It's time to play online

Chapter 399 Frozen Piercing

Chapter 399 Frozen Piercing
"Yeah, I saw it." Hua Suiyue clasped her arms around her chest and snorted triumphantly: "But it's useless for me to see it. You have to choose what to do and what kind of path to take. It's up to you to choose."

"My choice?" Jiang Jige sighed, looking into the distance: "It's a pity that my life is up to others, and that's all I can do. Even in the future, I may still feel that I am now Behaving very stupidly."

"I know." Hua Suiyue sighed softly: "But sometimes, if we are braver, maybe we can really rewrite the ending and reverse the fate. This difference in thinking can be said to directly determine the second half of your life. Are you happy or sad?"

Jiang Jige's body shook slightly, he choked on his words for a while, and finally sighed.


Wang Shuang bid farewell to everyone, and after leaving the team, he started heading towards Saiyan City.Along the way, I met a lot of Terran players, including Dragon Soaring Guild, God of War, Bloodstain and other guild players.But no matter who it was, when they saw Wang Shuang, they all looked at him with a somewhat astonished expression.

"Wang Shuang has returned to the human race!"

Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, but he didn't think too much. Instead, he went back to Saiyan City smoothly and entered the city gate. The streets were bustling as usual, and there were many NPCs and players patronizing the shops on both sides as usual.

Wang Shuang took a look at the amount of equipment and potions on his body, not much wasted, so he will repair it later.Now Wang Shuang went straight to the city lord's mansion, and after a while, he saw the city lord of Saiyan City, Victor.

"A brave and skilled adventurer, the results of your battle at the Floating Life Gate have spread throughout the Lion Heart Kingdom, and now the legend about you is being sung in the Lion Heart Kingdom!"

Oh?Gate of Floating Life, that was all a long time ago, but it’s good to pass on the song, if nothing else, at least the prestige must have increased a lot.

With a ding, the system reminded that Wang Shuang's reputation in the Lion Heart Kingdom had increased a lot.And Victor's attitude this time is also different from the previous few times he met Wang Shuang.The first time was a general attitude and ignored it; the second time was because Wang Shuang was going to fight for the Lionheart Kingdom, so Victor became a little more enthusiastic and distributed several million gold coins to Wang Shuang to buy equipment.

This was the third time Wang Shuang saw Victor, and this time the other party actually rubbed his hands awkwardly while talking this time, as if he was a little restless.Fuck, brother's reputation is already so high that the lord of a city can't help but start worshiping him?
Since the other party was so enthusiastic, Wang Shuang was naturally embarrassed to let the other party lose face. He immediately laughed and greeted him with a smile: "Nothing, this is all thanks to the equipment provided by the city lord. If it wasn't for the city lord to give it I provided an early advantage, and I couldn't have grown all the way to where I am now!"

"Oh? So I also have a share of the credit?" Victor was taken aback when he heard that, and asked with even more joy on his face.

"That's that, that's that." Wang Shuang was a little puzzled, what happened to the people today, why didn't they look normal?

"Haha, adventurer, then I would like to ask you to give me some good words when I see His Royal Highness later!" Victor immediately cupped his fists at Wang Shuang and looked at him solemnly. Said: "How much kingdom subsidy our Saiyan city can get next year, how many gold coins Saiyan city can have next year to repair buildings, supervise the training of the army, all depend on you, the adventurer, to fight for it!"

"Huh? Wait, what does this have to do with me?" Wang Shuang looked at Victor in a daze, and couldn't help asking: "And what the hell is going to see His Royal Highness later, although I do have this idea , but before brother went, how did you know?"

"No, no, adventurer, you misunderstood." Victor waved his hand and said, "His Royal Highness recruited you from the palace, so that you can go to find him at any time after you come back. Now the City of Order Watch , this place that is like a prison for other human adventurers has opened the door to you, and you can enter at any time!"

"Nani?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being slightly taken aback, then patted his chest generously, grinned and said, "Okay, okay, I'll go later, don't worry mayor, I will do my best to help us Saiyan The city strives for welfare."

"You are indeed a heroic adventurer of the Lionheart Kingdom!" Victor couldn't help laughing, and patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder with the same enthusiasm: "Next time I have a mission, I will think of you as soon as possible Yes, adventurer!"

"Don't don't don't." Wang Shuang was so scared that he almost screamed: "If you have money, you can call me, and if you have tasks, let's do it. Brother has no shortage of tasks now!"

"Oh? It's different, well, I'll remember it. Go adventurers, don't forget the glory of Saiyan City." Victor said, clasping his hands on his chest solemnly, with a serious face.

Fuck, isn't it just to help Saiyan City get some financial support, and what glory is involved?
By the way, the Lionheart Kingdom's financial support for Saiyan City is also used for the construction of Saiyan City, and it should have nothing to do with your city owner.What are you trying so hard for?Embezzlement?Enriched?Tsk tsk, I can't tell, you are actually this kind of city lord.


