It's time to play online

Chapter 406 Strange Village

Chapter 406 Strange Village
Wang Shuang and Luoxue Qianli began to walk down the direction of the Guanghan River. Along the way, the Guanghan River was turbulent. From time to time, there were huge boulders rising across the river. The light tiles are bright, and at the same time, it also shows the mighty momentum of the torrent!

Wang Shuang and Luoxue walked a few steps, and soon saw a small village.But Wang Shuang didn't rush forward. The people from the previous tribes were all murlocs. Who knows what kind of people live in this village not far from the tribe?
Wang Shuang pulled out the dagger with a groan, Luoxue Qianli and the few followers behind him were also on full alert, and slowly approached the village entrance, only to see two young human children chasing and fighting, and two big yellow dogs beside them were also bowed Turn around them.

This time it should be right.Wang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, retracted the dagger and stepped forward. Before Wang Shuang could say anything, the two children screamed in unison when they saw Wang Shuang coming up, and then ran back to the village without a trace.

Wang Shuang couldn't help but wonder: what is this called?

Not long after, several adults ran out of the village with various harpoon weapons in their hands.Seeing Wang Shuang and Luoxue Qianli standing there in astonishment, they raised the agricultural tools in their hands and threw them at them without saying a word.

"Hey, guys, everyone is a human race, so you have something to say." Wang Shuang waved his hand, looked at the farm tools in their hands, and smiled disdainfully: "Besides, it's just you rotten coppers and irons. Brother’s defense can’t even be broken, why don’t you waste your energy?”

"Wait, Wang Shuang." At this moment, Luo Xueqianli suddenly grabbed Wang Shuang's arm, and said with a serious face: "That's not right, look at the heads of these NPCs, they are famous when they come out."

"Red name? It's normal to have a red name." Wang Shuang recalled that when he appeared at the entrance of Kongseting Village, everyone shouted and beat him.But at that time, there was an uncle who was a member of Kongseting Village and could explain for himself, but now Wang Shuang can only rely on Wang Shuang to figure out a way.

Grass, brother can think of any way out?Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel a pain in his ass, and he didn't pay much attention when he saw the farm tools in the hands of these NPCs hit the heads of Evelani and Serifin in front of him.

"Wang Shuang, your two followers were given a second by them." Luoxue Qianli said again at this time.

"Nani?" Wang Shuang was taken aback when he heard the words. Looking back, he happened to see the scene where the two of them turned into white light and dissipated.Damn, what a second!

So what, even if you can kill brother's followers in seconds, can you still kill brother in seconds?
At this moment, an old man walked out of the village, wearing a hard leather armor engraved with rose patterns. Two silver dragons stood on the left and right sides of his shoulders, solidified like statues.There are four or five bright silver balls of light floating around the old man's body, like several satellites revolving around the old man along a fixed orbit.

After he appeared, he directly extended his hand to Wang Shuang, and suddenly shouted: "Cloud crack!"

Cloud crack?Wang Shuang couldn't help being startled, why does this name seem a bit familiar... Oh, isn't this dungeon produced just the parts of the Cloud Crack suit!
The clouds rolled in the sky, and a thunder pierced the sky, as if the sky had opened a big mouth.Wang Shuang only felt a strong wind pressure coming towards him, and then a quick system prompt came from his ear, like a warning bell that kept ringing.


System prompt: Senaria, the ancient dead, used the skill Cloud Crack on you, the effect of spiritual blessing on you is dispelled, the status of breaking and standing on your body is dispelled, and the effect of blood recovery agent on your body is dispelled, and you are releasing all When using skills, the casting delay is extended by 50?

At such a moment, Wang Shuang's jaw dropped from shock!Damn it, now even the NPCs are starting to disperse brother, master of the system, is it true that you can't stand the status of brother, this is targeting brother!

And this casting delay is also cheating!What is cast delay?Does it mean that the process of releasing your skills will be extended by 50?

Looking at the several NPCs rushing up, Wang Shuang saw that he couldn't explain, so he prepared to run away without saying a word.He now doesn't have the bonus of breaking and standing, and his defense is not much higher than his few followers.Since Serifin and Evelani were killed in seconds, it must be appropriate for the villagers in front of them to kill Wang Shuang.

Now Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that since this dungeon is a yellow-level dungeon, these villagers should also have the strength of a yellow-level 65-level monster, so even if what they took looked like broken farm tools, they had to hit Wang Shuang. It can be more painful than the bright white double blades in Wang Shuang's hands!

But what Wang Shuang didn't expect was that a villager behind him took out a bamboo tube from his body and blew out a flying arrow, and when the flying arrow landed on Wang Shuang's arm, he was paralyzed!
Several villagers surrounded him immediately, and beat Wang Shuang fatly when he was paralyzed. Soon his vitality and blood bottomed out, and he died in battle!
Damn, Wang Shuang was so angry that he almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and then something that made him feel even more indignant: because of the delay in casting the spell, Wang Shuang originally needed 3 seconds to revive on the spot, but now it has been extended to 4.5 seconds.

