It's time to play online

Chapter 411 Three fires when the new official took office

Chapter 411

However, just when Wang Shuang had the artistic conception of a hidden master, the players below suddenly exploded, and questions and doubts followed one after another.

"Wang Shuang, do you have this ability to lead the entire guild?"

"Vice President, the most advanced player is already level 75. If you are not busy leveling and catching up, how come you have time to take us?"

"Wang Shuang, I heard that one of your followers was cheated by a beautiful NPC, why don't you go find it soon, it doesn't look like your style at all."

"Wang Shuang..."

"Okay, that's enough." Wang Shuang looked at the people below with black lines all over his head, and waved his hand: "Now, we will not play a copy today, I know some of you may have something to do, and I will delay you for a few minutes. thing."

"First, the new welfare system will be launched tomorrow. Please pay attention to it. While striving for the perfect attendance award, please try your best to participate in some guild activities. While earning share bonuses, there is a high probability of obtaining equipment rewards." Wang Wang Shuang pondered for a while, and then proudly said: "If you don't talk about anything else, let's talk about equipment. I am confident to provide you with the largest number and best quality equipment. It depends on whether you have the strength to wear them."

Hearing this, the eyes of the following group of players lit up.Among other things, their understanding of Wang Shuang did start with the equipment brushing incident.If Wang Shuang promised other things, they might still have doubts, but when Wang Shuang mentioned providing equipment, they would naturally not doubt it: because they have always believed that Wang Shuang has actually mastered some tricks to obtain the best equipment .

"The second thing is that three days later, we will attack the world boss, the Xingmao Celestial Guardian, at [-]:[-] am and [-]:[-] pm outside Kuoye City. In everything, the players of our Dark Rose Guild, As long as you have enough time, you can come, remember, nine o'clock in the morning and nine o'clock in the evening, no waiting after the deadline!"

Everyone below heard this, and once again there was an uproar: "Xingmao Celestial Phenomena Guardian? That's a level 80 red-level world boss, and just last week, the Longteng Guild formed a main guild and a sub-guild with more than 3 players. Alright, can we really do it?"

"No, there is a more serious question: that is still the place where players from the Dragon Soaring Guild are active, will we fight them in the past?"

"Ah? Then we shouldn't be able to fight..."

"Fuck, I'm taking you with me, I'm afraid of shit." Wang Shuang couldn't help but said: "What is a mere 80th-level world boss? Almost all the bosses I killed in the elves were more than [-]th level or even higher. Level ninety!"

"Okay, let's move on to the third thing." Glancing at the players below who were suddenly silent, Wang Shuang especially stopped for a while on the head of the player with Martian characters in the ID, and the black line on his forehead couldn't help but become thicker. : "The third thing, please change your ID prefix to 'gloom' prefix."

"Change the ID?" Immediately, several players said they quit: "What is the ID called is our freedom, why do you want us to change the ID?"

"Don't make noise, just because I am the vice president." Wang Shuang said lazily.

"Even if the ID is changed, people's hearts will not be united, and the strength will not be enhanced." The gloomy man before also shouted in the crowd.

"Wang Shuang, is this really going to be done?" Luoxue Qianli asked with some concern: "Not to mention anything else, if we want to change the ID, we have to change it together, otherwise we will definitely not be able to convince the public of."

"Change it." Wang Shuang glanced at Luoxue Qianli and June Feixu, then looked at the group of people below and said, "We are about to become a regular guild, everyone's ID is messed up, what do you look like?" ? The guild will bear the cost of changing the name card, and those who disobey the order will be kicked out directly, and there is nothing else to say."

"Let's go, a small broken guild, thinking that it is a big guild that looks down on the world, it's a joke to make people change their IDs like this."

"That's right. Anyway, I've been in the club for so long, and the full attendance is only so low. It's better to quit the club and play games freely."

"Let's go, let's join Longteng. I heard that Longteng's treatment is much better than here. If we can survive, we may have the opportunity to participate in the national war."

Some players took off the guild medals on their shoulders and quit the guild voluntarily.Wang Shuang didn't stop them, and watched them leave slowly one by one with cold eyes.

Several other people also showed hesitation on their faces, but looking at the silent Wang Shuang above, they still gritted their teeth and chose to continue to wait and see for a while.After all, the equipment and benefits promised by Wang Shuang just now really need to wait and see for a while before deciding.

There are also some players who joined the guild for Wang Shuang, and naturally they did not quit.After Wang Shuang's three orders went down, although many people complained verbally, only a dozen players actually quit.

