It's time to play online

Chapter 331 Take what you need

Chapter 331 Take what you need
Kill, kill!Wang Shuang frantically hunted and killed the nearby Gale Rabbits along the grasslands and fields.

In addition to rabbits, Wang Shuang also found several monsters of different strengths and weaknesses, but with Wang Shuang's sky-defying attributes and the help of a few followers to chase and intercept them, creatures of other species had nowhere to escape.

Except for Wang Shuang who could fly, there was nothing he could do about it, other animals turned into corpses and came into Wang Shuang's backpack.


System prompt: You killed Qingyuan rat, you got 8500 experience points, you got 2 gold coins, your follower Li Muxuan got 8500 experience points, your follower Mi Luduo got 8500 experience points, you A follower of Ephraine receives 8500 experience points.

System prompt: You killed the long-toothed wild boar, you got 1.6W experience reward, you got 10 gold coins, your follower Li Muxuan got 1.6W experience reward, your follower Mi Luduo got 1.6W experience reward, you Follower Evlani gets 1.6W experience reward.

System prompt: You killed the patterned deer, you got 1.2W experience reward, you got 9 gold coins, your follower Li Muxuan got 1.2W experience reward, your follower Mi Luduo got 1.2W experience reward, your Follower Evelyn gets 1.2W experience reward.


Gradually, the corpses in Wang Shuang's backpack piled up more and more, and 10 minutes passed.

Wang Shuang wiped off his sweat, remembering that Xingyuan's disappearance rules about corpses after updating the settings: the system will refresh the corpses half an hour after the creature dies.From this point of view, the corpses of these small animals should also be refreshed after half an hour.

It's time to go back, otherwise it would be bad to wait until the corpses in brother's backpack start to be refreshed by the system.

Wang Shuang rushed back to Qingmanlin excitedly with a package full of animal carcasses. As before, those green snakes were all crawling on the tree, looking at Wang Shuang who had been busy below with idiot eyes.Grass, I will let you know who is the idiot later!
Wang Shuang began to pour out the corpses from his backpack, the bloody ones, and the ones that were cut in half by Wang Shuang with a knife, and the internal organs flowed out, red and white, blooming in a mess.

These animal corpses occupy the grid in Wang Shuang's backpack. A group of corpses is 99, so it seems that there are not many corpses in the backpack. I also felt a little shocked after reading it.

After Wang Shuang poured out all the corpses of these animals, he asked several of his followers to evacuate a certain distance together with himself.Although these snakes still know that brother is here, they probably haven't eaten meat for a long time. Seeing so much meat piled up together, don't they feel moved at all?

Wang Shuang squatted in the bushes, quietly looking at the trees in front of him.On these trees, the green snakes were all writhing restlessly, as if they were about to move, but for some reason they were reluctant to come under the tree.That's right, you guys have a bit of IQ, you know this is a trap set by Gob.

But so what if you know?Can you bear it?These corpses will all disappear after half an hour, and you will be hungry again by then, haha, wahahaha!
When Wang Shuang was fantasizing, he suddenly heard a "plop", the sound of something falling to the ground, Wang Shuang quickly put his body down in the bushes, and looked out through layers of leaves, snake!Sure enough, it was a snake, and a Qinglin snake fell down the tree!
Since there is the first snake that is willing to try to eat crabs, will the second and third be far behind?

The first snake glanced nervously in Wang Shuang's direction after it landed. It also seemed to know that Wang Shuang was strong, and it couldn't beat Wang Shuang with its own ability.But seeing Wang Shuang's direction, there was no movement. The snake just vomited the snake letter, turned its head quickly, crawled its body, and leaned towards the huge meat mountain.

And when it was close to the mountain of corpses, and there was nothing abnormal, Wang Shuang suddenly had an illusion. He felt the snake had a kind of joyful emotion in an instant, and opened its bloody mouth suddenly, and moved towards the person in front of it. All the corpses bit down.While the green snake was feasting, its body began to swell rapidly.

"Hiss——" More and more voices sounded around Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang led several of his followers back and forth, and even temporarily withdrew from the Qingman forest, only to hear the sound of the Qingman forest. There was the sound of brushing the ground, followed by the grinding sound of many snakes crawling forward on the grass.

"It's so noisy." Li Er crawled out from behind Li Muxuan's neck at this time, lazily lying on Li Muxuan's shoulders to bask in the sun: "Stupid adventurer, what kind of stimulant did you give these snakes to make them behave like this?" Happy?"

"You also know that they are very happy now?" Wang Shuang looked back at Li Er.

"Yeah, I have a skill called speech, which allows me to understand what they are saying." Lier yawned lazily, then straightened her body suddenly, and made a weird voice: "Delicious, Delicious...this is really good!"

"Hahaha!" Wang Shuang laughed out of joy.

