It's time to play online

Chapter 397 The Abandoned Servant of God

Chapter 397 The Abandoned Servant of God
Wang Shuang and the others, who couldn't find any clues at the temple, quickly returned to the old man's wooden house.

At this time, after Wang Shuang knocked on the door, the old man Yueying quickly came to open the door and brought a few people in. After Wang Shuang entered the living room, he smelled the smell of barbecue and couldn't help being slightly taken aback: "Nani, really Bake it and eat it."

"Of course." The old man Moon Shadow hummed softly, chewing while replying, "I've been following this guy for many days, and today I finally couldn't hold back and fought hard. Fortunately, this guy doesn't know why he is so powerful. Seems to have weakened a lot, and I took it down pretty easily."

"That's right." This time Wang Shuang suddenly remembered the last time when he was brushing the dungeon, the dying old man Moon Shadow mentioned about the Moon Shadow Feather: "Do you know what the Moon Shadow Feather is?"

"Moon Shadow Feather?" The old man Moon Shadow was stunned, nodded and said: "Of course I know, it is the feathers on the Moon Shadow Crow, which has the ability to temporarily block human power, but don't worry, the Moon Shadow Crow wants to awaken the power of the feathers on the body, just You must eat a lot of nutrients. And those crows can't see the moon shadow fruit, so it is difficult for them to find any food source."

"So that's how it is!" Wang Shuang suddenly realized. In this way, it was Wang Shuang's contribution to destroying the Moon Shadow Fruit.After the Moon Shadow Crow did not eat the fat rat meat, it also failed to stimulate the power of its feathers after death due to malnutrition, and then these feathers would not be blown away by the wind, affecting the performance of the Moon Shadow Old Man. Moon Shadow Brown Bear!
In this way, everything makes sense, but what's the point of brother being here?
Wang Shuang couldn't help being stunned, yes, in this case, the dungeon should be over here, what's the use of him?

Fuck, I should ask the NPC about this kind of thing, what are you guessing?Wang Shuang immediately looked at the old man Yueying in front of him, and asked, "Old man, do you know how we are going to get out of here?"

"Leave, why do you want to leave?" Elder Moon Shadow suddenly said something wrong: "I can be completely self-sufficient here. There are fields and wells in front of the house. I will go for a walk when I am full. I will cultivate my body and mind and enjoy my old age in peace. , wouldn’t it be a joy to be alone, free from worldly disputes?”

"Wow, it's so romantic." Jiang Jige patted Wang Shuang's shoulder and suddenly said excitedly.

Wang Shuang turned his head and glanced at her, then turned his head and couldn't help but said in pain: "Old man, I'm talking about us, not you. How long you like to stay here is up to you, and we have no right to take you away. .”

etc!Wang Shuang was taken aback suddenly. The system would not give useless reminders. Could it be that the system suddenly became mentally retarded and misunderstood what Wang Shuang meant, but another way to give Wang Shuang reminders?
That's right, since the BOSS is dead, the clearance conditions of the dungeon should also be changed. Could it be that their task now is to take this old man out of the Moon Shadow Forest?

And just after Wang Shuang asked again, the old man Yueying was still talking about happy life to himself.Not only did Wang Shuang feel something was wrong this time, even several other players around him also noticed something was wrong.

"Old man, do you have children?" Wang Shuang hesitated for a while, then asked again.

"Child?" Elder Moon Shadow smiled faintly, shook his head and said, "I have never married a wife in my life, so how can I have a child?"

"Could it be that you built this wooden house with your own strength?" Hua Suiyue thought for a while, then asked.

"It seems... no." Elder Moon Shadow scratched his head uncertainly, then sighed suddenly: "It's been too long, even I don't remember much."

"Then, what about the temple not far away?" At this time Jiang Jige suddenly asked: "Who is enshrined in that temple, and why are the locks and doorknobs on it rusty and worn out? You Since you live nearby, why don’t you visit it?”

"Temple..." Elder Moon Shadow's eyes suddenly became melancholy, he smiled faintly, his eyes looked very gloomy: "I am no longer qualified to set foot there."

"Damn it!" Wang Shuang couldn't help being startled, and immediately turned around and gave Jiang Jige a thumbs up: "Good job, I didn't expect it!"

"Hee hee." Jiang Jige couldn't help but smiled triumphantly, and at the same time scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"What do you mean by that?" Now that he found a breakthrough, Wang Shuang naturally wouldn't let it go so easily, and immediately began to ask.

Under Wang Shuang's repeated questioning, the old man Yueying really let go: "Actually, I used to be a servant of the gods. I was taken in by the Sin Wood Sect when I was a child, and I began to serve the Sin Wood Sect after I became an adult. One day, a long, long time later, I made a mistake and have since been abandoned by the gods of the Sin Wood Sect."

"Abandoned by God?" Wang Shuang immediately asked after hearing the story.