"Is this really good?" Looking at the few players who were gradually going away, Luoxue Qianli couldn't help worrying: "There are not many active players in our guild, and now we will drive them out, I'm afraid..."

"It's useless for them to keep them, believe me." Wang Shuang turned his head and said seriously: "If you really believe that I can change them, after listening to my proposal just now, you will naturally stay. But if you really Those who don’t have confidence in me, I won’t force them to stay. If anything happens, these players will choose to leave immediately.”

"Wang Shuang, what you just said was really dry." June Feixu pouted and said, "It's good for a new official to take office three times, but when you said that, your tone was so aggressive and He announced three things directly without asking our opinions, and it seems that these three fires are about to burn on me and sister Qianli."

"Uh, no way." Wang Shuang touched his head, sighed helplessly, "Well, everything happens first, second or third time. After all, I have no experience before, so I'll just take my time."

"Wang Shuang." Luoxue Qianli called softly, seeing Wang Shuang's gaze fell on her, she didn't say much, just raised her fist and squeezed: "I said before, no matter what you do, I will support you your."

"Well, thank you Luoxue." Wang Shuang grinned.

June Feixu on the side watched, and sighed helplessly: "Okay, let's go back, since you have already said that, we can only accept it. Go back in the next two days and hurry up to study the details of that world boss. Information, Wang Shuang, don’t think that the world bosses are that simple, the world bosses of the same level are much stronger than the final bosses of ordinary dungeons.”

"Don't worry." Wang Shuang said lightly: "If I don't push the confidence of the BOSS, I won't let go of this promise. Just watch my performance then."


The news that Wang Shuang became the vice president and put down three fires as soon as he took office was quickly spread to Longteng Guild, especially Longteng Xingchen, the president of Longteng Guild, was the first to know about it.After watching the live video, Long Teng Xingchen clapped his hands, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that Wang Shuang is going to start working on the guild."

"He doesn't look like a person with any leadership skills. If I were him, I would definitely not go to the water of the guild, but would concentrate on developing into a professional player. With Wang Shuang's strength, I would definitely directly Dedicated to a certain team." Next to Longteng Xingchen, Longteng Mogi, who commanded the attack on the Sighing Islands last time, said so.

"Indeed, his ability is biased towards field PK and sneak attack. When it comes to this kind of guild management, I don't think he's very good at it..." Long Teng Xingchen murmured, then suddenly changed the subject, and shook his head again: "But he didn't perform well. But I can't conclude that he is not of this talent, but just wait for his next move."

"The president said yes!"

Long Teng Xingchen nodded, and glanced at the player who tipped off the news in front of him: "You did a good job. You led a few people out of the Dark Rose in the first place, and you also pulled some people who were a bit cautious. But this way , we don’t have eyeliner and undercover agents in Dark Rose.”

The man immediately clasped his fists and said, "President, I think we are just as good as eyeliners and undercover agents, but we can provoke the hearts of their guild and make their initial development less smooth. Dissatisfied with the status quo, and began to recruit people from a large area, we should take the opportunity to sneak in at that time."

"Well, it makes sense. This matter should appear on the forum and the official news soon, let's see the reactions of other players, and it will cause a certain public opinion blow to Wang Shuang and the others. We don't need to waste too much time, the national war It’s almost there, we just need to spend a little more time developing ourselves.”

"President Yingming!"


As Long Teng Xingchen said, the Xingyuan Evening Newsletter that night talked about this matter, made judgments and explanations about the three fires of Wang Shuang's new official appointment, and put forward his own analysis.

Discussion posts about several of Wang Shuang's decisions soon appeared on the top of the forum.Although the title is a discussion post, but if you really click into the post, you will find that most players are still enjoying themselves in the Black King, but this time it is different, because it involves the Dark Rose Guild, so the Dark Rose has also been affected one time.

Many people even expressed that they would try their best to dissuade the players around them from joining Dark Rose.

That's right, under the hands of such a garbage player, his character may be ruined by him, and even Wang Shuang may even make a fool of him, and there will be nowhere to cry when the time comes!

All in all, Wang Shuang's activities after three days slowly came to an end under the disapproval, dissupport, and strong insults from all walks of life.

After a day and night, Wang Shuang took off his helmet and went to the bathroom in a daze. When he returned to the room, he seemed to smell a faint fragrance.But Wang Shuang didn't think much, fell on the bed drowsily, and then fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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