It's time to play online

Chapter 410 Purge

Chapter 410 Purge
"Oh, that's it." Wang Shuang suddenly realized that everything is rewarded with hard work. Although they captured the Sighing Islands, they still had to send people to manage them, so they could get a considerable income every month.

However, the entire guild of Dark Rose has a total of about 10 people. Even if it is 150 million gold coins a month, there must not be many that can be distributed to everyone. In addition, salary members also need to spend part of the expenses, so even less.

"Okay, anyway, let's meet with those members of the guild first." Wang Shuang said.


"Well, it's now. Let them gather at the north gate of Kuano City—the guild's usual activity venue should be near here, right?"

"The guild doesn't usually have any activities." Luoxue Qianli smiled bitterly again: "My ability is not enough to lead them to attack powerful dungeons. Usually, everyone does their own thing."

"Fuck, isn't this the same as not joining the guild, the guild doesn't do anything for them, and they don't do anything for the guild?" Wang Shuang was dumbfounded.

"……more or less."

Wang Shuang looked at the snow falling thousands of miles away, and held his forehead speechlessly.When Luo Xueqianli saw Wang Shuang like this, he immediately jumped anxiously: "I can't help it. Although I have my own plan in mind, but if I really want to implement it, there are many obstacles in reality."

"Do you have a plan?" Wang Shuang was stunned: "It's good if you have it. It just so happens that my brother's head is not very easy to use, and you are also the guild leader, so you should do more."

"En." Luoxue Qianli nodded, and suddenly said: "By the way, do you want to give you a vice president?"

"Give it, no matter how powerful you are, it's easier to talk." Wang Shuang nodded in agreement.

Luoxue Qianli nodded obediently, opened several interfaces and tapped for more than two minutes——


System prompt: You have become the vice president of Dark Rose.


[Guild Channel] Vice President Wang Shuang: Players who are online now, please gather at the gate of Chenfeng Farm outside the north gate of Kuoye City. We are about to start guild activities.

One stone stirred up waves, Wang Shuang's greeting, the usually quiet guild channel suddenly became lively, and after getting a few replies from several players, Wang Shuang dragged this sentence to the guild event page, and set the time Restriction: arrive within half an hour.

Luoxue Qianli looked at it, and asked with some concern: "Wang Shuang, I think we should notify them in advance, after all, they are not online 24 hours a day, so hastily arranging activities like this may disrupt other people's original plans."

Wang Shuang thought for a while, then nodded and said: "It's possible, but it's okay, those who come will be rewarded, and those who don't will have no loss. After we have a few guild activities, we will kill those guilds who don't come every time." Clear out the guild."

"Guild dead?"

"It's those guys who put up a name in the guild, and then never show up or go online. Like the dead, it's useless to keep such people in the guild. It's better to invite them out as soon as possible."

While speaking, Wang Shuang and Luo Xueqianli walked towards the north gate at the same time.At this time, with a ding, new news appeared on Wang Shuang's friend list.

"Sister Feixu?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback.

"Maybe it's about the vice president." Luoxue Qianli said.

Wang Shuang opened the chat window, and immediately saw a series of messages from June Feixu: "Wang Shuang, how did you become the vice president of the guild?"

"Is sister Qianli with you?"

"Wow, did you guys make some sort of deal?"

"Are you also with sister Qianli in reality?"


Faced with this series of bombings, Wang Shuang was disgraced and immediately lost: "No, I'm just with her in the game, don't think about it."

"So, do you mean that you plan to help Sister Qianli establish a new order in the guild?" June Feixu's tone suddenly became serious for some reason.

"Hmm." Wang Shuang was silent for a while, and replied with a heavy tone.

"Haha, it should have been like this a long time ago!" June Feixu typed very fast, and Wang Shuang received a reply within two seconds of sending a message: "Is there any help? Ah, is there a guild event, where is the north gate of Kuoye City?" , Wait for me, I will be there in 20 minutes."

"Hehe, good. It's just the first guild event, and it would be a bit embarrassing for you, the vice president, to not be present."

"Hahaha!" After laughing like a rainbow, June Feixu's head lighted up, as if he had entered a teleportation array somewhere.

Wang Shuang closed the chat window, walked out of the city gate with Luoxue Qianli, and arrived at Chenfeng Farm after walking for less than 10 minutes.As a scene that is not huge, there are only a few NPCs, and they cannot interact without selling things, so few players usually come here.

However, today, after Wang Shuang issued the assembly order for the guild activities, more than 100 people had already come here in advance. When they saw Wang Shuang present, their eyes lit up, and they walked quickly to Wang Shuang, showing their eagerness to watch the prehistoric rare animals. His eyes tutted and said: "Oh my god, real Wang Shuang, this is the first time I have observed so closely."

