It's time to play online

Chapter 307 The Disappeared Clan

Chapter 307 The Disappeared Clan

"Is that so..." Tiliks was silent for a long time after listening to Wang Shuang's words, and suddenly said: "This is not the style of His Royal Highness issuing missions, but rather the style of your adventurers!"

"Adventurer?" Wang Shuang was shocked when he heard this. Who is the adventurer?Players, damn it, who would post a red-level mission to my brother?What's more, it was actually the task of His Highness the King, this red-level task, Wang Shuang knelt down on the spot because of the courage to give it if he said it.After sorting out his emotions, Wang Shuang couldn't help asking: "Who is it?"

"I don't know, but it should be an adventurer." Tyrex said.

"Okay." Wang Shuang sighed.When I think of someone who is more powerful than myself, a red-level task, which most people probably see once in a lifetime, this person actually gives it as soon as he says it, brother really can't help but kneel.

Wang Shuang recalled his friend list, could it be the God of War Qingfeng and the others?No way, I'm not from their guild, so even if I do this task, what good will it do them?Could it be snow falling thousands of miles?It's not quite like that, the last time I saw her accept a cyan-level mission, I was very excited for a long time.

Could it be that by chance, because of a coincidence, I accepted the task, and then felt that I was unable to undertake and complete the task, so I asked my brother for help?Wang Shuang's heart suddenly became alive, that is to say, after Luo Xueqianli received this task, he felt that he did not have the strength to complete it, so did he give it to his brother?

No, what the hell, how did she let it go? This is the key. This task is not a shared mode, but the void, from the void!Wang Shuang felt a pain in the ass when he thought of that strange-looking guy.

If Wang Shuang could have half the reasoning ability of the foreign player Button, then Wang Shuang would have thought that before he accepted this task, there was a Longteng Xingchen who somehow added him as a friend, and then didn't say a word about the existence of such a doubt.

Based on the performance of Longteng Xingchen, and the large-scale activities of the Longteng Guild, combined with the actions of winning Kuoye City in one fell swoop, it can be deduced that the other party is trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Unfortunately, Wang Shuang's thinking is not so quick, and his memory is not so good Deep, think for a while and then give up thinking.

However, learning to give up is also one of Wang Shuang's strengths. When it comes to things that he can't figure out, Wang Shuang usually gives up within five minutes.Anyway, I can't figure it out if I think about it, so what are you still struggling with?Life is all about looking forward.

Now that Wang Shuang has recollected the plot of the whole incident, except that His Royal Highness sent Wang Shuang a mission in some unknown way, the other parts are already very clear.Wang Shuang glanced at Tilix, and asked for it: "Okay, give me that prescription, I'll go collect the materials now, and then immediately refine a pool of medicine here to recharge."

"Adventurer." Tiliks shook his head and said, "I have said it before, even the orange-level pharmacist finds it very difficult, and it is even more impossible for you to complete it. Also, the prescription is not on me, you can use it in the waves. The Angel Church in the Quncheng or the Stigmata Church in the City of Order and Watch found the prescription and some leftover materials, but it is estimated that the kingdom does not have so many medicinal materials for you to squander."

Wang Shuang chuckled: "Brother has a special way to prepare medicine, so you can rest assured, not to mention that the lower the probability of success, the greater your confidence."

Hearing this, Tiliks shook his head again: "You really...forget it, General Li Yongzhi is already arranging for adventurers from other kingdoms to build defenses, if you really have an idea, you can go back to Waves City Give it a try. Although my amethyst ring is of great value, I can still lend it to you for the sake of repelling the dwarf army."


System prompt: You have obtained the teleportation ring of the waves.

Wang Shuang threw the ring into the air, held it in his palm after the ring fell, and smiled at Tyrex: "Okay, that's enough, thank you General."

Tyrex nodded: "Same as last time, this ring can only be used twice, the first use can take you to the vicinity of the Waves City, and the second use can take you to the place where the other ring is located. Location. If I walk out of the sword hunting level later and fight those damned undead, you may face an army of skeletons after the teleportation ends."

Wang Shuang nodded and hesitated for a while: "Then... what if you die?"

Tirix was stunned, his eyes darkened, he gritted his teeth and said, "In that case, I can't control where the teleportation goes. But if you can really charge the amulet, come back as soon as possible. I don't have any expectations. Yes, otherwise I wouldn't lend you this ring at will..."

"You are a guy who is good at performing miracles, adventurer." Tilix said with a long breath.

When Wang Shuang heard this, a simple and honest smirk appeared on his face.

