It's time to play online

Chapter 398 News of Linglong Temple

Chapter 398 News of Linglong Temple

The black shadow didn't say anything more, turned around in the air, dragged its long tail down, and got into the body of the old man Yueying, and entered along his empty and confused pupils.Soon, even the long tail shadow behind the black shadow was completely submerged into Old Man Moon Shadow's body, as if being eaten by Old Man Moon Shadow.

Fuck, this is the rhythm of Old Man Moon Shadow becoming the final boss!Wang Shuang immediately pulled out his dagger, and looked at the old man Yueying who slowly raised his head in the hazy rain and fog, exuding black air all over his body—no, he even changed his name now, and the name on his head turned into a red one. Hostile, and advanced to a leader-level creature!

——Resentful Shadow Rager [Extreme Rage] [Extreme Boiling] [King Kong] [Magic Gang] [Strength] [Group Strategy 23] (Red-LV56 leader-level creature): blood 3500000, physical attack 8200, physical defense 6700 , physical resistance 15? ? ?magic attack 12100, magic defense 8600, magic resistance 15? ? ?Abilities: Spell Missile, Overlord Body, Group Strategy, Wraith Shadow Fury, Wraith Shadow Aurora, Wraith Shadow Boiling.

——Wraith Fury: Make a piercing blow to the target, causing 1700 110?The damage of the magic attack, and cause the same amount of damage to the units in the cone area behind the target.

——Aurora of Resentment: Perform an extremely long-range strike on the target, causing 2000 100?Magical attack damage, and every ten meters the aurora flies, the damage increases by 5? ? ?High increase 150? ? ? .

——Shadow of Resentment Boiling: After active activation, the magic attack will increase by 1 in the next minute? ? ?And the magic damage caused by the skill comes with a diffusion effect, and the surrounding units bear the skill 20? ? ?Harmful.


The wrathful shadow rager now took out the emerald staff from before. Under the rendering of the black shadow, the staff also turned purple, and the crystal at the front of the staff quietly bloomed with purple light.Before Wang Shuang could rush up, the wrathful shadow rager raised his staff high, and a shiny light bullet soared into the sky, flying into the clouds with a fierce momentum, then turned slowly, and landed in the crowd with a more than half arc .

With a bang, the light bomb exploded in an instant, and Hua Suiyue and other twenty or so players paddling behind were all killed!

Fuck, is this a show of power?Wang Shuang was stunned, and the team channel became a mess at this time.Wang Shuang opened it and glanced at it, then reluctantly replied in the team channel, "You can come back after brother kills this boss first", and then closed the window of the team channel.

Fortunately, although this boss mainly focuses on magic damage, most of its effects lie in group attacks. If Wang Shuang and the others are really more than twenty players who come to fight the boss, they will probably be in pain.But Wang Shuang is fighting alone this time. The group damage skills of the boss are useless in front of Wang Shuang, and it can even be said that it is not enough.

Wang Shuang was under the indiscriminate bombardment of spells, while using a dagger to cut the body of the original Yueying old man back and forth. After Wang Shuang and the boss fought for more than ten minutes, the boss was finally overwhelmed, even with 350W thick blood , was also worn out by Wang Shuang.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Shuang still used the blood limit to keep it.After several failed attempts to communicate with the other party, Wang Shuang shook his head helplessly, slashed the dagger across the other party's neck, and learned about the life of the old man Yueying.

The old man Yueying was decapitated suddenly, and a lot of equipment burst out with a wailing sound, and because the other players were too far away, these rewards were all taken by Wang Shuang alone.

Fuck, if you think about it this way, I have been taking them to fight monsters for free. This time, all the equipment dropped by the boss will be put into my backpack, which is also in line with the rules of the team: whoever is issued by the system counts. of!


System prompt: You killed the Resentful Shadow Rager, you get 2700W experience reward, you get 8000 gold coin reward, your follower Li Muxuan gets 2700W experience reward, your follower Evelani gets 2700W experience reward, you The follower Serifen gets 2700W experience reward.

System prompt: Player Wang Shuang has been assigned the equipment "Enchanted Scarlet Battlecloth (Tier 2 Orange Weapon)".

System prompt: Player Wang Shuang has been assigned the equipment "Steel Armor of Thorns (Tier 2 Yellow Equipment)".

System prompt: Player Wang Shuang has been assigned the equipment "Bloodthirsty Serrated Sword (Tier 2 Green Weapon)".


After the battle was over, the players behind him quickly gathered together. Before Wang Shuang could explain the equipment to them, his eyes dimmed suddenly, the light flashed, and the scene was changed again?

This time Wang Shuang and the others were standing in a crystal castle room, everything around them looked crystal clear, Wang Shuang was even sure that even the princess of the kingdom would not dislike living in such a place.

