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Chapter 315 Slaying the Giant Beast

Chapter 315 Slaying the Giant Beast
I encountered nothing else along the way, and it was very peaceful, surrounded by a pitch-black scorched earth.Wang Shuang glanced at the soil under his feet, as if it had been ravaged by war, it was full of traces of flame baking and frost condensation, and now it was all bloody, burying everything that happened before. under this land.

Along the way, except for scorched earth, withered forests and rivers, Wang Shuang could only look at the black clouds in the sky in a daze.Tried to communicate with the messenger in front, but got only a few formulaic and simple answers.Wang Shuang suddenly felt a deep pain: Could it be that this guy is not smart enough?That's right, after all, he's just a messenger!
Fortunately, the Gate of Floating Life is not very far away, and Wang Shuang saw the Gate of Floating Life when he just walked out of the sword hunting checkpoint.If Wang Shuang were to describe it, Wang Shuang would definitely say that these are two pillars like high-rise buildings. The black heavy rock is wider than many bosses. From a distance, you can see two pitch-black stone pillars. On the ground, it pierces the sky all the way, and connects at the top of the sky, forming a door.

While looking up at the Gate of Floating Life, Wang Shuang suddenly saw a faint thunder light emanating from the Gate of Floating Life. At the same time, all the dark clouds in the sky gathered on the top of the Gate of Floating Life, turning into arm-thick thunder and roaring continuously.Walking all the way, Wang Shuang even saw a monster with a body about the size of the Floating Life Gate stepping forward, raised his head and roared.It was so powerful that the entire sky trembled!
From an unknown distance, Wang Shuang could feel the ground tremble deeply every time the monster took a step.However, the resistance of the soldiers below also surprised Wang Shuang. From a distance, he could see almost endless golden light emitting from the ground. A giant composed of countless golden lights stood up from the ground and took up the weapon in his hand. , Fighting into a ball with this indomitable monster.

Feeling the powerful battlefield, even Wang Shuang felt a little uneasy.But although it feels very close, I don't know how long they have to go.

After about half an hour, Wang Shuang, who had traveled between the valley and the plain several times, finally came to the bottom of the Gate of Floating Life, and saw a continuous valley and a row of very neat tents.A temporary camp made of wood was set up near the camp, and a golden banner was hung at the gate of the camp, swaying from side to side with the howling wind around it.

Wang Shuang followed the messenger and approached the camp while resisting the strong wind around him.After entering the camp, the wind around him quickly disappeared in an instant.

What is protecting this camp?Just as Wang Shuang was thinking, the messenger led him into a tent in the center, raised his hands and cupped his fists: "Captain, this adventurer is the answer given to us by the Black Feather Legion!"

"Adventurer?" Hearing this, Wang Shuang saw a man stand up from his seat in surprise, walked over and looked Wang Shuang up and down, and then turned his gaze to the messenger with doubtful eyes: "Is he alone?"

"Yes, Commander!" The orderly said honestly, clasping his fists.

"Hey!" Wang Shuang saw that the NPC with "Li Qianxing" on his head hammered the table so hard that the glass of water on the table was overturned, and the water in it naturally spilled out.But he still didn't care, and stared straight at Wang Shuang with a pair of indifferent eyes: "Adventurer, you must have offended my third brother because of something, and then he was sent here to tease me, right?"

Wang Shuang grinned: "It's hard to say! But when the human race was at a disadvantage, I helped General Li get out of trouble, and let the human race counterattack the undead. Maybe I can do the same when I come to the Gate of Floating Life. How about helping you through this difficult time?"

"The battle between the human race and the undead race? We are not fighting at that level here." Li Qianxing said with a sigh. He stood up suddenly, his eyes were as bright as street lights in the night sky, and he raised his finger to point at the roaring monster outside the tent. He said to Wang Shuang, "Then, adventurer, tell me, are you sure you can kill that guy?"

"I'm sure." Before Wang Shuang could answer, the ground suddenly trembled again.Wang Shuang gritted his teeth, nodded and said.

"Huh, you really dare to say it." Li Ganxing sneered, sat down again and looked at Wang Shuang, and said, "You are new here, so it is naturally impossible for me to lend you the army, and my plan will not change in any way because of you. However, if you cause 5??? damage during our battle with him, I will recognize that your strength is enough to help us."


System prompt: Li Ganxing, the head of the Golden Legion, has issued you the side task of guarding the Gate of Floating Life, "Deal with the Montes Giant Beast". Do you accept it?

Here we come, side quests!Wang Shuang's spirit was shaken, he opened his attribute panel and looked at the current time, 04:30, no problem at all!