Wang Shuang left the City Lord's Mansion, and then suddenly remembered the reaction of several other players when they saw him, and suddenly understood: It seems that the whole family knows that brother is going to see His Highness the King.Although my brother usually gives people a bad impression, but if you want to meet His Royal Highness the king of the human race, that brother may really be the first one!
Not long after Wang Shuang walked out of the city lord's mansion, suddenly the friend list shook slightly.Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and opened it to see: it was actually sent by Luoxue Qianli.

Falling Snow Thousands of Miles: Wang Shuang, look to your left.

left hand side?Wang Shuang turned his head and suddenly saw Luo Xueqianli standing in the crowd of people coming and going. She stopped quietly, blinking her beautiful eyes, and looked at Wang Shuang with a smile on her face.

Wang Shuang seemed to have a string in his heart being gently moved, and a soft tone came out.He couldn't help stretching out his hand to part the crowd, and hurried to Luoxue Qianli's side.

"Long time no see, Wang Shuang." The smile on Luoxue Qianli's face remained unchanged, his eyes looked down at the ground, and he kicked a stone away. His eyes seemed to be watching the stone roll away, but Wang Shuang clearly felt that the other party was still there. look at yourself.

"Yeah, long time no see, Luoxue." Wang Shuang said the same.

"You're a busy person right now, it's really not easy to see you once." Luoxue said, suddenly sighed, and said with some sadness.

"No, no." Wang Shuang turned pale with shock, waved his hands hastily to defend himself, and said, "Look, I'm back, not to mention the boss called me, how dare I not come!"

Hearing the words, Luo Xueqianli's complexion became even darker: "What boss, if I claim to be your boss now, I might be laughed to death if I say it."

Wang Shuang couldn't help but said in pain: "How could it be? No matter how good I am outside, I am still your most capable subordinate in front of you. Wherever Luoxue's fingers go, I will hit there."

Luoxue Qianli's eyes lit up, and then he smiled softly: "Then, I will let you go with me to a place, do you want to?"

Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, remembering what the Lord of Saiyan City had said to him just now, and was about to say something, then he thought about it, how could it be more important to go out to fight monsters with Luo Xue?He immediately agreed and said, "No problem, let's go."

Wang Shuang followed Luoxue thousands of miles into the bustling crowd.Passing through the streets of Saiyan City, they left the city. Outside the city, a whole area of ​​[-]-[-]-level rhinos were grazing and staring at them with wide-eyed eyes.

Soon, Luoxue Qianli brought Wang Shuang to the gate of a military camp outside the city. Here, Luoxue Qianli found a human quartermaster who seemed to be here to hand in a mission.

Wang Shuang waited on the side for a while, and soon saw Luoxue Qianli completed the task, and at the same time had an extra skill book in his hand, he couldn't help but wondered: "Is this a reward for the skill book? Luck looks good."

"Hee hee, my luck has always been very good. It's just that you haven't fought monsters with me for a long time, so I don't know." Luoxue Qianli said, and posted the attributes of the skill book.

——Frozen Piercing: Swing the weapon, causing two piercing damage to the target, each piercing deals 800 80?deal damage from attacks, and have 100? ? ?Freezes the target for 1.5 seconds.

"It's not bad." Wang Shuang nodded: "Each time, 80??? Damage, the two times add up to 160??? Added 1600 points of basic damage, and most importantly, it can also freeze the target for 2 seconds. In this way It seems that this skill is simply a divine skill, combining both damage and control ability, which is rare!"

"You think it's good too, don't you?" Luoxue smiled triumphantly, and suddenly threw the skill book to Wang Shuang.

"I think so too, so I will learn this skill book for you." Luoxue Qianli said.

Wang Shuang was stunned: "Uh, why, I think this skill is quite suitable for you, it would be a waste to give it to me."

"Don't you like it?" Luoxue Qianli asked suddenly, with a bit of resentment in his voice.

"I like it, but it's just..." Wang Shuang's expression was as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit. Looking at the skill book in his hand, he finally sighed and nodded, "Okay, thank you Luoxue for your kindness."


System prompt: You have learned the skill "Frozen Piercing".

Seeing it as a matter of course is reversed to 0? ? ?With the effect of freezing the target, Wang Shuang could only chuckle.

However, Wang Shuang was still a little surprised: this skill book is clearly a rare thing for Luoxue Qianli, and she actually thought of brother at the first time?For a while, words such as winning people's hearts, connecting with subordinates, and having other plans floated through Wang Shuang's mind.Wang Shuang shook his head vigorously, looked at Luoxue Qianli's innocent look, and suddenly said, "By the way, I also have a skill book for you."

With that said, Wang Shuang took out the Purple Level Magic Introductory Manual from his backpack.

(End of this chapter)

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