It's time to play online

Chapter 323 Those Depressed People

Chapter 323 Those Depressed People


System prompt: Your mission "Aiding the Lionheart Kingdom" has been completed, you get 500W experience rewards, you get 10W gold coin rewards, and you get the equipment "Pretender's Wide-brimmed Hat".

——Pretender's wide-brimmed hat (Tier 2 black weapon): Intelligence 76, Constitution 32, Spirit 28, Physical Defense 156, Magic Defense 221.Additional skill "Lost Tracking": In non-combat state, the movement speed increases by 15? ? ?In the fighting state, the movement speed drops by 10? ? ?Setting conditions: Second job transfer.Required level: level 55.


System prompt: It is detected that you are not a player of this server. After 10 minutes, the transmission channel will be opened and you will be teleported back to the original server. Please check the props and equipment you carry with you to avoid unnecessary losses due to temporary departure.

"WHAT, what's going on here?" Not only ordinary foreign players were dumbfounded, but even the captains of countries such as Magnesia and Japan Benzene were dumbfounded.Their layout hasn't been launched yet, their plots and schemes haven't been displayed yet, and they haven't officially started a war with the undead, so why are they leaving?

The captain of the Magnesium Country has sharp eyes, and immediately saw Li Yongzhi and others coming up from below, and hurriedly called other players in from outside the city gate. By Yongzhi's side, Li Yongzhi was arguing with Tyrex on the side.

However, the captain of Magnesia, who is usually very careful, is now in a state of confusion, and has no interest in knowing what they are arguing about. He pushed away the players in front of him and asked, "General, we are clearly preparing to attack the undead." Bash, why did you let us go back?"

"Because your task has been completed." Li Yongzhi's face and voice were very low, and he rubbed his temples tiredly.

"We waited for several hours in the Jianshou checkpoint, and the result of the wait was that we were told to leave?" Captain Mei Guo couldn't accept this fact, and was about to go forward to argue with Li Yongzhi, but the soldiers on both sides rushed Surrounded him and stopped him.

At the same time, other teammates in the Magnesium Country area also advised the captain not to be impulsive: "Captain, you can't do it. If you force the question like this, the NPC will only explain to you. If the attitude is too tough, it will arouse the opponent's resentment. If these NPCs are also hostile to us, the loss outweighs the gain."

"Hostile? Are you afraid of being hostile now?" Captain Magnesia snorted softly: "10 minutes, are you sure you can convince this NPC within 10 minutes? If there is a way, I will give up my position right away!"

"Captain, maybe I can give it a try." At this time, a player who is not a member of the national team came out and raised his hand with some hesitation on his face and said: "Although I am not a member of the national team, I am also an individual. Chinese players, and my talent is special, please let me have a try!"

"Come on." The captain of Meiguo immediately gave up his position without saying a word when he saw that someone really picked him up.The player nodded and walked up to face Li Yongzhi.As soon as he met Li Yongzhi's eyes, he immediately saw Wang Shuang behind Li Yongzhi.

Naturally, Wang Shuang also saw him, but at this moment, he suddenly put his waist on his waist, posing as if he was watching the show, as if he was going to see how this player could persuade Li Yongzhi.

Don't believe it?The Magnesium country player took a deep breath, closed his eyes and sorted out his thoughts in his head for a while, then opened his eyes, without the slightest dodge or blur, and said slowly, "I don't know why you want to end this game." Fighting, but I think, if you plan to end it at this time, are you worthy of those soldiers who died on the battlefield before?"

Wang Shuang's eyebrows twitched fiercely, and he subconsciously glanced at Tilix, whose expression didn't change at this time.

Li Yongzhi also raised his eyebrows, and said slowly: "You are sorry for what you said, is it to let our soldiers of the human race continue to rush forward and cause more deaths and injuries when they know they will lose? "

For some reason, the Magnesium player breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Li Yongzhi's words: "So, you are losing a lot of soldiers now, and are you planning to retreat before you have officially fought with the undead? So what about those soldiers before?" What is sacrifice? Cannon fodder?"

Li Yongzhi frowned, and took a step forward. His somewhat tall figure suddenly stuck in front of the player, looking down at him from a height: "Adventurer, I never use any soldiers as cannon fodder. They and us same, with their own wives, children and parents, their own land, their own house, their own life... I have no right to deprive them of their lives."

"Well said." The Magnesium player nodded: "But what does this have to do with us? We are not soldiers, we can stand up again when we fall, we have no life behind us, nothing... All we have are adventures. Why don't you use us to attack the camp of the undead and avenge the wives and children of those soldiers?"

