It's time to play online

Chapter 322 This Wrong Reward

Chapter 322 This Wrong Reward

Judging from the reaction of Tyrex before, Wang Shuang probably understood how much damage Magna's death had brought to Tyrex.This degree of injury made him even more sad and angry than the death of his own mentor.

But now the human forces are far weaker than the undead forces. Although they just received reinforcements from the three legions of the human race, the undead quickly caught up with the reinforcements, and the gap between the two sides was immediately equalized.

Facing Tyrex's question, Wang Shuang thought for a while, but didn't take the initiative to hit the gun.After Li Yongzhi was silent for just a few seconds, he reached out and was about to pat Tyrex on the shoulder.

Just when Li Yongzhi reached out and was about to touch Tilix's shoulder, Tilix suddenly twisted his body and kept standing, but twisted his shoulder into a strange angle, avoiding Li Yongzhi's palm .His eyes shone brightly like flames, and the blazing heat in the depths of the pupils made one's heart palpitate.

"Commander, are we just giving up like this?" Tirix gritted his teeth and asked loudly, his hoarse voice was like the roar of thousands of troops charging.

"But we are now!" Li Yongzhi also frowned, and poked the table with one finger fiercely, knocking loudly, and at the same time raised his own volume.

"We are not their opponents. Do you want to watch these soldiers fall in pieces on the battlefield because of your hatred and anger, and finally be picked up by those undead and resurrected into ugly undead creatures! Tell me, such In the end, do you want to see it!"

Li Yongzhi sighed after finishing speaking.With this sigh, his momentum suddenly weakened, as if he was tired.Li Yongzhi turned his head to look at Wang Shuang, and suddenly said: "By the way, adventurer, the rewards for the mission have not been distributed to you, have you? Thank you for your hard work. This time you brought us the sword hunting level and the Black Feather Legion." The help is countless, please accept your reward."


System prompt: You have completed the red-level mission "Guarding the Gate of Floating Life", you will get 1.8E experience reward, you will get 150W gold coin reward, your follower Li Muxuan will get 1.8E experience reward, your follower Mi Lu Get more 1.8E experience rewards, your follower Evelyn gets 1.8E experience rewards, you get the item Tempered Soul x10, and you get the equipment "Eternal Ripper Cloak".

System prompt: You get 2250 meritorious rewards for task completion, 541529 meritorious rewards for killing enemies, 42268 meritorious rewards for side missions, and 117209 commitment meritorious rewards.


System prompt: You have reached level 65.

System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has reached level 63.

System prompt: Your follower Mirudo has reached level 65.

System prompt: Your follower Evelyn has reached level 60.

System prompt: Your follower Evelyn has reached level 61.

After being screened by a series of task rewards, Wang Shuang finally breathed a sigh of relief.The mission is completed, but why is the reward for this final mission less than the reward for the side mission that my brother completed before, big brother?And this feat, why is it not as rewarding as the brother who killed the pirates when he was in Saiyan City?

Wait, promised meritorious rewards, Wang Shuang groaned, and suddenly realized - this is what Li Qianxing promised before, as long as Wang Shuang can rush into the Floating Life Gate and wipe out all the demons inside, he will give Wang Shuang extra meritorious rewards!

But even if this is the case, are these rewards for completing this task?Wang Shuangdan was in pain all over.

Could it be that the essence of the task rewards is all condensed on the rewarded equipment and items?Wang Shuang opened his backpack and quickly checked the tempered soul he had received.These are wrist-thick glass bottles, and there is a green soul floating in the bottle, and when Wang Shuang takes out the bottle, he can still see the peaceful and serene expression on the soul's face.

——Refined Soul: Can be used to strengthen equipment.After use, randomly obtain 5 attribute enhancements of one of the attributes of strength, agility, intelligence, physique, and spirit. The attribute enhancement will become a part of the equipment and be added to the equipment attributes.A piece of equipment can use up to 10 tempered souls.

This is something that strengthens equipment!But this thing still doesn't feel as rewarding as the previous branch mission. Wang Shuang doesn't feel right no matter how he thinks about it. The reward of a branch mission derived from a mission is actually higher than the reward of the main mission?

But he couldn't think of any signs, he sighed helplessly, and had to accept his fate.This is not reality. When you buy vegetables and find that you have been slaughtered by the other party, you can still bargain.

However, it's impossible here, who should I bargain with? Is it an NPC, behind him is the master of the system, brother and the master of the system bargaining?Even if my brother has nine lives, it's not enough for him to seal it!
Even if you can't figure it out, it's better than nothing.Wang Shuang looked at the attributes of the tempered soul in silence for a while, then took off his dagger to check the attributes.

——狠辣的坚白双刃(2阶紫器):物理攻击 461,魔法攻击 256,敏捷 32。附带特性“狠辣”:每次攻击目标时,有30???永久降低对方20点物理防御。前置条件:二次转职。需要等级:60级。

This is the equipment that Wang Shuang dropped when he brushed the skeleton boss outside the Black Feather Corps barracks. Because of its strong attributes, the level is very close to Wang Shuang's current level, and it can also permanently reduce the attributes of other people.

