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Chapter 306 It's the Li Family Again

Chapter 306 It's the Li Family Again
"Why, are you having trouble with human adventurers from other kingdoms?" Tilix asked Wang Shuang.

"Hehe, it would be great if it's just the kind of children's play house." Wang Shuang chuckled and shook his head: "Let's not talk about it, now our adventurer has just experienced a battle, and he is already exhausted. But the undead adventurers and... NPCs on the opposite side are in full bloom, we will definitely not be able to defend the sword hunting level."

Tyrex raised his eyebrows and asked, "But you don't seem to be in a hurry at all, do you already have a countermeasure?"

Wang Shuang nodded: "Yes, didn't you have that amulet before? Lend me back to recharge it and bring it back. It should last another day."

Hearing this, Tirix sighed, and took out Wang Shuang's familiar amulet from his chest: "Adventurer, although this amulet is powerful, it can create advantages for us to a large extent, and even directly influence the final outcome of a battle." The result. But you have to know that the opposite of any powerful thing has a huge price that he has to pay."

Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "The price...isn't a big deal. We adventurers are many and powerful. As long as I go back, it doesn't matter whether it requires materials or money. Even if it is a rare treasure, we The footprints of adventurers also wander around the world, everywhere, which is not difficult; but if you want money, it is even easier. As long as it is a concrete amount, we can afford it. Besides, in addition to money and materials, Is there anything else that can trouble us, coolie?"

Hearing this, Tirix shook his head and sighed: "Adventurer, you are still too young, too young and too simple."

When Wang Shuang heard it, he couldn't help being happy: "Are you going to read two lines of poetry next?"

"What poem?" This time it was Tyrex's turn to be confused.

"It's because I didn't make it clear to you last time, and you still had expectations about it." Tyrex smiled wryly, as if he had infinite helplessness: "Adventurer, I advise you to give up this idea, at least For a short period of time, this amulet cannot be recharged for use."

Wang Shuang couldn't help wondering: "Why? Don't you still have two amethyst rings on your hand? Could it be that there are some materials that cannot be collected?"

"It's not a matter of materials." Tyrex shook his head: "It's people! Last time I charged you, did you feel that the whole process was very fast, and it was completed with almost no waiting?"

"Yeah, isn't it just charging energy? How much effort can it take?" Wang Shuang wondered: "And if you think about it this way, charging energy is mainly charging energy, right? In other words, energy is power, and it should be There is no need to spend any precious materials and money, so how difficult is it to recharge?"

"The difficulty lies in people! The reason why you recharged successfully last time is because someone has already reserved it." Tyrex returned to the table, took out a piece of rice paper and a thick brush, and painted on the rice paper Hua Hua, while explaining to Wang Shuang: "Look at this pool, when you were charging last time, did you see the amulet thrown into the pool, and then the pool glowed, the amulet absorbed the energy inside, and a charging was completed. capable process?"

"This... seems to be it?" Wang Shuang was embarrassed to say that he was blocked at the door last time, and he didn't see what happened inside, so he could only speak stubbornly.

"The water in that pond is not ordinary water, but holy spring water with powerful magic power. Most of the materials contained in it are unknown to you, such as exquisite grass, fibrous roots..."

Wang Shuang felt a little familiar when he heard it, and then suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but ask, "Aren't these just a few herbs in the formula of the blood-generating agent?"

"Uh, blood-generating potion?" Tyrex was speechless.

"That's right, the general may not know that I am also a yellow-level pharmacist." Wang Shuang said.

"Yellow class!" Tilix had a sudden realization expression on his face: "So that's the case, but why are you so strong, even the accompanying doctor of our military camp... No, no, let's not talk, adventurer, I just Said the material is not a problem, right?"

"Yes, you are the one who wants to show off those herbs." Wang Shuang couldn't help being speechless.

Tyrex nodded: "Above the orange level, you can be regarded as a grandmaster. And the yellow level is already a master level that most people can't reach. You can achieve such an achievement at a young age. It’s not easy. But it’s not enough just to have these medicinal materials. To configure these medicinal materials into a medicine pool that can replenish energy, that person needs to personally configure them. But we can’t invite her now..."

When Wang Shuang heard this, his face suddenly became serious: "Finally, who is that person?"

Ma Dan, as long as you tell your brother, even if he is a king, you can take him here.Brother now has a hunter's skill "Health Limit Retention" that can keep players and NPCs alive at 10 points of blood, and a pirate's skill that can kidnap NPCs away. Not at hand?
Tirix gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind and said: "She is the princess of our Lionheart Kingdom, the second daughter of the Li family, Li Meiru."

