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Chapter 356 The Evil Described in the Diary

Chapter 356 The Evil Described in the Diary
While lurking in the dark, Wang Shuang took advantage of the chaos and came to the gate of the courtyard.At this time, the two guards at the gate were still guarding the gate with all their heart and soul.It's a pity that their level is much higher than Wang Shuang's. Wang Shuang passed between them openly, and they didn't notice it at all, and they still stood on both sides of the gate like two door gods.

After Wang Shuang walked out of Alrosa's mansion, he quickly returned to the entrance of Evelyn's mansion.Because this time Wang Shuang really couldn't find anything to attack on the road, which made him superimpose several layers of "full of flaws".So Wang Shuang came along while avoiding the path while observing the surrounding situation.

Soon, Wang Shuang returned to the door of Evelyn's mansion, opened the door and stepped in, Wang Shuang saw Shilom who was guarding the door, and the man who was sitting on two chairs talking behind him. Sirifen and Hirzak.

"My lord, you are back." Serifin immediately got up when she saw Wang Shuang, and saluted respectfully: "How is it? Did you gain anything?"

"It's a lot of harvest." Wang Shuang laughed, and then saw the surprised look in Hirzak's eyes, and suddenly coughed twice: "But about the evidence that exposed the second prince's conspiracy, and what I learned Things related to this matter need to be carefully analyzed. To be honest, I am not very sure about how much we can analyze."

After listening, Serifen looked at Wang Shuang with a faint smile and waited for the next article.Wang Shuang didn't talk nonsense, and directly summoned all his followers except Miluduo, and then took out Alrosa's diary.

This time I gained a lot from sneaking into Alrosa's room, but the only thing that is really related to the plot is this diary.Wang Shuang opened the cover of the diary, looked at the expectant eyes of the people next to him, couldn't help coughing twice, and began to read: "I wrote this diary not for anything else, but to hope that one day, if I have an accident , and give back an answer to those who want to seek the truth.”

- 18th.Today is a good day to go out, the weather is clear and clear. I walked out of the Elven Kingdom according to the agreement with King Mia, and met King Mia of the undead in Bidri Machu.

"What's going on here?" Wang Shuang found that he couldn't understand the first sentence at the beginning of the diary: "Who is this King Mia?"

The faces of the others were all serious. Hirzak raised his head and looked at Wang Shuang with complicated eyes: "King Mia is the supreme king of the undead."

"Supreme King?" Wang Shuang was taken aback.

"It's equivalent to my father's status in Xia Sen Kingdom." Hirzak said.

Hirzak's father is the king of Xiasen Kingdom. So, this so-called supreme king is actually equivalent to the king of the undead?
Wang Shuang's expression tightened, and then he couldn't help but said: "Then he met the supreme king of the undead in private, so is he hooking up with the undead?"

Hirzak sighed and said, "It's about the same. I didn't expect the second brother to be so mad."

After listening to Hirzak's exclamation, Wang Shuang turned the diary to the next page: "King Mia met with me today, and the whole conversation was a bit stiff, but fortunately, King Mia was very reasonable and promised to give me strength. And after an hour's round, I stepped on the bottom line of my cooperation accurately."

Wang Shuang turned another page: "The 19th. Today is a good day to practice martial arts. I tried all the black magic that King Mia taught me. Except for the apocalyptic disaster, which was a little blunt, the rest Skills are coming in handy for me, and I feel like my plan is about to come true!"

Turn another page: "On the 20th, today is really too bad. I can't master the most critical trick of the doomsday disaster no matter how I research it. Why is that? I immediately met King Mia's adjutant Konderner, He immediately explained to me that it was because I hadn't completed the cooperative task, so King Mia only paid me half of my skills and strength."

Wang Shuang continued to read along the diary: "I suddenly felt a little unfair, but I have already promised half of the power to me, so I should first kill the harp of light and hope, which King Mia fears the most. Row."

"It turns out that the harp of light and hope is an agreement between him and King Mia!" Evelani suddenly realized when she heard this: "Indeed, if it's just my brother, the harp of light and hope is no threat to him at all, but The undead are very afraid of the power of this harp, I am afraid that my brother also agreed to destroy this harp, so he got a part of the bargaining chip!"

"So that's the case." Wang Shuang snorted, so it seems that for the power that Alrosa said, he was the one who did the incident in the Iflane mansion.