At this moment, Wang Shuang found a woman sitting in front of the dressing table in the room, dressing herself facing the dressing table.

Because her back was facing Wang Shuang and others, Wang Shuang could only see her back and the long black hair flowing from the back of her head.

She stood up suddenly at this time, turned her head to face Wang Shuang and the others.Before Wang Shuang could speak, she took the initiative to bow to everyone and said, "Thank you for letting father walk out of the dream safely."

"Dream?" Wang Shuang was very sensitive to these two words. When he heard these two words, he almost subconsciously immediately thought of his mentor Chick.

Could it be that they will also embark on the road to awakening later?

"Can you tell us what we did before?" At this time, Hua Suiyue stepped forward and looked at this slightly beautiful woman... No, it should be a girl, from her face without the slightest ripple , and her smile rippling like clear water, she shouldn't be very old.

"Just like what my father said." At this time, the girl actually complied with Hua Suiyue's request, and began to slowly tell the story about her father: "He is already dead, in a foreign country, a On the street in the heavy rain, he died because of lack of food and cold eyes. But his guilt made his soul unable to be relieved after death, and turned into a wraith."

"Wait, he seems to say that he has been wandering in various towns all his life, so he probably doesn't have a daughter?" Wang Shuang suddenly thought of this question and couldn't help asking.

"He thinks he doesn't have one." The girl shook her head, smiled slightly, and looked a bit like the old man Moon Shadow: "It's just that when he was young, by chance, he got drunk and broke into a room in the hotel, and defiled the saint of Linglong Temple at that time."

"Then after that saintess went back, she found that she happened to be pregnant again, so she gave birth to you?" Hua Suiyue suddenly realized.

"That's right, that's it." The girl nodded.

"Wait, wait." Wang Shuang hurriedly waved his hand to stop their happy chatting atmosphere. Looking at the girl, he couldn't help asking, "You just said, the saint of Linglong Temple?"

"Yes, that's my mother."

"So, you are the current saint of Linglong Temple?" Wang Shuang pinched the girl's shoulder excitedly, shook it vigorously, and asked loudly.

Wang Shuang was so excited that he could hardly control his strength, and the girl's shoulders were almost deformed when he pinched them.

"Unfortunately not." The girl may have been pinched by Wang Shuang in some pain, and her face continued to struggle in pain: "Since you know that my father is dead, it should not be difficult to guess that I am dead too. My mother is alive Not long after killing me, I was discovered by the bishops of Linglong Temple. They put me on the stake and burned me to death, and my mother was watching, with a helpless expression on her face."

"You died too?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, so this is not the interior of Linglong Temple?The hope that had just been ignited in his heart shook for a while, and then dimmed again.

"Yeah, he's dead. This is my father's dream, and of course it's also my dream. I've also become a resentful soul now, but even though I'm a resentful soul, I still hope that my father can be relieved."

"Miludo..." Wang Shuang lowered his hands weakly, looking very disappointed.

Jiang Jige looked at Wang Shuang, not knowing what he was excited about just now, and of course he didn't know what he was missing now, so he could only stand on the side at a loss.

"Okay, I've finished what I want to say, you can leave." The girl nodded at the few people at this time, waved her hand lightly, and Wang Shuang and others appeared on the road to recovery.

"This dungeon is actually over like this." Hua Suiyue said suddenly.

"Yes." Wang Shuang agreed with some disappointment, and instead of looking back to find his mentor, he went on the road to recovery with everyone, and then the system reminded everyone that they had used up the number of times they entered the Moon Shadow Forest dungeon today.

"Ah, it seems that I can't do this dungeon again today." Jiang Jige's voice sounded obviously regretful.

"Well, I just happened to be a little tired, so let's stop here for today." Wang Shuang waved his hand and bid farewell to everyone: "I'll come back to take you sometime when I have time. I'll go back to the guild now."

"Well, goodbye." Jiang Jige seemed to want to say something more, but she didn't say anything in the end, just waved to Wang Shuang and watched him go away slowly.

"Why didn't you tell him?" At this moment, Hua Suiyue, who was behind her, came up, looked at Jiang Jige's hesitant look, and patted her on the shoulder and asked.

"Tell him what?" Jiang Jige asked Hua Suiyue back.

"Don't pretend to be stupid." Hua Suiyue laughed loudly, looked at Jiang Jige and said, "Do you think everyone's EQ is as low as Wang Shuang's? When you introduced your pet before, you especially focused on repeating it to Wang Shuang several times." , the names of some of your pets. Wowo, Xixi, Huanhuan, Nini. Isn’t this just to confess to him that I like you?”

"You can see it." To Hua Suiyue's surprise, Jiang Jige grinned and admitted it voluntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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