It's time to play online

Chapter 304 Wang Shuang failed to pretend again

Chapter 304 Wang Shuang failed to pretend again

There are still more than 20 hours left in Wang Shuang's full attribute bonus state, and it is only three o'clock in the morning.When the NPC took the group of foreign players to visit the Jianshou level, the people from the Mei Kingdom and the Ouzhou people frowned the whole time, and some even looked back at Wang Shuang and asked, "Didn't it mean that the human race in the Huaxia District completely suppressed the undead?" , why was he beaten so badly?"

"Comprehensive suppression..." Wang Shuang smiled wryly when he heard the words: "It is suppression, but I am alone, and there is an entire undead player who signed up for this mission on the opposite side. In terms of the strength of the NPC legion, we are far behind the opponent by several Not to mention a level, now we are still being targeted by the dwarves, and the dwarves players and NPCs are just around the corner."

"Dwarves?" Hearing this, a man from the Mei Kingdom couldn't help but look back at Wang Shuang, and asked in surprise, "How could you have something to do with the dwarves?"

So Wang Shuang explained all the ins and outs of the story of Gate of Floating Life. After listening to it, the people of Mei country only said: "The situation is getting worse" and there is no further text.

A man from the Magnesium country stroked the cracked marks on the Jianshou level, and couldn't help but shook his head: "No, the durability of this level is too bad now, if the situation of the undead in Huaxia District is really the same as this Huaxia person said Say, our chances of winning are infinitely close to zero.”

Several other Magnesium people nodded their heads when they heard the words, and for a while, the players in other districts also fell silent.

Only Wang Shuang blinked, and suddenly smiled brightly and said: "The chances of winning are infinitely close to zero? You are not kidding, before their undead army completely captured the city wall, and they still couldn't get in. It was all because of me." People are standing at the gate of the city. In my opinion, our chances of winning are very high."

"You?" The Mei countryman who was going to duel with Wang Shuang before stared at him, his face was as ugly as if he had just eaten a salted fish: "Huaxia people, that's not how you brag."

Wang Shuang hooked the corner of his mouth, and was about to say something, when suddenly a soldier rushed in, clasped his fists and said to Li Yongzhi: "The dwarves are attacking again."


This is the second time that the dwarves came to the city. The last time when they were about to enter the city gate, they were driven aside by the legions of the undead who chased after them. After killing a thorough while writing, they all withdrew back.

Now it is the second attack of the dwarves, and the sword hunting level is already overwhelmed.And the main force of this battle is no longer NPC heavy armored spearmen and archers, and of course they will not be cavalry, but this group of guys who have just been teleported here and want to promote their force.After passing through the seemingly imaginary city gate, they came to the Jianshou checkpoint, stepping on the steps of billowing smoke and dust, stepping slowly over corpses of human race or undead race.

Foreign players seem to be visiting a certain scenic spot, walking along the way and observing the surrounding terrain.And before the players of the dwarves arrived, they didn't even know what they were supposed to do.In fact, they couldn't go far, and Wang Shuang didn't want to go either.On the one hand, although Wang Shuang is strong himself, he is confident that he can dominate the dwarf player group in the next day.

But the Jianshou level is not as chic as Wang Shuang. Once the dwarf players pass through the Jianshou level, and then use some special skills forcibly stealth, they can quietly pass through the Jianshou level and the plains along the way. Approaching the Gate of Floating Life.Wang Shuang didn't know what the consequences would be if dwarf players approached the gate of floating life. All he could do was try his best to stop it.

Just when the dwarves players appeared on the horizon, Wang Shuang suddenly saw a high-speed moving figure rushing out of the human team and rushing into the front dwarf players' team.

"Fuck, who is this?" Wang Shuang stretched his neck and glanced at the person's ID. He always felt that this ID seemed familiar, very familiar... Nani, isn't this the one who claimed to be the strongest player of the human race in the Magnesia area at the beginning? guy?So if he rushes out now, is he going to prove his strength?

Naturally, Wang Shuang didn't want to watch others do it alone, so Wang Shuang also activated the skill Dark Lurking. After getting 25? ? ?After the speed was increased, Wang Shuang chased after him. After a few seconds of fitting together, he quickly caught up with the shadow behind the opponent.

