It's time to play online

Chapter 329 Serifin's Past

Chapter 329 Serifin's Past
"Adventurer, your focus is wrong." He smiled slightly, and the wind with the sweet smell of unknown flowers blew between the two of them.

"Oh, yes." Only then did Wang Shuang react, and took off the necklace from his chest.Although this necklace does not add any attributes to Wang Shuang, since it is a mission item, it must be useful to the elf man in front of him.

"Give it to me?" He was a little surprised when he saw Wang Shuang took off the necklace.

"Yeah, otherwise, why don't I keep it?" Wang Shuang looked at the elf in front of him in confusion. For some reason, this elf always gave Wang Shuang a very...strange feeling.At this moment, the elf shook his head calmly, and said slowly, "I don't need it."

"Damn it." Wang Shuang was dumbfounded. It was clearly written on the mission to hand over the necklace to Beiwei Ou's successor. Now that the successor found it, the other party refused to accept the necklace.But why!Wang Shuang glanced at the necklace in his hand, and glanced at the attribute bar. The status of the item is still the task item, so is there something else wrong?
"Okay, let's not talk about this." The elf resumed his previous kind smile: "Do you know why I am waiting for you here, adventurer?"

Holding the necklace in one hand, Wang Shuang shook his head in confusion.

The elf man continued: "I want to ask you to help me with something, but I can't find other adventurers. And there is another reason: you have the necklace of our ancestors on you, as long as I activate the Some of the power, you can flexibly use part of it to break through the fog around here."

Nani, can this necklace be used too?Hearing this, Wang Shuang handed over the necklace in his hand. After the elf man took the necklace, he tapped a small emerald bird made of pure gold in the middle of the necklace, and the two emerald eyes on the emerald bird instantly lit up. At the same time, Wang Shuang felt that the necklace was obviously different from before.

"Okay." The elf man threw the necklace to Wang Shuang without even looking at it, and Wang Shuang immediately reached out to catch it in a panic.Looking at the necklace again, it is no longer just an empty quest item.

——Beiwei Oushi's Inheritance Necklace: The person who holds this necklace will not be affected by the mist of the emerald illusion.

Wang Shuang soon got another piece of information that this place turned out to be a place called Emerald Illusion.

Then Wang Shuang quickly asked: "If I complete your task, will you accept this necklace?"

"It depends on your mood." The elf man immediately said vaguely.

"I X." Wang Shuang was speechless for a while.Is this person stupid, brother wants to give him something, he also knows that it was given by their ancestors, and there is some inheritance in it, but he doesn't want it?However, Wang Shuang believes that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and there will be another village.Is it because my brother doesn't have enough goodwill with you?Wait, bro, complete your task immediately, and increase your favorability!
After making a guess, Wang Shuang started to pat himself on the chest and said, "If you have any tasks, just post them. I'm idle now, and I just don't know what to do!"

"Didn't you come to find equipment?" The elf man smiled until his eyes narrowed into lines.

"Don't worry about this matter, let's solve your delay first." Wang Shuang rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

"Thank you, adventurer." The elf man reached out and took out a crisp green fruit from his chest, and squeezed it hard in front of Wang Shuang. The surface of the fruit cracked instantly, and the emerald green juice in the pulp immediately flowed along the surface of the fruit. Come down, follow the elf man's fingers, and slowly flow back along his wrist and the dark armor on his arm.

The elf man didn't care how the juice of the fruit flowed, and then he made another move that surprised Wang Shuang: he took off the tightly wrapped coat, and the hard leather armor and the inside A layer of protective clothing was completely removed, revealing the bronzed skin underneath.

Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback when he saw it. The elf looked pure and white on the surface. Except for some strange runes, there was no trace of being exposed to the sun at all on the exposed body. Why did he take it off? Clothes look like Filipinos?And on the surface of his inner skin, a large number of runes with unknown meanings crawled on his body and in the skin.

"Does it not hurt?" For some reason, Wang Shuang asked almost subconsciously.

"Of course." Although the elf man was still smiling, Wang Shuang could see that his eyes had dimmed a little: "You don't understand, adventurer, a clan that is about to decline, in order to ensure the inheritance, in these hundreds of years What kind of hard work and bitterness is required to come.”

While Wang Shuang was listening to him slowly telling the story, a system prompt suddenly sounded in his ear.


System prompt: You have accepted the cyan-level task "Picking Qinglin Fruit", please go to the Qingmanlin in the Emerald Fantasy to collect 100 copies of the task item "Qinglin Fruit".

It's been a long time since such a normal task has been completed, Wang Shuang couldn't help but sigh after reading it.

