It's time to play online

Chapter 405 Guanghan River

Chapter 405 Guanghan River

The vitality of the tidal totem is only [-], and at this time Wang Shuang's talent is triggered again. It may be a torment for other players, but for Wang Shuang, the existence of this totem is only so short.

Wang Shuang immediately rushed to the front of the totem, watching the blue water waves gushing out from the tidal totem, he lifted the dagger and swung the knife without hesitation, the surface of the totem looked like it had been grabbed by some wild beast, showing a clear The wound was torn open, and the rolling waves inside spewed out instantly.

Then a thunderbolt and a mark of holy light appeared above the totem, and the totem, which was stuck on the ground like a pillar, suddenly fell apart, and was instantly killed by Wang Shuang before it could even play its role.

Wang Shuang turned his head, just in time to meet the somewhat dull dead fish eyes of the murloc shaman.He smiled slightly, turned his head and rushed forward as soon as he turned the dagger, Wang Shuang was ready to fight quickly, because the number of tribes here seemed to be too many!
However, just after Wang Shuang chopped the murloc shaman more than a dozen times, it suddenly raised the staff in its hand, a portal opened, and another totem descended from the sky!

——Stone Forged Totem [Blood King Kong] (Yellow-LV60): Vitality 200000, physical attack 0, physical defense 15000, physical resistance 30? ? ?Magic attack 0, magic defense 5000, magic resistance 30? ? ?Abilities: Sword Aura, Stone Skin Aura, Enrage Aura.

——Sword Halo: When the stone-forged totem is present, the final damage received by other murlocs around is reduced by 50?

——Tide halo: When the stone-forged totem is present, the attack speed of other murlocs around will increase by 100?

——Aura of Enrage: Every time the surrounding murlocs lose 5? ? ? , you get an extra 2? ? ?attack and 2? ? ?attack.


Fuck!Wang Shuang was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell out, and at this moment, the murloc shaman suddenly raised the staff in his hand, and then Wang Shuang saw that the appearance of the staff began to change, and it changed quickly. It formed a claw shape, and then merged into the murloc shaman's palm.

At the same time, a large amount of rising flames shot out from this unusually sharp and fierce claw.The silver claws were burning red in the flames, making them look even more powerful.


System prompt: The murloc shaman has used the skill Fire Wolf's Claw, its magic attack will drop by 3000 points, and its physical attack will increase by 5000 points!
"Grass." Wang Shuang almost cursed, and the murloc shaman immediately looked at Wang Shuang after summoning the claws of the fire wolf, and with the addition of the stone-cast totem, his attack speed suddenly doubled. The ground left two deep scratches on Wang Shuang's body, broke the armor on Wang Shuang's arm, and scratched out a series of flowing blood.



This guy actually broke the defense!Wang Shuang couldn't help being astonished, and then reacted, and quickly directed several of his followers to attack the stone-cast totem: "Quickly kill that totem!"

Li Muxuan reacted the fastest.He raised his hand and shot three arrows in a row, each arrow was deeply submerged into the stone totem, and three holy lights flashed on the head of the stone totem, indicating that the Judgment of Light had been triggered three times!
Sirifen and Ephlane didn't react too slowly. They went up and swung their long swords at the totem, which also caused a certain amount of damage and triggered the effect of the Judgment of Light—they also had parts of the inheritance suit on their bodies. There is a certain probability of triggering the Judgment of Light. However, after Wang Shuang's talent was reversed, the originally useless skills became of great use.

Then Wang Shuang came up, and with another slash, the stone-cast totem also turned into pieces of rubble and collapsed.

"Kill the boss!" Wang Shuang shouted.

So a group of people ran from the totem to the boss and slashed at the boss.And after losing the totem, the output of the boss also dropped significantly, and he was beaten by Wang Shuang and the others without any power to fight back.

When the vitality of the boss is less than 10? ? ?Suddenly he held up the deformed palm again.Immediately, Wang Shuang was so shocked that he cursed: "Fuck, don't even think about it!"

Wang Shuang held his breath and concentrated, and quickly delivered a blow of Frozen Piercing. Although the freezing effect was blocked by the boss's body, the damage was still there.Then Wang Shuang released all the skills he could use, and the shadow raid black and white storm blocked the road and killed the dagger storm.

With such a set of skills, there is actually a very handy feeling.Wang Shuang suddenly felt that these skills should be used in this order.

At this time, the totem of the BOSS could not be summoned in the end. With the violent output of Wang Shuang's combo within two seconds, and the output damage of several followers of Wang Shuang next to him, Murloc Sa The blood on his head was consumed in an instant, and he fell to the ground slowly with a whimper, and a ring emitting orange light burst out.


System prompt: The player Luo Xueqianli has been assigned the equipment "Mirageous Cloud Crack Ring (Tier 2 Orange Item)".

