It's time to play online

Chapter 302 Wang Shuangqun mocks foreigners

Chapter 302 Wang Shuangqun mocks foreigners

There is no reason why Wang Shuang could not receive the reminders that Qingfeng, the god of war, received.When he saw the first reminder, Wang Shuang was a bit happy at first: the people who help my brother have arrived, and they are a group of foreigners!Just as Wang Shuang was gearing up to pretend to be aggressive and let foreigners restrain their prestige, the next prompt suddenly popped up, shocking Wang Shuang dumbfounded again!

Why, why is this happening?Why do you call someone on the other side?This... doesn't follow the routine!Wang Shuang was completely in a mess. He opened the forum while he couldn't figure it out. There were still a large number of event posts that foreign Terran players wanted to send over. No one mentioned the undead's movement at all.

What's going on here?Brother finally got a bit of an advantage, how could he be settled by the other party in a blink of an eye?
Wang Shuang suddenly thought of something, couldn't help but glanced at the undead camp in the distance, and suddenly a storm arose in his heart: "Could it be that... this could be because the undead player on the opposite side saw us on the forum. The powerful reinforcements quickly reported this matter to their high-level undead NPCs, and then the undead NPCs also decided to ask undead players from several other kingdoms to come to help?"

The more Wang Shuang thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was correct.Wang Shuang was so angry that he almost fainted when he saw someone asking about it on the forum, and then an undead player came out to confirm his guess.

Fuck you, Li Yongzhi, who is riding a horse, is really harmful.When other people ask for help from another world, they are quiet and there is no sound at all. It is better for you to directly make a district-wide announcement, disturbing the entire human race to receive the news, and discussing it wildly on the forum!Now it's all right, the other party also imitated my brother to play like this, what should I do next?
Basically, Wang Shuang's guess is not wrong. After the announcement was sent out, the human race players discussed frantically on the forum, and the undead players saw the news immediately and reported the news to the sleepless the skeleton of the Lord of Heaven.The Skeletal Governor saw it and almost fell to his knees in shock.If the other party succeeds in calling all the gringos from other districts over, regardless of personal reputation and international relations, just looking at this task, they should be ashamed!
As for prestige and fame, they are all imaginary things.If you can win this battle, that is the most important thing!So the Skeleton Governor thought about it carefully, and immediately decided to follow suit, and reflect this situation with the undead NPCs, and asked the undead NPCs to ask for help from other kingdoms.

And this incident is quite a coincidence, the undead NPC's obsession with the Gate of Floating Life is much stronger than that of the human race. At this time, when they heard that the other party had powerful reinforcements from other kingdoms, they naturally became restless.

Originally, a few legions were enough to deal with the human race. If the other party wanted to win the battle, they would inevitably press more legions to join the battle. In the end, they could get a lot of compensation for defeat.But the NPCs of the undead didn't expect that the human race didn't play cards according to the routine this time. There were no soldiers inside the human race, the sword hunting level was broken, and they couldn't beat the undead, so they directly called people to other kingdoms!

After the Skeleton Governor expressed his opinion, the high-level NPC of the undead clan directly agreed.The other party has done this and called for reinforcements from other kingdoms, why can't I?So the undead also began to call people, and also issued tasks to other worlds.

So the anchor who clamored "it's not fair, why don't the undead have such benefits" before got his wish this time, and participated in this mighty battle.After the NPC finished doing this, Tiandu Bone was also stunned, and the situation had gradually gotten out of his control.At that time, if you win the battle, it's okay to say that you don't have to worry about what other people say.

But what if you lose?Skeleton Tiandu couldn't imagine the consequences if he thought of losing.He is like a poor student who is struggling now. Seeing that others have good grades, it can be said that others have worked hard.But what if you work hard yourself?What if after working hard, the result is still not as good as those good students?
Grass, what do you do with so much of it.The Skeletal Governor thought for a second, anyway, it was Wang Shuang who called for reinforcements first, and if I call again, there will not be too many people lost.And even if you can't beat them, the opponent is someone who once singled out an entire guild, and the foreign human race may be stronger than the undead race, so it's not wrong to lose.

The other kingdoms of the undead soon recruited registered adventurers like the human race, and followed the human race adventurers to the teleportation array two miles outside the sword hunting level.

Skeletal Superintendent sighed, and led a few guilds in front of the teleportation formation, watching the undead players who came out one by one, with very powerful equipment and levels, and became a little silent.

After all, these are the top players on several other servers. When these players are all gathered together, it's really hard to say which one is stronger and which one is weaker.But looking at the rebellious faces of these people, I'm afraid no one will admit that they are weaker than others.

