It's time to play online

Chapter 301 The Predicament of the Silver Kingdom

Chapter 301 The Predicament of the Silver Kingdom

The situation of the other guilds is similar to the situation within the Alliance of God of War. After all the guilds have been mobilized, the first batch of players have set off from Zhouzhan City and arrived at the entrance of the Santa Masuta Forest. get together.God of War Qingfeng and the others began to work on rectifying the team. They separated the members of several guilds and asked all guild members to stand up first in a basic queue. Only then did the chaotic teams at the scene become more orderly.

Soon, a large number of players rushed to Zhou Zhan City, and set off from Zhou Zhan City to the entrance of Santa Masuta Forest.After 15 minutes, at the entrance of Santa Masuta Forest, the number of players who responded to the call had reached 5, even more than the number of players who participated in the last battle of the Sighing Islands!

This is due to the rising combat effectiveness of middle and low-level players, and of course, the recent balance of combat effectiveness among several human guilds.In front of the powerful Longteng Guild, the big guilds of several human races abandoned their prejudices one after another, worked together to develop together, and cooperated again and again for the common benefit.After a period of development, the gap between the several guilds and the Longteng guild was almost invisible.

There were still 10 minutes before the gringos arrived in the Huaxia District, and when the God of War Qingfeng was assembling the team, Shengxiao, who was on the side, came over and patted Qingfeng the God of War on the shoulder: "The NPC is here, Qingfeng, go and talk to him .”

"Oh, good." God of War Qingfeng turned his head and nodded towards Molu Shengxiao, and entrusted all the tasks at hand to God of War Bai Yu, then walked out of the crowd and saw the prince of the Silver Kingdom in a temporary camp.That's right, this is exactly the NPC that was ignored outside the city walls when the Longteng guild took down the mission of Kuye City last time.

Although the Longteng guild didn't pay much attention to this guy, the God of War Qingfeng intuitively discovered that something was wrong with this guy.After careful questioning, this person is actually not from the Lionheart Kingdom. After learning that the other party is the prince of the Silver Kingdom, God of War Qingfeng immediately searched for the keyword "Silver Kingdom" on Star Wish's encyclopedia, and soon found out that it was actually Magnesium. The human kingdom over there!
And at that time, after they completed the mission of the prince, he gradually told the group of adventurers in a foreign country the reason why he was here.It turns out that the behavior of the king and queen of their kingdom has become very strange recently. Under the investigation of this clever prince, he soon discovered that his father and mother were actually controlled by a strange demon.

However, the prince who discovered the secret did not have time to release the news, and was discovered by the devil.The devil tried to kill him, but he disguised himself as a clumsy thief, and after "accidentally" being discovered by his kingdom's guards, the prince spent two full months in prison before being banished from his royal city.

The more he thought about it, the more unwilling the prince wanted to ask for help, but now he couldn't even go back to his own kingdom.The elves in the magnesium country are also very proud, not to mention the orcs, undead and dwarves.In addition to the hostile relationship with the human race, it is a relationship of mutual use.The desperate prince decided to go to other human kingdoms for help.But after arriving in Kuoye City, he found that he couldn't find a way out.

Originally, the reason why the prince released this mission was just to see how aggressive these adventurers were, and planned to set a test to test them. Unexpectedly, these adventurers completed his mission cleanly.After investigating the meaning of these adventurers, the prince was pleasantly surprised to find that they were powerful and did not reject expeditions to other kingdoms, let alone helping him expel that extraordinary demon.

Then the prince released a powerful red-level expedition mission. After the God of War Qingfeng and his guilds are all ready, the prince of the Silver Kingdom will help them open the portal to the different space and take them to the Silver Kingdom to eliminate demons.

As for rewards?If it can be done, God of War Qingfeng and others can be regarded as the saviors of the Silver Kingdom. They are great heroes who helped the prince of the Silver Kingdom and at the same time helped the king and queen break free from the control of the demon. Do you want any rewards?
Qingfeng, the god of war, couldn't help but sigh.Back then, when the prince issued missions to them under Kuoye City, he still looked arrogant and commanded them to sweep away the monsters in Kuoye Plain.Now, he felt a little groveling, begging for their help to defeat that demon in the Silver Kingdom.Not to mention anything else, just saying that the level of this mission is red is enough to be a reason for the God of War Qingfeng to go on an expedition.

Now God of War Qingfeng walked up to the prince, and seeing him looking sad, God of War Qingfeng sighed, and after comforting him a few words, he pulled him around in front of the neat queue that the players had just assembled: "Prince Your Highness, please look at our team, with such a team, plus the strength of the few of us, what tasks are we unable to complete?"

