It's time to play online

Chapter 314 Attack on the Gate of Floating Life

Chapter 314 Attack on the Gate of Floating Life
When Wang Shuang first began to doubt whether the guy he saw was Li Muxiong, another thought quickly interrupted Wang Shuang's thoughts.

Impossible, if this is in reality, maybe there will be things to conceal identity, such as wearing a human skin mask, makeup and plastic surgery, etc... But this is a game, the name of the NPC will definitely be detected by the system master, and suspended above their heads.This is like even if Wang Shuang becomes an NPC, walks and talks like an NPC, or even stays in one place every day, living like an NPC, the name on his head will not change, it is still Wang Shuang!
In other words, the level [-] yellow boss that Wang Shuang killed was Li Muxiong himself!Since this one here is genuine, then Li Yongzhi's judgment is probably wrong.

Immediately, Wang Shuang recounted the battle between himself and Li Muxiong, Li Muxiong's melancholy expression and some words he had said to Li Yongzhi.Li Yongzhi was silent for a while after hearing this: "He and I are not of the same generation. When he was still in the Li family, we didn't have much contact with each other. But listening to his family's evaluation of him, it seems that it is true. As you said."

Sure enough!Wang Shuang nodded, and hurriedly asked, "General Manager Li, you don't blame me for killing your Li family, do you?"

"Of course not." Li Yongzhi shook his head and couldn't help sighing: "The Li family is still beautiful on the surface, but the inside has long been withered. If there are countless moths crawling on the big tree of the Li family, biting the inside thousands of times It is riddled with wounds. It is indeed the right decision for you to kill him, if it were me, I would also end him."

Fuck, it succeeded, and the last obstacle has not been dropped.Wang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, and his attitude suddenly became bold: "Commander Li is brilliant, although Li Muxiong is dead now, the Dragon Lan Legion has worked hard for more than ten years, and they still exist in the Lionheart Kingdom as a pirate group. What can I do to help restore their reputation?"

Li Yongzhi was stunned when he heard the words: "You mean, do you want the Long Lan Legion to return to the legion organization of the Lionheart Kingdom?"

Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat, he hesitated for a while and said weakly: "Well, the Long Lan pirates...ah no, it should be said that they are the Long Lan Legion. When I successfully rescued them before, there were already hundreds of people missing, and then I was sighing The archipelago has established private forces, and they have been incorporated into my faction population. The original Longlan Pirates and Longlan Legion seem to have also been disbanded..."

Li Yongzhi nodded and said: "You are right. In fact, even if they still maintain the establishment of the Longlan Pirates, it will be difficult for us to reincorporate them into the establishment of the Lionheart Kingdom. On the one hand, they have already left For a long time, we no longer understand them; on the other hand, the Lionheart Kingdom does not allow such things to happen now, to avoid accidents caused by spies mixed inside."

Wang Shuang was stunned: "Fuck, what should I do then? I have accepted their mission. Even if the army cannot be restored, there should be other ways to help them restore their reputation, right?"

Li Yongzhi was stunned, and then thought for a while: "I think...if I can go to His Royal Highness and explain the matter clearly, there may be a turning point. You should be very familiar with His Royal Highness, so he sent you here It's proof that he trusts you so much."

Grass.Wang Shuang felt a deep pain in the egg, and it was His Royal Highness again, but my brother was really not familiar with him.Brother doesn't even know what he looks like, even if he really trusts Brother without him knowing, how can Brother talk to him about it?In other words-how can I meet him!
Li Yongzhi patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder and sighed: "Adventurer, there is no rush for this matter. After we end the battlefield here and repel the army of undead, you have made such a great contribution, king." Your Highness will definitely summon you again, and then you can talk about this matter casually when His Highness the King is happy, and maybe the old man will agree to your request immediately when he is happy."

Nani, can you do this?Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, then nodded numbly; "But... how can we repel the undead? They can't beat us to death, and we are short of manpower, so we can't take the initiative to fight them. Do both sides have to keep increasing their legions? , Let the scale of the war continue to escalate?"

Li Yongzhi thought for a while, and said directly: "This matter is actually not as complicated as you imagine. There are actually many conditions for the undead to retreat. As long as one of them is satisfied, they will naturally withdraw, and the dwarves on the other side are also the same. .”

"Very simple? What a simple method."

"For example, the daily military expenses of the undead are very large here. If we use amulets or other methods to drag it down day by day like today, and when they are in a serious deficit, they will naturally leave, but we must adopt this tactic If so, we will stay here for a long time.”

