Chapter 297

Wang Shuang followed Li Yongzhi and Tyrex back to the Jianshou level.After seeing that all the skeleton soldiers in the Jianshou level were cleaned up, and some soldiers began to repair the damaged level, and everything gradually returned to order, Wang Shuang also felt relieved and went back to the front to meet the undead army of skeletons fighting.

Now Wang Shuang has seven or eight full attribute bonuses on his body, and his own attack power is already quite high. Facing skeleton soldiers, he can almost kill one with one or two stabs.Li Muxuan's skills are powerful, and although her output cannot keep up with Wang Shuang, it is still very impressive.The situation of Mirudo and Evelyn is more embarrassing.Fortunately, Wang Shuang's efficiency is outrageously fast, and they have no chance to output.

Just after Wang Shuang killed the skeleton army for a while, a rush of wind suddenly sounded in Wang Shuang's ear.Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and before he had time to think about it, the skill "Arrow Counter" was activated immediately.Wang Shuang raised his hand to grab it reflexively, and an arrow was stopped by him.Then Wang Shuang slammed back in one direction of his side, and soon heard a cry of pain.

The skeleton soldiers scattered one by one, and a skeleton man in a robe of various colors was pointing his skeleton head at Wang Shuang.His robe is very strange, there are even a few pieces of black bird feathers on it, and he wears a crown that is bigger than his head, covering his skull head, his empty eyes are dark, but there seems to be something A pitch-black flame was surging, making those who stared into his eyes tremble involuntarily.

Wang Shuang's eyes only stayed on his face for a while, then moved to the other's shoulder.He saw an arrow with black tail feathers stuck on the shoulder of this skeleton man, nailed deeply into the cold bone of his shoulder, looking extremely miserable.

The name on his head is Arrow of Death - Nolanton Pierzerola.

"You just attacked me?" Wang Shuang asked.

Nolanton snorted, did not answer Wang Shuang, but asked another question: "You are obviously a human, how can you know the skills of the elves?"

"Brother and the elves have a good relationship." After Wang Shuang finished speaking, he took out his dagger and smiled brightly: "Okay, you are already a dead person, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you, you can go after receiving the lunch, too much nonsense If there are too many, there will be no chicken legs for dinner."

"Huh?" Nolanton seemed to be taken aback when he heard the words, and he didn't understand what Wang Shuang was saying, but he saw Wang Shuang took out the dagger, and knew that he was going to attack him.Nolanton quickly took two steps back, drew the bowstring and shot an arrow. This time, Wang Shuang's skill arrow counter was still cooling down, so he took this attack without any surprise.


"How is it possible!" Nolanton widened his eyes in surprise when he saw that the arrow landed on Wang Shuang and pierced Wang Shuang's arm, but no blood spattered out.

"It's just this kind of damage." Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing when he saw it, "You have to thank the old man who held the blood-stained spear before, if it weren't for him, brother's blood might be really good It’s not enough for you to see. It’s also because of him that my brother’s overall attributes have also increased a lot. Do you still want to kill me now, or do you want to be killed by me?”

Nolanton quickly glanced behind Wang Shuang when he heard the words. Li Muxuan and others also came up from behind at this time, intending to help Wang Shuang.He snorted softly, turned his head and jumped, his figure suddenly became extremely fast.Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and immediately withdrew his followers, and then used the dark lurking to follow.The other party didn't know how long they had been running, but when they turned around and saw that Wang Shuang had disappeared, they stopped slowly.

"Hmph, our reinforcements will be here soon, and you humans...uh!" He couldn't say anything after that, and he looked behind him, and the dagger in Wang Shuang's hand was stuck straight into his back.

"Why, when did you catch up? Why didn't I notice it at all!" Nolanton yelled angrily.

"It can only be blamed on your bad luck, or my luck, hahahaha!" Wang Shuang picked up the dagger and slashed back and forth on the opponent's body, causing large pieces of bone fragments to be scattered by Wang Shuang. Falling.At the same time, Wang Shuang once again summoned several of his followers to output together.

Nolanton was howling in pain, his bony finger bones hugged his face, he took two steps back and then raised his longbow and shot two arrows at Wang Shuang, but he was still caught up by Wang Shuang and also recovered two arrows. Knife.

In the end, when Wang Shuang's vitality and blood were almost gone, Nolanton was the first to be unable to hold on. After the blood on his head returned to zero, Nolanton knelt down on his legs and slowly fell in front of Wang Shuang.

What death lord, that's all!
System prompt: You killed Nolanton Pilzerola, you got 7500W experience reward, 180W gold coin reward, your follower Li Muxuan got 7500W experience reward, your follower Miludo got 7500W experience reward, your Follower Evlani gets experience rewards of 7500W.


