It's time to play online

Chapter 330 Green Lin Snake

Chapter 330 Green Lin Snake

——Green Lin Snake [Rage] (Purple-LV60): Vitality 260000, physical attack 4600, physical defense 2800, physical resistance 15? ? ?Magic attack 3800, magic defense 2300, magic resistance 20? ? ?Functions: normal attack, fang infusion, entanglement attack.

——Poison Fang Infusion: Normal attack deals 50 8?additional damage from physical attacks, and has 8? ? ?Inflicts a paralyzing effect, incapacitating the target for 3 seconds.

—— Coil Attack: Deal 1000 damage, and continue to cause 2 400 in the next 60 seconds?Reasonable attack 30?Magic attack damage, when entangled, the target cannot move.


Damn, Wang Shuang was dumbfounded after seeing these two skills.I just felt the three snakes, and the fangs of the three snakes have paralyzed me.

Could it be - brother's cheating talent again?

——Ah, Wang Shuang almost collapsed, a mouthful of old blood spurted out from his throat.Master of the system, you can't do this. In the past, no matter how you played tricks on my brother, my brother didn't care about you.But not this time, these snakes seem to have made their homes on every big tree. If you want to collect green lin fruit, you have to kill them first.

What if brother is a normal player?
Wang Shuang suddenly thought that if he was a normal player, then the second skill would be his headache.Each snake can entangle the player for two seconds, biting and attacking the player in the process.

Then, every time the player climbs up the tree, he has to take a round of damage first. When the skills of these green snakes are still cooling down, he should quickly recover his blood and kill a few snakes, and then take another round of entanglement. attack……

During this process, the number of snakes gradually decreased, and the pressure on the players became less and less. In the end, all the green snakes on a tree were successfully killed, and several green fruits were picked!

That's right, it should be such a plot!

But my brother is not normal now, hey.If you want to wait for brother to be normal, then you have to wait until tomorrow. If brother doesn't want to do this task now, will Serifen agree?After all, he is in so much pain... Thinking of this, Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel a deep pain in his egg.Then Wang Shuang frowned suddenly, and suddenly thought why Serifen didn't come in person?

Sirifen should also have the strength to pick the green lin fruit here. The power brought to him by the runes on his body is not weak, and it has been so many years. He also said that this labor pain is every month. It happened once, that is to say, when he was in labor pains, he still had a way to pick the green lin fruit!
Forget it, why he asked others for help now, I probably can't think of it.But how to accomplish this task?
Can these Qinglin snakes be lured down?

Wang Shuang saw that all the green snakes on the tree were lying on the branches, bowing their bodies and looking down at him.Wang Shuang beckoned and called Li Muxuan over, ready to shoot these green snakes.

Li Muxuan nodded immediately, drew her longbow from her back, aimed at these green snakes and was ready to shoot arrows.And the Qinglin Snake on the tree watched Li Muxuan's movements, and still spit out the snake letter calmly.

Let me wipe and see how long you can survive!Wang Shuang waved his hand, and then heard three rapid vibrations of the bowstring, and three arrows pierced through the air, like cavalry charging, and shot fiercely at the three green snakes.

However, at this time, a scene that surprised Wang Shuang again appeared: these green snakes suddenly turned around, and the dark snake scales on their bodies suddenly opened. Li Muxuan's bow and arrow were bounced off by one arrow.

Fuck, is this all right?Wang Shuang twitched his mouth and thought for a while, yes, since the system arranges for players to climb trees to fight snakes, and these snakes do not come down from the trees, it is naturally designed so that they will not be shot by long-range players in vain Blood and death.

But since shooting doesn't work, what about cutting down trees?Wang Shuang came up with this idea on a whim, but unfortunately in the star wish, tree cutting also needs corresponding skills, such as the support of purple-level logging technique.

But if I don’t have it, it doesn’t mean that there are no others in the team that I brought!At this time, Wang Shuang turned back with malicious intentions, and pulled Li Er who was sleeping soundly from the back of Li Muxuan's neck: "Li Er, Li Er~ Do Master a little favor, okay?"

"No, I refuse, you are not my master!" Li Er waving her paws in the air, yelling at Wang Shuang.A cat's face twisted to and fro, just unwilling to look Wang Shuang in the eye, showing resistance and reluctance.

"Don't say that, don't force me to be strong, I am still very peace-loving." Wang Shuang smiled sinisterly, looking at Lier who was struggling constantly with malicious eyes.

In the end, Li Er succumbed to Wang Shuang's lustful power. After struggling and being cute to no avail, and even looking at Li Muxuan for help was rejected by the other party's watery eyes, she could only numbly nod: "Speak, stupid Adventurer, what's the matter with you this time?"

