It's time to play online

Chapter 401 The Dreaming Frostwolf

Chapter 401 The Dreaming Frostwolf

System prompt: You have chosen a dungeon with yellow grade difficulty.

With a flash of light, both Wang Shuang and Luoxue Qianli appeared in a strange forest.Like the previous Moon Shadow Forest, the surroundings were pitch black. Luoxue Qianli took out a long sword that looked like it was carved from ice from his backpack, and looked around vigilantly: "Be careful, listen to the players of the Dragon Association, this dungeon In the beginning there were powerful monsters wandering around."

As soon as Luo Xueqianli finished speaking, there was a long howl in front of him, and Wang Shuang also looked forward. Suddenly, a dark purple wolf pounced out from a low haystack in the distance. It was covered with slender and Curly purple fur, when walking, the claws hidden in the palms reflect sharp light in the moonlight, and the silver teeth that are full of saliva also reflect the light.

Wang Shuang was also startled, took out a dagger from his backpack, and summoned several of his followers, and then read the attributes of the purple-haired wolf.

——Dream Dream Frostwolf [Rage][King Kong] (Yellow-LV65): Vitality 700000, Physical Attack 9000, Physical Defense 8400, Physical Resistance 20? ? ?Magic attack 5200, magic defense 6000, magic resistance 10? ? ?Functions: Normal Attack, Frost Shock, Feral Roar.

- Frost Shock: Deals 1000 135?Reason attack damage, and have 70? ? ?Freezes the target for 2 seconds.



The Dreaming Frostwolf once again let out the low growl that Wang Shuang heard just now, but this time listening closely, the sound was even more powerful.Its eyes wandered back and forth between Wang Shuang and Luoxue Qianli, and suddenly fixed on Wang Shuang. With a low growl, it raised its paws and rushed towards Wang Shuang!

Wang Shuang also pushed forward without fear, and the ruthless white double blades and the front paws swung by the Dreaming Frostwolf collided fiercely, sparking a spark.Wang Shuang snorted, turned his left hand, and stabbed forward with the other dagger, which was quickly inserted into the neck of the Sly Dream Frostwolf.

Wang Shuang soon saw that the body of the Dreaming Frostwolf was shaken, and at the same time the double blow of the Judgment of Light and the Power of Thunder came, and the vitality and blood suddenly dropped by one-third!

"Oh my God." Luoxue Qianli was stunned, and couldn't help asking from behind: "Wang Shuang, your single attack can cause hundreds of thousands of damage?"

"Of course, otherwise, how can I have the courage to say such stupid things as rushing to level 5 within 80 days?" Wang Shuang replied while raising his hands. A fork wound was cut on the wolf's waist.Immediately, the Dreaming Frostwolf let out a whimper, raised its head high and then quickly fell down.After his death, Wang Shuang also revealed a pair of steel armor gloves!
——Cloud Cracking Gloves of Battle Intent (Tier 2 orange weapon): Physical attack 551, physical defense 1236, magic attack 363, magic defense 1388, strength 330, agility 256, intelligence 204, constitution 228.Additional feature "War Will": Equipped with an additional 420 points of physical attack.Additional skill "Vampire's Grip": After it is turned on, the physical damage caused in the next 10 seconds will be 20? ? ?Supplement becomes your own blood.Precondition: Second transfer.Required level: level 65.

"Wow!" Luoxue Qianli couldn't help being stunned when he saw it, and then walked up quickly from behind, picked up the equipment and wiped the surface of the equipment with his hands, and said in disbelief: "It's out, it's so easy to get out!" Ah!"

"Hehe, is this the suit purchased by the God of War Alliance?" Wang Shuang asked with a smile.

"That's right, it's the Cloud Crack suit." Luoxue Qianli nodded, and then handed the Cloud Crack Gloves to Wang Shuang without hesitation: "Now is the time when you need equipment to refresh the dungeon, and these equipment have you The ones that can be used will be given to you first."

Wang Shuang couldn't help being stunned: "Really, these followers of mine have already reached level 65. Even if there are duplicate equipments, my followers may also need them."

"Then give it to your followers." Luoxue Qianli replied without hesitation, and gave Wang Shuang a faint smile: "I don't care, anyway, my output is not high, it's better to give the equipment to useful people .”

This time it was Wang Shuang's turn to be speechless. When he said that his followers also needed him, he actually just wanted to tease Luo Xueqianli to see the other party's tangled but reluctant expression.

However, Luoxue Qianli's answer exceeded Wang Shuang's expectations. For some reason, Wang Shuang suddenly felt a little moved in his heart. Looking back, he happened to see more Dreaming Frostwolves jumping out of the haystack one after another. , Wang Shuang touched the sharp point of the dagger, and his fighting spirit began to soar: "Come on, come and kill as many as you want, all of which will be given to brother as equipment, hahaha!"

