Chapter 357
Wang Shuang watched Evlani's eye sockets turn red little by little, and her usually lively eyes gradually became weak. Although they were still as beautiful as before, Evlani seemed to be a very delicate statue at this time. The glass sculpture, as long as someone touches it lightly, will shatter in an instant and turn into scattered dust all over the place.

Suddenly Wang Shuang felt cold all over, and when he raised his head, the eyes of several other people were focused on him.Not only Hirzak, but also Hilom, Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo all stared at Wang Shuang.

"Let's see what brother is doing." Wang Shuang said in pain, "I didn't make you cry, this brother won't take it."

"My lord, you should go up to comfort your crying followers at this time, shouldn't you." Even Li Muxuan said so.

"I comfort you?" Wang Shuang glanced at Evelyn, who was hanging her head, sighed, walked behind her and patted her back lightly, saying, "Evellane, please don't cry, okay?" , you see it’s useless for you to cry now, those people you cherished are already dead.”

"Narishata..." Evelyn choked up.

Wang Shuang looked back at Hirzak, but Hirzak pouted, meaning that Wang Shuang should solve it by himself.

Brother, take care of me, I don't even have the chance to contact girls, how can I comfort you?

Wang Shuang saw that Evelyn's tears were gradually expanding, and immediately became a little flustered: "No, this, let's calm down first, okay, crying can't solve any problems."

"My lord." Li Muxuan couldn't help but supported her forehead, pulled Wang Shuang back and said in a low voice, "You shouldn't say these things now."

"Then what should I say?" Wang Shuang was in a hurry: "If you know, you should hurry up."

"You should coax her." Li Muxuan didn't say anything, but Li Er couldn't stand it anymore, she shook her head helplessly, spread her two cat paws and shrugged: "The girl just wants to coax her more, you know?" , tell her that these pains have passed, and she will not experience deeper pains in the future, tell her that the future will be better, in short, try to comfort her as much as possible."

"Fuck, what you said makes sense!" Wang Shuang couldn't help clapping his hands in surprise when he heard this, and gave Lier a thumbs up: "Maximum flirting skills, I will definitely be a love killer in the future, the one who captures all the female cats in the world Heart!"

"Li Er is female, female!" Li Er screamed loudly, and even straightened her chest, although there was nothing there: "Li Er doesn't like female cats, Li Er's orientation is very normal!"

"Hahaha, I forgot." Wang Shuang laughed, scratched his head and rolled back to Evelyn again: "Evellane, baby? Look, even though they are dead, you still alive, right?"

"So what if I'm alive, they won't come back to life after all." Evelyn rubbed her red and swollen eyes, tears continued to flow down little by little.Like dewdrops in the morning, bright and clear tears splashed onto Wang Shuang's arms and bloomed like a bright lotus flower with a continuous ray of coldness.

"If you are still alive, you can help them avenge and you won't continue to lose more important people." Wang Shuang took a deep breath, shook Evelani's shoulders severely, and came to her and clasped her chin , forcing Evelyn to look up at him: "Tell me, do you hate your second brother now?"

What Wang Shuang looked at at this time was a pair of dark eyes that were somewhat cloudy.But when Wang Shuang mentioned her second brother, Wang Shuang soon saw Evlani's pupils constrict, and a complicated look flashed across her pure black eyes.There is anger, there is hesitation, and there is slowly resentment.

"I hate him." Evelyn looked at Wang Shuang firmly and said.

"He even poisoned your third brother to death now." Wang Shuang continued, so Wang Shuang saw even crazier hatred rushing through the bottom of Evelyn's eyes, like a group of runaway lions roaring past. The meaning is so obvious that it is a bit dazzling.

"I understand." Evelyn continued to nod with red eyes.

"Now, according to the narration in this diary just now, after the harp burst, that strange black soul is likely to be a message, proving that he has completely destroyed the harp of light and hope. Now he probably has gone to fight with the undead Meet with the Supreme King, Mia, pass this evidence to the other party, and get the greatest help from Mia!"

"Yes." Evelyn nodded firmly: "My lord is right, that's exactly what it is!"

"Think about it, what will happen when he comes back?" Wang Shuang sighed: "The peace of the country depends on the stability of the royal power and the stability of the people. However, after your fierce second brother returns, the entire elf kingdom will be destroyed." When a storm blows up, the people will be in dire straits, wars will last for a hundred years, and the flames of war will burn every piece of land in Xia Sen Kingdom, do you want to see this?"