"Let's go, don't die later, I'll come back as soon as I recharge." Wang Shuang and Tyrex waved their hands, activated the skills attached to the ring, and a small portal opened in front of him, sending him directly Inhale it.

"Let me watch the miracle again, adventurer." Behind Wang Shuang, Tyrex waved goodbye to him with an infinitely bright smile on his face.

After a short space travel, in the darkness, Wang Shuang suddenly felt a shock in the space around him. Just like the last time, Wang Shuang was so shocked that he interrupted the teleportation.

System prompt: Automatic teleportation failed, you need to go out of the passage to reach the destination of the teleportation vortex door.

"Ma Dan, it really is like this again." Wang Shuang reluctantly summoned his three followers. Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo got used to this place, and quickly took out their weapons when they saw familiar scenes, while Evelyn Ni looked around for a while, and then looked at Wang Shuang: "Adventurer, what is this place?"

Wang Shuang was upset when he heard this: "Hey, what did you call me?"

Evelyn blinked in confusion, and asked innocently, "Adventurer."

Wang Shuang pointed to Mi Luduo and Li Muxuan on one side: "Look at them, one calls me Sir, and the other calls me... Sir~, you are also my follower now, should you consider changing your name? ?”

Evelyn raised her eyebrows, snorted, pointed at Wang Shuang with her hands on her hips, and said, "Adventurer, I am now the publisher of your red-level mission. Are you not afraid that if I am unhappy, you will increase the difficulty of completing your mission?"

Holy crap, this is the first time I saw an NPC who followed someone else and was still so stubborn, Wang Shuang's legs softened, and he almost knelt down for her: "Sister, you are my sister, brother... oh no, I was wrong, okay? Please!" Don't make trouble."

Evelyn blinked her eyes, showing an expression as if she had discovered a new world: "Wow, you have succumbed like this, hahaha adventurer, you also have today."

Fuck!Wang Shuang felt uneasy for a while. He didn't expect that his brother would have such a day when he was kicked on the nose by his followers, but thinking of his task bar that was almost full, Wang Shuang finally chose to give in: "Your lord has a lot, let me go!" .”

"Hmph, of course I won't make it difficult for the master I follow." Evelyn lowered her head and rubbed the corner of her clothes: "Master... can you be faster? I want to improve my strength quickly, So I can go back to my kingdom and expose the ugly face of my bastard brother, so that my father and mother can recognize the real him."

Wang Shuang said in pain when he heard the words: "Okay, wait a moment, I will take you back to the elf kingdom when I finish the battle at the Gate of Floating Life... Speaking of which, my mentor is also from your elves, yes A weird elf named Chick Norveo, and it seems like 1000 years ago it was very... cocky. Did you know that?"

Hearing this, Evelyn's face became a little dignified: "Beiweiou... Could it be that your mentor is a descendant of that line?"

Wang Shuang wondered, "Which line? Which line, don't talk half of what you say, okay?"

Evelyn hummed lightly: "This was originally an internal matter of the elves, but since I am now a follower of the master, I should tell the master about it."

Owner!When she yelled this for the first time, Wang Shuang didn't feel anything, but after listening to it a few times, she would find that it was so sweet!Recalling the way Mi Luduo and Li Muxuan called "Master", Wang Shuang was even more delighted.Hahaha, you are all brother's treasures, come come, come and MUA each!
Wang Shuang was extremely excited.What is this, maid cultivation?Fuck, when did my brother have such a bad taste!

Although he is now in the transmission channel, because the transmission channel will not collapse due to the passage of time, Wang Shuang also stopped in the transmission channel, quietly listening to Evelyn's talk that only the royal family of the elves can understand What I found: "Thousands of years ago, it was actually not our Yuegabel name that ruled the elves, but another surname."

Wang Shuang was stunned: "Is this Beiweiou?"

Evelyn shook her head: "Not really. Thousands of years ago, the Beiweiou clan was the surname inherited by the captain of the guards around the elf royal family, and the prime minister was passed down from generation to generation by our Yuejiabeier clan. But later, There has been a problem with the inheritance of the royal family for thousands of years. When the last generation of princes was young, His Royal Highness the King at that time lost his life in a battle. What is even more regrettable is that the last prince with royal blood , actually do not have the ability to reproduce."

Wang Shuang was stunned when he heard the words: "What should I do? Do you want to choose one of you and Beiweiou to inherit the royal family? But from this point of view, Beiweiou should have mastered all the guards of the elves. Are you done?"

Evelyn shook her head again: "Rather than losing, it's better to say that their descendants also mysteriously disappeared..."

Wang Shuang raised his eyebrows again when he heard the words, opened the task bar, looked at the task of finding the descendant of Beiwei Oushi, and fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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