It's time to play online

Chapter 303 1 Gold Toss

Chapter 303

"Huaxia people, we didn't come here to fight you one-on-one." At this time, a white-skinned player came out and separated Wang Shuang from the former Mei countryman. The atmosphere relaxed, and many players immediately jumped up. : "Yes, yes, after all, we are here to do missions. Whether we want to fight alone or fight in groups, let's talk about it after the mission is completed. If you lose the mission reward for this kind of thing, it won't be worth it."

"You're right, let's settle the accounts after we finish the task, Huaxia people." The man from Mei country snorted angrily, at the same time subconsciously glanced at Wang Shuang, and turned his head away with a cold snort.

Wang Shuang also nodded repeatedly when he heard the words: "That's right, then wait until the task is finished, and then have a good time."

"Wang Shuang, I'll knock you back to level 50 at that time, get ready and wait." The man from Mei country laughed and raised his middle finger at Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang hummed softly and lowered his head to pretend he didn't see it.Afterwards, the people of Magnesium returned to their team and began to discuss the battle plan with their teammates.

Wang Shuang glanced at the Terran players from several other countries. Perhaps because Wang Shuang provoked all of them before, no one came up to communicate with Wang Shuang, and all of them stopped to watch from a distance.

Players from these countries, large and small, have flags of their own countries on their heads. Except for Wang Shuang, who is an aboriginal adventurer here, who does not display the flags, the other countries of Li Rumei and Ouzhou have displayed a flag in front of their IDs. Small flags that certify the server and country they belong to.

Among these small flags, there is a red and white flag that is the most distinctive.Each of them had serious expressions on their faces, and their eyes were not gentle when they looked at Wang Shuang.

It is already early morning in Japan and Huaxia, but the third to fifth floors of the Yingyu dormitory building of Nataniya University in Japan are still brightly lit.The doors of several dormitories were open, and the lights in the rooms were projected onto the ground at the door, making it bright.

But there was no one in the several dormitories in succession. In the 408 dormitory on the fourth floor, the door of one dormitory was closed tightly.If you walk in and take a look, you will see many college students standing or sitting in a narrow room, and all of them have serious expressions about going to the battlefield.

In front of them, three or four players were sitting on the floor wearing helmets. Unlike ordinary helmets, these people borrowed a line from their helmets and connected them all the way to a huge screen, showing their field of vision.When Wang Shuang sent out his provocation, as the captain of the Naya University Mitsui team, Hasegawada was staring at Wang Shuang's every move on the big screen without moving.

A team member said seriously to Hasegawada: "Captain, I think this person seems unreliable. He has already issued an application for help, but he is so arrogant and arrogant. He doesn't take us seriously. Isn't he afraid that we will walk away? Let them fail the mission of the Chinese people?"

Hearing this, Hasegawada chuckled, and shook his head lightly: "That's not true. Even if this task is worthless, those human players from Ouzhou and Magnesium will rush to help the Chinese complete the task. As long as they In this way, you have advertised your own military power, and you will definitely get more sponsorship when you go back."

Just when some players jumped out to persuade Wang Shuang and the Mei people, the door of Hasegawada's dormitory was also pushed open, and the people in the room who were playing games without helmets cast their gazes over at once.The guy who came in waved his hand, took off the peaked cap on his head, and showed an ordinary face: "Don't be nervous, it's me."

The other team members were moved, and even Hasegawada stood up from the bed, walked up to the man and shook hands with him: "Good evening, Mr. Irochi, I have been waiting here for a long time!"

Iluchi nodded, greeted everyone in the room, then knelt down on the tatami floor, looked at the picture on the big screen, and asked, "Did the transmission succeed? How is the situation now?"

Hasegawada cheered up, and took the initiative to stand up and report: "Hey Yi, all members of our Mitsui team have successfully transmitted, but Mr. Yi Luzhi, do we really want to help this Chinese man complete his task next?" ?”

Yi Luzhi smiled and shook his head: "If we don't help, it won't do us any good. Even if we help, we won't be able to compete with them in Ouzhou, the country of Magnesium. We might as well do something else, which will be beneficial." picture thing."