——Cracking Cloud Ring of Chipo (Tier 2 orange weapon): physical attack 672, physical defense 806, magic attack 651, magic defense 882, strength 204, agility 441, intelligence 508, constitution 116, spirit 472.Additional feature "Spirit": HP higher than 85? ? ?Physical and magic attacks ignore target 23? ? ? .Precondition: Second transfer.Required level: level 65.

"The attribute is not bad." Wang Shuang glanced at it, and couldn't help but praise: "Although the ring is easier to get - no, it should be more difficult to get, but the ring in your hand is probably the cloud crack of the yellow device." Ring, just to improve the quality of your equipment."

"Hmm..." Luoxue Qianli was taken aback for a moment, silently looking at the ring in his backpack, then suddenly raised his head to look at Wang Shuang, took the ring out of his backpack, and looked at Wang Shuang: "Wang Shuang, what is this ring?" The ring doesn't do much for me. Even if it improves the quality of my equipment, it's not very useful in this dungeon. It's better to give it to you. Doesn't your follower, Evelyn, have a ring? "

"Her?" Hearing this, Wang Shuang looked back at Evelyn, laughed loudly and said, "Perhaps her damage is not as good as yours, why do you want a ring?"

"My lord!" Evelyn raised her mouth angrily, looking unconvinced.But what Wang Shuang said was the truth, so she didn't know how to refute Wang Shuang.

And at this moment, Luoxue Qianli shook his head lightly, walked around Wang Shuang and came to Evelani, pinched Evelani's palm, and then gently passed the ring through her green finger.

Fuck, what's the matter with this wedding ceremony-like imagery?Wang Shuang chuckled, and hurried forward and said, "Okay, thank you Luoxue, but since you gave my follower a piece of equipment, then I'll give you a piece of equipment to compensate you as well."

With that said, Wang Shuang randomly picked out an orange weapon from his backpack and handed it to Luoxue Qianli.Luoxue Qianli stared at Wang Shuang for a long while, finally took it and sighed: "Why bother, you were the one who created these equipments, if you owe them, I owe you."

"No, no, this, as I said before, the system is assigned to whoever it is, and I feel really sorry if I don't." Wang Shuang said with a chuckle.

"Wang Shuang, you are really a stubborn guy." Luo Xueqianli said, and suddenly smiled: "However, I quite like your stubbornness."

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, looking at the sunny smile on Luoxue Qianli's face, like a garden with flowers blooming in spring, giving people a very reassuring feeling.

On the other hand, Evelyn snorted softly: "It's better that this adventurer sister treats me better, my master doesn't care much about me."

Wang Shuang sighed, and said, "Evlani, before you say that, it's not too late to take off your orange outfit."


According to the rhythm of this tribe, Wang Shuang came to several other tribes, also met the murlocs in various corners, and killed them until the sky was dark.Before these dozen or so tribes were completely wiped out, Luoxueqianli and Evelani were promoted to another level.And Wang Shuang also reached 95 of the experience bar?

Glancing at Li Muxuan and Serifin, Wang Shuang couldn't help but said in pain: "Damn, high-level followers also have a disadvantage, they are slow to level up. If this continues, when I reach the full level, brother You guys are probably only around level 75."

"This is something that can't be helped." Luoxue Qianli said.

An hour flew by quickly, and Luo Xueqianli and Evelani gradually got used to these strange-looking murlocs, and they didn't show too ugly faces afterwards.In the end, Wang Shuang conquered more than a dozen tribes, and took his followers and Luoxue away slowly.

"Speaking of which, how could there be murlocs in the forest?" Luoxue Qianli suddenly let out a sigh at this moment, frowned and said, "I remember murlocs, since they are fish, they should be close to the sea. Yes."

"Maybe there is such a spacious river nearby." Wang Shuang glanced back at her and said casually.

"Rivers can't satisfy murlocs, unless it's a very large river that spans an entire area and finally flows into the sea. And when it comes to this kind of big river, there must be one thing."

"What?" Wang Shuang suddenly felt a little curious.

Luoxue Qianli heard the words, smiled and said: "Of course it's a village, you idiot, there are even murloc tribes around here, and this is on the territory of the human race, how could there be no human village?"

When Wang Shuang heard the words, his eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't help but patted his knee hard and said, "That's right, my brother said, there must be someone, or who gave birth to the group of murlocs before!"

Falling Snow Thousands of Miles: "..."

Anyway, Wang Shuang and Luoxue Qianli walked around the Murloc's tribe for a while, and they found a very big river very quickly.


System prompt: You have discovered the Guanghan River, walk along the Guanghan River, you will discover new secrets.

Look, the system has issued a prompt, so there is nothing to say, just continue to explore along the edge of the river.

(End of this chapter)

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