This is simply too powerful. Wang Shuang reckons that even if he encounters equipment with better attributes in the future, he will think about it for a few more minutes. After all, strong attributes are one thing. Painful special effects!

When I go back to PK, I will bring this weapon, who would dare to PK with my brother?Even those professional masters, I am afraid they will stay away!

If combined with the retention of the upper blood limit, it is almost invincible.In the future, if I see who is upset in the wild, I will rush up and knock him down, activate the skill blood limit retention, let him lose the ability to resist within 1 minute, and then you can cut his physical defense.

And my brother doesn't have to worry about the high damage of the attack and kill him in seconds. If there are no others to disturb him, Wang Shuang even feels that he can reduce the physical defense of others to a negative number.Grass, I told you to provoke brother, tell you to be arrogant, whoever is more arrogant in the future, who wants to take advantage of the heat of PK with brother, brother will cut your physical defense into negative numbers in minutes!

There was nothing more to say, Wang Shuang opened the glass bottle in his hand, and used the tempered soul on the Jianbai double blade.


System prompt: The tempered soul has been used successfully, and your equipment "Very Hot White Double Blades" will gain an additional 5 points of agility bonus.

——Spicy White Double Blades (Tier 2 purple weapon): Physical attack 461, magic attack 256, agility 32.Additional bonus for tempered soul: Dexterity 5.Additional feature "spicy": each time the target is attacked, there are 30? ? ?Permanently reduce the opponent's physical defense by 20 points.Precondition: Second transfer.Requires level: 60.


Continuing, Wang Shuang watched the glass bottle in his hand disappear quickly, and took out the next glass bottle without hesitation.


System prompt: The tempered soul has been successfully used, and your equipment "Spicy White Double Blades" will gain an additional 5 points of intelligence.


System prompt: The tempered soul has been successfully used, and your equipment "Very Hot White Double Blades" will gain an additional 5 points of strength.


system hint:……

The ten glass bottles were all consumed soon, Wang Shuang heaved a sigh of relief, and suddenly found a layer of faint light flowing on the surface of his firm white double blades.

——Spicy Hard White Double Blades [Tempering] (Tier 2 purple weapon): Physical attack 461, magic attack 256, agility 32.Additional bonuses for tempered soul: strength 5, agility 15, intelligence 10, constitution 15, spirit 5.Additional feature "spicy": each time the target is attacked, there are 30? ? ?Permanently reduce the opponent's physical defense by 20 points.Precondition: Second transfer.Requires level: 60.

Damn, adding 50 attribute points out of thin air is equivalent to adding ten levels of attribute points out of thin air. It's simply invincible!Wang Shuang couldn't help but grabbed Li Yongzhi who hadn't left the room yet and asked, "Commander, do you still have this tempered soul?"

"Yes." Li Yongzhi's answer was straightforward: "But this is a kingdom-restricted item, even for the Lionheart Kingdom, it is considered a rare item. You need to use enough merit points and gold coins to exchange it with me."

"Meritorious points? Gold coins?" Wang Shuang laughed. He just earned a lot of meritorious deeds, and the rewards for fighting pirates did not come up. Now he has accumulated 200 million meritorious points.As for gold coins?The reward for the side task just now is 300W, and now the main task is completed and the reward is 200W, brother is not short of money, haha!
"How much do you want? I'll change it!" Wang Shuang waved his hand proudly and said nonchalantly.

"A tempered soul needs 20 merit points and 40 gold coins to exchange!" Li Yongzhi said.

"I'll wipe!" Wang Shuang was so shocked that he almost sat down on the ground: "Commander, you can't cross the river and tear down the bridge like this. Anyway, I just helped your second brother wipe out all the monsters in the Gate of Floating Life. It's fine if you don't discount it. You can't raise the price!"

Li Yongzhi sighed after hearing the words: "Adventurer, this is already the original price. Even if you have just made great contributions to the Lionheart Kingdom, I dare not give you trouble about restricted items!"

Wang Shuang sighed helplessly: "Okay then, give me ten more bottles!"


While Wang Shuang was trading with an NPC under the Jianshou level, a group of foreign players above were busy around an NPC.It turns out that the captain of the Magnesium Country discovered that as long as he has a good relationship with this squadron leader, there is a way to hunt outside the sword hunting level!
hunting?No!The players on several other servers were ambitious, and they set their targets on the undead camp hundreds of miles away.After most of them have completed the task of the leader of the human race and obtained the right to go outside the sword hunting level, they will come to a thousand-mile raid to take the undead base camp!

For this raid, Meiguo District even discussed and arranged with the captains of Ouzhou District and Riben District, and made a rigorous plan. Although the success rate is only [-]%, it is better than staying in the Jianshou checkpoint and looking at the sky. interesting!They came all the way here, not to see the sky in Huaxia District!
However, just when the foreign players were almost prepared and were about to start a surprise attack, the system prompts that suddenly fell from the sky made them dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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