"Even if I don't have a chain on my body, I have been locked up since I was born: because of pain, because of inheritance, or because of this honor. After the decline of power, the descendants of the Beiweiou clan began to yearn for the freedom of normal elves. , but our ancestors still bind us tightly to the throne of power, waiting for one day to return to the peak of prosperity again."

Following the narration of the elf man, Wang Shuang gradually understood something.For example, the full name of the elf man whose name is not displayed on the head in front of him is Serifen Beiweiou. For example, Serifen has been trapped in this emerald illusion since he was born and grew up slowly. With rune scars all over her body, she needs to use Qinglin fruit to relieve her monthly labor pains.

"The runes on my skin are similar to those on the runestones, both made of dragon blood and ink. These runes endow me with a power that puts my fighting ability at the level of other elves. Two different systems, but even I haven't fully grasped it myself."

When Sirifen recalled what happened to him when he was a child, Serifen would occasionally lose his mind, trying to suppress the painful aftertaste.Even so, Sirifen admitted after the memories were over that these symbols on him really improved his combat ability, gave him another set of power systems, and formed a special profession of his own: Netherweave Knight.

In addition to these, Wang Shuang also learned that Sirifen is the only inheritor of the Beiweiou clan for so many years, and he carries the last blood of the entire Beiweiou clan on his shoulders.However, Sirifen did not intend to continue this pain, so he decided not to find a partner, nor to have children, and to use his own loneliness as the final end of Beiwei Ou's family.

"Okay, I've finished listening to the story, it's time to get on the road, adventurer." Sirifen suddenly stood up, patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder, and still had a slight smile on her face.

It's hard to imagine that an elf with such a painful past could laugh so much now.

Now the small map in front of Wang Shuang has zoomed in to the entire valley, and the layers of fog that had plagued Wang Shuang just now became clear at a glance because of the necklace he was wearing.After distinguishing the direction he was facing, Wang Shuang started to run towards the place marked Qingmanlin on the map, bringing a few of his followers along with him.

What if the task is completed and this guy disappears with the green lin fruit?Wang Shuang stopped suddenly, and fell into egg pain again after thinking of this.

Fuck, let’s talk about it when the time comes, the big deal is to let a few followers knock him out and bring him into the dream, and then force him to take the road to awakening, and throw him directly to Chick Beiweiou, and see what the instructor has to say when the time comes All right.

Although he didn't know if he could succeed, Wang Shuang finally found a solution. After passing through the misty prairie and hillside fields, he came to the entrance of a forest full of trees.

This forest looks different from the forests that Wang Shuang walked through before. Most of the trees in the forest are hung with a lot of old-looking vines and branches, and the trees themselves are a bit bent, just like It's like... It's like people who are taking a shit!

Well, brother's metaphorical ability is really getting better and better!

Wang Shuang stepped into the forest, randomly found a tree near the entrance, and after scanning, he found out that this tree was the Qinglin tree.So is there any green lin fruit?Wang Shuang looked up at the tree, and he saw a dense green fruit.

That's right, these are the fruits, which are exactly the same as the green fruit that Serifen crushed just now.

Wang Shuang hesitated looking at the fruit on the tree, then put away his dagger and prepared to climb the tree with bare hands.

Although in Star Wish, corresponding skills are required to do most things, but this tree climbing is the same as walking, and no pre-skills are required.Wang Shuang seemed to be a natural tree climber, climbing up the curved trunk step by step.Fortunately, there are a lot of vines wrapped around the trunk, so Wang Shuang didn't have to worry about having nowhere to borrow his strength during the climbing process.

But Wang Shuang still couldn't climb to the top of the tree, so he ran into trouble.


A strange sound sounded from the tree. Just as Wang Shuang looked up, he felt something pounced on him and bit him on the face. The sharp teeth were embedded in the muscles of his face almost instantly. Wang Shuang The pain sensor was turned off, so Wang Shuang felt no pain from this bite, but a tingling and numb feeling continued to spread on Wang Shuang's face.

The similar feeling was not limited to the face, even Wang Shuang's arms and thighs also felt similar.The strange feeling of numbness eventually turned into an abnormal state, which made Wang Shuang unable to move and fell from the tree all at once.

When Wang Shuang fell down, he finally saw clearly: Among the vines that wrapped around the whole tree, there were many crawling snakes.The body color of these snakes is no different from that of rattan, almost achieving the effect of misleading.If it wasn't for them slowly twisting their bodies and spitting out slender scarlet snake letters from their mouths, Wang Shuang would hardly have recognized them!
(End of this chapter)

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