System prompt: You have accepted the sub-quest "Dealing with the Montes Giant Beast" of the Gate of Floating Life. Please deal 5? ? ?damage, the mission is considered completed, and Li Ganxing, the head of the Golden Legion, will also open other permissions to you, and his favorability for you will increase significantly.

Before the Golden Legion kills?Wang Shuang raised his eyebrows, glanced at Li Ganxing, saw that Li Ganxing was sitting on the seat with fists folded, and had nothing to say to him, so he turned his head and rushed out of the tent.Wang Shuang rushed towards the Gate of Floating Life, ran towards that monster for a long time, and finally ran to its feet.

At the foot of the Montes monster, Wang Shuang saw countless soldiers holding weapons. Several people sat in a circle, and a lot of golden light continuously emerged from their bodies, floating upward into the bodies of the golden giants, helping them and the people above them. Montes Behemoth fights.And at this time, the Montes behemoth is only 95? ? ?blood.

Wang Shuang opened the attributes of the giant Montes, and Wang Shuang didn't bother to look at the other attributes, anyway, he must not be able to change them at the moment.Montes monster, level 88, total blood 2800W, physical defense... Nani, only 1W?

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then thought that for ordinary players, a 1W point physical defense is something they cannot break through.However, after Wang Shuang died a few times, the basic physical attack has already approached [-], so it is very easy to break the defense.

So what is Wang Shuang's mission?After looking at the attributes of the Montes monster, Wang Shuang got 2800Wx5? 1!Brother only needs to cause 140W points of damage to complete the task. This task is quite easy. According to my current state, the basic physical attack is about 1.8W. One attack triples the critical strike, and the damage is about 1.8x3.5=6.3W points !
Even if the opponent has 1W of physical defense, if the physical resistance is deducted, there will still be about 4W of damage left, and I can also trigger the power of thunder and the verdict of light to help me output.The output capacity of Thunder Force is 500 60?Reasonable attack 120?The damage of magic attack, the damage that can be caused in the end is about 9W, and the output ability of Bright Judgment is 100 45?The damage of a reasonable attack is equivalent to about 2W damage!
After a normal attack, Wang Shuang's output is about 15W.Wang Shuang holds double daggers, and one round of attack is 30W. In addition, the probability attached to Wang Shuang's weapon special effects will permanently deduct some physical defenses of the Montes monster from time to time. The later the battle rhythm becomes, the easier it is!
Thinking of this, Wang Shuang stepped over the soldiers of the Golden Legion who were sitting quietly beside him, and rushed up.But Wang Shuang forgot one thing - he didn't watch the physical attack of the giant Montes!
With a bang, Wang Shuang felt a tremor on the ground before he got close, and then he saw the Montes monster just lowered its head and saw him!The monster Montes raised his tree-covered feet, and Wang Shuang could even see that there were a few monkeys hanging on it with their tails in panic!
With this kick, the area was too large, and Wang Shuang didn't even have a chance to dodge. He only had time to yell "Fuck" and was turned into a puddle of meat.

After the giant Montes raised its foot, Wang Shuang came back to life as strong as Xiaoqiang.And at this time, his physical attack has exceeded [-]!
incredible!Wang Shuang took out his dagger, but did not summon his followers, because at this time, the role of followers is not great.They can't have continuously stacking attributes like Wang Shuang, and they can't even break the boss's defense. At most, they can help Wang Shuang to distract the boss.

But now Wang Shuang is not afraid of death, every death is a new life for Wang Shuang!

Wang Shuang slashed the opponent's foot with his own dagger, and easily cut the surface of the sole of the giant Montes's foot, but Wang Shuang suddenly felt a strange feeling, as if he had even cut the surface of the giant Montes's foot. None cut.Looking at the damage again, it was almost none!
Wang Shuang thrust the dagger in his hand into the sole of the opponent's foot with all his strength, and the dagger was completely buried in the flesh of the Montes monster, but still no blood flowed out.After seeing this scene, Wang Shuang couldn't help cursing angrily. He cut along the surface of the opponent's sole, and then lifted the dagger vigorously, and a large piece of skin was lifted by Wang Shuang!
After the skin as deep as the dagger was overturned, what was exposed inside was very tender muscle tissue.Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then slashed hard on the surface of the opponent's sole with the dagger, blood splattered everywhere!This time there was an injury, and it was about the same as Wang Shuang estimated.

Immediately, as if inspired, Wang Shuang jumped onto the giant beast's feet, picked up the dagger and began to slash!
And the trees and stones constantly falling from the giant beast also made Wang Shuang directly hit several times.Not long after, the energy and blood of the giant Montes began to drop crazily!
(End of this chapter)

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