"I don't want to." Evelyn replied a little excitedly.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Wang Shuang clasped Evelyn's shoulders even more forcefully, and shouted, "Do you still have time to cry, for your servants, maids, housekeeper and close friends? Wasting time with death!"

"My lord is right." Evelyn said excitedly.

At this time, another tear flowed from the corner of her eye, she reached out to wipe it away, and wiped away the tear that was still swirling around the edge of her eye socket, and at the same time wiped away most of the tear stains on her face before letting go.

However, there were still a few remaining tear stains that criss-crossed and messed up her originally delicate face.

Wang Shuang reached out and wiped away all the remaining tears on Evelyn's face, then turned to look at Hirzak, Serifin and the others: "There is still about one to two days before the return of the second prince. We can't sit still, we must take this opportunity to do something we can do."

"The master is right. I think the same as the master." Serifin clasped her hands behind her chest and bowed respectfully with a smile on her face.

"The adventurer said it well. You made me realize the seriousness of the problem. I want to put my life on the line to defend the elves, the Kingdom of Xiasen, and the stable rule of Yuegabel! Folk music makes the people rich at the end of the year, and makes the whole country no longer complain!"

"I thought about it." Wang Shuang said, holding his chin at this time: "We don't have many things to do now, only a few things. The first thing is to rehabilitate Evelyn, so that she can go on in a fair manner. On the street; the second thing is to reveal Alrosa's wolf ambitions to the other princes and princesses, as well as the collusion with the undead Supreme King Mia."

"What if they don't believe it?" Hirzak asked with some concern.

Wang Shuang sneered, and took out the diary in his hand: "I have the diary in my hand as evidence. You brothers have been in the royal family of the elves for so many years, so you should be able to see each other's handwriting!"

"Exactly!" Hirzak exclaimed in surprise.

"The third thing." Wang Shuang said immediately: "It's similar to the first thing, but I also need to be able to walk on the streets of the lower city of the elves openly, and as the owner of Evelyn Appear!"

"This..." Hirzak was slightly taken aback, hesitatingly said: "If the king father and the queen mother know about this, they may drive you out of the lower city or even the eternal capital in a fit of anger. It may not even be possible to enter the territory of the elf kingdom."

"Hahahaha, what a big joke." Wang Shuang laughed arrogantly, stretched out his hand through Evelani's back, and hooked her other shoulder: "Now Evelani is my follower , even if they don't want to see me, don't they still want to see their daughter?"

"What's more, judging from the fact that Evelyn's mother gave her the harp of light and hope, your so-called father and queen still love your princess very much. Don't they have the heart to reject their princess? outside the door?"

"But the princess of a country casually becomes the follower of an adventurer, which is indeed very unacceptable... I think if I were my father and mother, it would be difficult for me to accept it for a while."

"It's hard to accept, but I have to carry it to my brother." Wang Shuang snorted coldly, and said in a slightly violent tone: "Just because their precious princess has disappeared for so many days, and they are still sitting safely in the palace, they will You must accept it! When Evelyn was in despair, pain, and even confusion, what were they doing?"

"What's more, when she was in despair, pain and even confusion, who was the person who was by her side?" Wang Shuang said, pointing to himself: "It's my brother! It's my brother who took her in and trained her. Give her your experience to let her grow, take her to participate in various battles, and quickly improve your strength! Everything she has now is given by my brother, and has nothing to do with the two powerful people in the world!"

"When my brother was doing this, what did they do? It's fine if they didn't show up right away. Now that it's been so long, they are still indifferent, not even in a hurry, and don't care where Evelyn has gone. You said Do they deserve it?"

"Master." Evlani's voice still sounded a little choked at this time: "I met General Saike at the Jianshou level before, and he also said at that time that when he returned to Xiasen Kingdom, he would Bring this matter back to father and mother, I guess they should have known by now, right?"

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that Evelani was put under house arrest by the general of the elves when she was on the Sword Hunting level. That's what happened.

Thinking of this, Wang Shuang looked at Hirzak even more arrogantly: "Look, they already knew about it, but they still didn't do anything, and there was no movement!"

"Wait, General Saike?" Hirzak was taken aback for a moment, and interrupted the conversation between Wang Shuang and Evelyn: "It's strange to say that General Saike disappeared not long after he came back. Search around for the whereabouts of General Sike."

"Missing?" Wang Shuang was taken aback: "Did he say anything when he came back?"

"It... seems to have said that there is an important matter to report, but he seems to have disappeared before he could say anything," Hirzak said.

(End of this chapter)

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