It's time to play online

Chapter 298 Space Teleportation Rune

Chapter 298 Space Teleportation Rune

Wang Shuang boarded the city wall and saw Tiliks and Li Yongzhi frowning.Li Yongzhi is okay, hesitated for a moment, and lost slowly: "I don't think we can persuade them to give up the sword hunting level, this battle may be inevitable."

Tirix nodded, and was about to second, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps behind Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang turned his head to look, and it turned out that it was the generals of several other legions who walked in.

The three generals who had just entered glanced at Wang Shuang, walked past him, and went straight to Li Yongzhi: "Commander, the dwarven scouts have arrived at the Jianshou checkpoint, what is our countermeasure?"

"Tell them that the sword hunting level is now owned by the human race. If you want to pass it, you need to pay the price of blood." Li Yongzhi glanced at his bandaged arm and said in a low voice.

"However, the durability of the sword hunting level is far inferior to that of its heyday. Moreover, the dwarves are proficient in making mechanical siege cities. I am afraid that it will not be long before the opponent breaks through the city gate and rushes in."

"If you don't fight until the last moment, how do you know that things will not turn around?" Li Yongzhi frowned and said word by word.

"Commander." Wang Shuang came in from behind with a few followers, clasped his fists and said, "Not only the dwarves, I'm afraid there are also reinforcements coming from the undead."

"Didn't the undead be beaten away by us? Why are there reinforcements?" Li Yongzhi was taken aback. His movement was not small, and he pulled the bandage on his arm at once, grinning his teeth in pain.Several people were taken aback when they saw this, and they all went up to help Li Yongzhi stabilize his arm.

"They seem to have been prepared, that's why the reinforcements came so quickly." Wang Shuang expressed Li Muxuan's inference.

Hearing this, Li Yongzhi let out a long sigh, and waved his hands to disperse several people.At the same time, he walked to the edge of the city wall of the Jianshou checkpoint and looked down. On the land below where the billowing dust hung, human and undead corpses were strewn all over the field.Broken limbs and broken arms, white and dry bones, blood stained a piece of land, even the grass in the cracks at the top of the city was stained with traces of cold blood.

Li Yongzhi rubbed his temples a little tiredly, turned his head and said to Tilix: "Go let the soldiers prepare, there is still a tough battle to fight."

Seeing that Li Yongzhi had made up his mind, several generals had no choice but to accept it.

At this time, Li Yongzhi suddenly turned his head to look at Wang Shuang: "Adventurer, the sword hunting level is now at a critical moment. Although I am not familiar with you, I have no confidence in your current level. But you just now The ability to kill two death lords has already made me admire you. I wonder if you are willing to help me?"

Is this finally the plan to stop letting brother continue to make soy sauce?Wang Shuang was refreshed when he heard the words, nodded and said: "Commander, please do not hesitate to order, and you will go through fire and water."

Fuck, I don’t want to play soy sauce yet, I’m here to do tasks and get rewards!If I paddled all the way to make soy sauce, even if the Sword Hunting Level was defended and the Gate of Floating Life was stabilized, what reward would I get?There is less effort in making soy sauce, and there is a fart reward.

Seeing Wang Shuang's excitement, Li Yongzhi couldn't help but nodded: "Although I'm sorry for putting the future of Jianshou level on you, but now we can't leave even if we want to. Now it's not just a black man. There is a problem with the Feather Legion, and the other three legions are also stationed in the Jianshou checkpoint, and the dwarf army is already approaching us, and it is too late to completely evacuate."

Wang Shuang nodded, gritted his teeth, and said, "If you have any tasks, please give me your orders. I will try my best to complete them."

"Okay, your words are enough." Li Yongzhi seemed to be full of energy, and took out a map from his chest and handed it to Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang took the map, and before he could see the characters clearly, The map suddenly disappeared, slowly turning into a few light spots and falling on Wang Shuang's small map.Wang Shuang unfolded his small map, and soon found several white spots nearby.

Wang Shuang couldn't help wondering, "This is?"

Li Yongzhi explained: "The Lionheart Kingdom is no longer able to assist us, so we can only rely on our own strength to win this battle at this time. To win, both military strength and supplies are our necessities. So I Thinking of asking for foreign aid, you can use the space teleportation runes on these white dots to build a huge summoning ceremony and ask for support from the human kingdoms all over the world!"

"Ask for support from the human races all over the world?" Wang Shuang was taken aback when he heard this: "So the Lionheart Kingdom is not the only human kingdom?"

"Of course not." Li Yongzhi looked at Wang Shuang with the eyes of an idiot for a while, and then said slowly: "This world is vast and boundless. Although the kingdoms do not usually communicate with each other, if I send a request for help, they will They rushed to help us get in touch with the danger. This is our last hole card."

Wang Shuang snorted, nodded and said, "Okay, I've accepted this task, and now I'm going to these places to use the space teleportation rune."