The Li family, it's the Li family again!Wang Shuang asked in surprise, "Is it the Li family in the capital of the Lionheart Kingdom?"

Tiliks nodded: "Yes, it is the Li family in the City of Order and Watch, the first family of the Lionheart Kingdom! It is also the sister of our General Li Yongzhi."

What a coincidence, what a coincidence?Wang Shuang couldn't help but asked in a daze: "Then, do I have a chance to meet her?"

"Unfortunately, there is no chance!" Tyrex shook his head.

Damn it, I don't believe it!Wang Shuang suddenly became agitated. During the time when the Time-Lapling talent is triggered, the probability of being seen through his invisibility is also reversed. That is to say, low-level players and NPCs have a high probability of seeing through his invisibility, but advanced players can see through his invisibility. The probability of players and NPCs seeing through is very small!

Why don't you use this advantage to sneak in?
It's decided, let's do it!Just as Wang Shuang was about to turn his head and leave, he suddenly remembered that even if the high-level NPCs couldn't see him, the low-level NPCs could still see him!And what level is Wang Shuang now? Level 61!
What should I do if I encounter a level 60 guard on the road?
——Ahhh, thinking of this, Wang Shuang spewed out a mouthful of old blood. Brother, this is the rhythm of defeating the boss, and then being seconded by the mobs. I don't accept it!
"Is there any prescription?" Since finding the princess is not feasible, Wang Shuang decided to start with the medicine: "Although the materials are scarce, the general also said that the materials are not a problem. If there is a prescription, I can try it! "

"You?" Hearing this, Tirix smiled slightly, then shook his head: "Adventurer, you don't know how much sensation the Lion Heart Kingdom was when the second daughter of the Li family successfully refined the medicine pond. It is also because of this incident that the prince of the Lionheart Kingdom officially decided to marry the second daughter of the Li family!"

The corner of Wang Shuang's mouth twitched, and suddenly asked: "Is it difficult? Is the success rate low? Do you have it?"

Tiliks nodded again and again: "It's very difficult, very difficult. At that time, Princess Ru was already an orange-level pharmacist. With her extraordinary talent, after she took a holy bath and purified herself, she tried it five times in a row. Once was a success."

Wang Shuang was stunned when he heard this: "You just squandered such a precious thing on this battle? And you still let me, a guy you didn't trust at the time, go."

Tyrex smiled helplessly: "You seem very illogical, but if you think about it, you will do the same. Think about it, the Golden Legion has just been withdrawn from the front line, and it is our turn to go to the top of the Black Feather Legion At that time, the number of soldiers in the checkpoint barely reached 10,000 even including logistics. And what about the opponent? A total of [-]+ people! Add adventurers, logistics, and slaves...the scale is really overwhelming."

"On one side is the seemingly very precious medicine pool, and on the other side are the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers. If it were you, you would do the same. After all, although the effect of the medicine pool is miraculous, but the life is gone. If the undead If we break through the sword hunting level and regain the Gate of Floating Life, we will join hands with the orcs and dwarves to rush into the city of Order Watch, and then no matter how good the medicine pool is, it will not be ours." Tyrex said sadly .

Wang Shuang was taken aback when he heard that, "So that's how it is."

"As for you, adventurer, this is a beautiful accident." Looking at Wang Shuang, Tilix sighed helplessly: "I never thought that the guy who is valued by His Royal Highness would be you who once The guy who killed Lothako's mentor. Originally, I thought that the guy who can be trusted by His Royal Highness, I will naturally trust unconditionally..."

Wang Shuang suddenly realized that the whole matter was finally figured out by him until today!

But this His Royal Highness... who is it?Brother, why don't you have any impression?Wang Shuang opened his task list, glanced at it, and remembered that the guy who sent him the task before seemed to come from the void?
At that time, I thought I had my reputation in the void, but someone would send me a red-level mission! ...But now it seems that this is not the case. It seems that this mission was issued by His Royal Highness the King of the Lionheart Kingdom?

Could it be that the king of the Lionheart Kingdom is a void creature?

Wang Shuang was taken aback by his own thought, glanced at Tilix who was still sighing, and couldn't help asking weakly: "Well, general, have you seen His Royal Highness the King of the Lionheart Kingdom? "

"Huh?" Tirix was stunned by the question: "Of course I have."

"Is... is he human?"

"Adventurer!" The expression on Tilix's face suddenly became tense, and he reached out to touch the hilt of the long sword behind his back: "You are not a guy sent by other races, have you never seen His Royal Highness? Ask such a question?"

In desperation, Wang Shuang told Tyrex how he accepted the task.

(End of this chapter)

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