Hearing this, Hasegawada frowned tightly: "Mr. Yi Luzhi, our people have just explored. The space of this battlefield is closed. We cannot pass through the gate of floating life to reach the human race behind the Huaxia District." main city."

Yi Luzhi laughed loudly and said, "It doesn't matter, if you don't go to the main city of the human race, there are other things you can do. For example... How about we serve as undercover agents for the undead? It just so happens that there is also our Japanese team on the undead side .”

Hasegawada's cold sweat suddenly flowed down: "Mr. Yi Luzhi means... to fight Liuhua and the others? Doing this is an act of betrayal of the human race. If we are discovered, our reputation in the Wuzong Kingdom will follow. Big drop!"

Yi Luzhi said coldly: "It doesn't matter, it's interesting like this. Besides, I'm not short of money, so if you need investment, just say so. This time, I'll allocate 3000W of activity funds for you, and work hard. If the task of the human player in Huaxia District If it fails, the remaining half will be distributed to you.”

Iluchi's tone was firm, and there was no room for negotiation.Hasegawada also heard the meaning of the other party. After hesitating for a while, he finally nodded, gritted his teeth and agreed, "Hey, I will definitely fulfill my mission!"


At the entrance of the Santa Masuta Forest, the large teams of several guilds have almost left. War God Qingfeng and others are doing the final finishing work. After confirming the list of players, War God Qingfeng is the last one to enter the portal. He glanced at the edge of the portal, then stepped in.After the god of war Qingfeng finally entered, the portal that had still had one minute left suddenly closed, turning into bits and pieces of debris and disappearing in the midair.

Soon, God of War Qingfeng felt that he had come to the other end of the portal. In the next second, the light flashed, and Qingfeng of God of War entered a new map. At this moment, several guild teams in front of him were gathering and integrating with.God of War Qingfeng walked to the front of the team, seeing that Baiyu, God of War had almost assembled their people, nodded in satisfaction.

"Let's go." God of War Qingfeng waved his hand, and the people of the God of War Alliance rushed out first, following the prince of the Silver Kingdom.

God of War Bai Yu followed up from behind at this time: "Boss, I heard that Wang Shuang has formed a battlefield area, and now our players nearby can't get in if they want to. In other words, Wang Shuang is now fighting with a group of foreigners. Let's stay near the Gate of Floating Life together."

Qingfeng, God of War, nodded impatiently: "There must be a way to deal with that guy's words. I'll say the same thing as before, that guy doesn't have to worry. Now we have the Silver Kingdom in front of us. Prepare to follow in the footsteps of the NPC and start charging."

"it is good!"


In a certain forest in the Lionheart Kingdom, Long Teng Xingchen, who had just read the news on the forum, sneered and turned off the messages sent by his subordinates: "Hmph, you guilds in the God of War Alliance think that you can get rid of us this time and go get the high Has the task been paid? Unfortunately, it seems that we are going to confront each other again."

"Boss, our side is also ready, we can leave at any time." Long Teng Liuguang said at this time coming up from behind.

"The team is assembled?" Longteng Xingchen turned his head and came to his guild's team. Looking at the mighty army of Longteng guild players, even Longteng Xingchen felt uncomfortable at this moment: "Longteng guild All of you, follow me to fight across servers, fully log into the Silver Kingdom, and give those Magnesium people, as well as God of War Alliance, a surprise!"

"Kill it, kill it!" The other members of the Longteng Guild followed suit and shouted.

At this moment, a figure with only the upper body appeared behind Long Teng Xingchen. This person's head was surprisingly small and very flat.Apart from a pair of eyes that glow orange, there are no other organs.There are only three fingers growing on the palm, and all of them are reflexed like eagle claws.The lower body of this figure is empty, and the lingering black smoke continuously diffuses from the end of his upper body. The black smoke hovers on the ground, and the whole body is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, like a fuzzy spinning top.

"A demon." Bei Jianzhu came up from the other side, looked at the strange guy in front of him and couldn't help sighing: "Sometimes, a demon is the one who understands human feelings the most."