"Help me cut down this tree." Wang Shuang pointed to the Qinglin tree in front of him.I don't know if my brother cut down his tree, whether Serifen will make trouble for my brother when he is there.After all, this tree seems to be very rare, and it can steadily bear some green lin fruit after a period of time. If you cut one tree, you probably lose one.

But so what, maybe after my brother succeeds in this mission, Serifen will follow him to meet his mentor, so why would he care about the life and death of this green forest?Maybe he originally wanted to end this pain, but brother did help him by doing so!

Although Wang Shuang had a good idea, the answer Li Er gave was no: "No way, adventurer, I can't cut down the trees here."

"Why?" Wang Shuang was stunned again, pointing to Li Muxuan: "Why don't you merge with your master's soul-favoring mode? Your skills should be more useful in the soul-favoring mode than you are now, right? "

"Yeah, but..." Li Er shook the cat's head and said, "But this tree looks like it needs red-level logging skills to cut it. I only have orange-level logging skills, which is far from enough .”

"Should I wipe?" Wang Shuang was dumbfounded: "This tree is so high-end, and it still needs advanced logging skills to be able to move it?"

"That's right." Li Er nodded.

Now Wang Shuang is completely out of control.In other words, according to Wang Shuang's current attributes, he is naturally not afraid of the group of green snakes, but once Wang Shuang goes up, as long as he is bitten by the green snakes, he will be paralyzed and fall down.Even long-range attacks and cutting down trees will not work!
What can I do, isn't this a pit brother? Is this going to become an impossible task again?Just when Wang Shuang was thinking about the solution and was about to doubt his life, Evelyn suddenly said behind him: "Master, I think that although they are snakes, they should have their own daily needs."

"What do you mean?" Wang Shuang suddenly turned his head to look at Evelyn.

"Look carefully." Evelyn pointed upwards.With some dim light, Wang Shuang could clearly see what was happening on the tree now. A green snake slowly crawled among the vines, and soon reached the top of the tree, suddenly opened its mouth wide, and swallowed a green snake Lin Guo was swallowed.The speed was so fast that it almost happened between lightning and flint!

Wang Shuang felt as if he had caught something. After thinking about it for a while, Wang Shuang suddenly realized: "Yes, I remember that snakes should be carnivores. They usually poison a small rabbit and mouse with one bite. They slowly died violently due to the onset of poison during their escape, and then the snake followed slowly from behind and swallowed them in one gulp! I can also imitate this plot and prepare some food for these snakes!"

"As expected of the master, it's all right." Evelyn showed a relaxed smile.

Wang Shuang laughed: "Where is it? My Evelyn is reliable!"

At this time, Mi Luduo snorted softly: "My lord, don't flirt with Sister Evelani in front of us, please? Sister Mu Xuan and I look uncomfortable."

Damn, this is, are you jealous?The harmony and reunion of brother's harem is the most important thing!
Wang Shuang was shocked. He stretched out his hand and rubbed Evlani's head briefly. He also touched the heads of Mi Luduo and Li Muxuan with a laugh, and reluctantly said, "Let's do this first. Let's start immediately and find some people nearby. Kill small animals and bring their bodies back, I don't believe these snakes can't climb down trees."

Several followers nodded their heads one after another, and Li Er also yawned greatly, and slowly floated back to Li Muxuan's shoulders, shrunk her head, and fell asleep under the long hair on the back of Li Muxuan's neck.Wang Shuang couldn't figure it out, why other people's pets seemed to be in good spirits every day, and they ran around with players to participate in battles every day, while my brother's pets slept every day?
In the Qingman forest, it looks like all the other animals have been eaten except for these snakes. When Wang Shuang walks in the Qingman forest, he can often see piles of animal bones piled up irregularly on the ground. .After searching around, Wang Shuang gave up Qingmanlin and started searching around Qingmanlin with his followers.

Not long after, Wang Shuang really found the little animal he wanted——

- Gale Rabbit (White-LV50): Vitality 100000, physical attack 2300, physical defense 1900, physical resistance 5? ? ?Magic attack 2800, magic defense 2300, magic resistance 10? ? ?Ability: normal attack.

What I want is this kind of white board, which doesn't seem to have much ability, and the rewards are not very good monsters!Wang Shuang lurked up in the dark and threw a dagger at Galewind Rabbit. The rabbit simply kicked his legs and died.


System prompt: You kill the Gale Rabbit, you get 5000 experience points, you get 1 gold coin, your follower Li Muxuan gets 5000 experience points, your follower Mi Luduo gets 5000 experience points, your Follower Evelyn gets 5000 experience points.

There is no explosive equipment, and even experience and gold coins are pitiful.But after Wang Shuang picked up the corpse of the Gale Rabbit, he smiled unkindly.

(End of this chapter)

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