Li Yongzhi nodded, handed a few runes to Wang Shuang, and said, "Be careful of sneak attacks from dwarves and undead, otherwise it doesn't matter if the mission fails. If the runes on your body are lost, there is no place to replace them."

Fuck, this thing will still fall.Wang Shuang nodded, took the rune and put it in his palm to watch for a while.On the surface, these are just a few unremarkable pieces of paper covered with various strange symbols in blue and black ink.These symbols are very dim now, presumably they will not change until they are used in quests.

Wang Shuang bid farewell to Li Yongzhi after receiving the runes. After walking out of the Jianshou checkpoint for a few minutes, he soon encountered the vanguard of the dwarves, no, it should be said...adventurer scouts!
This is the first time Wang Shuang has seen a dwarf player. What is different from Wang Shuang's imagination is that the dwarf player is actually not too short. The three of them seem to be only half shorter than Wang Shuang That's all.But the stoutness of the figure is exactly the same as Wang Shuang imagined.Thick arms, thick neck, thick waist.

Girls won't choose this race, right?Wang Shuang glanced at the three of them. Judging from their appearance, they seemed to be only about fifteen or sixteen years old. They were playing games instead of sleeping at this time?Probably not a good student either.Seeing the hesitant faces of the other three, Wang Shuang couldn't help snorting softly: "You are blocking my way, get out of the way, I'm in a hurry."

"Human player Wang Shuang?" A more mature player in front came up and suddenly stretched out his hand: "Hi, hello, I'm Thundercast Warcry, a player from the Dwarf Thundercast Guild. Don't get me wrong, I just want to chat with the legendary Shake Wang Shuang's hand and leave."

"Leave after shaking hands?"

"Yes, I promise."

Wang Shuang had to admit that he was amused, and at the same time gave him a suspicious look, blocking the way and hesitating, are these three guys going to sneak attack brother?Cut, anyway, my brother is not afraid of being attacked by people with this attribute now, so come on.

Wang Shuang reached out to shake hands with the dwarf player. During the handshake, the other party didn't do anything strange, but Wang Shuang always had a slightly weird feeling.After shaking hands, Wang Shuang asked, "Can I go?"

"Oh, okay, let's go." The dwarf player said.

Fuck, brother guessed wrong, is it really just a simple handshake?Wang Shuang was speechless for a while, and quickly walked past several players.

After Wang Shuang left, the dwarf player who shook hands with Wang Shuang asked his companions, "Did you take a picture of the handshake scene just now? Is that Wang Shuang? Every day I see this trash player on the forum." Bounce, now that I shake hands with him, I can be promoted to the front page for a while, right?"

A player next to him couldn't help but suggested: "Boss, why didn't you fight Wang Shuang just now? You won't lose if you lose, and you can become famous if you win. Just go viral on the forum overnight."

"Cut, fire wool." The player from the Thunder Casting Guild hummed disdainfully: "I know how much I own. You haven't seen so many people going up to provoke Wang Shuang, but they were all beaten up by him." It's a pig's head. Although I'm just shaking hands now, it can be regarded as related to Wang Shuang. Although it's not as good as beating him to win attention, but at least the next time I see Wang Shuang, it will be easier for me to shake hands! "

"So the boss is planning for the long run!" The two players next to him were shocked: "It seems that we are still too young."

"Really? Hahaha." The player laughed loudly.

Naturally, Wang Shuang couldn't understand the thoughts of a few teenagers. He quickly walked to the first white dot and took out those runes from his backpack.Suddenly, among the many rune pages, one page was emitting a faint light, and the originally dark ink stains on it seemed to come alive, swimming continuously on the page, like a living fish.Wang Shuang was taken aback, and quickly used the strange rune in his hand.

I saw that after Wang Shuang used it, the page of runes in his hand finally broke free from the shackles of the paper, slowly floated towards the sky, and shot a flash of light towards the sky, then disappeared.

This is the end?Wang Shuang stared blankly at the sky, and suddenly received a system prompt.


System prompt: The task progress has been updated.Current number of used runes: 1/7.

This process is really simple beyond imagination.Now Wang Shuang still has six runes left in his hand. As long as he runs around and activates all the runes, this task should be considered complete.

In the remaining half an hour, Wang Shuang ran between the white spots. During this period, he encountered two dwarves and one undead NPC and fought. However, with Wang Shuang's current powerful attributes, even the NPC can only Can retreat, not to mention those players who followed the NPC forward.

The undead players seemed to have accepted Wang Shuang's dominance. They didn't feel much about Wang Shuang beheading a skeleton soldier with two swords, but the dwarves' eyes widened in shock.The basic unit of their dwarves is the fighting dwarf, which has the advantages of defense and blood, but it is also a two-knife instant kill under Wang Shuang's dagger.

Many players raised their hands and looked at their palms, murmuring to themselves in disbelief: "NPCs that labor and management can't even break through the defense have hundreds of thousands of blood, and that Wang Shuang actually killed one of them with two knives?"

(End of this chapter)

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