At this time, Wang Shuang could already see the faces of those dwarves players. The dwarves were as kind as they were, and when both the human race and the undead raced to recruit people from other countries, they still kept themselves safe and didn't call for any foreign aid.So all the dwarves are now players from the Huaxia District.

At this time, seeing the famous Magnesium player rushing forward, most of the dwarf players were on alert immediately, and the players in the front row even hurriedly erected a tall shield wall in an attempt to block the rush of the Magnesium player.

"It's useless." He laughed, and pulled out an elongated wide-edged sword from behind, holding the sword in his right hand, and pressing his left hand on one side of the blade, caressing the cold blade, he suddenly accelerated and sprinted forward for a short distance Sweeping the long sword in his hand, Wang Shuang was shocked: this indestructible long sword cut through the shields of several dwarf players in front of him, and knocked them back several times. looking at his hands.

"What's going on? What's going on with this man of Magnesia?" Wang Shuang heard someone shout.

"Everyone, hold on, no matter how strong he is, he is only one person. Let's go together and kill him one by one!" Soon a player shouted.

Afterwards, a group of players in the front row took out their swords from their backpacks one after another, and the dance of swords, guns and swords began to throw at the players in the Magnesium country indiscriminately. At the same time, many dwarf pitchers appeared behind the dwarves. Throwing it out, it turned into a rain of stones and slammed down on the player's door in the country of Magnesia. The sight is not bad!
The Magnesium Country seemed to be overwhelmed at this time, and with a soft snort, he took out a can of blood medicine from his backpack and drank it all in one gulp.Then Wang Shuang saw that the other party's blood bar returned from a half-health state to full health, and Wang Shuang was so shocked that he almost left the invisible state.

"Weak, too weak, are the Chinese people at this level?" the Magnesium player laughed.

"Get out of the way, I'll deal with him." At this time, there was a roar from the dwarf player team, and a player with a big ax rushed out, the handle of the ax swept across, and the sharp blade brought a whistling wind, ruthlessly He slammed it down on the face of the Magnesium country player.

"Finally an interesting person has come." The Magnesium country player raised the long sword in his hand, held it in his right hand, and pressed his left hand under the gym, gritted his teeth and resisted the full blow of the player in front of him.Then, as before, he put away the long sword in his hand, swiped forward suddenly, drew a half arc, and sent the dwarf player flying.At the same time, the Qi and blood on the player's head in Magnesium country fluctuated again. It seemed that the recovery time of the potion was over, and his blood bar continued to fluctuate.

"Is there nothing better?" The Magnesium player laughed wildly, raised his palm and pointed his middle finger at the dwarf players in front of him: "Rookie, you guys are so good."

"Big Countryman, why are you so arrogant?" Immediately, two dwarf players with red eyes waved their swords angrily and rushed towards this arrogant player from the Country of Magnesia, but they were caught by him just like the previous few people. Give a sweep and shoot forward to fly out.

"Pfft." Just when the dwarf players were furious, and when the Magnesium players were laughing happily, suddenly his whole body shook, and he raised his head in disbelief, and glanced at the blood bar on his head.It was still full of blood a second ago, but now it has become an empty blood tank.The warm holy light and the wandering Thunder Snake were crawling on him. He turned his head with difficulty, looked back at Wang Shuang, and opened his mouth: "You..."

Wang Shuang pulled the dagger out of the other party's neck, and said casually: "I didn't want to kill you, so you can pretend to be forceful, but you actually pretended to be in front of brother, and even made fun of the group. Although brother also opened fire before The group ridiculed, but brother has strength, you don't have this strength, so naturally you were instantly killed by brother."

However, Wang Shuang was talking nonsense for a long time, and the magnesium country player had already crooked his neck, turned into a white light and returned to the campfire behind the Jianshou level to be reborn.

"It's Wang Shuang!" A few dwarf players saw Wang Shuang appearing, and immediately killed the players from the country of Magnesium, and couldn't help but excitedly said: "Well done, Wang Shuang, I didn't expect that even though you are the same as him, The guy from the camp, but when it comes to issues of principle, he still has his own principles."

"You're welcome, of course, I've always been a very principled person." Wang Shuang chuckled, waved his hand and said, "Okay, thank you all, and stop talking nonsense. Get rid of the people of Mei Country After that, it's your turn."

"Huh?" The dwarf players were taken aback.