The rustling sounds of the surroundings almost became one piece, and more and more Dreaming Frostwolves rushed out from the surrounding haystacks, opening their bloody mouths to Wang Shuang, Serifin, and Evelyn. These three melee professions came over.Although Luoxue Qianli is also a melee class, Wang Shuang didn't dare to let her come to the front after her equipment was too weak, so he had to say that he could handle the situation, and let Luoxue Qianli watch from behind.

The Dreaming Frostwolves began to attack in groups, but when Wang Shuang's effect of breaking and standing was still there, these Dreaming Frostwolves really came to give Wang Shuang experience and equipment. The damage caused by Wang Shuang was minimal, and he fell down quickly after Wang Shuang attacked three times in a row, and a piece of equipment exploded.

Wang Shuang's hands were numb from the cut. Looking back, except for one of his followers, Li Muxuan, who was still shooting output quietly behind, the others all died and returned to Wang Shuang's star wish space. Wait until 10 minutes later to call again.But it doesn't matter, this situation can be handled by one person.

But at this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly caught a glimpse of a wolf's head poking out of a haystack behind Luo Xueqianli, and a dream frost wolf came out from an unexpected angle of Wang Shuang, and that place was also behind Luoxue Qianli!
At this time, it was too late to call her attention, Wang Shuang decisively gave up on the few Dreaming Frostwolves around him who were biting him vigorously, and a shadow raid locked the outside of a Dreaming Frostwolf, flashing out of the encirclement at the same time, Wang Shuang activated the skill Dark Lurking and gained 30? ? ?After the speed was increased, he quickly rushed to Luoxue Qianli's side.

Then Wang Shuang raised his dagger at the Dreaming Frostwolf behind Luoxue Qianli, watched the sharp claws come down, and with a ding, the block was successful!Wang Shuang raised both daggers at the same time, and then opened fire with full power, killing the Frostwolf in three seconds.

"Thank you, Wang Shuang..." Luoxue Qianli stared at the ground and said, maybe because she was ashamed that she couldn't help much, she seemed a little afraid to meet Wang Shuang's eyes now.

"It's okay, let's find a place to hide for a while, I won't be able to perform at my own level if this continues." Wang Shuang said, and suddenly saw a towering tree next to him. I don't know why it was uprooted. In between, a natural small tree hole was formed below!
Wang Shuang called Li Muxuan, who was still shooting not far away, back to his star wish space, then took Luo Xueqianli's hand, and came to the small tree cave.After settling down for thousands of miles in the snow, Wang Shuang guarded the entrance of the tree hole all by himself. Looking at the dreaming frost wolves pouring in like a tide, he took out his dagger and smiled cruelly.

The next thing was to be worthy of the name, and soon the corpses of the Dreaming Frostwolves beside Wang Shuang piled up into a hill, and there were more and more equipment on the ground.

"It's so cool." Luoxue Qianli was behind Wang Shuang, watching him in a nearly uninjured state, harvesting a dream frost wolf with two or three swords, not to mention gaining a lot of experience gold coins, and will also drop a fixed amount of gold coins. A top-notch piece of equipment.Luoxue Qianli couldn't help whining: "When you have time in the future, please bring me and a few people from the guild to brush up the dungeon!"

"Hehe, it's done." Wang Shuang swung his head back and agreed, "I'll bring you to brush it as soon as I reach the full level."

"Full level...are you talking about level 80?" Luoxue Qianli sighed: "It seems that Star Wish has released some information about level 100, and it seems that we will compete with other countries when we reach level 80." It's the first national war."

"National war, national war!" Wang Shuang couldn't help but gear up, looking forward to the early arrival of the national war: "The last time I stepped on those crooked ones, they all slipped away after a short stay. Violently ravage them, otherwise I will be ashamed of the cultivation and expectations of my motherland."

"I believe you can do it." Luoxue Qianli blinked and said with a smile: "But before that, let's rush to level 80 first."

"Of course." Wang Shuang said, and summoned Li Muxuan. After all, with one more remote output, the speed of killing monsters will be faster.

Soon, Wang Shuang killed all the Frostwolves from the Dreaming Dream that came out of the surrounding area. Wang Shuang was heaving a sigh of relief, but when he turned his head, his eyes froze suddenly.

Behind Wang Shuang, Luoxue Qianli and Li Muxuan crowded into the small tree hole, and it became even narrower.

When Wang Shuang turned his head, he happened to see Li Muxuan and Luo Xueqianli sticking together with some difficulty. Their chests were pressed tightly, their cheeks were slightly red, and the faint white mist they exhaled merged together and gradually faded in the air.

Wang Shuang's eyes fell between the chests of the two, and he felt that there seemed to be an inexplicable suction there, which made his eyes sink in.

(End of this chapter)

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