After passing in front of several players, the prince nodded excitedly, and said to the god of war, Qingfeng: "Unexpectedly, the power of adventurers is really inexhaustible! These adventurers not only have the strength of the second level, but they can also be resurrected after the battle." , The strength of such an adventurer is equivalent to the strength of several of our soldiers. Even if our father and mother control the country's army, we can forcefully break through and go deep behind the enemy lines to find traces of that demon."

"Besides, as long as we get the clues, it's okay even if we die once. After you are resurrected, you can still use these clues to find out the demons behind them, and return my silver kingdom to a clear sky! At that time, all adventurers They are all meritorious persons of my Silver Kingdom. You can get any kind of reward, as long as it is what our Silver Kingdom can afford, it’s fine!"

The God of War, Qingfeng, laughed loudly when he heard the words: "It's a waste of time to bother His Highness, but with His Royal Highness's promise, I think these adventurers under me will also have more motivation to move forward. Everyone, don't you?"

"Fight, fight, fight!" The players of several guilds shouted together, and the atmosphere of the audience boiled for a long time without interruption.

At this time, Xue Yique glanced at the time, and reminded Qingfeng, the God of War: "There is not much time, there are only 3 minutes left, and the other party will start teleporting soon. At that time, all the masters in the Magnesium Country will teleport to us." , They have no masters in the Silver Kingdom. As long as we stand up to ordinary players and NPCs, we can break through the palace all the way forward and kill demons to complete the task."

Molu Elegy also said weakly at the side: "Although this task is of the red level, there must be a way to complete it. NPCs will not be infinitely powerful. So we... don't have to worry too much. However, what I mean by this sentence It’s not that we might not be able to defeat them, I’m just worried about that…”

"Okay, okay." Several black lines appeared on the head of Qingfeng, God of War, and quickly stopped Molu Elegy from continuing.Glancing at their neat queue, he cupped his fists to His Highness the Prince who had been waiting for a long time and said, "That's ok, Your Highness, we are ready and we can set off at any time."

"Okay, without further ado, when I open the portal, let's hit the road immediately to save my father and mother."

He was obviously equipped with a thief's equipment, but at this moment he suddenly took out a crystal staff with crystal clear body.After singing softly, a circular portal appeared.The portal sends out bursts of strong suction to the center like a vortex. Thunder and huge pressure begin to appear around the portal. There was a suction force, as if to pull him into the portal.

"The portal can last for 10 minutes, please enter immediately." His Royal Highness raised the staff and waved it in the air for two weeks, then retracted the staff with a tired face.After seeing the portal appear, God of War Qingfeng and others were overjoyed. As the leader of several guilds, Qingfeng God of War waved his hand without hesitation: "Go forward, go to the magnesium country, break into the Silver Kingdom, and kill the demons!" , set off now!"

"All adventurers, follow me into the portal and save my father and mother, as well as thousands of people in the Silver Kingdom who are in dire straits!" One rushes ahead and enters the portal.There was a flash of light from the portal, and the prince's back twisted for a while, and quickly disappeared into white light!
Afterwards, without the warning from God of War Qingfeng, the few players at the front of the team consciously walked to the entrance of the portal, made a diving posture and plunged into the portal. Their figures also twisted and disappeared like a white light, turning into dots. The white stars and bubbles receded.

Just as the players of several large guilds quickened their pace and charged into the portal, the God of War Qingfeng and others who were still in the Lionheart Kingdom also received another reminder.


System notification: Human players from the Silver Kingdom, Shengde Kingdom, Wuzong Kingdom and Tianzong Kingdom have arrived at the Sword Hunting level, and the ethnic mission "Hill of Hope" for your camp against the undead army has officially started!
System notification: The undead players from Hell Kingdom, Blood Forged Kingdom, Nightmare Kingdom and Breaking Prison Kingdom have arrived at the Sword Hunting level, and the racial mission "Hill of Hope" where the hostile camp fights against the human army has officially started!
Ok?The undead have also started to come?The god of war, Qingfeng, was taken aback for a moment, opened his friend list, and found Wang Shuang's profile picture.The other party's avatar shows that the other party is currently idle.Just as Qingfeng, God of War, was hesitating, Xue Yique saw his thoughts, patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "Don't worry, Wang Shuang's mission, what are you worried about?"

"That's right." After thinking about it for a while, Qingfeng, the God of War, nodded: "Let's focus on our side first, and all the staff hastened their pace. The group of countrymen have arrived, so let's take advantage of the fact that all their masters have left. Time to charge with all your strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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