System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has reached level 61.

Gone?This is gone!Wang Shuang was so angry that he beat his chest. Although he was able to kill bosses like Deathlords now, they would not lose their equipment. This talent would still be a trick when it should be cheated!

Li Muxuan suddenly said at this time: "My lord, why have you suddenly become so powerful? I think he is twenty levels higher than you."

Hearing this, Wang Shuang turned to look at Li Muxuan.You do not know?Of course you don't know!This is why brother is an adventurer, and you are the follower of adventurers, hahaha!

But thinking that Li Muxuan hadn't spoken for a long time, Wang Shuang simply replied: "After my attributes fell down again and again, I triggered the skill break and was immediately boosted. Now I can resist their attacks as long as I drink the blood-generating potion." gone."

"Break and then stand?" Li Muxuan was stunned for a few seconds, just when Wang Shuang felt strange, Li Muxuan asked: "But my lord, your skill is an incomplete skill, why does self-confidence trigger frequently?"

Wang Shuang said in pain, "Brother is lucky."

Seeing the disbelieving expression on Li Muxuan's face, Wang Shuang sighed, shook his head helplessly, and looked in the direction of the Sword Hunting level, Wang Shuang said: "Okay, let's not rush to kill the skeletons, let's go back and look at the Sword Hunting level What's the matter. I just heard this guy say before his death that their reinforcements are coming, and I always feel that something unexpected is about to happen."

Li Muxuan nodded: "Indeed, even if the undead have reinforcements, it must have been planned in advance to be able to rush over so early."

Wang Shuang was stunned when he heard the words: "It was planned in advance? Could it be that they had expected that they would lose, so why didn't they just add a few more legions at the beginning?"

Li Muxuan sighed: "Master, I think you should also know that it is not so easy for one race to destroy another race, right?"

Wang Shuang nodded.

Li Muxuan continued: "Then, after a war, when both sides don't want to fight, is it necessary to sign an armistice agreement? And this armistice agreement will definitely not be presided over by any of the human race or the undead race, but It is judged by other races. As for the judgment of war compensation and losses, it is natural to follow this at the very beginning, whoever starts the war first, and who is the first to invest a large number of troops in the war... It is a crime to provoke a war, and it is the first to expand the war Size is also a crime."

After hearing this, Wang Shuang couldn't help asking: "Isn't the other party the first to provoke the war?"

Li Muxuan nodded, and then shook her head again: "Not exactly. My lord must be talking about the war at the Floating Life Gate, but the war between the human race and the undead has lasted for an unknown period of time, and various armistice agreements There are countless revisions and revisions. This time, it was just a daily small-scale battle. Our human race first captured the Sword Hunting Level and the Floating Life Gate, and the opponent just counterattacked. The next step is to expand the war. The scale of the war will be changed from the original two In the battle between eight or nine legions, we were the ones who upgraded to eight or nine legions."

Wang Shuang was surprised after hearing this: "Then if we don't win a complete victory, we will search them hard, and we won't even be able to earn back the cost of the war after the war is over."

Li Muxuan sighed: "That's right, my lord, that's the reason. Let's go back to Jianshou checkpoint quickly."

Wang Shuang nodded, and led a few followers back to the Jianshou checkpoint.At this time, the undead army had almost left, but for some reason, the human race did not continue to pursue, but chose to return to the dilapidated Jianshou checkpoint.Before Wang Shuang walked into the city wall, a soldier hurriedly reported in front of him: "General, the dwarves are here."

"Dwarves?" Wang Shuang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then realized that he had indeed said that they would come.I thought that the undead reinforcements would be a big problem, but I didn't expect that there would be a dwarf coming to watch the sword hunting level. Is this task really done by humans?
Wang Shuang took a look at his own attributes. After dying several times, Wang Shuang's whole body attributes have broken through a terrifying thousand points, and some attributes have even broken through the two thousand point mark.Moreover, Wang Shuang carefully studied his skill Break and Stand, and found that this skill has another mystery: every time Wang Shuang dies, he will superimpose 10 on the attributes before death? ? ? .In other words, after the first death, Wang Shuang's full attribute is equivalent to the original 110?

But after the second death triggers Break and Stand, isn't Wang Shuang's full attribute 120? ? ?but 121? ? ?Want to underestimate this 1? ? ?After each death, it will start to superimpose on Wang Shuang's attributes before his death.After stacking seven or eight times, Wang Shuang's current full attribute has become the original 214?

If my brother is happy, he commits suicide crazily, and then superimposes the attributes crazily, will he be able to die in seconds if he dies more than a dozen times?This is really too bad.But it's good to be against the sky. It's such a difficult skill to trigger, but the effect is not against the sky. I'm not happy.

(End of this chapter)

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