What's the difference if it takes 1.5 seconds longer?The difference was huge, and the villagers behind also rushed up within 1.5 seconds, surrounding Wang Shuang in the center.Then Wang Shuang came back to life, was beaten again by several villagers, and died again!

And when he died this time, Wang Shuang's skill was broken and did not trigger immediately. When the scene in front of him changed, Wang Shuang came to the entrance of the instance.

"I'm stupid." Looking at the sudden loss of a bunch of equipment in his backpack, and the explosion of several pieces of equipment on his body, Wang Shuang was so depressed that he spat out another mouthful of old blood.Nima, you can't blame me for being ruthless this time, I'm going to hack all the people in your village to death.

At this moment, with a ding, Wang Shuang heard the news of team formation.Open the window, it is the long-distance communication of Luo Xueqianli!Wang Shuang turned on the microphone, and Luoxue Qianli asked anxiously: "Wang Shuang, after you died, all the equipment that exploded were picked up by those villagers and brought back to the village."

"Nani?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback, "These NPCs are not villagers but robbers, right? Stand where you are, and I'll rush back to deal with them immediately."

Then Wang Shuang turned off the communication and ran all the way to the village just now.


After returning to the entrance of the village and joining Luoxue Qianli, Wang Shuang thought for a moment, and finally decided to use the darkness to lurk in and investigate the situation.

He shared his thoughts with Luoxue Qianli, then pulled out his dagger and came to the Guanghan River and jumped into the river in one breath.

At the bottom of the river, Wang Shuang saw groups of small crabs, fish and shrimp.They are all neutral yellow names, level 1 harmless creatures.

What we want is this harmless creature!Wang Shuang waved his dagger with some difficulty, activated the skill Dark Lurking, then kicked his legs and swam towards the fish and shrimp.

When Wang Shuang climbed up from the bottom of the river, he was still lurking in the dark, and his body had already been covered with more than a dozen layers of flaws.

Wang Shuang returned to the entrance of the village, greeted Luoxue Qianli, and sneaked into the village cautiously.Seeing the two children who were playing with the big yellow dog just now, Wang Shuang felt an indescribable strange feeling on them when he looked closely.

Going further, Wang Shuang saw a field in the village.Many farmers were standing on the fields with hoes, but what surprised Wang Shuang was that there were no crops in the fields, and even though these villagers were holding hoes, they walked aimlessly back and forth across the fields like sleepwalking hovering.

How is this going?Wang Shuang felt that there were more and more secrets in this village.

The further you go inside, the more this phenomenon becomes.Wang Shuang always felt that something was wrong in this village, but he just couldn't think of anything wrong.Anyway, this is just a dungeon. These villagers don't have to worry about starving to death if they don't farm. They just need to wander around like wild monsters.

Wait, wild monsters?
Wang Shuang suddenly realized that these villagers were indeed very abnormal. They were walking their own way and doing their own things. Except for the two children at the entrance of the village, everyone else seemed like zombies, walking dead without saying a word. , holding all kinds of broken copper and iron in his hand.

And outside the small yards of each household, Wang Shuang also saw all kinds of broken farm tools piled up in a concentrated manner.

At this time, Wang Shuang came to the village chief's mansion of the whole village, hesitated for a moment, and walked in.

The village chief's mansion is very large, but all the plants in the yard have started to wither and turn yellow. There are no buildings in the village chief's mansion, only an open-air dilapidated room. An old man is sitting there with a yellow name on his head. neutral.

Since it is neutral, it means that he should not take the initiative to attack brother—no, it should be said that he is the spokesperson of the system, responsible for explaining why the village is what it is now!
Wang Shuang thought for a while, then came out and stood opposite the old man, looking straight at him.At this time, the old man also raised his head and looked at Wang Shuang. Their eyes met. Wang Shuang quickly felt the disharmony before.

"You are, an adventurer of the human race?" He said, his voice was like a stone mill turning, which made people's teeth ache.

"Yes." Wang Shuang took a step forward and couldn't help asking: "Old man, you are the head of this village, right? Why does this village feel so strange now?"

"You found out." The old man twitched the corners of his mouth, and there was no smile on his face. He just glanced at Wang Shuang lightly, shook his head and sighed, "Because we are all dead."

"Dead?" Wang Shuang only felt as if thousands of bees were buzzing in his head, looking at the old man, his eyes became a little horrified.

"We are all victims of that war thousands of years ago." The old man's eyes drifted away, as if he was recalling something from the past.

(End of this chapter)

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