It's time to play online

Chapter 324 Sending off the gringo

Chapter 324 Sending off the gringo

Wang Shuang, it must be Wang Shuang again! For MLGB, now the Skeletal Governor can finally understand the pain of those players in the Longteng Guild, as well as Longteng Xingchen and others.Standing in front of Wang Shuang is really annoying. From time to time, a bunch of incomprehensible things come out. Before that, he was able to stand at the gate of the city, blocking the road with his own body.

What's even more strange is that he was able to kill a skeleton warrior with a single blow, and after that he drank two death lords in a single duel, and all of them won a big victory!
When Tiandu Bone heard the news, his jaw almost dropped from shock.Even though some death lords still comprehend their own weapons, Wang Shuang is only around level 60 now, so he can even tie with the boss?

Labor and capital are not playing a game with him, are they?

At the beginning, I was surprised and shocked, but in the end, I gradually became numb, and finally became a little angry.Those who go to Nima, why don't you stay in the corner of the Lion Heart Kingdom and harm the Dragon Association, what are you doing here?
At this time, the Skeleton Governor thought that he had finally led all the undead to do a red-level mission. He originally hoped to end this mission smoothly and let everyone get a lot of rewards together. Accumulate fame and prestige.

Although it was the first time I knew that Wang Shuang also participated in this battle as a hostile force, and I also saw various deeds of Wang Shuang in some posts on the forum every day, but even so, the skeleton Tiandu still did not release Wang Shuang at all. on heart.

How big a storm can a human player create in front of the entire undead players?It's not just Tiandu who thinks this way, most of the players think this way, so after Wang Shuang forced the undead players back again and again, it seems very amazing, it can be called the God of Star Wish trace.

The skeleton Tiandu's mouth was full of bitterness, and now he could only swallow it.I just hope that after this battle is over, Wang Shuang will go back to where he came from.Do it, labor and management feel annoyed when they see this ID now!

At this time, foreign players saw what the skeleton Tiandu had learned, and they came to ask him for advice.In desperation, Tiandu Skeleton had no choice but to explain the matter to them slowly from the beginning, and finally explained why they were sent here, and a group of foreign players suddenly realized.

But what if it suddenly dawned on me?Just when the Skeletal Governor opened his mouth to say something, suddenly there was a flash of light in front of him, and the foreign players who were listening to him just now were suddenly sucked in by a portal that suddenly appeared.

This portal appeared with lightning speed, and after absorbing all the foreign players, another flicker disappeared, leaving behind faint purple cracks, fragmented stardust and free lightning.

"I wipe it, leave?" The bone governor looked around, and the foreign players were indeed sent away!Only scattered players from the Huaxia area were left. At this time, there were no foreign players standing in front of them, so they rushed up and hurriedly asked the NPC why the battle ended.

"Why!" Taiyang Huoyu was probably the most wronged guy. He pointed at Samantila, and his nose was about to crooked with anger: "You guys, you are cheating us. We paid you so much at the beginning. Too much teleportation fee, and now you guys are still losing, so let’s forget about the time wasted, but can you return the gold coins to me?”

"It's not my business." Samantila shook her head, with a business-like tone of shirking responsibility.

"I'll do it!" Sun Huoyu couldn't bear it anymore, and exploded directly: "What the hell, if you don't spit out the gold coins that I swallowed, I will leave the undead with the entire Sun Guild!"

Samantila's face darkened in an instant, and the other undead players didn't speak, they watched Sun Huoyu yelling coldly.Even the players from the Sun Guild next to him felt that the situation was not good, and tried to persuade Sun Huoyu and even sent him messages, but Sun Huoyu ignored it and continued to go his own way.

But he couldn't dance for long, Samantila suddenly stood up, grabbed Sun Huoyu's neck, looked at him coldly and asked, "Have you had enough trouble?"


System prompt: Because of your irritable attitude, the death lord Samantila's favorability towards you is -10, and the current favorability is 0/100.


The death lord Samantila's favorability level for you has become indifferent, current favorability: 50/100, next level favorability: strange.

"I wipe?" Sun Huoyu was taken aback by Samantila's actions and the system prompt, and then fell silent.After calming down and recalling what he did just now, Sun Huoyu broke out in a cold sweat.

Looking at Samantila again, his face was already ashen.Even the names on the heads of Samantila and the undead soldiers next to them became neutral yellow names.

Sun Huoyu had no doubts at all, if he said a few more words just now, the names on their heads would completely turn red, and they would start attacking him directly!These at least level 70 NPCs wanted to attack him, of course it was effortless!
Samanti held Sun Huoyu's neck for a while, and seemed to see no response from the other party, then slowly put Sun Huoyu down, and snorted softly: "Don't think you are elves who voluntarily surrendered!" , we must have respect for you! Our respect is for the strong, as for the weak? There is no need for respect!"