" the Huaxia District?" At this time, a player walking out was wearing a black gold heavy armor, and the skull face and skeleton body of the undead player were completely gone.When Tiandu Skeletons looked over, the white skin like moonlight and bloodless fingers made Tiandu Skeletal's pupils shrink.He looked up and couldn't help but muttered to himself, "Could this be... a vampire?"

"Huaxia people?" At this time, the player also found the skeleton Tiandu, walked up and looked him up and down, stretched out a hand, and said in a voice automatically translated by the star wish machine: "I am Wrynn (Wrynn) , the undead players in the magnesium country, I am very happy to come to help you, defeat the human race, and revive the great cause of the undead race."

Fuck, this guy is nice and has no temper.The Skeletal Superintendent also nodded repeatedly, and reached out to hold each other tightly: "Hello, hello, I am the Skeletal Superintendent of the undead in Huaxia District, thank you for your timely support."

"Skeleton... Tiandu?" The other party seemed to be stunned, and it took a long time to read his ID correctly, and then a kind smile appeared on his face.

At this time, players from several other districts also came up to shake hands with Skeletal Governor.After the Skeleton Governor shook hands with each of them excitedly, he couldn't help but feel more confident when he learned that the undead suppressed the human race in other areas.

In short, the atmosphere on the undead side was very harmonious, but not so good on the human side.

When the first human alien appeared on the opposite side, he jumped out of the teleportation array, waved his weapon and roared loudly: "The enemy! Where is the enemy? I will tear it apart!"

Of course, this sentence was originally in English, but after being translated, it became Chinese.Wang Shuang immediately understood what he said, and just as he walked up, the foreign man saw Wang Shuang, roared, and unexpectedly raised his big axe and slashed at Wang Shuang.

Damn it!Not to be outdone, Wang Shuang immediately took out his dagger, raised his hand, not only knocked the opponent's weapon away, but also cut a bottomless wound on his arm.The foreigner was stunned, as if he had just seen the friendly green name on Wang Shuang's head.His lips twitched twice and was about to say something, but his legs suddenly softened, and he fell to his knees, and then turned into a white light and returned to the distant bonfire to be revived.

After seeing this scene, several foreign players who came out fell silent.At the same time, the name on Wang Shuang's head became as bright as blood.Wang Shuang looked at the unkind eyes of several foreigners, and smiled awkwardly: "Well, it's not about my brother. You have also seen that he did it first."

"Are you Wang Shuang, the strongest player of the human race?" Among the few people who came out, one suddenly asked, looking Wang Shuang up and down.Wang Shuang was taken aback, then nodded, and said lazily: "It's me, what's the matter, do you still want to compete with me? It just so happens that my brother has already beaten all the invincible players in this area, do you want to try it too? "

"What an arrogant Chinese!" The person who asked the question before couldn't help but snorted, and walked out of the crowd with a stabbing sword on his shoulders, stretched out the long sword in his hand, shouted suddenly violently, and thrust the stabbing sword in his hand The sword pointed straight at the position three or four centimeters before the tip of Wang Shuang's nose: "How about it, do you dare to compete with me? Let's see who is stronger between the number one human race player in China and the number one human race player in the country of Magnesia." one chip?"

"Come on." Wang Shuang didn't realize the habit of being trampled on his face. Although he was often trampled on, he didn't care, but this time it was different.In front of this group of foreigners, for some reason, Wang Shuang's middle school soul suddenly burned, and he had the idea of ​​showing off his might, wanting to let out the breath in his chest.

At this time, as soon as he was challenged by the opponent, he immediately bounced off the ground like a grasshopper.At the same time, Wang Shuang glanced at the player behind the man from the country with a disdainful look, and hooked his fingers arrogantly: "If you are not afraid of death, just let the horse come over. No matter how many people come, I will kill you."

It was said that before the player behind the man from the country of magnesium had a fit, the man from the country of magnesium couldn't help it, his eyes were as cold as ice in January, and he asked coldly: "I am not worthy to be your opponent?"

"That's not true." Wang Shuang smiled slightly, pointed at him, and then pointed at the group of players gradually appearing behind him: "I'm not targeting anyone, I mean that everyone who is doing it is not as strong as me. Who wants to Lead me, or step on my head, please beat me first. Let me tell you, we have a saying in Huaxia called: If you can’t beat me, don’t force me. Brother just stepped on your face like this, what’s the matter, you fight back, bite me?"

Silence, dead silence.Then Wang Shuang saw that the faces of these foreigners were very gloomy. At first glance, they were as dark as a cloud.

Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat suddenly, brother can't play big, right?
(End of this chapter)

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