"It's almost there." After standing outside the Qingman forest for a while, Wang Shuang hooked the corners of his lips, and turned to his followers and said, "We will separate later, and we must remove the green lin fruit from each tree. Collect them all, before those green snakes return to the tree, collect them all! That's it, is there any problem?"

"Understood!" Li Muxuan was the first to answer affirmatively. Her profession is a gold hunter, and such trivial matters are probably commonplace for her.

"No problem." Mirudo and Evelani also nodded. Wang Shuang was hesitant when he saw Evelani at first, probably because of the habit of the elves who couldn't bear to hurt trees.But now that I have become a follower of my brother, it is better to abandon this boring setting early.

After being separated from several of his followers, Wang Shuang quickly climbed up the tree he climbed at the beginning. This time there was no trace of the Green Lin Snake on the tree. Wang Shuang climbed to the top of the tree and stretched out his hand Pick it up, put all the green lin fruit into the backpack.


System prompt: You have collected Qinglin fruit x2.

System prompt: You have collected Qinglin fruit x3.

Haha, cool, keep going!
Wang Shuang retreated from the tree, then changed to another tree, and climbed up again to pick the green lin fruit.


System prompt: You have collected Qinglin fruit x2.

System prompt: You have collected Qinglin fruit x2.


For the sake of efficiency, Wang Shuang and several other followers were busy collecting green lin fruit on several trees, having a great time!And a large number of Qinglin snakes entrenched below are also constantly devouring the animal carcasses that Wang Shuang obtained from hunting.A mountain of meat that even Wang Shuang thought was a bit majestic before, was quickly and slowly flattened and gradually became smaller after being swallowed by one and one green snake.

Both Wang Shuang and Qinglin Snake were very busy and full of energy.In the blink of an eye, 10 minutes passed, Wang Shuang and a few followers collected all the green lin fruit on several nearby trees, and the green lin snake below also swallowed up all the meat mountains that Wang Shuang hunted , not at all.

Except for the bloodstains all over the ground, which proved that there was indeed a meat mountain here just now, there was nothing left, all of which went into the stomachs of the green snakes.

Wang Shuang joined several other followers and began to count the harvest.In the past 10 minutes, Wang Shuang and the other three followers collected a total of more than 300 green lin fruit, far exceeding Serifen's task requirements.Anyway, this thing seems to have a long shelf life, so just give it to him and let Serifen take it on the road to prevent accidents.

Well, after all, my brother has successfully completed such a painful dilemma. Judging from my experience in abducting three beautiful followers, there is no reason why I can't deal with you, an elf who spends all day looking at the scenery in the illusion!

It's just that if Brother wants to accept him, doesn't that mean that there is an extra man in Brother's harem?Fuck, after this mission is over, my brother's teacher doesn't want you anymore, so I kicked you out immediately.

Wang Shuang harvested all the Qinglin fruits obtained by several other followers, put them in his backpack and was about to leave, when he suddenly glanced back and saw the green snakes behind him, which had swelled several times.For some reason, Wang Shuang felt that their moving speed was particularly slow now, and their swollen bodies even had a strange feeling.

Ok?This is... Wang Shuang groaned, and a thought suddenly popped up in his heart.He lurked in the dark and slowly leaned up. Seeing a Qinglin snake lazily leaning on its white belly, basking in the sunlight cast among the green leaves, Wang Shuang took out his dagger, hesitated for a moment, and finally slashed viciously with it. go down.

The attributes of the Green Lin Snake are not excellent, but their entanglement and venom are more annoying.What's more, Wang Shuang's attribute bonuses are really terrifying now. When he cuts it down with a dagger, all the red and white ones come out.

The Green Lin Snake in front of him froze, the blood strip on its head suddenly became empty, and slowly fell down on the grass, its body was cold and lifeless, and all the pieces of meat it had eaten before burst out of its stomach all at once. It came out, dripping all over the floor, extremely disgusting.


System prompt: You killed the Qinglin Snake in a weak state, you get 40W experience rewards, you get 20 gold coins, your follower Li Muxuan gets 40W experience rewards, your follower Mi Luduo gets 40W experience rewards, Your follower Evelyn gets 40 experience rewards.

What about the weak state?Wang Shuang was taken aback, and quickly checked the attributes of the other green snakes.

——Weak Green Lin Snake [Rage] (Purple-LV60): Vitality 260000, physical attack 4200, physical defense 2200, physical resistance 0? ? ?Magic attack 3200, magic defense 1500, magic resistance 0? ? ?Functions: normal attack, fang infusion, coiling attack, weakened state.

——Weakness: The Green Lin Snake's offensive and defensive attributes temporarily dropped significantly due to overeating.

Fuck, it really is like this, haha, let you eat, continue to eat, this is the so-called greedy enough to swallow the elephant!

(End of this chapter)

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