was his death penalty.

After beheading the skeleton demon, Wang Shuang glanced around, couldn't help but wiped the sweat off his face, felt sorry for his upper blood limit, and then said to Tilix and Li Yongzhi: "You two generals, It is really impossible to continue fighting in the current situation, and it would really not be worthwhile if he was attacked and died by the enemy like General Magna.”

"Indeed, it's time for us to consider going back to rest." Tyrex also suggested.

Hearing this, Li Yongzhi nodded: "Okay, let's go back to the Jianshou level."

(End of this chapter)

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