"Who kept complaining about this demon before accepting the mission?" Long Teng Xingchen grinned at Bei Jianzhu, waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's talk about the specific situation after the mission is completed, the teleportation array is about to open, let's catch up Following in the footsteps of the Alliance of Gods of War, log in to the server in the Magnesia region."

The dark figure has not spoken since it appeared.Knowing that now, after Long Teng Xingchen waved his hand at him, he swayed in a circle suddenly, and this monster with a strange figure suddenly burst open, exploding into a cloud of pitch-black smoke.Soon, a dark vortex appeared, and black water continuously splashed out from the vortex, and when it fell on the ground, the flowers and plants on the ground began to wither and wither.

"It's like a door leading to hell." Long Teng Qingming made a simple comment.

"It doesn't matter whether it leads to hell or heaven, if you have milk, you are a father. Let's go." Longteng Xingchen shouted, and rushed into the teleportation formation together with the three vice-chairmen of the Longteng Guild. He and the squad leader also poured into the teleportation array one after another. The dark vortex was like a big mouth that swallowed all living beings. After swallowing people, not even a single bubble could come out.

Just when the human race was full of excitement, the undead side also did not fall behind.

Liuhua Frantic, as a hidden professional death knight of the undead, and the player with the strongest combat power of the undead, it is rare to see much arrogance in him.At this moment, when he was visiting the NPC's skeleton army with the undead from the Huaxia District, there was a sudden ding, and someone connected him to a voice call.

Liuhua raised his eyebrows frantically, said "I'm rude" and walked away quickly.After arriving at the corner, Liuhua frantically opened the friend list, and when he saw that the person who came was actually Hasegawada, his eyebrows raised deeply.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally got through to Hasegawada's voice call: "What is it, Captain Mitsui? Why are you looking for me so late?"

On the other side, Hasegawada couldn't help sighing: "There is a saying in Huaxia called 'Ming people don't use secret words', so I told Captain Liuhua clearly. We decided to give up helping the forces of the human race and instead serve as the undead race Undercover, to provide you with information. Captain Liuhua is willing to accept it?"

Liuhua frantically froze for a moment: "Undercover? It's really interesting. I don't know why Captain Mitsui thinks so?"

Hasegawada said in a heavy tone: "When we just arrived here, we were all stepped on the face by the arrogant player of the human race, so we want to make him suffer. Besides, even if we help the magnesium country, we win It’s not good for us, so why not help Captain Liuhua.”

Liuhua laughed wildly and said: "I'm afraid it's not right. I also have people from the Mei country here. You just think that there are fewer troops on the human side, and the Chinese player still makes you unhappy, and you can't cooperate together. Seeing that we are originally an advantage. , come to rely on us."

Hasegawada was speechless for a long time, and finally sighed and replied: "Captain Liuhua knows things like a god, I admire you, so what does Captain Liuhua mean?"

"Agreed, why don't you agree? Anyway, Captain Mitsui is also from our Japan benzene area. It doesn't make any difference if you have more of you. But we have an advantage in the first place, and the reward after winning is..."

"Yes, we all follow the arrangements of Captain Liuhua."

"Hehe, then there's no problem. Captain Mitsui is really wise. If there's nothing else to do, I'll hang up first. I'm working with a few other people from the server."

"Hehe, okay, Captain Liuhua has worked hard, goodbye Captain Liuhua."

After hanging up the voice call, Hasegawada couldn't help resisting the urge to smash his helmet, and slowly calmed down.If it weren't for Mr. Yi Luzhi's event subsidies, the devil would come to seek refuge with you!Hasegawada was even more annoyed at the thought of looking at other people's faces in the future.

Taking off the helmet and returning to reality, Mr. Irochi had already left his dormitory after a short stay, and several other people also returned to their rooms to go online.Hasegawada is the only one left in the dormitory.The dormitory of Nagoya University is a single room, so after the meeting, the dormitory, which was bustling just now, suddenly became deserted.

"I don't know if our behavior is right or wrong this time..." Hasegawada thought after taking off his helmet, staring blankly at the moon outside the window.

(End of this chapter)

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