A few black lines appeared on Wang Shuang's forehead, and he looked at the IDs on the heads of the people in front of him: Huachendong hcd, Hu Xiaolong Yin, Qianyou Qingfang, memories like the wind... Fuck, there are sparks text players!
What kind of name is this, Wang Shuang couldn't help frowning.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and about 500 people had gathered in front of Wang Shuang.Although it looked like a large group of players at first glance, Wang Shuang couldn't help but smile wryly: In a guild with 10 people, after the summoning order for guild activities was issued, less than one-tenth of the players could arrive within half an hour... …

The players below talked a lot, and some even came up directly to ask Luoxue Qianli about the content of today's event, but Luoxue Qianli didn't know, so he just smiled silently and nudged the corner of his mouth.

Everyone suddenly realized: all this was originally arranged by Wang Shuang!

"Sister Qianli, am I late?" Not long after, June Feixu appeared at the gate of the farm, glanced at the crowd, and immediately cheered when she found Luoxue Qianli and jumped on it.

"No, it's still early." Luoxue Qianli said with a faint smile.

"Sister Feixu, welcome." Wang Shuang opened his hands: "Give me a warm hug too."

"Get out." June Feixu looked at Wang Shuang with some disgust, waved his hand and frowned.

"Just kidding, don't you need to refuse so seriously, brother will be sad." Wang Shuang couldn't help but rubbed his nose and smiled wryly.

"Trash...Brother Shuang, don't you know what benefits we have?" A player came to Wang Shuang and rubbed his hands, hehe said with a smile: "I almost forgot that I joined the guild, Brother Shuang became the vice president today , is there any big move?"

Wang Shuang nodded: "Big moves don't count, but don't you think that the turmoil in the world is a good opportunity for our guild to do something?"

"So Brother Shuang is going to—?" The player quickly asked with a look of surprise on his face.

"Revitalize the dark rose, catch up with Tianxia Wuji, Bloodstain Guild, God of War Alliance, and even - challenge Longteng Guild's position in the human race!" Wang Shuang squeezed his fists and said word by word.

Several people around heard their spirits lifted, and Wang Shuang could even see some people's eyes light up, and couldn't help but clenched their fists.

"It's just talking, anyone can." However, at this time, the crowd suddenly parted, and a man with a dark face came out, glanced at Wang Shuang suspiciously, and snorted coldly: "Dare to ask Vice President Wang Shuang?" , do you have any plans?"

"Of course there is." Wang Shuang turned to look at him, and quickly said seriously.

"But you have so little time, are you going to sacrifice your time and come out and bring us to level up and brush up our equipment?" The man snorted coldly, then shook his head and said, "If you are unable to manage, this guild will be useless." People can play the leading role, how will they fall, and how will they fall! So, if you are not sure, just stop and don't waste your precious time for leveling."

"How do you know that I'm not sure?" Wang Shuang raised his eyebrows, erect like a pair of swallow's wings.

"What's the use of just showing off your tongue?" The man snorted again, "If you have a plan, show us it and prove that you can lead us and show us hope!"

"I'm just about to do this." Wang Shuang said lightly.

"Hmph, that's the best. I hope you guys aren't shouting slogans for three minutes." The player said, then turned his head and returned to the crowd.

In the blink of an eye, it was already 35 minutes, and there were basically no players coming in at the gate of the farm. It seemed that there were only more than 800 people who came in the end.

Wang Shuang closed several chat windows, turned over and climbed onto the fence of the farm, and then pulled Luoxue Qianli and June Feixu up.

Looking down from a relatively high place, Wang Shuang felt as if there was a bird covering the sky in his chest, swallowing all rivers. He took a deep breath, opened his eyes and said to the people below: "Hi everyone, I am just now. Wang Shuang, the vice president personally appointed by the president. Presumably many of you have heard of my name before today."

There was silence below, and Wang Shuang's eyes swept over everyone's face, almost remembering everyone's face and name.

"Presumably all of you have already guessed what we are going to do, but you are not sure. Now, I can tell you clearly: Yes, starting today, I will revitalize this guild so that each of you can It is an honor to be the Dark Rose."

"Sounds nonsense, right? I used to think that such slogans like what is the glory? It's clearly an excuse for the boss to ask you to work overtime. There is nothing but the vanity of your own fantasies. .”

"However, this time, we are not fighting for the boss, not for our family, nor for the dawn of the country and the people. We are only fighting for ourselves. We are fighting for our own interests. I can guarantee that everything we do is in harmony with Your improvement of strength is related to earning gold coins. If you ever feel that I have violated this original intention, you can resist me, or even quit the guild directly."

There was still silence, and the players below stared wide-eyed at Wang Shuang, who was sighing long above. An invisible power gradually emanated from this careless man bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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