"Hey what, didn't you just say that our camps are different, aren't we?" Wang Shuang asked back with his eyes wide open. Seeing that the other party was speechless, he shook his head, then drew out his dagger, and rushed into the pile of dwarf players inside.


By the time the foreigners behind caught up, Wang Shuang had already killed all the dwarf players.The remaining dwarf players saw that something was wrong, so they quickly gave up on Wang Shuang and retreated.Only some NPCs with insufficient functions are still trying to cause harm to Wang Shuang.However, Wang Shuang's physical defense has already broken through 1W points after seven or eight times of bonuses, and these sixty or seventy NPCs are completely unable to break through Wang Shuang's defense.

Seeing the corpses of NPCs all over the place, as well as the equipment dropped by the players, the foreigners of the human race couldn't help but widen their eyes in shock. Looking at Wang Shuang who was still fighting with the NPC soldiers in front, they couldn't help saying: : "WHY, why is this Chinese person so strong? He alone can directly single out players of a race!"

Within a few minutes, all those who could be killed were killed by Wang Shuang, and the quick-responsive players quickly disappeared from Wang Shuang's eyes.Except for the equipment and corpses all over the place, there was nothing left on the battlefield.

For the dwarf players, Wang Shuang neither liked nor disliked them. It was just to make their NPCs completely give up their plan to attack the sword hunting level. Wang Shuang took a ruthless hand and wiped out a large number of dwarf soldiers.At the end, after Wang Shuang killed the leader of the dwarves, the remaining dwarf soldiers finally gave up their attack and retreated behind the players.

Wang Shuang hadn't had time to rest yet. On the other side, the player from the Magnesium Country who had just died and came back from the resurrection ran up angrily, drew out his long sword and pointed at Wang Shuang's neck and asked, "Huaxia people, what did you just do?" Why did you sneak attack me? We are here to help you with the task!"

Wang Shuang looked at the resentment on the other party's face, raised his eyelids, and couldn't help but said: "So what, I heard you scolding us Huaxia people, so I didn't like it, so I killed it. By the way, I want to tell you that there is no strength. , don’t pretend to be the boss like your brother, if you fail to pretend to be the boss, you will be slapped in the face instead, and you will end up as frustrated as you are now."

Wang Shuang didn't know how Xingyuan's system translated his words. In short, after Wang Shuang finished speaking, the other party's face changed instantly.He snorted coldly, without talking nonsense, and passed the long sword in his hand forward, cutting a bloodstain on Wang Shuang's neck.

Then, a big "0" floated out.

After seeing this number, the face of the Magnesium player changed drastically, and then he looked at Wang Shuang with an unbelievable look.Although the surrounding foreign players had been shocked before, seeing the strongest of their human races at this time, they couldn't do anything to Wang Shuang, and there was no need to describe the shock on their faces.

Wang Shuang smiled, and rolled his eyes at him: "How about it, brother is standing here and let you chop him up, but can you do it?"

After listening to Wang Shuang's words, the Magnesium players roared unconvinced, swung their long swords and stabbed several sword flowers on Wang Shuang's body continuously, but none of the swords could cause actual damage.In the end, the Magnesium country player was so angry that he threw the long sword in his hand to the ground, and heaved a long sigh.

Just when Wang Shuang was triumphant, as if a spring breeze was blowing on his face, an unremarkable player walked out of the team and hugged Wang Shuang. Without saying a word, he just pulled out the dagger in his hand, and then pointed at Wang Shuang.That means, it seems to want to compete with Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, not quite sure why the other party used gestures to express without speaking, but he still nodded, holding a dagger and preparing to fight.He didn't summon his three followers, and he shouldn't need them anyway.

The foreigner used the habit of clasping fists that he didn't know where he learned, and clasped his fists at Wang Shuang again, and then disappeared strangely while holding a dagger.Even Wang Shuang can't see the other party, which may be a side effect of the talent of Shi Lai.

But so what?My brother's attributes are so strong now, I'm afraid that you will give me a second.

Just as Wang Shuang was about to say a few words of ridicule, his eyes suddenly went dark, and then he heard a ding as a reminder.Wang Shuang quickly looked at the system to prompt: Player Button uses a skill to kill you with a deadly gouge, triggering a one-hit kill effect, and you are dead!
(End of this chapter)

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