It's time to play online

Chapter 400 Dream Forest

Chapter 400 Dream Forest
"Well, I'll find a time later and ask someone from our guild to start practicing this enchantment." Luo Xueqianli said, suddenly looked serious, looked at Wang Shuang and said, "Wang Shuang, you are the first one to reach level 80." Thoughts?"

Wang Shuang was taken aback, nodded and said, "Yes, why do you ask so suddenly?"

"Then you may have to quicken your pace." Luoxue Qianli's face suddenly became very serious: "Let's not talk about the Huaxia District, even the entire human race, your level ranking has fallen below the thousandth place."

"Holy shit, so far away?" Wang Shuang was taken aback. He usually doesn't pay attention to the ranking list, and he doesn't care about the news and gossip.

Luoxue Qianli nodded, as if to confirm her words, she opened the level list, and Wang Shuang saw that about a thousand players were now around level 66 or even 67.

Luoxue Qianli also said at this time: "Two months have passed since the last player who reached level 50, and now the player with the highest level in the human race is Longteng Liuguang of the Dragon Guild, at level 73, and the highest level in the entire Huaxia District is a Elf players are already at level 75. The wandering sword soul who was the first to reach level 50 last time does not know why, but now the upgrade speed has become very slow, and it is only level 72 now."

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die." Wang Shuang raised his forehead immediately and said: "If this continues, I want to be the first to rush to level 80, so I have to go up to level 15 in one go while others are up to level [-], and I still have to It's very difficult to drag a family with a mouth."

"I think so too." Luoxue Qianli sighed and said, "The group of members of the Longteng guild have now put all their focus on leveling, and I don't know what dungeon they have packed. The level of the entire guild members is here. The rapid rise within a few days seems to be not only intended to compete for the reward of being the first to reach level 80, but also to stand out in the national war after that."

"That's necessary." Wang Shuang nodded: "Now the leading guilds of the human race will naturally not be at ease with the status quo, and will inevitably hit higher goals. And they seem to have gone through a period of precipitation and have a group of opponents. The loyal players of the guild, and the personnel of the battle group are also replenished from these new players who joined the guild, it is like the sky."

"Yes." Luoxue Qianli also said: "In addition to the highest level Longteng Liuguang, Longteng Xingchen, Longteng Qingming and others have also rushed to level 72, and everyone is starting to eye the throne of level 80."

"It's more interesting that way." Wang Shuang grinned suddenly: "The higher the difficulty, the more excited I am. Thinking about it, I really have a surge of enthusiasm in my body. Without further ado, let's bring Players of our guild, go to practice."

"Wait, Wang Shuang." Luo Xueqianli suddenly looked serious at this time, stopped Wang Shuang and said, "I don't think our goal now is to bring everyone to level up together. The first player to reach level 80 will definitely get a very high reward." So my suggestion is: You go to a place to practice leveling alone, I believe that with your strength, if you want to compete with them for the first one to reach level 80, there is still hope."

Is there just hope?Wang Shuang shook his head, it seemed that Luoxue Qianli lacked confidence in himself.It seems that I really have to do something to prove myself.Wang Shuang immediately waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I'm confident. If I'm serious, I can reach level 80 in five days at most. Give them five days, can they level up in one day?"

"Really?" Hearing this, Luoxue Qianli's eyes lit up, her big beautiful eyes blinked, and she suddenly giggled: "Wang Shuang is indeed Wang Shuang, as arrogant as ever, and for some reason, It’s also very trustworthy and safe.”

"Would you like to come together?" Wang Shuang suddenly asked, "Looking at your level, you're already level 68. Maybe you have the chance to be the first to reach level 80."

"Me?" Hearing this, Luoxue Qianli was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help asking: "Can I do it? Your upgrade task is already a bit difficult, and if you bring me along, it will be much more tiring."

Wang Shuang laughed, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, anyway, I have so many followers, and I've already been divided into experience several times, not bad for you."

"Well, then I'd rather be respectful than smart?"

"Hehe, it's done."

Wang Shuang and Luo Xueqianli left the barracks. Just as Wang Shuang was about to open the map to look at the surrounding dungeons, Luoxue Qianli suggested, "I think we might try a dungeon nearby, Youmeng Forest."

"It's the forest again? No, no, nothing, why did you choose this place?" Wang Shuang asked in surprise.

"The reason is very simple." Luo Xueqianli waved two green onion fingers in front of Wang Shuang and said, "First, Youmeng Forest is a level 65 dungeon dug out by players recently, or a duo dungeon. Just enough for us."

Upon hearing this, Wang Shuang nodded in agreement.

"Second, I heard that there is a very famous suit with high physical attack, and this suit is a nine-piece suit that includes the whole body equipment. That is to say, every part of our body can be equipped with it, and The highest grade is still yellow."