Taiyang Huoyu's head was sweating coldly, his attitude suddenly lowered to a level, and he repeatedly apologized.

But in his heart, Sun Huoyu became more determined to leave the undead, and brought his own Sun Guild with him.


Going back to the Sword Hunting level, when most foreigners were still immersed in the confusion and panic of "they only have 10 minutes left", the captain of the magnesium country team took the lead to stand up, pulled out the long sword around his waist, and pointed at the king Shuang: "Huaxia people, I'm going to challenge you now, there are only 7 minutes left, but I think we can decide the winner within these 7 minutes, right?"

Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback: "Why should I fight with you? Besides, do you actually want to fight with me?"

Brother will weaken your physical defense now, do you really dare to fight brother?I was killed by my brother in seconds before, didn't the prompt be triggered?Well, it just so happens that I have been unhappy with you for a long time.Wang Shuang activated the skill blood limit reservation, showing a very unkind smile.

And when this smile fell into the eyes of the captain of the Magnesium National Team, it made his hair stand on end.

The two sides didn't even enter the sparring mode, they just drew their weapons and rushed towards each other.Wang Shuang held two daggers, while the captain of the Mei country held a wide-edged sword tightly. When the two sides were about to confront each other, the captain of the Mei country suddenly stopped in a strange way and took a light step backward.

It didn't matter this jump, Wang Shuang's attack immediately fell through.Then Wang Shuang raised his head and saw that the whole broad-edged sword in the captain's hand was bursting with flames, and the crimson flames and burning gray smoke were constantly licking the broad blade.

This attack was the tactical arrangement of the captain of the Magnesium National Team. After dodging Wang Shuang, this attack began to brew.When Wang Shuang raised his head, the captain of the Magnesium Country also finished his preparations, and smashed the broad-edged sword in his hand towards Wang Shuang's head. The momentum was so great and the action was so fast that Wang Shuang was almost unavoidable!

Wang Shuang only had time to lift the two daggers in his hand before he felt a strong force on his wrist.


"The parry was successful!"


"WHAT?" The captain of the Magnesium National Team was immediately dumbfounded, looking at the damage figure in a daze, a little unacceptable for a while: "My blow seems to be a critical blow..."

"Yes, yes, so can you die without regret?" Wang Shuang grinned at him, and suddenly leaned forward, slashing the dagger on the opponent's neck, and a bloody arrow burst out.

The blood bar on the head of the captain of the Mei country was emptied by Wang Shuang in an instant, but the captain of the Mei country was shocked to find that he was not dead.And at the same time, he also received a strange reminder.


System prompt: You are maliciously attacked by player Wang Shuang, the opponent's weapon special effect "spicy" is triggered, and your physical defense is permanently -20.This effect cannot be removed by spells such as disperse and cure.

In other words, if I was hacked by him, it is equivalent to losing 20 points of physical defense for the rest of my life?
The captain of the magnesium country's heart is broken.

But then, something that frightened him even more happened. He stared wide-eyed and watched Wang Shuang cut him with a knife. However, his blood was able to maintain the position of 10 o'clock, without increasing or decreasing. with.At the same time, he found to his horror that he could not move.

Whether it is using props, raising hands, or changing equipment, all of them will not work!
"Huaxia people, Huaxia people...!" The captain of the Magnesium Country shouted in shock: "Surrender, I surrender!"

"Oh?" Wang Shuang smiled slightly: "How can this work, I will definitely have to decide the outcome with you before I am willing."

There must be a winner?The captain of the Magnesium Country suddenly seemed to think of something, he tilted his head and passed out on the spot.

Nani?Wang Shuang rubbed his nose in embarrassment: "Well, that's not enough—well, I'll be merciful and give you a ride."

With one knife, the captain of the Mei country was cut back and reborn. Wang Shuang was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly there was the sound of Lie Lie behind him. Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat. a stretch.

"Pfft!" A dagger still pierced into Wang Shuang's body, and the one-hit kill effect triggered with a very small probability took effect again. Wang Shuang was killed, then reborn, and then swung the dagger again.

Click, Wang Shuang felt that he had hit someone, and before he could be happy, another dagger was inserted into Wang Shuang's shoulder in front of him.

"Haha!" Button came out of the crowd, and laughed wildly at Wang Shuang's embarrassed appearance: "Resurrection, can you resurrect another one for me to see?"

But Wang Shuang really came back to life. After getting up, he quickly beheaded the guy behind him who was sneaking up on him, and then a shadow attack came forward and sent Button back to life together.

At this time, 10 minutes was up, and the remaining foreign players could only look at Wang Shuang unwillingly. Lionheart Kingdom.

Wang Shuang also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and sat down on the ground a little tiredly. MLGB's, they're finally gone...

(End of this chapter)

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