You will know if you read it.Wang Shuang continued to turn down a page. The handwriting on this page was dense, and it seemed that there was a lot of dry stuff: "The harp of light and hope was given to Seventh Sister by her mother at her coming-of-age ceremony. If I want to destroy this Harp, it’s impossible not to push her away first.”

"But is it enough to just push her away? I suddenly thought, what if I didn't act decisively and she caught the clues? So I used the excuse of taking Seventh Sister out to play as usual, and Tried the dark magic I just learned on her, Dark Exile—”

"I succeeded! I watched her body being sucked away by the dark space, and saw a guy with a hideous face. His eyes were very terrifying. I will never forget such eyes in my life, as if he was a god of death. His body was as tall as a mountain. , his eyes were as deep as the sea. He took Evelyn's body with a smile on his face, and let out a ferocious and terrifying laugh."

"This beast!" Wang Shuang looked up and saw Evelyn slamming down on the gate of the mansion with red eyes.Hirzak on the side also listened with a dark face, and remained silent throughout the whole process, without saying a word.Even Shilom in front couldn't help but angrily said: "How could this be so, in order to destroy the harp, he actually sent his sister into the devil—no, the dark world is more cruel than the devil!"

"After all, after learning black magic, he has completely violated the philosophy of the elves." Hirzak said with a wave of his hand.

"Second brother actually sent me to the Underworld for such a reason." Evelyn's eyes were a little sad, and after she hammered the door hard, she leaned against the door weakly.When Wang Shuang saw her, he patted her on the shoulder lightly: "Keep in mind your original intention of following me."

"Yeah." Evelyn pulled herself together, barely recovering part of her spirit: "My lord, I might not even think of resisting before. But now, I want to kill my elder brother with my own hands!"

"Well done, I support you." Wang Shuang grinned, coughed twice, and continued to pick up the diary and read: "I found that I have a deeper understanding of black magic, and light magic and black magic Although they are mutually exclusive, there are also parts that integrate with each other..."

Wang Shuang turned a page: "On the 21st, I felt very bad today. After the magic power of light magic and black magic collided with each other, there was a big explosion. Several forces in my body were in disorder, as if several heads A rampaging rhino ran rampant in my veins. I gritted my teeth and tried to suppress the pain, but I still twitched in pain."

Wang Shuang turned again, but there was nothing on the next page. After turning several pages in a row, the page for writing appeared again: "28th. After countless failures and comprehensions, I finally understood a brand new Ability, I call it 'dark magic', this is the fusion of light magic and black magic, the magic that masters life and death! I solved the problem of the collision of light magic and black magic, and now I master both systems strength!"

Damn, is this guy so talented?Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, thinking of those lunatics, it seems that some people also called them geniuses, which may be the reason.

"After I mastered this power, I also began to become more and more uneasy. I began to worry that what I was doing now would be discovered. My father and mother also discovered that Evelyn had disappeared, but they might have I thought she ran out to play, and only sent one-fifth of the Eternal Capital's troops to search."

"I started digging a secret passage in the yard, just in case. At the same time, I was afraid that others would discover the secret passage, so I arranged two forks at the same time. One inconspicuous passage can be used normally, while the other has no exit. The road of death. I found that I used to hate dirty things very much, but after comprehending dark magic, I became a little indifferent.”

Wang Shuang turned the page and continued to read: "On the 22nd. Today I learned a lot about dark magic, but I always feel that these things are really obscure. I wrote them all down, but I was afraid of my housekeeper. And the servants found my notes, so I built them into stone bricks, and laid them all on the inner wall of the passage."

"So at that time, the power that frightened me was the notes of dark magic!" Evelyn couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It feels like this guy has become a BOSS properly." Wang Shuang sighed with some distress.

Continuing to turn back, Wang Shuang continued to read: "On the 1st, I went to Evelyn's room after I was in a stable condition, but I was surprised to find that the power of the harp of light and hope was far beyond my imagination, even though it was just a Equipment, I can't destroy it either."

"Fortunately, after I comprehended the dark magic, a large corrosion technique could alleviate this embarrassment. I cursed the harp, and then exited the room. The power of the curse seemed to seep out a little along the crack of the door, and perhaps the people and plants around would also Be affected, but none of this has anything to do with me."

It turns out that this is the reason why those zombies appear!Thinking about it carefully, zombies, zombie kings, and rot are indeed the black magic methods of the undead. Wang Shuang understood it when he was studying black magic before.

At this time, a slight cold dripped on his arm, Wang Shuang turned his head and saw that Evelyn's face was already full of tears.

(End of this chapter)

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