"Yes, I soon started a life of wandering, wandering around in various cities, and somehow, I found this place and settled down in this wooden house."

"I think it's good to be here." The old man Yueying scratched his head, and a hearty smile appeared on his wrinkled face: "The heavy burden before is gone, and I live happily and freely every day. That's it. I don’t know why, but there is also a temple of the Sin Wood Sect here, but I still feel guilty about the Sin Wood Sect, so I never went in.”

Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel pain when he heard the words: "You have lived here for so long, you eat and sleep every day, don't you feel bored at all? There is such a temple next to it, don't you even have any idea of ​​exploring?"

"Yes." Old Man Moon Shadow nodded and sighed, "Adventurers, I am already an old man, not as energetic as you young people. I can live a day-to-day life now, and I have taken a lot of things lightly. Slowly waiting for my final destination in peace. Maybe, before I die, I will return to the temple of the Sin Wood Cult and close my eyes."

"What should we do now?" Hua Suiyue looked at Wang Shuang and asked.

"What else can I do?" Wang Shuang shrugged, suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help his eyes lit up: "Wait, brother seems to have a way!"

"Old man!" Wang Shuang stopped the old man Yueying again, and said, "As for us, we want to go to the temple now. I wonder if you can accompany us?"

"Adventurer, I just said that I don't want to go." Old Moon Shadow shook his head and quickly rejected Wang Shuang's proposal.

"But maybe God has forgiven you a long time ago. Maybe He needs you right now. Let's go and see with us. If God is still determined to abandon you, it's not too late for you to come back."

The old man Yueying frowned, and just wanted to reject Wang Shuang, but he choked when he opened his mouth, and his face flushed as if a fishbone was stuck in his throat.Several people stared wide-eyed at the changes in Old Man Moon Shadow. Soon, the expression on Old Man Moon Shadow's face returned to normal. He sighed and said, "Adventurer, what you said makes sense. After so many years, it's time for me to go back. Check it out."

"Nani?!" Several other players were shocked, and looked at Wang Shuang with a little more admiration: "My God, Wang Shuang, you are really a great god, and you are also a special kind of god!"

"It's amazing, my mother asked me why I played games on my knees!"

Wang Shuang laughed, and waved his hand in a gesture of disdain for the world: "Everyone is too generous, let's hurry up and take this old man Yueying to the temple to have a look."

Several people nodded one after another, and under the leadership of Old Man Yueying, they returned to the entrance of the temple just now.

Some dilapidated temples still stand here quietly, like a sleeping giant.The old man Yueying walked forward slowly, and for some reason began to burst into tears: "Why, this place looks so much like the temple I grew up in?"

He reached out and touched his eye sockets, and slowly walked forward to touch the door lock, only to hear a slap, and the door lock that Wang Shuang and the others had been hacking for a long time before could not be hacked was lightly touched by Old Moon Shadow. It was untied directly.The door opened, and a dark shadow suddenly floated out from inside.

Several players standing behind watching the plot were taken aback. Wang Shuang was so frightened that he rushed forward to summon a few of his followers, and at the same time read the attributes of the black figure in front of him.

——Moon Shadow Master [Group Strategy 23] (Red-LV56 leader-level creature): 10000 vitality, 100 physical attack, 100 physical defense, 100 physical resistance? ? ?Magic attack 100, magic defense 100, magic resistance 100? ? ?Abilities: normal attack, overlord body, group strategy, moon shadow protection, awakening.

Is this a BOSS?Not only Wang Shuang was taken aback when he saw it, but even the people behind him were a little eager to try, but seeing the skill of Yueying Shelter, it shows that this boss will go through a period of change in the future.Is there any plot?

Wang Shuang looked at the old man Yueying who raised his head up to look at the black shadow in a daze, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

"Who are you? Why do you look exactly like me?" There was a downpour of rain in the sky without warning, and the old man Moon Shadow raised his head and looked at the black shadow hovering above his head, showing some confusion and bewilderment.

"Old man, after so many years, have you even forgotten who I am? You and I are alone!" The black figure laughed wildly, with a bit of arrogance and unrecognizable confusion in his voice, The distorted tone made Wang Shuang dizzy for a while.

"Impossible." However, Old Man Moon Shadow shook his head very clearly: "I am me, I am standing here, and I am actually the only one! You are definitely not me, who are you, why are you pretending to be me? "At the end, he even roared angrily, took out a magic staff from nowhere, and pointed at the black shadow that was constantly swirling in the sky.

"Have you forgotten? You are already dead. Everything here is just someone's wish. Both you and me are false existences..."

For the first time, Old Man Moon Shadow's eyes became a little hollow: "I... died?"

The drizzle fell violently from the sky, wet Wang Shuang's shoulders, and continuously washed away the black blood left on Wang Shuangjian's white double blades.

(End of this chapter)

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