"Oh, the yellow one is good, I like it," Wang Shuang echoed casually.

Luo Xueqianli heard the words, as if thinking of something, two blushes suddenly flew on the cheeks, and Wang Shuang was subconsciously stunned.After she reacted, she giggled and waved her hand, then stretched out her third finger and said seriously: "Third, I heard that the God of War Guild is also making a big purchase of the equipment produced in this dungeon, and it seems that they want to give them the guild's equipment." The main output is fully armed."

"Success, no problem." Hearing this, Wang Shuang immediately nodded and agreed, "Then let's set off immediately."


Led by Luoxue Qianli, Wang Shuang soon arrived at the entrance of Youmeng Forest.A curl of cooking smoke rose from the distant sky, Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then pulled up Luoxue Qianli who was about to go forward to open the dungeon, and walked into the distance.

Not long after walking, a temporary small camp appeared in front of the two of them.This is a relatively wide camp, with several teams of carriages parked around the camp, it seems that a passing businessman is resting here.

Seeing Wang Shuang and the others suddenly emerge from the forest, the human bodyguards on both sides immediately surrounded him and looked at Wang Shuang nervously: "Stop, adventurer, what are you doing here?"

Wang Shuang was taken aback, then sighed helplessly and said, "It's nothing, sorry to bother you." After saying that, he wanted to leave.

Brother also wanted to come over to see if there were any quests to pick up, but I didn't expect that these two NPCs wouldn't even let them talk, and they would just drive them away.

However, before Wang Shuang took a few steps, there was a rush of footsteps behind him. Wang Shuang turned around and saw a middle-aged man wearing a hat running out: "Wait, adventurers, are you going to enter?" Is it the dream forest next to it?"

Is this the rhythm of the show?Wang Shuang stopped, looked at the middle-aged man wearing a hat and nodded, "Yes, is there anything I can do to help?"

"Of course." The uncle nodded excitedly, and said, "I have a cart of goods that fell into the Forest of Youmeng, and I am worried now. If you can help me find the goods, I will definitely give you a generous reward. your!"

Rich rewards?In such an instant, Wang Shuang gained strength all over his body, and said nonchalantly, "Okay, a load of goods, right? I'll keep an eye out for you when I go in later."


System prompt: You have accepted the blue-level mission "Retrieve the Lost Goods", please go to the Dream Forest and find the lost carriage in the dungeon.

This task is good, look for it while playing the dungeon, and you can get a blue-level task reward.

Wang Shuang and Luo Xueqianli returned to the entrance of Youmeng Forest this time. At this time, a team of players came to face them. When they saw Wang Shuang and Luoxue Qianli, they were shocked: "Fuck, it's Wang Shuang, is he here too?" Make a copy?"

"Wang Shuang, Wang Shuang take me!" Immediately, a shameless player rushed up and was about to grab Wang Shuang's cloak. Someone is together, and this is a double dungeon, so it's a pity, haha."

"It's okay, this beauty can come with me, I don't mind taking the beauty through the dungeon." On the other side, a player walked up, looked Luoxueqianli up and down, and evoked a smirk.

"No need." Luo Xueqian was as frosty as ice, snorted coldly and hooked Wang Shuang's arm, and the other people stared straight at him: "I have a partner, and besides, are you better than Wang Shuang in making dungeons? Why should I choose you and not Wang Shuang?"

"This..." Several people were at a loss for words.At this moment, Wang Shuang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly took a step forward, and thrust a dagger into the neck of the player who had just molested Luo Xueqianli.The player stared at Wang Shuang with wide eyes, and couldn't believe that he was so straightforward: "Wang Shuang, why are you... cough cough!"

Then he slowly fell to the ground, and after exploding a lot of equipment, his body turned into a white light and returned to Saiyan City not far away to be reborn.

"Don't reason with brother." Wang Shuang snorted, glanced at the others contemptuously, and said coldly: "On my side, there is no reason to talk about. If you make me unhappy, brother will be the first to wave The dagger will kill you."

"Damn it, it's really ugly." Several players were stunned, and then they remembered the deeds of Wang Shuang before, and the legend of killing hundreds of innocent players in the audience for a disagreement.

"Let's go." At this time, Wang Shuang took Luoxue Qianli's hand, and under the eyes of several players, he led her away from the scene quickly.


System prompt: Please select the difficulty of the copy.

In the room selected for the dungeon, Luoxue Qianli looked back at Wang Shuang and asked, "What should I do?"

"That's needless to say? Of course - well, let's do it step by step, this time we will challenge the yellow-level dungeon first." Wang Shuang recalled the difficulty of playing the 50-level dungeon before, shrinking his neck, and finally gave up. .

(End of this chapter)

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