Wang Shuang nodded, this tactic is the most painful.Firstly, I don’t know when they will retreat, and I don’t know if they can hold on, so I can only guard the sword hunting checkpoint day by day; secondly, although the undead have a large number of soldiers and huge military expenditures, The human race is not inferior at all.

In addition to the daily expenses of the soldiers, the human race also has to deal with the soldiers' sometimes wound infections, illnesses, and food problems.Not to mention anything else, the problem of eating alone consumes a lot of gold coins every day.Compared with the human race, the undead have an advantage in that they do not need to eat and sleep.

However, the combat power of the human race is relatively concise. I don't know how much combat power a heavy armored spearman can match the combat power of a skeleton warrior, let alone those cavalry and archers. The single combat power is much higher than that of the undead.

But this tactic still hurts, can you change it?Wang Shuang suddenly thought of what Li Yongzhi just said, there are many conditions for the undead to retreat, so what about other conditions?
He looked at Li Yongzhi. Li Yongzhi seemed to know what Wang Shuang was going to say. I will be obsessed with winning or losing this battle.”

Wang Shuang's eyelids twitched violently: "What do you mean, how to make the Gate of Floating Life meaningless?"

Li Yongzhi said: "Think about it, they want the monsters in the Floating Life Gate, right? And the dwarves want to explore the secrets of the Floating Life Gate. If we directly destroy the Floating Life Gate, the monsters inside will be destroyed forever." It’s been a long time in that space. Even if the undead don’t retreat by then, wouldn’t it be fine for us to retreat? After the Gate of Floating Life loses its meaning, it will have no effect on us, so what’s the point of returning it to them? It’s just that one more piece needs to be stationed by troops. land."

Wang Shuang was shocked when he heard the words: "Fuck, it's amazing, can you still play like this, but how do you abolish the Gate of Floating Life?"

Li Yongzhi smiled awkwardly: "This is currently in the research stage..."

Damn it, are you a slut?Wang Shuang fell back, a mouthful of old blood gushing out from his throat.A plan that cannot be realized is all nonsense and meaningless!However, Li Yongzhi's words gave him some hints: Although Wang Shuang didn't know how to abolish the Gate of Floating Life, at least he knew how to abolish the monsters in the Gate of Floating Life!
Since the NPCs of the Golden Legion can withstand the monsters at the Gate of Floating Life for the time being, if you rush in now, even if you are slapped to death, you will have a high probability of being resurrected. Attributes of monsters!Those are monsters above level 80, just like the monsters to be dealt with after the second job change become Tier [-] monsters, they are probably also Tier [-] monsters!

What about Tier [-] monsters?In the face of brother's constant death and growing attributes, it's all scum!

Wang Shuang thought about it, and it seemed that his logic was really fine!The only uncertain factor now is how many monsters there are in the Gate of Floating Life.If Wang Shuang hadn't finished killing until Wang Shuang's talent disappeared, then Wang Shuang might really vomit blood.

"Are you going to the Gate of Floating Life?" After Wang Shuang explained his thoughts to Li Yongzhi, Li Yongzhi's reaction was very surprised: "The monsters there are much stronger than these undead, and even though you have been doing well before , but after all, your level is only level 61, so if you enter, you will probably die."

"It doesn't matter." Wang Shuang smiled: "What's more, we don't need to guard the Jianshou checkpoint for at least a day, and the undead people on the opposite side dare not come over. We've got rid of the shadow of a large number of troops, so if I leave for a while at this time, there shouldn't be any problems."

Li Yongzhi nodded: "Since you insist on leaving, I have nothing to say. They just want someone over there, so you can go back with the messenger."

Wang Shuang nodded and agreed.Follow the messenger who came over before and walk out of the sword hunting checkpoint.

In the process of walking out of the sword hunting checkpoint, Wang Shuang was surrounded by foreign friends without any surprise: "It's that Chinese man, why can he leave?"

"Does he want to run away again?" Many foreign friends asked nervously.

"Wang Shuang, the undead are in a weak state now, you don't wait for the NPC's order, and you are ready to rush to the undead camp with us at any time, what are you going to do instead?" the captain of the Magnesium Country rushed out and shouted.

Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback.Fuck, that's right, they didn't know that brother was there to recharge the amulet, and they thought that brother came back by chance, just in time for the NPC to amplify the move to save the situation, and they are still complaining that brother didn't show up before!
He glanced at the captain of the Mei country, grinned, and did not explain, but followed the NPC out of the sword hunting level, and slowly left with envious and jealous eyes all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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