Li Yongzhi frowned: "But the soldiers need to rest, we can't continue to drag this war for you, can we?"

"Why don't you procrastinate?" The Magnesium player asked back: "If it procrastinates, aren't they the disadvantage?"

Li Yongzhi was taken aback, and then said: "But we occupy this useless place and send troops to guard it. Why waste our troops?"

"How can it be called waste!" The players in the Magnesium country also waved their hands and praised: "A country never thinks that their territory is too large, because no matter how big a kingdom is, there is not an inch of land that is redundant! Even if it is used For training soldiers, as an outpost, the advantage is also huge.”

"Damn it!" Wang Shuang was so surprised that he almost cursed: "Brother is almost convinced, if we firmly occupy the Jianshou checkpoint, it will be much easier to attack in the future. Even if we can't beat it, we can retreat back , In the process of retreating back to Hanwangguan, you can also drill soldiers in advance. Advance can be attacked, retreat can be defended, it is a perfect strategy!"

Tilix on the side seemed to have thought of this too. He slapped his head, turned his head and said to Li Yongzhi: "Commander, please cancel the plan, let us rush into the undead camp and kill them all!"

Li Yongzhi nodded: "Okay, then we..."

He suddenly stuck.

what happened?All the foreign players, including Tilix and Wang Shuang, were all stunned. They didn't know what was going on with Li Yongzhi, so they could only look at him nervously.Li Yongzhi scratched his head embarrassingly, then sighed suddenly and shook his head: "It's too late, I'm powerless, prepare to retreat."

"Why!" The player in the Magnesium Country was the first player who couldn't accept this fact. He had activated his talent just now, found the perfect answer, and combined with the yellow-level discussion skill to turn the situation around. He thought everything was fine, but the NPC unexpectedly In the end or give up!

Why?Not only foreign players want to ask, Wang Shuang also wants to ask.However, Li Yongzhi's next sentence left Wang Shuang speechless: "Because the person in charge of the teleportation formation is gone, I can't stop them from leaving or staying."

Wang Shuang was speechless for a moment. That strange guy left?That is really impossible.But in this case, what about the undead?Will they all be sent back like the human race, or will they stay?


On the other side of the Floating Gate battlefield, the undead camp.

The atmosphere of the players in the entire undead camp was sluggish at this time. They did not expect that the original great advantage would collapse in an instant, and they were beaten back by the undead characteristics of the human race.Originally, they thought that they would only need to wait a day before they could attack the dilapidated Sword Hunting level again, but the reality directly gave them a fatal blow this time.


System prompt: Your quest "Aid the Kingdom of Eternal Night" has failed, and you will be rewarded with 500W experience for quest compensation.


System prompt: It is detected that you are not a player of this server. After 10 minutes, the transmission channel will be opened and you will be teleported back to the original server. Please check the props and equipment you carry with you to avoid unnecessary losses due to temporary departure.

After all the undead players received these two system prompts, they all expressed their dumbfounded, and then their first reaction was to find an NPC to make a theory.

However, this time, the NPC also looked frustrated, sitting on the seat with a dejected look and sighing.The Skeleton Governor was the first to lead many undead players into the camp and found the death lord Samantila.At this time, Samantila was no longer as energetic as she looked at the beginning, she was very depressed, and even the soul fire in her eye holes seemed a little dim.

The Skeletal Governor took a step forward, stood in front of Samantila, and asked, "My lord, aren't we waiting for the status of the human race to disappear? Why did we suddenly judge that our mission has failed?"

Samantila sighed, stood up and waved his hands, looked at the Gate of Floating Life in the distance, and said slowly: "It's over, the meaning of this war no longer exists. Victory and defeat..."

"Aren't you going to give an explanation?" The captain of the Japanese team, Liu Hua, stepped out of the crowd, squinting at Samantila.His eyes reflected indifference and the cold winter wind: "We rushed all the way to the Kingdom of Eternal Night, not to watch you run around, be crushed by the human race, and be repelled by the human race. We need to fight, we need to win, and only Fighting and winning is what this war is all about."

"The Gate of Floating Life has been abolished." Samantila finally said the most important reason: "And it was done by an adventurer! Even the Golden Legion of the Lionheart Kingdom doesn't have the courage, but I didn't." Thinking of, at this stage, a small adventurer can actually defeat many ancient demons and turn the gate of floating life, which was originally full of death, into ruins..."

Adventurer?Almost subconsciously, the Skeletal Superintendent's figure emerged from his head.

(End of this chapter)

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